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Claymore - wait, I thought this was supposed to be good?

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Joined: 25 May 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:16 pm Reply with quote
i f really enjoy claymore myself, given the manga is better, but i find the anime adaption quite enjoyable despite what flaws/cliches it had, but to each their own. and cmon its loads better then alot of other anime i could think of.
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face in the windowpane

Joined: 03 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 10:03 pm Reply with quote
Um, okay. Wow. You guys are getting pretty intense, and are making it clear that you like this show a lot and don't want to see it criticized. I'm sorry to have offended you.

I've learned my lesson. I'll just stick to talking about shows I like from now on.

John Casey: You said you haven't seen the show, but you're bashing it anyway. I don't think you should base your opinion off of what's been said here. See it for yourself, if you can find some legal way of doing it free. You said that you don't mind the action genre trappings, so that's all the more reason for you not to prematurely judge Claymore.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 10:35 pm Reply with quote
face in the windowpane wrote:
Um, okay. Wow. You guys are getting pretty intense, and are making it clear that you like this show a lot and don't want to see it criticized. I'm sorry to have offended you.

I've learned my lesson. I'll just stick to talking about shows I like from now on.

Not really, it's more like we know it's not flawless but we think that it has good elements which outweigh the bad. Also in the grand scheme of things there are far worse anime out there than Claymore. Not only in the same genre, but in anime in general.
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face in the windowpane

Joined: 03 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:22 pm Reply with quote
Kruszer wrote:
Not really, it's more like we know it's not flawless but we think that it has good elements which outweigh the bad. Also in the grand scheme of things there are far worse anime out there than Claymore. Not only in the same genre, but in anime in general.

That's a perfectly valid standpoint, and I respect that. It isn't the vibe I'm getting from most posters, though.

For anyone new wanting to step in to tell me how wrong I am, you can save it. It's already been said before, and I won't be participating in this thread after this anyway.

To all of you who played nice, thanks. It was fun using an anime forum to discuss an anime. See you in another thread!
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John Casey

Joined: 31 May 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:40 pm Reply with quote
face in the windowpane wrote:

John Casey: You said you haven't seen the show, but you're bashing it anyway. I don't think you should base your opinion off of what's been said here. See it for yourself, if you can find some legal way of doing it free. You said that you don't mind the action genre trappings, so that's all the more reason for you not to prematurely judge Claymore.

After finishing that first sentence, it's obvious you didn't even bother to read any of my posts. The only thing I bashed was Inuyasha. Which has NOTHING to do with this. NOTHING.

Point = lost.
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:51 am Reply with quote
John Casey wrote:
face in the windowpane wrote:

John Casey: You said you haven't seen the show, but you're bashing it anyway. I don't think you should base your opinion off of what's been said here. See it for yourself, if you can find some legal way of doing it free. You said that you don't mind the action genre trappings, so that's all the more reason for you not to prematurely judge Claymore.

After finishing that first sentence, it's obvious you didn't even bother to read any of my posts. The only thing I bashed was Inuyasha. Which has NOTHING to do with this. NOTHING.

Point = lost.

You know, this seems like a pretty reasonable misunderstanding. After all, this is a thread about Claymore, not Inuyasha. Especially since he's not being at all rude to you over it or anything why don't you just mellow out and clarify what you meant instead of getting all pissy eh?
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Joined: 01 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 6:32 pm Reply with quote
face in the windowpane wrote:
Um, okay. Wow. You guys are getting pretty intense, and are making it clear that you like this show a lot and don't want to see it criticized. I'm sorry to have offended you.

I've learned my lesson. I'll just stick to talking about shows I like from now on.

I'm new to this thread, but I don't think you (or any one) should restrict themselves to commenting on only things they like, but - it is NOT necessary to slam everything you don't like. I see thread after thread where people just slam a series they don't like - believe it or not, it is possible for something to be good and you still not like it. It is the 'either I like it or it's crap' tone to which most people (I believe) object.

Personally, I liked Claymore - a lot. Doesn't make it great - and the fact you didn't like it doesn't make it junk. I believe many people who fall into this category are more interested in having their opinions validated than in an exchange of ideas or opinions.

Try expressing your dislike/disappointment in a more rational tone and back it up with why you didn't like it. And certainly don't expect that everyone will agree with you - we all have different tastes.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:45 am Reply with quote
Name too long, how u even get a name that long? Nvm doesn't matter.

Well I didn't think it was that bad. I liked the book better tho. If you find urself lost then it's because some parts were taken out. Compare Claymore to the other animes of that time/genre and I think u'll appreciate Claymore more.

