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Joined: 13 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2004 6:29 pm Reply with quote
Guess this is the right forum for this.

My brother the other evening brought up anime music videos, and songs that would be suited to make them. He said he liked the videos where the song actually 'fit' with the anime. I tend to agree (though I haven't seen too many of these videos myself) with him. Then the conversation kinda swayed to songs we'd like to make videos for, and the anime they seem to fit with.

So I was curious. If you were to make a music video for an anime, what song would you use, with which anime? Also, divulge the lyrics if you'd like. Wink

For me, it'd be Videodrone's "Human Pinata" with Evangelion as the source.

Lyrics are:

Directions say assembly required
Nothing's admired the majority's been
Hired, wired, the truth the roof is on fire
A life-is all I desire
Paychecks, respect disappears quickly
Situation tense and tricky
Hand jobs, yes they have plenty
Backs cracked for copper pennies
Migraines, wrist sprains
Free samples of rogaine, fill me with anything
Regaining ground while the well endowed
Sit proud with their head in the clouds
Prophets predicted it
Inscribed on the minds of the ancient tribes
Mother nature striking back

Come suffer with me
(man can only rape his mother for so long)

What will you do in the chosen few?
With your reebok shoes and your missing clues
Pretend it will all go away?
Pretend everything will be okay?
Oxygen levels growing thin
The opposite of birth unfolds within
Must prepare and be aware existence of man will disappear
No tunnel, angels, or harps to follow
Every man, women, child swallowed
No eight o'clock alarm tomorrow
Man returns the earth he borrowed
while the meek seek to repeat the feat
(mother nature releases)

Come suffer with me
(man can only rape his mother for so long)

One nine nine nine (what yeah)
Gotta get a grip on come on
What's this ****ing world coming to?
Run for shelter, helter skelter
It's just too bad, before too long there'll be no songs
No break of dawn, it'll all be gone because mrs. mother nature
has grow to hate ya
It's the apocalypse kid
A little karma for all that you did
You want to know where we?re headin?

Come suffer with me
(man can only rape his mother for so long)
(will time erase the human race?)

[EDIT - Changed the topic. -C]
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:04 pm Reply with quote
Wow. I haven't made an AMV in a while. I didn't have much to work with, so I was pretty limited to what theme it was (usually DBZ with some kind of metal or rock music... Anime catgrin).

I would like to see more Gundam AMVs. I've seen a lot of Wing MVs and one from Gundam X, but that's it.

Martial arts with rap/hip-hop isn't too bad either. The beat of the music usually tends to really go in sync with the motions of the fighting.

I'll say the funniest one I've seen though is a DBZ AMV going along with DMX's "What's My Name?"
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 1:35 pm Reply with quote
Loki AMVs. There aren't enough Loki AMVs out there. I will make enough. Cool

I was planning on an Utena one to Tori Amos' Precious things, or Vast's Thrown Away for MaLoki, but it'll be a while till I get around to it.

I used to make AMVs, but mine sucked quality wise because I didn't have a video capture card, so I had to download raws or digi-subs and go through a long annoying process of cutting out certian scenes and stuff. Now I'm just waiting till I get a capture card to make more amvs. Last one I was working on was a Haibane Renmei one to a song that now I think was a bad idea, and for that I am greatful my little half brother was a jerk and deleted it.

Last edited by littlegreenwolf on Fri Sep 17, 2004 5:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 17, 2004 3:31 pm Reply with quote
Tony K. wrote:

Martial arts with rap/hip-hop isn't too bad either. The beat of the music usually tends to really go in sync with the motions of the fighting.

Bleh. My sister made a Samurai Champloo AMV using Lil' Jon's "Yeah!" (note, that she's not even really into anime, but did it to blow off time once). Although it was absolutely horrendous (well, the song is absolutely horrendous, and she included random family photos in it...), I can see the idea of Rap/Hip-hop mixing with Martial Arts qutie well. =P

As for AMV's, I really don't watch many at all. I think though, that "Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain", would fit well with certain scenes of Sonic X (I'm thinking the second half of the series...). =P
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Joined: 24 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 5:40 pm Reply with quote
Well, even though it's not an anime, "One step closer to the edge" by Linkin Park to clips of Judge Judy freaking out ("Shut up when I'm talking to YOU!") would be great.

But just to be crazy, I would do ELO's "Beethoven's 5th" with clips from Read Or Die the OVA (ELO/ROD/OVA?), that would be so much fun!
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 12:00 pm Reply with quote
I dunno. Some songs I would like to use, if I ever make AMVs again would be, Allegri's Meisei Rei Mei, Samual Barber's Agnus Dei, some Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sarah Brightman, Andrea Bocelli, and Moses Hogan with some anime, but I got great ideas, but can never implement them.

