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RIGHT TURN ONLY!! - Samurai Blues

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Joined: 17 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:15 pm Reply with quote
I gotta say, whoever put that post it asking about the filler, god bless you.

Regardless if you are some fan who seriously wants to know or just some IRL troll, thank you.

Filler is fine in anime but if there's one thing wrong, it's studio's not making the decision to 'take a break' of some form for the sake of keeping the story properly tied in with the manga.

But that's just my opinion. All I know is that the english dub for Bleach on Adult Swim hit the first filler arc a few weeks ago and... I'm starting to see why some of my friends jumped ship following the soul society arc.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:40 pm Reply with quote
The thing about Bo ^7 is that the characters and fights aren't what make the series as much as the "What will they think up next?" gags.

Also, for 'Devil Blues, the author's name appears to be Hiramoto, but you called him Hashimoto. BTW, if you like it, might I also recommend Robert Crumb's Blues book

But yeah, the story isn't so hot either, relying on quick-and-easy stereotypes—ultra-likable heroine, icy-cool hot guy, mysterious but wise coach—as well as a quick-and-easy plot formula where a scrappy but talented youngster refines her skills until she becomes a champion; romantic overtones included at no extra cost.

But how does it compare to Ice Princess? Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 09 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:30 am Reply with quote
Kyogissun wrote:
Filler is fine in anime but if there's one thing wrong, it's studio's not making the decision to 'take a break' of some form for the sake of keeping the story properly tied in with the manga.

Shows like Bleach, Naruto, etc. can't really take breaks longer than a few weeks at most. For one, they need the ratings, and the ratings are usually not that bad even during fillers, or Naruto Shippuuden wouldn't exist. After all, these shows are targeted primarily at kids who don't mind if the story is less than stellar as long as they see their favorite characters; and kids aside, the rest of the audience may hate the filler but most of them watch it anyway.

Take a half-year break and the audience's interest in the show will drop (especially that of the kids - they may even find something new to obsess about). Keeping the show on air is like a constant hype.
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Joined: 28 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:17 am Reply with quote
I must say that the Readers Choice review of Let Dai is spot on. I could not agree more. Yes the story may be sad and yes you may want to run and hide after reading a few volumes but it does teach you valuable life lessons. And it really isn't just another BL story. Its much more than that. I recommend it to almost anyone who wants a mature, compelling story, who isn't afraid to a cry a little.
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Teriyaki Terrier

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:39 am Reply with quote
I wish I had the chance to write a letter to Tite Kubo. Mine would be thanking him for the excellent bount and anarcar arc's via television and manga.

Although I did enjoy reading the reviews, none of the manga this week caught my eye.

Great article Carlos, I am sure Comic Con was great.
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Joined: 17 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:28 am Reply with quote
I wish I could've gone to comic-con this year, but Otakon is just around the corner, so I shouldn't complain. Still, Kubo and Mashima in the same building is pretty insane.

I'm definitely going to pick up Me and the Devil Blues, it sounds great, and I'm also a huge Robert Johnson fan. Bobobo is another story, since it's kind of hit or miss for me, well, of the pages I've read in Jump.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:37 am Reply with quote
mufurc wrote:

Take a half-year break and the audience's interest in the show will drop (especially that of the kids - they may even find something new to obsess about). Keeping the show on air is like a constant hype.

I'm thing that if the show would go off the air, the audience would just follow the manga, if they aren't already, and then wait in anticipation of seeing it animated.
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Joined: 09 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:13 am Reply with quote
braves wrote:
I'm thing that if the show would go off the air, the audience would just follow the manga, if they aren't already, and then wait in anticipation of seeing it animated.

Fans would, probably, but most fans are already reading the manga (it's more readily available in Japan, after all). But casual watchers who watch it only because it's conveniently on TV and they have nothing better to do at that time of the day won't go buy the manga and sit down to catch up; or if they do they probably won't be very interested to see the same story animated. Also, the target audience has a short attention span - if they don't see the characters shiny and animated and voiced on TV then manga or not, they'll simply grow bored of waiting and get into other shows.

