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Rumbling Hearts -- heavy stuff.

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Joined: 10 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:18 am Reply with quote
Well on the advice of a friend I started watching Rumbling Hearts in the Anime section of Ann the other day and I must say I was very suprised.

Rumbling Hearts is not the type of anime I would normaly watch. It has none of the action of say Gunsmith Cats nor is it the epic space opra that Galxey Railways was. What it is, is a very compelling story of human emotions and love beeing put to the test.

I have not finshed watching all of it yet, (I think I am up to ep 8) but I can't help beeing torn about the direction the story is going.

On one hand I want spoiler[Takayuki and Mitsuki to work things out and become stronger as a couple.] The deserve it and they obvsouly love each other very much.

On the other hand spoiler[I would also like to see Takayuki reconnect with Haruka. There was real love there as well]. And that is the crux of the matter. No matter wich way it goes someone who is not derserving of it will be crushed.

I have to admit that at several times I have felt my eyes getting a little misty. I know this will end badly for someone and everyone will bear the scars for the rest of their lives.

Does that make me less of a man?

[EDIT: Didn't really know what kind of title to make for you, so I just made something generic to describe your mood, while at the same time not being completely misleading about the purpose of this thread. -TK]
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Joined: 02 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:44 am Reply with quote
watchdog210 wrote:
Does that make me less of a man?

Not at all, I happen to own this series on DVD myself. Usually I don't watch an entire series like this in the same day (usually its one disc per day), but the way each episode ended from the 2nd one on just left me not wanting to be left hanging on such bad terms. I won't give away too much, but I'll say for certain that how you feel about the end of the final episode will depend on girl you wanted Takayuki to pick. All in all a good and emotionally testing series, quite surprising considering its based on hentai game.
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Joined: 22 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:51 am Reply with quote
watchdog210 wrote:
Well on the advice of a friend I started watching Rumbling Hearts in the Anime section of Ann the other day and I must say I was very suprised.

Rumbling Hearts is not the type of anime I would normaly watch. It has none of the action of say Gunsmith Cats nor is it the epic space opra that Galxey Railways was. What it is, is a very compelling story of human emotions and love beeing put to the test.

I have not finshed watching all of it yet, (I think I am up to ep 8) but I can't help beeing torn about the direction the story is going.

On one hand I want spoiler[Takayuki and Mitsuki to work things out and become stronger as a couple.] The deserve it and they obviously love each other very much.

On the other hand spoiler[I would also like to see Takayuki reconnect with Haruka. There was real love there as well]. And that is the crux of the matter. No matter wich way it goes someone who is not derserving of it will be crushed.

I have to admit that at several times I have felt my eyes getting a little misty. I know this will end badly for someone and everyone will bear the scars for the rest of their lives.

Does that make me less of a man?

No I don't think it makes you less of a man. I never have bought into men cannot have the full range of emotions and for some reason we are not allowed to be touched by a moving story.

You are experiencing in my opinion exactly what the author wanted you to feel. The story is beautifully laid out to make you experience this and there is arguments for both outcomes at that stage of the story you are in.

I think it was around that episode I started to get really annoyed with Takayuki and his reactions to things happening around him. I cannot be more specific without spoiling it and I don't want to take the off chance you actually look that would be a crime to the show. Lets just say he needs to be more of a man about things. Being sensitive is one thing but being pathetic is another area altogether.

The story is a tragedy in every sense of the word and the ending keeps true to feel of the whole series.

These types are not my favorite genre of anime but I really enjoyed this series and I did get a little misty at parts. I don't consider myself any less of a man because of it.

The hearts emotions beats the same whether your a man or a women. We just tend to beat at a different drum.

Don't worry about how others may view you just be sure to be honest with yourself about it.

Ok you can get off the couch now... I need to umm... beat on my chest and kill something I think. More manly that way right?

Very Happy
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Joined: 10 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:43 am Reply with quote
God that hurt.

