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Anime Quote Guessing Game Round 7~

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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:28 pm Reply with quote
Since egoist has not been seen in forums in a while, I'm taking over administration of this game for this round. Although I have retained some of the original wording used by original gamemaster JesuOtaku, I have revamped the rules listing a bit.

Past results:
Round 1<
Round 2<
Round 3<
Round 4<
Round 5<
Round 6<
RULES - Quotes:

1. Only one person at a time may have an active quote. To be able to post a quote, one must either have guessed the previous quote correctly or else be taking advantage of a passed turn or expired time limit (see below).

2. Posted quotes must be very distinctive, and must clearly come from one particular title. (Do avoid ones that are major spoilers, however.) Quotes generic enough that they could come from any of a number of titles and/or which consist of common, everyday language should be avoided. Both single-line and multiple-line dialogue exchanges are acceptable, provided that they meet these conditions.

Bad Example: "If you don't come back, I will never forgive you."

Good Example: "Make a pilgrimage for the past with me."

Good Multi-line Example:
Character A: "What does the scouter say about his power level?!"
Character B: "It's over NINE THOUSAAAAAAND!"

3. As shown above, the entire quote must be bolded for a single line quote and the key line to be identified must be bolded in a dialogue exchange quote. Revealing character, power, or location names within a quote can be replaced with "[Character B]" or "[spoiler power name]" or something like that, as necessary. Any profanity in the quote must conform to normal forum rules, so please avoid quotes that use it.

4. Only quotes from anime titles that have been in circulation for at least a week may be used. Quotes may not be used from a title which was the source of one of the immediately previous four quotes. Specifying whether the quote is from subbed or dubbed material is required in cases where either one version isn't available or the two versions are substantively different. (Providing both versions in the latter case is encouraged but not required.) If the quote is from a fansub, that must also be specified, since wording between different fansubs can often vary greatly.

5. If the quote used is one that is repeated verbatim by more than one character in the same title then any of the speakers of the quote must be accepted as correct. (Optionally in this case, the quote poster may specify "first speaker" or "general context in which the quote is used" up front.)

6. Quotes remain active until they are guessed correctly, until 10 incorrect guesses have been attempted, or for 48 hours, whichever comes first. In the latter two cases an open turn takes effect and anyone else may post a new quote.
Rules - Hints

7. Up to four hints may, at the quote poster's option, be provided. They should be staggered over the course of the 48 hours, with 8-10 hour intervals being recommended. (And while hints are not explicitly required, not providing them at all for a quote which is clearly difficult is considered unsportsmanlike.)

8. Hints must follow the format shown below. Their content should be a substantive clue to the source of the quote and/or the speaker(s) and thus should directly concern either the speaker(s), the source material, or the context of the scene. Hints which just state something that's obvious from the quote aren't proper hints. Also, saying that the source title is based on a visual novel or game or something of that nature is acceptable, but making comparisons between the anime and its alternate form aren't. (For instance, a hint that goes "Character A's behavior is very different in the anime than it is in the source manga" is a bad hint.)

Example: Hint #1: spoiler[This is a proper way to give a hint.]

Rules - Answers

9. Answers must be spoiler-tagged or they do not count as answers.

10. Answers must specify the speaker of the bolded quote, the source material, and the context of the scene. This could be a description of the scene, identification of who the speaker is speaking to or about, what episode it happens in, or other possibilities. The quote poster may be as loose or picky about the specifics as he/she wants (for instance, some quote posters will accept an answer which identifies the wrong season of a series as long as the series is right).

Example: spoiler[Character A is Kirika and Character B is Mireille, from the scene in Noir at the end of episode 1 where they agree to work together as Noir.]

11. Each guesser gets only one guess per quote, so make it count!

12. Once a guess has been confirmed as correct, the guesser may either pass his/her turn or post a new quote. Going more than 24 hours without posting a new quote is tantamount to forfeiting one's turn, in which case an open turn is declared.