Also, imagine the scheduling problems such breaks would create for the animation studio, the TV stations and even the mangaka... after all, a show can't just decide to go off air and then come back when it pleases. ("Kubo-san, please write the manga in a way so that the anime will have enough story for 52 episodes when it comes back on TV six months from now... oh yeah, and work into it a point that the anime can use as a temporary closure when the 52 episodes are up.")
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Joined: 19 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 11:40 am Reply with quote
I wonder if that Bleach fan is talking more about the anime (which are on fillers AGAIN) than the manga. From some reactions of the flashback chapters, it was mostly good and the title is resumed at the present for a few weeks now. But Kubo has no influence in the anime fillers. And as mufurc said, except for a few titles, anime is mostly a disposable product in Japan. Once an anime is finished, the fans quickly latch onto a new one and 'forget' the previous one. So if an anime takes a six month break, the ratings would plummet. There's been exceptions to the rule like One Piece and Hunter x Hunter, but it's a very rare thing.

I've seen Me and the Devil Blues in Barnes and Noble. I do plan to get it someday....

I found Let Dai extremely pretentious. The "poetic storytelling style" is just bogged down over-flowery monologues about how beautiful, broken, how bad Dai is. It felt like the author was some teen with a penchant for cheesy poetry who fell in love with her titular character. The dialog made the already annoying characters even more so. It was like watching Dawson's Creek and its "insightful" dialog all over again. I tried to like it but I really couldn't stand it after 3 volumes. There's better light BL titles, but found Let Dai not that good, at all.
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Joined: 07 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:52 pm Reply with quote
I thought that volume of Samurai Champloo was the third one? Because I have two volumes of the manga, so how could that one be the second one?
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:21 pm Reply with quote
malik_chan wrote:
I thought that volume of Samurai Champloo was the third one? Because I have two volumes of the manga, so how could that one be the second one?

Same here, I just as confused as malik_chan. Can someone please explain this?
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Joined: 04 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:16 pm Reply with quote
CatzCradle wrote:
malik_chan wrote:
I thought that volume of Samurai Champloo was the third one? Because I have two volumes of the manga, so how could that one be the second one?

Same here, I just as confused as malik_chan. Can someone please explain this?

Laughing It's calle dthe complete edition.

Hence, it means the book has the WHOLE series in it, hence it's 'complete' on the cover.
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Joined: 20 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:33 pm Reply with quote
Um, why the heck is Iron Man wearing Dr. Doom's cloak on the cover of Hollow Fields? Shocked
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 7:09 pm Reply with quote
KabaKabaFruit wrote:
Um, why the heck is Iron Man wearing Dr. Doom's cloak on the cover of Hollow Fields? Shocked

Because that makes it awesome.

Actually, the character has a beard, it's just hard to see from that angle.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 9:29 pm Reply with quote
ArielTsuki wrote:
I found Let Dai extremely pretentious. The "poetic storytelling style" is just bogged down over-flowery monologues about how beautiful, broken, how bad Dai is. It felt like the author was some teen with a penchant for cheesy poetry who fell in love with her titular character. The dialog made the already annoying characters even more so. It was like watching Dawson's Creek and its "insightful" dialog all over again. I tried to like it but I really couldn't stand it after 3 volumes. There's better light BL titles, but found Let Dai not that good, at all.

You know, I think that's the first negative opinion I've ever heard in regards to Let Dai. That was actually sort of the impression I had gotten from the first chapter and the various snippets of the story I had read here and there, so despite all the love the series gets, I always ended up putting it back down before reaching the register. I would flip through the first few pages and get annoyed by the writing style so I just couldn't find it in me to take the plunge. Sounds like that wasn't a mistake though, as I have a feeling I would have ended up with a similar opinion. Money officially saved Very Happy
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