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Get Schooled Webtoon Gets Live-Action Adaptation

posted on by Wonhee Cho
Mu-yeol Kim leads series as main actor

Webtoon company YLAB has confirmed that its Get Schooled webtoon get a Netflix Original series adaptation. The series is slated for release next year, as part of YLAB's strategy to expand its global footprint through Netflix.

Get Schooled
Image via Naver Webtoon

YLAB Plex and GTist are co-producing the live-action adaptation with actor Mu-yeol Kim as Na Hwa-jin. The cast also includes Ki-joo Jin, Ji-hoon Pyo, and Sung-min Lee.

The news of Get Schooled's adaptation comes on the heels of YLAB's announcement on January 17 that it had signed an exclusive content supply contract with Netflix, valid until August 31, 2026. While the public filing did not specify the titles involved, industry insiders speculated that one of YLAB's upcoming projects would make it to Netflix's original lineup. Industry sources suggest that Get Schooled is likely to be released in the first half or early second half of next year, aligning with the August 31 contract deadline stated in YLAB's public filing.

Get Schooled, which has been serialized on Naver Webtoon since November 2020, tells the story of Hwa-jin Na, an officer from the Ministry of Education's Teacher Protection Bureau, who takes matters into his own hands to restore order in schools following the passage of a law banning corporal punishment. The series explores the challenges of maintaining authority in schools and delivering justice.

The English version of Get Schooled, written by Yong-taek Chae and drawn by Ga-ram Han, is not currently available.

Source: Digital Today (Sung-oh Chae)

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