Lastly - and this is general advice rather than a rule - this game is not meant to be a test of Google-fu. Merely plugging the quote into a search engine, and basing an answer on that, is considered unsportsmanlike behavior. If you're obviously doing this on a regular basis then you may be asked not to participate anymore.


Anyone may post a minigame picture while waiting for a winning guesser to post a new quote, but only one may be in play at any time. Here's how it works: the poster grabs a screenshot from an anime and the players must guess what is being said in the image. Though not required for a point, do also include the name of the speaker and what anime it is. These do count for points but do not have to be guessed, so be sure to catch them before they zip away!

The scoring at the end of 100 pages (if scoring is maintained) will be one point per correct guess for a main game or minigame quote in official play.

This game was created to be a more useful and interactive kind of quote dump and also to allow any random person an opportunity at playing, as the pic game is, by nature, going to be ruled by the most hardcore otaku. You could try to be all hardcore here...but no one will think your quote is memorable or cool. Wink

That being said, I hope that the difficulty will spike and dip as we play, with some more unusual quotes being mixed in with classics. All the same, they need be memorable.

Last edited by Key on Tue Jun 26, 2012 10:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:30 pm Reply with quote
Since the previous round ended with time expiring on my last quote, we now have an open turn.

And errinundra: I'd be happy to have your help on keeping track of scoring if you're willing to do that.
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Boomerang Flash

Joined: 08 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:38 pm Reply with quote
I have to say that I like the rule rewrite. JesuOtaku's version went for being friendly instead of a cold 1 2 3, but I think it got in the way of readability. Not a fan of some of the substantive changes, but oh well.


"I understand you're supposed to be indestructible or something. I'm counting on that luck to keep us alive."
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:49 pm Reply with quote
I'm happy to tally the scores for the last two rounds (and in the future). I'll get to it later this evening (Oz time).

Point of clarification. In the minigame rules you said (emphasis mine)...

Key wrote:
...These do count for points but do not have to be guessed, so be sure to catch them before they zip away!...

That's a significant change to the rules. Did you leave out the word "not". Either way, it wasn't how the previous two rounds worked so I'll tally the scores for those rounds under the old rules.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:53 pm Reply with quote
Key, the rules look good! My only comment is that I think googling a quote should be expressly against the rules so that we don't have to go through a similar thing as what happened in the Character game.
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Joined: 08 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 11:56 pm Reply with quote
errinundra wrote:

Point of clarification. In the minigame rules you said (emphasis mine)...

Key wrote:
...These do count for points but do not have to be guessed, so be sure to catch them before they zip away!...

That's a significant change to the rules. Did you leave out the word "not". Either way, it wasn't how the previous two rounds worked so I'll tally the scores for those rounds under the old rules.

Actually... you must have misread or misunderstood the rules before, because I just checked some of the earlier threads, and minigames counted for points in earlier threads. Maybe you are getting confused with the Character guessing game?
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:03 am Reply with quote
Thanks, Mad_Scientist. I'll tally the scores with that now understood. Embarassed
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:17 am Reply with quote
Looks great!

I'm not too well at guessing quotes but those mini games sure are entertaining.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:48 am Reply with quote
Tris8 wrote:
Key, the rules look good! My only comment is that I think googling a quote should be expressly against the rules so that we don't have to go through a similar thing as what happened in the Character game.

That would be a very hard rule to enforce, though. With it being classified as "unsportsmanlike behavior," it gives me (or other Mods) more room for discretion on whether or not a case is egregious enough to warrant banning someone from the game.

And to address a different point: I believe the only substantive change I made was specifically adding into the rules that the source material has to be in play for at least a week before a quote could be used from it. I have argued for years that this should be a rule, as it's always irritated me when quotes came up from episodes that were only a day or two old. If people have a real problem with that being there, though, then we can discuss it.
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Joined: 08 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:59 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:
I believe the only substantive change I made was specifically adding into the rules that the source material has to be in play for at least a week before a quote could be used from it. I have argued for years that this should be a rule, as it's always irritated me when quotes came up from episodes that were only a day or two old. If people have a real problem with that being there, though, then we can discuss it.

