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Survey: Blu-Ray and High Def

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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:26 am Reply with quote
R.I.P., BD, 2006-2010. Rolling Eyes BTW, you should add, "Do you use a PS3 primarily for the games, or for the player?"
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:28 am Reply with quote
I always imagined it'd be a thing more for people with money or nerds who like being technical. Most people just can't see why it's better, or they don't want to pay to. My parents just spent like $1300 on a new 1080p LCD HDTV, but they're not getting a BD player, and I don't really blame them.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:32 am Reply with quote
I remember the last survey similar to this. I wasn't sure how to answer the second question last time, either. (I play my BDs/DVDs on a computer hooked up to a TV.)
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:58 am Reply with quote
I honestly don't believe Blu-Ray is going anywhere.
Every major and alot of non-major comanies now support it,but its still kind of at that point where it costs more than dvd and most people are not willing to pay the extra charge for something the majority of the population will not see .

Most anime companies in america support it except for viz & adv(last I heard ADV was checking out a BD production line)
media blasters does support BD but have not released any for anime(AFAIK).

I love having BD it makes getting anime so much easier from japan although it is more expensive I have alot more selection because we share the same region so long live BD!.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:10 am Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
R.I.P., BD, 2006-2010. Rolling Eyes BTW, you should add, "Do you use a PS3 primarily for the games, or for the player?"

An amazingly misleading link there. Yes, blu-ray sales are still a fraction of what DVD sales are. But rates of adoption for blu-ray are better than they were for DVD. It's as if some people expected blu-ray sales to go from zero to multi-billion dollar a year like DVD right off that bat. The format war between Blu-ray/HD-DVD certainly didn't help. Everyone seems to forget that it took years for DVD to catch on. Here's a useful chart of DVD player monthly sales in the US for the first decade from introduction in 1997. I may have bought a Pioneer DVL-700 LD/DVD combo player in 1997, but apparently I didn't have much company. I assume those who now crow about Blu-ray's death, also (if they're old enough) crowed about DVD's death in the late 90s?

Stand-alone blu-ray player sales are up 72% in q1 2009 vs q1 2008.. Blu-ray software sales are up 105% in the same time period. Given then rotten economy and what is essentially a luxury item, these are very good figures. While the DVD market as a whole is slumping, Blu-ray sales are still growing rapidly. Player prices continue to fall, and average prices on titles has fallen as well. I wouldn't expect it to really take off until prices for players drop below $100. Once that happens you'll probably have to go out of your way not to buy a blu-ray player when shopping for a new player, because DVD only players will start to disappear off shelves (except for ultra-low end models). And it's not like you have to throw away your DVDs just because you buy a blu-ray player.

EDIT: After posting I noticed Walmart has permanently marked down one Blu-ray player to $98. It's probably a piece of junk, but so were the first $99 DVD players.
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Joined: 20 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:58 am Reply with quote
Tratious wrote:
I love having BD it makes getting anime so much easier from japan although it is more expensive I have alot more selection because we share the same region so long live BD!.

Heck, so far, it doesn't even matter what region you're in.
Whereas the default with anime DVD in Japan has been "make every disc region 2 only," the default with anime BD in Japan seems to be "make everything region free."
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Joined: 07 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:04 am Reply with quote
Heh, I remember this exact debate 12-13 years ago. I bought a Toshiba DVD player for about $750. I was so excited, I went to Suncoast and they had 6 titles to choose from.

Fast-forward to the present where you pretty much have no choice but to buy a HDTV. A strong percentage of people are either going to buy a BD player now, or keep watch for further price drops and buy one later. It will be a slow, but steady progression. I'm actually amazed at how large the BD section is at Fry's Electronics.

You can actually get BDs for a great price at Amazon. I get at least 2 e-mails per week advertising sales. No, Blu-Ray will be here for the foreseeable future.

Oh, and I have both a PS3 and a stand alone player(in another room) and the picture and sound quality are worth every penny Cool
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:13 am Reply with quote
I don't have a BluRay player yet (though I already own one BluRay film, Bolt, since it also came with a DVD), but I'd imagine that I'll have one by the end of the year. I'm just waiting for player prices to drop below the magic $180 price point at my local bricks-and-mortar Wal-Mart (since I don't have a credit card with which to order one online).

As someone with no interest in abandoning physical media, I would hope all of my anime purchases by 2012 or so will be on BluRay instead of DVD, but, I'll still be buying anime on DVD by then if that's all that's available other than digital downloads.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:01 am Reply with quote
I really don't see enough of a difference to warrant getting it over DVD normally especially for all the movies which aren't really action oriented. However I have a PS3 already for gaming which is basically the perfect solution for me because it allows me to get things now and then on BD if I want. It's a good compromise. I can't see ever bothering to buy a BD player or get everything on BD. Not unless the price drops to around $25 MRSP.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:58 am Reply with quote
ikillchicken wrote:
I really don't see enough of a difference to warrant getting it over DVD normally especially for all the movies which aren't really action oriented.

The question is, Do you have a HDTV? The ramifications are fairly "obvious" if you don't. Wink

If you do have one, then it just boils down to personal taste I guess.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:59 am Reply with quote
hissatsu: Rates of adoption are higher, but that's only because the price drops are faster than they were on DVD, because no one's buying BD, otherwise. And DVD sales caught on fast as soon as there was something people wanted on the format, which, in DVD's case, was The Matrix. There is nothing people must own on BD, which is why Blowme had to sell that extended FF7 Advent Children as an exclusive for the format. And, as that article I linked pointed out, even with the player price-drops, there are not a many people buying BD the way they did with DVD. [Probably due to a combination of higher prices and being burned on multiple releases of older dvds.]
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 7:06 am Reply with quote
GATSU wrote:
BTW, you should add, "Do you use a PS3 primarily for the games, or for the player?"

The question is entirely irrelevant to whether or not you own a device capable of playing bluray.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:35 am Reply with quote
I don't have anything of the sort yet because I'm still content with my DVDs, but after getting a new HD tv, the family has all talked it over, and we've come to decide the best choice would be to buy a PS3 so we get more for our buck, and we'll all pitch in. Won't be til fall till we get around to it, but we're really in no rush for blu-ray. I'm more excited for finally being able to play Disgaea 3. And then there will be Tekken 6...and then the new Final Fantasy.... we'll probably still use the 360 more.
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Big Hed

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:52 pm Reply with quote
Depends on when anime titles that I'm interested in start getting the treatment. The sooner I see Xam'd and the like on BD, the sooner I buy a player.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 4:02 pm Reply with quote
daedelus wrote:
ikillchicken wrote:
I really don't see enough of a difference to warrant getting it over DVD normally especially for all the movies which aren't really action oriented.

The question is, Do you have a HDTV? The ramifications are fairly "obvious" if you don't. Wink

If you do have one, then it just boils down to personal taste I guess.

Not to mention the proper cables. The difference between the usual AV cables and component or HDMI is substantial. Not as much between component and HDMI, but AV doesn't cut it.

Also, I'm with tenchi on really hoping the Blu-ray is the predominant physical media for anime. I'd too would stick with DVDs if my only options are that or digital download. However, animation in general greatly benefits from HD. One good example that comes to mind is King of the Hill this season. Flipping between the high def and standard showed just how different they are.
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