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ANNCast - Super Manga Pals

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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:03 am Reply with quote
I got into the manga fandom through Love Hina, before getting into the Shonen Jump work through Toriyama's World. Even though manga has grown, the vast majority of interest comes from Shonen Jump manga in particular Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece. A really good example is to look back at the very first ANNcast when no one even knew that the main villain is different in the Fullmetal Alchemist manga, and that was the third/fourth most popular manga in Japan.

As for manga bloggers who do chapter by chapter, most people who do that have a hybrid blog where they did both manga and anime. For example, Anime Vice, Astronerdboy, and some other ones I can't remember.

Personally I love trash manga, I mean how can you not love Hiroyuki Yoshino just goofing around. I mean who else is going to come up with bat crazy ideas like the Mai-Otome manga and Seikon No Qwaser. Guy kills off Mashiro in the first page and then replaces her with a man. His easily one of my favorite Guilty pleasure writers.

Deb: Who told you that the Soul Eater anime is better? The general consensus is that the manga IS A LOT better than the anime. By General consensus I mean I have never seen anyone who likes the anime more than the manga. The anime ending is widely considered horrible just because it's kind of a cheap ending, and it's not like how the first Fullmetal Alchemist is vastly different, it's the same show just animated until the run out of source material.

uh if anyone is stupid enough to think that the Twilight manga is going to sell millions of copies than your an idiot. I mean how many manga volumes does Naruto sell? Any more than that and your introducing a new audience to a different medium.

Also Ranma 1/2 does have a trick past the first season, and that's Ranma's mother who wants to have Ranma commit Seppeku unless his a man amongst men. Though you are right on the rest, and I think that's because Rumiko Takahashi comes up with the series on a week to week basis, which causes her to fall back on old tricks and reuse jokes.

As for unliscensed manga I would love to see brought over it is Violinist of Hamln. Though I would disagree on the limit being pre 1985, it's got to be something like 2000, if you don't get liscensed two years after the anime is fansubbed than chances are your not going to get liscensed at all.

I should point out that the adult comic industry was wiped out in the 50's due to that one book about how Batman was homosexual, that caused the comic industry to be nearly destroyed. If you find a book about comic book history you will see a ton of adult comics from the 40's and 50's.

Oh come on I can't be the only one who stays up until 4 o'clock in the morning.
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Joined: 18 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:01 am Reply with quote
Really great show, as always!

Deb, Inoue's REAL manga about the handicapped basketball players is up to 8 volumes (not 5) in print in english, and volume 9 is coming out in November. I've already read it, unfortunately, so I'm really rabid to hear about when volume 10 will be available. It's one of my top-3 favorites. Hopefully Inoue is getting better -- there was a news article about him being fairly sick recently, but recovering.

Really glad to hear all the positive vibe for Moyashimon as a manga. Gotta pick that up. And I hope "Saint Young Men" gets an English run too, but yea, probably won't happen.

Very cool to hear about the author of Old Boy doing Astral Project. I hated the ending of Old Boy spoiler[and really, any story that resorts to hypnotism as a serious plot point, such as (Rabbit) Doubt, drives me freekin nuts], but its great art and great suspense, and even with that ending I still think its worth a read.

As for untranslated manga I liked Manhole. Don't know the Japanese title.

And short, under 10 volume manga -- Mushishi just finished at 10 volumes. Only the first 4 or 5 volumes were animated, so if you liked the anime people might want to pick up at least the back half of the manga. Volume 8-9-10 came out as an omnibus, too, for a slight discount on price. Still very gentle and thoughtful, and you get at least two chapters of backstory on the main character, Ginko.

I gotta get the rest of Pluto.

And they pushed back the release date of Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service ... that's killing me ... but on the other hand, it looks like they'll finish up Translucent, so ... it evens out I guess.

Sad to hear no one mention GoGo Monster or Tekkon Kinkreet as short-volume manga. Those are still some of my favorites, and GoGo Monster in particular has such a great print job with such fine attention to detail. Really beautiful book.
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Joined: 20 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 10:53 am Reply with quote
Which reviewer did Aoki mean by "Scott?"
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:31 am Reply with quote
einhorn303 wrote:
Which reviewer did Aoki mean by "Scott?"

Scott VonSchilling from Anime Almanac, I think?

And if anyone's curious about the blogger Deb Aoki mentioned who has reviews by her daughters, I think that's at Manga Xanadu.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:43 am Reply with quote
Interesting show.

I've only really gone through the manga reviews here, and for some reason I thought it was something that people talked about. Kind of interesting to know how many of these guys have degrees.