I have no issues with that rule. I remember that I once used a quote from Tantei Opera Milky Holmes when the episode it was from had been out less than a week, and it was the only quote of mine that was never guessed, despite a full four hints, some of which were very revealing. So since then, I've been using a "one week" rule for all my quotes even though it's (until now) not an official rule.

I figure it's probably better that way. Plus I tend to get a lot of my quotes from streaming series, and this way if I use a crunchyroll quote, non-subscribers have a chance to guess it.
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Boomerang Flash

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:14 am Reply with quote
Hint #1: spoiler[The ace pilot addressee is a survivor of many battles in which his comrades have either been wiped out or had taken heavy casualties.]

I object to the following changes:

new rules wrote:
4. [...] Specifying whether the quote is from subbed or dubbed material is required; posting both subbed and dubbed versions of a quote where they are substantively different is encouraged but not required.

1. I don't think it makes sense to require a user to disclose the fact that the anime has been dubbed if the dub and sub are substantively the same, and the user chooses to post the dub version.

It could alert others that the version posted is different than the version he may have read, but consider this: There are many anime that has multiple official subs--Crunchyroll, Nico, Funi, Hulu, DVD, etc--, and certain users outside of USA may have to use fansubs, of which there are probably multiple versions. A guesser should have the possibility of different renderings in mind regardless.

So, where the dub and sub are essentially the same, it doesn't make sense to force the user to choose between disclosing that the source has a dub or using the sub version.

(This one isn't actually a change, but it's related) If the dub and sub version are substantially different (some times to the point of being different altogether), then I'm not sure telling people it's from the dub/sub initially is very helpful. I can see why the user isn't required to give both versions though (for shows like Pokemon, it'd be a nightmare to track down a sub version).

old rules wrote:
3b. [...] If you find this impossible or, heaven forbid, the audience to a quote is a spoiler, reply with two spoiler tags separated by a double line break, just like this:


This unique kind of answer will let those who haven't seen the show in the first spoiler NOT to read the second, while allowing others, namely the judge, to check it at their leisure.

2. This rule has been left out of the new rules. I think the quote game is an excellent place to entice people to watch new series. As such, if we allow people to give answer that are major spoilers to the series without proper labeling, then it would discourage people from watching new anime by springing spoilers on them.

I'm noting the following changes, though I don't necessarily object to them:

1. Rule 6, dealing with when turns expire: Under the old rules, when the 48 hours are up, then there is a grace period extending to 24 hours from the time of the last outstanding guess for the person who posted the quote to confirm the outstanding answer(s). This provision has been eliminated.

2. Rule 12, dealing with forfeiting turns, shortened the grace period in which a correct guesser can post his quote to 24 hours after confirmation. It used to be 48 hours.

I'm guessing Key wants to speed up the game.
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:36 am Reply with quote
I've posted the results for round 6 here.

I'll do round 5's tomorrow - there's a lot of work involved and it's time for bed in my time zone.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:26 am Reply with quote
Boomerang Flash wrote:
I object to the following changes:

new rules wrote:
4. [...] Specifying whether the quote is from subbed or dubbed material is required; posting both subbed and dubbed versions of a quote where they are substantively different is encouraged but not required.

1. I don't think it makes sense to require a user to disclose the fact that the anime has been dubbed if the dub and sub are substantively the same, and the user chooses to post the dub version.

It could alert others that the version posted is different than the version he may have read, but consider this: There are many anime that has multiple official subs--Crunchyroll, Nico, Funi, Hulu, DVD, etc--, and certain users outside of USA may have to use fansubs, of which there are probably multiple versions. A guesser should have the possibility of different renderings in mind regardless.

So, where the dub and sub are essentially the same, it doesn't make sense to force the user to choose between disclosing that the source has a dub or using the sub version.

Honestly, I always thought that that identifying whether something's from a dub or sub was the rule and a lot of people were just ignoring it. Would you prefer the rule instead read something like, "Whether a quote is from an official subbed or dubbed version must be identified in cases where one isn't available or the two versions are substantively different?"