Since action scenes are costly, anime creators tend to fill it up with needless talking. A lot of action anime (more like drama) like that. Not just Claymore. I don't think they overdid it. Limited animation sucks. Anyhow, I think that technique is kind of universal and present everywhere. Mostly on TV.

You were looking for, what I like to call, a tactics anime in a dungeon and swords theme like anime? LOL Just saying, you should have known this anime was just going to be a hack and slash beat em' up with a hint of character development. You paid attention to the hype right?
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Darth Joker

Joined: 10 May 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 12:18 am Reply with quote
face in the windowpane wrote:

At least that last part was right. Claymore features strong, fearsome female characters who make up the driving force of the plot. These characters, despite having an intimidating presence, have retained their femininity, and have done so without fanservice robbing them of their dignity. I have to commend the show for this, and I can only hope that this will become the new standard for how female combatants are handled in anime.

This is the main reason for Claymore's popularity. That, and the fact that the female fighters in the anime simply look awesome in general.

This anime is such a rare case of anime getting a serious action heroine right that its fans are willing to be more forgiving of the weaknesses of the anime.

With that in mind, I'd caution you against getting your hopes up for Claymore becoming the new standard for how female combatants are handled in anime. I'd love for that to happen myself, but I can't think of many animes that have come out since Claymore that have done the action heroine as well as Claymore did.
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 11:25 am Reply with quote
face in the windowpane wrote:
1) Inconsistency
Wow, there are tons of these. So many that I couldn't keep track of them.

One of the more notable ones is when the top ranked claymores are dispatched to put down Teresa. While observing Priscilla and Teresa, Irene explains to her comrades that Teresa is at her most powerful when her opponents use their yoki. The only reason Priscilla is able to keep up with Teresa is because Priscilla doesn't rely on her yoki.

So when it's clear that Priscilla is outclassed and needs help, what do Irene and the other two claymores immediately do? Go into yoki rage, that's what! And Teresa hands them their butts, as expected. So what was the point of Irene's little briefing, other than exposition?

Well, I'd like to thank you for providing me with the urge to rewatch Claymore again.

To answer your comment, let's review what happened.

The claymores sent to kill Teresa (I'll refer to them collectively as Enforcers) had developed a plan to take her out. This plan went smoothly until Priscilla, in a fit of naive pride, refuses to uphold her part of the plan. Teresa even comments that had she done so, Teresa might've died right there and then.

So, original plan of Enforcers fails. Plan B is Priscilla's plan: fight Teresa one-on-one. The noble white knight takes down the nefarious murderer! It is *during* this fight that Irene makes her comments about why Teresa is #1, only she later wonders if she was even then selling Teresa short.

At first, Priscilla seems to be doing well. But Irene realizes that Teresa was merely gaging Priscilla and tells the other Enforcers that they were going to have to step in or Priscilla would die. They do so and are brushed aside. By this point, Teresa had beaten and almost killed Priscilla, but Priscilla is still angry at the other Enforcers intruding on her fight, to which Irene states that if they hadn't interfered, Priscilla's head would no longer be attached to her shoulders: this means that the other 3 were not useless, as they did manage to save Priscilla's life.

Yes, eventually they raised their yoki auras, but they first tried without that and failed. Then they tried with it and failed again. Teresa was *way* more powerful than they were -- even Priscilla wasn't close, just closER: once Priscilla went beyond 80% and couldn't go back, Teresa was fending her off with easy using only 10% of her own power.

At any rate, I don't think there was any inconsistancy here. The original plan failed because one of the group members didn't do what she was supposed to do. In the fight involving all of the Enforcers, they first tried to beat Teresa without raising their Yoki auras and failed. Once it was obvious that Priscilla couldn't beat Teresa either, I think Irene and the others were just going through the motions so that they could tell their handlers they did everything they could, only they didn't count on Priscilla going ape-shit (Irene realizes her mistake too late).

2) Endless exposition

This is a common anime issue. However, I think that in some cases (especially the ones with awakened beings or above) I think the yoma felt so confident of victory that they allowed the claymores time to do whatever they wanted so that the yoma could enjoy their dispair when everything they tried failed. The harder the claymores tried, the stronger the corresponding despair when it didn't work. Typical cats playing with mice mentality.

Note that in the battle against the three awakened beings in that city up north, the claymores moved into battle formations very quickly and there wasn't much exposition going on in the battles up there (not counting internal monologues).

3) Chosen One

Well, as mentioned previously, Claire *is* different than all the other Claymores. Plus, the anime is about her. It shouldn't be a surprise that she's exceptional in many ways.