I'm a Reborn fan so the unified bashing was a bit annoying, but I understand why some people would not be interested in it...
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Joined: 06 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:54 pm Reply with quote
gartholamundi wrote:
And they pushed back the release date of Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service ... that's killing me ...

Kurosagi CDS is out in indie shops here in Boston/Cambridge, as well as AnimeCastle and JustManga online. Just not Amazon or B&N yet (B&N online, that is; dunno about the stores). You might be able to find it in your area now.

I'm working my way through Mushishi from the beginning, at the moment. There was such a long stretch between the last single volume release and the omnibus that it seemed a good time to read the series as a whole. It's working out well. I need a calming influence lately.
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Joined: 08 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:02 pm Reply with quote

That was a really interesting listen.

Regarding the lack of discussion on manga blogs, I'm inclined to think that a sizeable chunk of the problem (beyond the impression that many of them are essentially just talking amongst themselves, which is also a big part of it) is that the structure of blogs tends to ensure that any conversation doesn't last longer than it takes for a new blog entry to appear. I mean, I read most of the blogs that were discussed on the show but I don't think I've never felt compelled to leave comments on any of them.

One of the few comics (including manga) blogs where I see interesting and extensive reader-responses on a regular basis is Hooded Utilitarian and that's mostly just because HU goes out of its way to be snotty and antagonistic and consequently attracts a particularly argumentative readership. The Casey Brienza effect, you might say.

As far as ANN's manga reviews go, I feel a bit guilty for not posting when I've appreciated a review but, then, "great review - I agree" isn't much of a conversation starter. Plus it's not all that often anything I'm interested in gets reviewed outside of House Of 1000 Manga (which is excellent, by the way - long may it continue).

Another reason I don't often comment on ANN manga reviews is that I generally feel like I'd get a more insightful response talking about the same book (or theme) on the manga board or even via PMs rather than in a talkback thread.

Mind you, what I'd really like is a MNN sister-site since, as was discussed in the ANNcast, the audience for manga and anime overlaps but is not the same and it would be great to have a site like this one tailored more for the manga reader demographic your guests and their counterparts tend to attract with their blogs (i.e. me!) rather than what seems like a mostly younger and more, uhm, otaku-centric anime audience.
Not that I expect that to happen...but I'd be very happy if it did.

Charred Knight wrote:
I should point out that the adult comic industry was wiped out in the 50's due to that one book about how Batman was homosexual, that caused the comic industry to be nearly destroyed.

Seduction Of The Innocent was hardly the one and only reason for the gutting of the American comics industry in the 1950s. Still, I'm amused to read that you think Batman being gay was Wertham's core objection to comics...
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Joined: 31 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 1:13 pm Reply with quote
So much manga mentioned in this episode! Anyone want to try and make a list of all the recommendations? I had to rewind a few times to get the names of the series they were discussing.

Ed kept bringing up Pluto which made me happy. I'm in the middle of volume 7 right now (I read a chapter or 2 everyday on the bus to work) and can't get enough of it. I've never read a series that I've wanted to talk about more, but can't seem to get any of my friends on board to read it.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:09 pm Reply with quote
-after the Urasawa works (love 20th Century Boys so far, and since I loved the first anime set but Viz apparently screwed us beyond that, I'll be picking up the manga of Monster soon) and xxxHolic, what was the other title Ed was recommending? The one that was sadly lacking in feedback?

-I could see certain book series falling into the same "you have to read quite a bit before it gets good and/or reveals its true colors". I think the first two, especially #2, Harry Potter books are fairly unremarkable, then I read book 3 and was blown away by the massive increase in quality. While I do enjoy the first Wheel of Time book, a good deal of it does feel just like a more complicated "Fellowship of the Ring" and I could see people fearing another LOTR clone, then book 2 goes in a COMPLETELY different direction from LOTR and any LOTR comparisons are minor at best. A lot of Dark Tower fans say "read at least up to book 2 before you decide if you like it or not" simply because the first book is a good deal different from the others.

TV series might count too, it wasn't until a good deal into Season 1 of 24 that the show really found its groove. While LOST did have one of the best pilots ever, it wasn't until episode 4 that most fans agree that it blew virtually all the other TV shows out of the water.

-I wasn't aware that xxxHolic was getting such a major change (I'm only up to vol. 7), but I guess it makes sense since Tsubasa did the same thing. The first 15 volumes of Tsubasa are VERY different from everything that happens after that.