I can see Allegri's and Barber's for witch hunter robin. Since those songs themes suggest prayer and repentence to god. And in Witch Hunter Robin, it has that gothic looking to god feel. Even if those songs are 7 mintues and up....
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Joined: 19 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 1:37 pm Reply with quote
I've never seen an Azumanga Daioh AMV, so that would probably be my #1 chocie for what to make. As for what song...Somewhere over the rainbow/What a wonderful world by IK (not spelling the whole name X_X)
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 5:40 pm Reply with quote
I've actually got an awesome idea for an Azumanga Daioh AMV set to Modest Mouse's "Float on," but I have no clue how to make AMVs in the first place. Anime catgrin + sweatdrop
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 2:41 pm Reply with quote
Nagisa wrote:
I've actually got an awesome idea for an Azumanga Daioh AMV set to Modest Mouse's "Float on," but I have no clue how to make AMVs in the first place. Anime catgrin + sweatdrop

Well it depends on what kinds of video ripping programs you have.

Back in the day when I was really young and didn't know squat about software, I used to just take any video clips I found and cut them up in Windows Movie Maker.

Sure, the quality wasn't as good, but if you can find any kind of AzuDai footage, you could probably fool around with it.

But if you want to make a professional looking video, I think most people nowadays use "Adobe Premier" or something like that.

Well, that's what they used the last time I remember, which was about 4 years ago Anime catgrin + sweatdrop, so there may be something better by now.

It rips video footage from DVDs or something (into .avi format, I think) so you can cut and paste your own creation together.

I would've used it myself, but I think it costed something like $50 Shocked. Anyway, hope that helps. Wink
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 3:13 pm Reply with quote
I have this idea of setting Britney Spears' unnecessarily melodramatic "Everytime" to all the Sakaki-and-biting-cat footage in Azumanga Daioh.

It could very well be the first and only AzuDai AMV to be in the Drama category.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 04, 2004 4:53 pm Reply with quote
A long, long time ago, I started working on a movie trailer video set to Gundam clips. The audio was from the Back to the Future 2 trailer. The parts of it that took place in the future used clips from later shows (mostly Victory Gundam) and the parts that took place in the regular 1985 were supposed to use clips from the MSG/Zeta era (I say supposed to, because I never got around to ripping any video for those parts). Amuro was going to fill the role of Marty and Char was Doc Brown (and I cast everyone else too, but I'm not going to go through it all). For the part of the trailer showing the alternate 1985 (after Biff takes the sports almanac back to 1955 and alters the future), I used Gundam Wing with Heero and Zechs filling the roles of Marty and Doc, respectively (and Quatre as Marty's shotgun-wielding school principal). I actually did rip the Wing clips, so the alternate 1985 part was finished and so were parts of the 2015 segments (using Victory clips, as I mentioned). I still might go back and finish it at some point, but for the time being, I'm far too busy and far too lazy.

EDIT: Also meant to mention my previous AMV history. I was never big into making them, but I did a few to kill time. I haven't made one in two or three years now, though. My first few (made back in 1999 or 2000) were just DBZ videos, because at the time I didn't have ripping equipment and DBZ clips were readily available all over the Internet (plus I was a Dragon Ball fan at the time and I still regard the series more highly than most people do). They were pretty horrendous just because I didn't really have any sense of purpose. I took the clips I had and set them in relatively random order (unless I had a clip that actually meshed well with the lyrics of the song at some particular point) with music that I liked. In 2001, I made my first and only "real" video. It was also a DBZ video, but this time I captured my own video. It was based more on plot than theme. Anyone familiar with DBZ AMVs knows that there's a ton of them out there dealing with all the tired old cliche themes like "Vegeta's pride" and whatnot, but I skipped that and did a quick summary of the Majin Buu story arc set to the pillows song, Blues Drive Monster (which you may remember from episode 5 of FLCL, if you've seen it). In terms of timing, the video actually came out fairly well, but it was still breathtakingly amateurish. Not long after that, I did another video for DBGT. I've always hated GT, but I did enjoy the final couple episodes of it, and I used the pillows song I think I can (FLCL episode 6) because it just fit perfectly. The reason I liked those last few episodes of GT is that...well, this seems unnecessary, but just to be safe, spoiler[...those final few episodes of GT were where Dragon Ball finally got past the whole "I'm stronger than you so I'm going to beat the hell out of you" thing. Goku wasn't nearly strong enough to win, but he dug deep, came up with something more than just raw power, pulled it off, and the show ended on the perfect note.] I threw this one together in very short order just out of total boredom. I never finished it because my computer died while I was working on it. I still have an unfinished export of it, but I'm way too lazy to ever go back and try finishing it, particularly since I was never very serious about it to begin with.