But *most* of the battles later on are won as a result of teamwork. Even the fights against Rigaldo and Priscilla had *some* teamwork involved, and the fights against the awakened beings (except for Ophelia) were nearly all won through teamwork, especially those in the North. This is why Rigaldo decided to take out the captains: the teams were too effective and were destroying his army.

Ultimately, you're going to feel the way you're going to feel. If you don't like something, you tend to notice and be bothered by its flaws much more than if those same (or similar) flaws existed in something you like. That's human nature. I'm not saying Claymore was without flaws (the ending was somewhat of a letdown for me), only that how much you are impacted by those flaws will vary depending on your general opinion of the show.
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Joined: 28 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 2:16 pm Reply with quote
Darth Joker wrote:

This anime is such a rare case of anime getting a serious action heroine right that its fans are willing to be more forgiving of the weaknesses of the anime.

Amen to that.

Most shounen/action series (with a few exceptions) depict women as totally useless ( I've watched Rurouni Kenshin a few months ago... boy, that was a pain), so it's really refreshing to see the gender roles (protective male/weak woman) reversed in this one.
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Joined: 03 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:58 am Reply with quote
You did not just dis Rurouni Kenshin. Ok well the third season was garbage and I can't believe I spent 60 bucks on that piece of crap, but Rurouni Kenshin is the shiiiiiit.

Women protect men huh. Well then watch Samurai X Trust and Betrayal. Pretty sure you'll have a different opinion of the series.
Every time a girl dies, it doesn't mean she's weak. When or if you watch the OAV, then you'll understand what those words mean. IMO, I wouldn't call Karou weak and she did play an important role. In Claymore, (the obvious) being a good fighter was her strength. In Ruroni Kenshin, Kauro's strength is something else.
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Joined: 28 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 8:02 am Reply with quote
ShinobiX wrote:
You did not just dis Rurouni Kenshin. Ok well the third season was garbage and I can't believe I spent 60 bucks on that piece of crap, but Rurouni Kenshin is the shiiiiiit.

Women protect men huh. Well then watch Samurai X Trust and Betrayal. Pretty sure you'll have a different opinion of the series.
Every time a girl dies, it doesn't mean she's weak. When or if you watch the OAV, then you'll understand what those words mean. IMO, I wouldn't call Karou weak and she did play an important role. In Claymore, (the obvious) being a good fighter was her strength. In Ruroni Kenshin, Kauro's strength is something else.

I only dissed the way Rurouni Kenshin made all the women useless in battle, I also really liked the first 62 Episodes , however less than I did Trust and Betrayal.

Yes, Yukishiro Tomoe and Kaoru provided the emotional backup spoiler[and Tomoe lost her life for Kenshin, just as Yumi did for Shishio], so did Misao for Aoshi.

The point however is, that when in an action anime a person is physically weak, his/her importance to the plot is often greatly reduced. It's just not really satisfying that all women can do there is to emotionally stabilize and spoiler[sacrifice her life] , in case it is needed.

Also, I don't really see how Kaoru has any extraordinary dominant trait, that Clare for example doesn't have. Even if I take away the fact that Clare is the main character in her respective series, in what way is Kaoru better than her?
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John Casey

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:03 am Reply with quote
ikillchicken wrote:

You know, this seems like a pretty reasonable misunderstanding. After all, this is a thread about Claymore, not Inuyasha. Especially since he's not being at all rude to you over it or anything why don't you just mellow out and clarify what you meant instead of getting all pissy eh?

Yeah, except, once again, the posts where I was clearly bashing something were riddled with words like "Inuyasha", "Inu Yasha" and "InuYasha", not to mention a lot of disdain for Rumiko Takahashi.

Sorry, but I just have this really low tolerance for people not taking the time to even bother to read shit before they go on making accusations. :/ [EDIT: Inflammatory political comment removed. - Key]

Fact is, I never bashed Claymore. I never even saw it! Man, we need to stress reading comprehension in schools these days... Then again, back in my grade school days, I also kind of hated it... They always asked you all this unnecessary shit, which when you look in hindsight, doesn't have anything to do with what you just read...

Man I'm ranty today.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:42 pm Reply with quote
As a general FYI, I have edited one post and removed another (Xanas's) for attempting to stray off on a potentially inflammatory side conversation involving politics. This thread has nothing whatsoever to do with politics, and what was being said was inappropriate anyway. (Even if you did intend it as a joke, John Casey, that was the kind of comment that's only going to stir things up.)

Let's not go there again, gentlemen.
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