I just finished the last ep about 10 minutes ago and I am not ashamed to say that for the first time in a long time, (years maybe) I openly wept. And I needed that. You have no idea how cathartic a good cry can be. I had several things to cry over that had been bottled up for a long time, Rumbling Hearts was just the trigger, but that is a story for another day.

Don't get me wrong, spoiler[Haruka's plight was moving enough. I mean who didn't get a little misty when she was pushing herself to walk. That is prime tear jerker material there. But what got me was watching Takayuki and Mitsuki's relationship crumble. I have been divorced just about a year and the way their relationship fell apart was a mirror of my own. I felt like the creator was watching my marriage fall apart and wrote about it, almost word for word. ]This is also the first time I feel the need to write a letter to the creator to tell him (or her) that they achieved their goal. They touched the viewer.

@Jinxso, I agree that spoiler[Takayuki needed to man up a little and just deal with the situation at hand, but to be perfectly honest, I was pretty useless near the end myself.] I almost can't fault him. ALMOST.

spoiler[When Mitsuki slept with Shinji (sp?) that seemed like the death knell for the relationship, and it very nearly was. Mitsuki could not compete with Haruka. Or rather the girl Haruka was. ]

And speaking of Haruka, she surprised the hell out of me in the end. I really did not expect the spoiler["noble sacrifice"]from her. In the beginning she was what Takayuki described her to be. In short, spoiler[a little Moe.] But wow did she change, and for the better in my opinion. spoiler[And in the end she did the only thing she could do. She let him go, and in doing so she let go of the past.]

Mitsuki on the other hand. spoiler[Wow, there is a girl with issues. But they are legitimate issues. Think about it for a minute]. Go ahead, I'll wait.
You back? Good. spoiler[On one hand she has a guy that she really loves and does love her back, despite the fact that he can be a complete ass clown at times. But essentially she has just moved in on the territory of a breathing corpse, not to mention her best friend which if I understand girl law correctly is something akin giving your worst enemy a gun and then putting a target on your forehead. Not a smart move. But then again, how long are you supposed to wait.] Damned if you, damned if you don't.

And Takayuki? spoiler[I think he was, for the most part, caught in the middle. Although he certainly did not do him self any favors.] He suffers from what I call "Terminal Nice Guy Syndrome". The problem is that spoiler[in not making a decision because he didn't want to hurt one of them he in turn hurt both of them and very nearly ruined his life.]

Now I am going to leave it at that for now because I Feel I have broken at least a dozen man laws with this post alone.

Sorry for the Wall-o-Text.

Again @jinxso, I really need to eat some red meat and and watch Die Hard to atone for this one. Very Happy
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Joined: 21 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:19 pm Reply with quote
watchdog210 wrote:
Does that make me less of a man?

No, not at all. Personally I found the story quite compelling. It's not the usual more action oriented content I usually watch, and it made for a nice change of pace.
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Joined: 19 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:28 pm Reply with quote
You have nothing to fear as RH is a romance for guys based of a pornographic videogame. Laughing

At any rate I totally agree that it's a fantastic series, one of my all time favorites as a matter of fact. It really moved me.
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 2:44 pm Reply with quote
Kruszer wrote:
You have nothing to fear as RH is a romance for guys based of a pornographic videogame. Laughing

At any rate I totally agree that it's a fantastic series, one of my all time favorites as a matter of fact. It really moved me.
Well the game might have been just for adults only, but RH is a good example of human relationship of everyday people. This could very easily have been done live action, and it is quite feasible that this very similar situation has actually happened somewhere in the world for real. spoiler[However I do feel the ending would have been better if Haruka had found that ring and slipped it on her finger. ] Another story very siimlar to RH is Kimagure Orange Road, which I highly recommend.
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Joined: 10 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:43 pm Reply with quote
I wasn't aware that RH was a game, let alone an adult one. I just saw it as a very moving story that I will be adding to my collection at the earliest convenience.

