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Black Torch Manga Gets TV Anime

posted on by Anita Tai
Kei Umabiki directs anime at 100Studio

Viz Media announced during its panel at Emerald City Comic Con on Saturday that Tsuyoshi Takaki's Black Torch manga is receiving an anime adaptation "soon."

Anime image for Black Torch

Kei Umabiki (ClassicaLoid, Quality Assurance in Another World) is directing the anime at 100Studio. Gō Suzuki (Sword Art Online the Movie: Ordinal Scale, Minami-ke Tadaima) is designing the characters, Gigaemon Ichikawa (Chikasugi Idol Akae-chan, Himitsu no AiPri) is supervising and writing the series scripts, and Yutaka Yamada (Babylon, Tokyo Ghoul) is composing the music.

Viz Media publishes the manga in English and describes the story:

Jiro Azuma is descended from of a long line of shinobi, and he also can talk to animals. Although he may appear rough and tumble, his compassionate side emerges when it comes to furry critters. But Jiro's soft spot for animals gets him in major trouble when a suspicious stray cat fuses with him, granting him exceptional power but also dragging him into humanity's hidden battle against powerful, menacing spirits.

Takaki (Heart Gear) launched the manga series in Shueisha's Jump Square magazine in December 2016. Shueisha shipped the fifth and final compiled book volume in August 2018.

Sources: Sho-Pro's YouTube channel, Black Torch anime's X/Twitter account

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