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NEWS: FUNimation Licenses Burst Angel

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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 3:44 pm Reply with quote
anifan wrote:
The only thing that is a steal or being stolen that is our money from the crapy ADV and other companies like them.

Okay then. Go buy Region 2. If you're so unbelivably pissed off at R1 distributors, go buy the source. What's stopping you?

anifan wrote:
And you should rethink your views on fansubbers! It's BS if you think they are horrible, you're way wrong ... They might have been bad quality video and such in the past, but you're only good as what you can get. Because let me tell you, myself and several friends of mine have downloaded fansubbers and they are perfect quality, just like dvd ... But it goes to show anyways you have a very poor judgement.

I'm not talking about video (which is a given...I don't care what quality you're finding, it has yet to match genuine DVD...hell, the direct DVD rips don't even match it), I'm referring to translation. Amateur college students do not generate the same quality subtitle translation as a paid professional. That's just a fact of life.

anifan wrote:
And lastly the only "ego-stroking" going on is you ... Get off your high horse and see what the crapy american companies are for, trash!...Heck you probably work for one of them, thats why you say what you do. Tsk, tsk, we'll try to forgive you for all the wrongs you do.

Crapy? They resemble a black armband worn on the sleeve in a time of mourning?

Out of curiosity, how old are you? When I was about thirteen years old, I had a similar "American companies R BAD" viewpoint that you do now. But y'know...when I actually matured a bit and actually looked at the domestic anime industry through slightly wiser and more informed eyes...I realised that they're actually doing a wonderful job.

Work for one? Nope. I just don't share your childish, horrifically uninformed viewpoint. Tsk, tsk, we'll try to forgive you for all the immaturity you exhibit.

We'll also try to forgive you for your Mass Naked Child Event. Wink
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The Ramblin' Wreck

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 5:15 pm Reply with quote
Nagisa wrote:

We'll also try to forgive you for your Mass Naked Child Event. Wink

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Joined: 04 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 12:00 am Reply with quote
I'm well older than you are I'm sure, and you are the only thing childish is you! Enough said. My point is made and other people who are important agree.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 12:14 am Reply with quote
anifan wrote:
and you are the only thing childish is you!

Funny how that's the only comeback you can come up with. I'll say something and you just repply with "no that's you!"

Reminds me of the Pee Wee Herman Show. "I know you are but what am I?" Try formulating a real response.

anifan wrote:
Enough said.

Where? All you've ever said is "Company dumb, they take money, fansub coolies, I know you are but what am I?"

anifan wrote:
and other people who are important agree.

Other people who are stupid, maybe. And just where on this forum are these loonies, anyway? I'd say most of the people on ANN are the sensible type who are capable of giving respect where respect is due.
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Joined: 21 May 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 12:38 am Reply with quote
anifan wrote:
[MAD]NaRu wrote:
but there will always be ignorant 'fans', I guess Cool

If anyone is ignorant 'fan', it's you! ADV and all the other companies screw up the anime and charge outrages prices for a couple of eps on a dvd. I highly support the fansubbers, they are the true anime fans, they do it because they love to, the companies do it for the money. What's the biggest evil in the USA, companies that buy licenses to anime, lets leave it to the fans, they know what's right! ADV and the others mess up the scripts and make it more "american" to suit their needs, if they would leave it alone the fans would get to enjoy it for what it really is. I've seen to many animes screwed up because of companies like ADV and others butchering animes. ADV and the others can stick it. If I can't watch it fansubbed, then oh, well. I won't support them and their highway robbery!

I have to second Nagisa on everything said so far. First off, since you singled out ADV, they usually release 4 to 5 eps per DVD not 2. The only one I know of offhand that has 2 eps per dvd is Zaion: ~I Wish You Were Here~. ( a 4 ep series) You compain that "companies do it for money". That's right, why do you think the JAPANESE studio made it, for kicks?

I STILL don't see why people complain about the cost of anime. You try paying a couple of million for a license, and then pay for the rights to the name, and in some cases broadcast rights. Then go pay your team of translators, script writers, voice actor, ADR studio, directors, marketing, etc. Now expect that you will sell several thousands units (10,000 or so) and find a price that allows you to recoup all the money you have and spent and make a profit so that you can continue your business. Here's a question for you. How much would YOU charge?

And no, I don't work for an anime company.

