Super Manga Pals
by Zac Bertschy & Gia Manry,
ANNCast Episode 051 - Super Manga Pals |
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Interested in meaningless milestones? Great - this is our 51st episode!
All that aside it's Zac and Gia this week as Justin is on hiatus, so we talk about what we've been watching - Full Metal Panic, Occult Academy, High School of the Dead and an embarrassing amount of Halo Reach before we get on to the good stuff.
Ed Sizemore from Manga Worth Reading and returning champeen Deb Aoki from join us for a superfun casual fireside chat about all things manga but mostly about the massive perceptible differences between hardcore anime fans and hardcore manga fans. Also: an unbelievably varied number of topics and asides and fun stories. Pour a glass of wine and jump on in!
You can listen to the show on our player here, direct-download the MP3 version here, or you can just use these handy links:
Also: if you like the show (or don't like the show, I guess) be sure to write us up a review over on iTunes! It'd be a big help!
NSFW Language Warning: There's some swearing, I won't lie. But I promise, it'll be OK.
ANNCast Episode 51 Breakdown
00:20 Host introductions and an incredibly short first segment involving Full Metal Panic and Occult Academy
09:30 Ed Sizemore and Deb Aoki join us to talk about manga fandom and the blogosphere vs. the anime community and how different they are. This is a very flowing conversation and is difficult to break down into topics, so just let it flow over you like the tide or, you know, don't.
59:00 Twitter time! Manga recommendations, Rumiko Takahashi and her waning relevance, fun stories about Italy and more!
And that's it! See you next week!
Have questions for the ANNCast crew? Tweet 'em to @ANNZac! Or check out the community forums thread about the show, or send email questions to zac@animenewsnetwork dot com!
Special thanks to Phillip Harrington for designing and creating the ANNCast logo.
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