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D4DJ Voice Actress Himari Hazuki to Retire From Entertainment Industry

posted on by Egan Loo
Cast member in Rebirth, Teppen—!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, Tōgane! Omatsuri-Bu decides on new path in life

Image via himari-h.com
The talent agency Ace Crew Entertainment announced on Saturday that voice actress Himari Hazuki will retire from the entertainment industry on March 31. The agency explained that she decided to take a step towards a new life. The company added that it will notify fans on what will happen with her official fan club "Himari Garden" later.

Hazuki auditioned for Ace Crew Entertainment in 2019 and made her professional debut that same year as Saori Hidaka in the D4DJ cross-media franchise. Her other roles include Saki Kotobuki in Rebirth, Hina Kasama in Teppen—!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laughing 'til you Cry, and Iona Okada in Tōgane! Omatsuri-Bu. She also enjoyed a musical career and performed in stage productions, among other endeavors.

Sources: Himari Garden, Comic Natalie

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