Fansubs are nice and all, since I like to see new anime that I hear about then instead of waiting for it to be licensed, but Nagisa is right that they aren't as good as they used to be (generally speaking) There are many more fansubs groups out there, and there really are a lot of them that use people still learning Japanese to translate. There are several fansubs that I have downloaded that I got the same series from 2 different groups to compare. In some cases, the subs aren't even in the same universe they are so different. There are even more that change phrases into different meanings that I can pick up by my limited knowledge of Japanese. I know of one group that has translated the French fansub of a series into an English one. How much do you think that fansub is like the original Japanese anymore?

Why don't you list all the series that ADV has butchered?

By the way, who are these "important people" who agree with you?

Go ahead and keep downloading all of your anime, licensed or not. Don't show any support to the companies that have paid money to bring a quality release to you, or support any of the original Japanese studios, artists, directors, etc. that helped CREATE that show that you are now watching for free.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 6:14 am Reply with quote
anifan wrote:
Nagisa wrote:
Highway robbery? You go to Japan and buy some anime DVDs, okay? Go pay $60 for two episodes on one disc with bare minimal extras. What we're getting is an absolute STEAL!

Also, where have you been these last five years? Domestic distributors have improved by leaps & bounds since the days of FUNi's DBZ & ADV's Samurai-X. Instead, we now have the likes of FUNi's Fruits Basket & ADV's Azumanga Daioh.

Also, I'd rethink my stance on fansubbers, if I were you. The translations are not that great...sometimes downright awful (AJ?), and it's become more about personal ego-stroking than providing fans with anime unavailable locally. They ain't what they used to be.

The only thing that is a steal or being stolen that is our money from the crapy ADV and other companies like them.

And you should rethink your views on fansubbers! It's BS if you think they are horrible, you're way wrong, you just don't know what you should download and what not. They might have been bad quality video and such in the past, but you're only good as what you can get. Because let me tell you, myself and several friends of mine have downloaded fansubbers and they are perfect quality, just like dvd. So you should really think about where you download from. But it goes to show anyways you have a very poor judgement.

And lastly the only "ego-stroking" going on is you, stroking your ego being all high an mighty. Get off your high horse and see what the crapy american companies are for, trash!...Heck you probably work for one of them, thats why you say what you do. Tsk, tsk, we'll try to forgive you for all the wrongs you do.

Well, it's clear who the ignorant fan is here... and it's not Nagisa. You brush off his statements after you can't even substantiate your own pathetic views? The more you nonsense you say in your posts, the more we see a lack of intelligent thought. Do we need to break down your arguments any further and show just how wrong they are?

I hope that the next time you post, you will at least have something vaguely relevant and accurate to say. Or am I being too optomistic?

P.S. I too do NOT work for an anime company. My closest connection to them is that I work with them to get screeners, and sometimes submit reviews? Oh dear, the next thing you will do is saying that I'm blind because you have some irrational thought that I've sold out or something. Sorry, but the only one seeming to lack an ounce of objectivity is you. It's too bad you remind me of the customer base I deal with at my job. It's been a nice vacation otherwise.
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Joined: 06 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 7:56 am Reply with quote
I normaly don't post on forums, just isn't my thing, but I've been watching them lately and I have to say, I completely agree with anifan. You might think I'm wrong, but you know what that's my choice and it's anifan's too. You go off saying nonsense and anifan has a point. Maybe anifan choose ADV as an example because of what they are doing, but I do recall anifan said "and other companies", am I not right?! Also and lastly anifan didn't say 2 eps per disc she said, "a couple of eps on a dvd" which doesn't mean just 2, get your facts right before you post. Also you need to be schooled better Godaistudios, she was no where near "vaguely relevant".
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 8:59 am Reply with quote
Full_Moon wrote:
I normaly don't post on forums, just isn't my thing, but I've been watching them lately and I have to say, I completely agree with anifan. You might think I'm wrong, but you know what that's my choice and it's anifan's too. You go off saying nonsense and anifan has a point. Maybe anifan choose ADV as an example because of what they are doing, but I do recall anifan said "and other companies", am I not right?! Also and lastly anifan didn't say 2 eps per disc she said, "a couple of eps on a dvd" which doesn't mean just 2, get your facts right before you post. Also you need to be schooled better Godaistudios, she was no where near "vaguely relevant".

Fine, agree, that's not the problem. You are, however, wrong.

Also, a funny thing. Go to www.dictionary.com and type in "couple", lets see....