-sigh, well I guess I'm scratching Reborn off my future-list. It wasn't too high up there, but shonen tackling mafia was something I was interested in seeing. Granted, only Deb was criticizing it and no one else was saying anything, but she seemed down on it that it almost feels weird to be interested in it now Anime smallmouth + sweatdrop

Anyway, good podcast this week. I took longer jumping on the manga scene, but I've bought a lot more this year than usual, and my collection is almost at 300 volumes. I admit, a good majority of it is shonen as they often tell the sort of stories I enjoy, but I do still have some seinen (20th Century Boys, Gantz, Bamboo Blade, xxxHolic, and Higurashi; going to pick up Monster soon) and shojo (Fruits Basket, Gentlemen's Alliance, and Vampire Knight; going to pick up Ouran and S.A. soon). Though buying that much manga this year has made me fall back back on my anime purchases so it's a double-edged sword, thankfully an unexpected raise a few weeks ago at my job should help a bit.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:15 pm Reply with quote
I'm going to stick to my opinion and say that most, if not all reviewers are worth less. Why do you need someone else to tell you if you're going to like something or not? Just watch the freaking thing.
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Joined: 11 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:22 pm Reply with quote
Inuyasha is probably a manga which I'm going to defend till the day I die. It's really easy to criticize but I'll always love it regardless. It's the quintessential pulp adventure series for me.

And lots of potshots at Reborn...not that I don't think it deserves it. The first 10 or so books are just so, soul-crushingly bad int terms of lame comedy, that even though it arguably takes a term for the better (if some what more generic) later on, it's just not worth it in my opinion.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:23 pm Reply with quote
I've never gotten it when anime fans go "I don't read manga", I got into manga only because I saw it as another aspect of the anime fandom, why don't other people seem to see this? I got into manga within maybe 6 months of getting into anime! And there's so many good manga that never got an anime and several that only got partial adaptations, I just like one would be limiting themselves by only watching anime.

And I agree on Astro Boy, some of the stories are just really really good and when I was reading it, I often has trouble believing this was seriously considered just a kids manga in some ways because so many of the themes were very adult, not necessarily meaning nudity and sex (which I think tends to be mistaken as mature in many American media), but very mature with its themes.

I really do wish that people would talk about manga more on the forum threads, like here or anywhere, they're just never as busy as manga threads and I can't tell if it's because there are simply more anime watchers or if manga fans just don't talk about it as much.

Oh but if I do have one legit complain about manga vs anime, manga takes up a LOT more shelf space!
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Joined: 18 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:26 pm Reply with quote
rabrek wrote:
gartholamundi wrote:
And they pushed back the release date of Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service ... that's killing me ...

Kurosagi CDS is out in indie shops here in Boston/Cambridge, as well as AnimeCastle and JustManga online. Just not Amazon or B&N yet (B&N online, that is; dunno about the stores). You might be able to find it in your area now.

I had already thrown my coins down at the Amazon's feet when she stabbed me with an email saying it was delayed. Crying or Very sad
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Joined: 12 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 2:50 pm Reply with quote
classicalzawa wrote:
Oh but if I do have one legit complain about manga vs anime, manga takes up a LOT more shelf space!

Oh yeah, definitely. When I started buying more manga volumes than usual, my shelf space seemed to disappear at an insane speed.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 3:31 pm Reply with quote
doctordoom85 wrote:
-after the Urasawa works (love 20th Century Boys so far, and since I loved the first anime set but Viz apparently screwed us beyond that, I'll be picking up the manga of Monster soon) and xxxHolic, what was the other title Ed was recommending? The one that was sadly lacking in feedback?

I believe that was Moyasimon, with (I think) two volumes currently out from Del Rey. I've been meaning to check it out sometime myself...

I discovered manga pretty soon after anime (with the Sailormoon floppies from Mixx!) but I wouldn't say I really got into manga for a couple more years after that, and I think the big reason was that I fell in love with shoujo content, and there's just not a ton of that in anime form. I think growing up a book-lover and having a strong appreciation for art/illustration also led me to prefer the experience of reading and looking at manga to the images/colours/sound experience of anime. Now I definitely identify as a manga fan, and bloggers like Deb and Ed are pretty familiar to me. I'd also like to see (and participate in) more active manga-discussion on ANN and blogs and elsewhere... I admit sometimes it's easiest to just chat about manga casually on livejournal with my own circle of friends. But I've gotta expand my range if I want to convince more readers to pick up Kaze Hikaru, or Hidaka Banri's wonderful shoujo series!

classicalzawa wrote:
Oh but if I do have one legit complain about manga vs anime, manga takes up a LOT more shelf space!

I never thought of it like that! But now I'm in the middle of moving, and my 600+ manga volumes have made their weight quite clear... At least it's cheaper than anime? (though anime has come down a lot in price, I'm aware.)
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