@Mohawk, I will look for Orange Road and check it out. Sounds good.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:55 am Reply with quote
I don't know what made me buy Rumbling Hearts. I guess I had some spare cash, but why did I buy that instead of the Rurouni Kenshin boxset I've been meaning to buy? Who knows. Though it was half the price and a complete series as opposed to part of one. However, Romance and Drama aren't genres that I usually watch, let alone buy.

Now, I didn't find it all that enjoyable; it just wasn't that sort of storyline (and I was disappointed with his final choice). But it was gripping, that's for sure. I watched the entire series in twelve hours, effectively a marathon effort for me.

As for the show's origins, I thought it was fairly obvious. But generally it didn't bother me, though some aspects of it did. Ayu and Mayu should have been axed in my opinion, as annoying as they were unnecessary. And there was an uncomfortable and frankly unwelcome subtext between Akane and Takayuki late in the series that made me fear for where the show was going. Luckily it didn't go there, but it was an instance where the game origins poked through the otherwise solid story.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:08 am Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
And there was an uncomfortable and frankly unwelcome subtext between Akane and Takayuki late in the series that made me fear for where the show was going. Luckily it didn't go there, but it was an instance where the game origins poked through the otherwise solid story.

I definitely agree that this subtext shows the story's origin but it's one of the parts I love best of Akane's characterization. I find it fascinating that, probably because of Haruka's feelings and her obsession with keeping Haruka and Takayuki together that Akane becomes half in love with Takayuki herself.
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Joined: 20 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:03 pm Reply with quote
The reason for Akane's attitude was precisely because of her own attraction to Takayuki. spoiler[She could have pursued him after Haruka was in the coma, but she held back, basically setting a rule for herself. Then Mitsuki swoops in, not playing by Akane's rules, and takes him. Akane winds up feeling like a fool, angry at Mituski, angry at Takayuki, and most of all angry at herself.]
That was one of a couple of things I worried might be less clear to viewers of the TV show that haven't played the game and/or the drama CDs. (The other was some of Takayuki's behavior--the game is first-person and you see his thoughts constantly.)
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 7:45 pm Reply with quote
I watched it.

I liked it but I didn't love it.

I like happy endings and there isn't one possible in that story.[/u]
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Joined: 16 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:06 pm Reply with quote
Finished Rumbling Hearts a few weeks ago. It was definitely one of the better anime I've seen. I think what impressed me the most was the realism of the characters. Placed in their shoes, I'd behave the same way. I really disliked Mitsuki but I think she was still a good character and I can't really blame her for her actions(though I'd like to). Yeah, the believability of the characters is what got me most I think.
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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 12:37 am Reply with quote
Although a friend of mine watched this, he didn't really enjoy this. Far too much drama for him and myself. We both agree that the only anime we'll watch with Rumble is School Rumble. Because the comedy is hilarious, but Luci Christian is in it.

Back on topic though, via Wikipedia, I heard the game for Rumbling Hearts was even more dramatic. But I heard there were a ton of endings though.
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Joined: 16 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 12:53 am Reply with quote
Teriyaki Terrier wrote:
Although a friend of mine watched this, he didn't really enjoy this. Far too much drama for him and myself. We both agree that the only anime we'll watch with Rumble is School Rumble. Because the comedy is hilarious, but Luci Christian is in it.

Back on topic though, via Wikipedia, I heard the game for Rumbling Hearts was even more dramatic. But I heard there were a ton of endings though.

Yeah, school rumble is great. I think Luci Christian does a good job of being Tenma(surprisingly, I'm so used to hearing her scream angrily but Tenma's so perky). Btw, you know Luci Christian does a voice in Rumbling Hearts. She's the feisty waitress that works with Takayuki. The only non-serious character in the show. And about the game, that's generally the case with visual novels. There're a whole bunch of different endings that are available, which is part of the fun of playing it. Also, since you bring up alternate endings, there's an ova for Rumbling Hearts where spoiler[Takayuki ends up w/ Haruka instead of Mitsuki.]

Last edited by motaku96 on Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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