Two items of the same kind; a pair.
Something that joins or connects two things together; a link.
(used with a sing. or pl. verb)
Two people united, as by betrothal or marriage.
Two people together.

Unless, of course, you were being informal, but I doubt that since you're being so sincere with your posts Wink
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:26 am Reply with quote
Full_Moon wrote:
. Maybe anifan choose ADV as an example because of what they are doing, but I do recall anifan said "and other companies", am I not right?!

You're correct, however ADV was cited more prominently than the "other companies", I could easily have spoken of these other companies, certainly some of the others are the ones that have "a couple of eps per dvd", not ADV.

Full_Moon wrote:

Also and lastly anifan didn't say 2 eps per disc she said, "a couple of eps on a dvd" which doesn't mean just 2, get your facts right before you post.

As for getting my facts correct, as Steventheeunuch said, if you go look up the definition for the word "couple", what do you get? "Two items of the same kind" hmm.. odd.. so it means 2? I shall endeavor to get my facts straighter next time.

Full_Moon wrote:

Also you need to be schooled better Godaistudios, she was no where near "vaguely relevant".

I agree with you here, anifan was nowhere near vaguely relevant, it was more like off an a tangent somewhere.[/b]

Last edited by Kazuki-san on Tue Jul 06, 2004 2:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 12 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 1:34 pm Reply with quote
Full_Moon wrote:
Also you need to be schooled better Godaistudios, she was no where near "vaguely relevant".

Wow... I don't stand corrected at all here. What is it you're trying to say?

Like I said... hopefully their points will be relevant to the topic next time, because they certainly weren't here.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 2:38 pm Reply with quote
Full_Moon wrote:
You might think I'm wrong,

Don't worry, I do.

Full_Moon wrote:
You go off saying nonsense and anifan has a point.

You poor, confused soul. It seems you got that backwards.

Full_Moon wrote:
Maybe anifan choose ADV as an example because of what they are doing,

And just what are they doing that's so horrible? As of yet, neither you nor anifan has actually elaborated on that point.

Full_Moon wrote:
Also and lastly anifan didn't say 2 eps per disc she said, "a couple of eps on a dvd" which doesn't mean just 2, get your facts right before you post.

This is just classic.
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Joined: 06 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 6:19 pm Reply with quote
My point was proven why I don't normally bother with this posting thing. You think your right and what you say is always right. People on here are immature. One word comes to mind when thinking about you, and the rest who love to argue, but I'm not going to foul up the page for that.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 6:45 pm Reply with quote
Full_Moon wrote:
You think your right and what you say is always right.

Hm, no...but it's kind of hard to defend bootlegs. I mean, it's just a little bit ridiculous to say that the Asian crime bosses are better people than the former fansubbers and devoted old school fans that went on to found many of the domestic distributors you just love to hate (for reasons you still haven't elaborated on).

Full_Moon wrote:
My point was proven why I don't normally bother with this posting thing.

Because you defend reprehensible criminal activity?

Full_Moon wrote:
People on here are immature.

Some of them, yes. Won't deny that. But I think the specific people you have in mind here (myself, the mods, Godai, Kazuki, etc.) are actually among the forum's better half.

Full_Moon wrote:
One word comes to mind when thinking about you, and the rest who love to argue, but I'm not going to foul up the page for that.

No, no, please do. I'm intrigued. Is it "pastry?" I bet it's "pastry."
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 6:59 pm Reply with quote
Anifan, Nagisa, GodaiStudios, everyone, please calm down.

It's clear that you have differing opinions on this subject, and you are perfectly entitled to thos opinions.

There's no need to insult each other, or call anyone ignorant.

I for one am glad for the North American companies for numerous reasons. One thing I think Fansub lovers should at least be thankful for, is the fact that American companies fund a large ammount of the anime that is produced in Japan. If it weren't for ADV, FUNimation, Geneon et all, many shows you now watch and enjoy would not have been produced.

Now then, this is a thread about Burst Angel being licensed, not fansubs and evil american cmpanies, so please keep the conversation in context.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 11:37 pm Reply with quote
Indeed, I did forget myself. Now that I've slept after driving all night...

Even with looking at a bit more of Burst Angel, I still stand behind what I said in the summer preview. The series comes off as generic to me. Simply put, I don't care enough about the series to rejoice in it's licensing. My viewpoints may change if/when I check out the first DVD, but for now, I find the series too mediocre for me to say anything worthwhile about it.
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