As another thought on this issue, I do feel that a quote should be specifically designated as being from a fansub if such is the case, as those are known to sometimes vary widely in wording between different production groups.

(This one isn't actually a change, but it's related) If the dub and sub version are substantially different (some times to the point of being different altogether), then I'm not sure telling people it's from the dub/sub initially is very helpful. I can see why the user isn't required to give both versions though (for shows like Pokemon, it'd be a nightmare to track down a sub version).

Total disagreement here.

old rules wrote:
3b. [...] If you find this impossible or, heaven forbid, the audience to a quote is a spoiler, reply with two spoiler tags separated by a double line break, just like this:


This unique kind of answer will let those who haven't seen the show in the first spoiler NOT to read the second, while allowing others, namely the judge, to check it at their leisure.

2. This rule has been left out of the new rules. I think the quote game is an excellent place to entice people to watch new series. As such, if we allow people to give answer that are major spoilers to the series without proper labeling, then it would discourage people from watching new anime by springing spoilers on them.

Do we really need a separate rule on this, though? I felt this was covered under the "don't use quotes that are major spoilers" provision.

I'm noting the following changes, though I don't necessarily object to them:

1. Rule 6, dealing with when turns expire: Under the old rules, when the 48 hours are up, then there is a grace period extending to 24 hours from the time of the last outstanding guess for the person who posted the quote to confirm the outstanding answer(s). This provision has been eliminated.

Don't see this as a necessary rule. There's only been a couple of times ever that it's come up. I will be using the 24 hours standard as a rule of thumb in cases where someone is taking too long to confirm, though.

2. Rule 12, dealing with forfeiting turns, shortened the grace period in which a correct guesser can post his quote to 24 hours after confirmation. It used to be 48 hours.

I'm guessing Key wants to speed up the game.

Actually, I just slipped on typing this up, but I would be strongly in favor of making this the new standard. Making a guess should imply that you're paying attention to see if your guess is confirmed or not, and if you're too busy to be getting a new quote up within 24 hours then you should be passing anyway.
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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:00 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Boomerang Flash wrote:
Rule 12, dealing with forfeiting turns, shortened the grace period in which a correct guesser can post his quote to 24 hours after confirmation. It used to be 48 hours.

I'm guessing Key wants to speed up the game.

Actually, I just slipped on typing this up, but I would be strongly in favor of making this the new standard. Making a guess should imply that you're paying attention to see if your guess is confirmed or not, and if you're too busy to be getting a new quote up within 24 hours then you should be passing anyway.

As a person who recently completely blanked that he was supposed to put up a quote and accidentally killed the game for an entire weekend, and felt quite embarrassed about it. I don't have a problem with a 24 hour grace period change.
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Boomerang Flash

Joined: 08 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:06 pm Reply with quote
Since there have been quite a bit of intervening discussion, I'm going to repost the quote and hints in one post here, even though it's still the same page.

original timestamp (2012-06-25, 00:38, GMT)

(voice clip) "I understand you're supposed to be indestructible or something. I'm counting on that luck to keep us alive."

Hint #1: spoiler[The ace pilot addressee is a survivor of many battles in which his comrades have either been wiped out or had taken heavy casualties.]

Hint #2: spoiler[The childish soldier in his 20s being addressed had a crush on the older and higher ranked meganekko speaker from their first meeting, when she floored him with a punch for being late to a briefing.]

Key wrote:
Honestly, I always thought that that identifying whether something's from a dub or sub was the rule and a lot of people were just ignoring it. Would you prefer the rule instead read something like, "Whether a quote is from an official subbed or dubbed version must be identified in cases where one isn't available or the two versions are substantively different?"

As another thought on this issue, I do feel that a quote should be specifically designated as being from a fansub if such is the case, as those are known to sometimes vary widely in wording between different production groups.

Personally, I think the old rule "if the dub and sub are substantially different, then label the source" is sufficient as to official dub/subs, with no requirement if they are similar. Though you do make a good point about labeling fansubs.
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