Anyway, that's the last full-length video I made. That was back in 2001 or early 2002, I think. Like I said before, I did a bit of that Gundam movie trailer one, but I never finished it and probably never will. I have ideas here and there for AMVs, but I'm generally just way too lazy and/or busy to do anything with them.
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Joined: 25 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2004 1:26 am Reply with quote
My bad about new topic! Sad

But I've made a few of DBZ ( of course everyone makes of DBZ sooner or later). Now that I think of it DBZ is one of the best Anime to make a music vid cause of all the fighting and the pace of the fightings.

Have you ever had a AMV that you started making but couldn't finnish or got stuck in the middle of it all? Now that is terrible just plain C***. For me it was Ninja Scrolls the first movie and I was using Trapt-Misery, but I finally finnished it and it turned out brilliant, better then my expectations.

I'm trying to make a AMV using a dance or rave beat with Evangalion and Scryed, but so far no right beat Mad .

This question is for anyone who can help me Arrow
If I wanted to send my AMV to a website so they could check it out and distribute all over "Anime world", how would I go about doing that?
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Joined: 14 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 2:50 pm Reply with quote
ReIN-Karnated@042 wrote:
This question is for anyone who can help me :arrow:
If I wanted to send my AMV to a website so they could check it out and distribute all over "Anime world", how would I go about doing that?

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Joined: 27 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2004 6:58 pm Reply with quote
Nagisa wrote:
I've actually got an awesome idea for an Azumanga Daioh AMV set to Modest Mouse's "Float on," but I have no clue how to make AMVs in the first place. Anime catgrin + sweatdrop

I simply love Modest Mouse.

A while back I wanted to make an AMV using the most depressing scenes in various anime. And it would be accompanied by the song ‘The World I Know’ by Collective Soul.

Another particular AMV I would like to see or make is having scenes from ‘Only Yesterday’ with ‘World at Large’ by Modest Mouse. The movie is about a young woman whose trying to find herself by visiting distant relatives out in the country side of Japan. The song itself is pretty self explanatory- the lyrics tell of a story about a man leaving everything he had and embarks on a journey in order to find himself and tries to start over his life.

Here is a short snippet of the lyrics:

Ice-age heat wave, can't complain.
If the world's at large, why should I remain?
Walked away to another plan.
Gonna find another place, maybe one I can stand.
I move on to another day,
to a whole new town with a whole new way.
Went to the porch to have a thought.
Got to the door and again, I couldn't stop.
You don't know where and you don't know when.
But you still got your words and you got your friends.
Walk along to another day.
Work a little harder, work another way.

If you haven't heard the song, I encourage everyone to check it out. Wink
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Joined: 24 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 3:11 pm Reply with quote
Iceghoul wrote:

So I was curious. If you were to make a music video for an anime, what song would you use, with which anime? Also, divulge the lyrics if you'd like. Wink

For me, it'd be Videodrone's "Human Pinata" with Evangelion as the source.

You COULD do it, you know. Just a general statement.

Tony K. wrote:
But if you want to make a professional looking video, I think most people nowadays use "Adobe Premier" or something like that.

Well, that's what they used the last time I remember, which was about 4 years ago Anime catgrin + sweatdrop , so there may be something better by now.

It rips video footage from DVDs or something (into .avi format, I think) so you can cut and paste your own creation together.

1) It's Adobe Premiere
2) Yes, people still use it.
3) No, it doesn't rip DVDs, it just lets you edit the footage once you've ripped it. I could tell you how to do that, but because I'm unsure of the rules here, I won't. Suffice to say that if you go to http://www.animemusicvideos.org there is a guide about it.

Now that I'm done nitpicking, I'll address the topic. I actually make AMVs myself; I'm currently working on a Laputa Castle in the Sky one. One that I really want to do after I finish this one would be All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku OAV set to "Demon Coffee" by Four Schillings Short. I don't remember the lyrics very well, but it's about two guys. One of them's the singer, the other's a traveller. They're at a coffee shop. The traveller explains that the name of the town he was born in made it really horrible to live there. Several times he starts to say the name of the place, but each time it *sounds* like he's being interrupted by an espresso machine (sssssssshhhh). The chorus goes "Coffee, coffee, demon coffee, coffee, noisy-o". I think it could be a pretty funny video, and Nuku Nuku is the anime that fits best out of the ones I have.

-bubble out
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