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Memorandum: Age Rating

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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 2:00 pm Reply with quote
fighterholic wrote:
In the case of Viz, they have rated Claymore T for teens. Take a look here for their catalog. In fact, just to be sure I checked all twelve volumes. They are ALL rated T.

Done. Claymore has been serialized in MSJ (which has a slightly older target demographic than WSJ) before MSJ was shut down and being moved to JSQ (which has a similar target demographic to MSJ), but basically it's still a shōnen manga.
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Joined: 08 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 3:16 pm Reply with quote
dormcat wrote:
fighterholic wrote:
In the case of Viz, they have rated Claymore T for teens. Take a look here for their catalog. In fact, just to be sure I checked all twelve volumes. They are ALL rated T.

Done. Claymore has been serialized in MSJ (which has a slightly older target demographic than WSJ) before MSJ was shut down and being moved to JSQ (which has a similar target demographic to MSJ), but basically it's still a shōnen manga.

Odd, cause according to the Encyclopedia entries for some of the releases, 16+ is listed here, and I thought that was information gotten directly from Viz. Example

Anyways, I always thought Claymore was a tough call so I'm not going to argue, I just want to know about the anime then. Is the fact that the manga is in black and white and the anime in color (though the Yoma in it have somewhat purple blood) enough for the anime to keep the mature rating it currently has on this site? Or should it be changed to teenagers like the manga?

EDIT: On a site note, technically Viz has rated Claymore T+ for older teens, according to the official catalog linked. Not that ANN goes by the Viz ratings anyways.
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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 3:21 pm Reply with quote
Mad_Scientist wrote:
Odd, cause according to the Encyclopedia entries for some of the releases, 16+ is listed here, and I thought that was information gotten directly from Viz. Example

Hmm, that's weird. The first three volumes are 13+ but all the rest are 16+. I'll leave it to who created them...
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Sun May 04, 2008 11:44 pm Reply with quote
Mad_Scientist wrote:
EDIT: On a site note, technically Viz has rated Claymore T+ for older teens, according to the official catalog linked. Not that ANN goes by the Viz ratings anyways.

Hmm, that could be somewhat of a case, but I would think that the teen rating here on ANN would cover pretty much from 13 to 17, kind of like the MPAA PG-13 rating or the TV-14 rating. When it gets into mature then mostly we're looking at 18+, though the content would still be somewhat that people of younger age can look at it. Viz probably has it targeted at 15 and above, but it still is covered by the teen rating on ANN.
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PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2008 3:10 pm Reply with quote
Not to be a pain or anything, but the Claymore anime still has the Mature rating. And I think I already mentioned this, but the anime doesn't have any worse content than the mang. And the manga was given a Teen rating after I brought up the fact that it was unrated in this thread.

After thinking about it, reading the discussion in this thread, and looking at ANN's description for the Teen rating, I definitely think it's the right rating for Claymore, both anime and manga. Therefore I submitted an error report for the Claymore anime quite a few days ago about this, and I even linked to some of the discussion in this thread in the report.

Unfortunately, I can't find any way to tell if my error report has been looked at and disregarded, or if it simply hasn't been gotten to yet. It was quite some time ago that I submitted it though, but if it for some reason simply hasn't been gotten to yet, I apologize for bringing this up again.

EDIT: Ah, I see it's changed now. Maybe I just didn't give the error report enough time?
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:49 pm Reply with quote
How can Peach! be rated Adults Only when it was serialized in Young Sunday?
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 7:24 am Reply with quote
fighterholic wrote:
How can Peach! be rated Adults Only when it was serialized in Young Sunday?

Because it has "erotica" as a genre, which automatically carries an "Adults only!" rating.
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PostPosted: Thu May 14, 2009 3:28 am Reply with quote
Moonlight Mile doesn't have an age rating. I would suggest Mature, as there is a sex scene in nearly every episode, along with some of the foulest mouths ever to grace the medium (in the English dub anyway). Comparatively, it's been pretty light on the violence though.
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PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2009 3:02 am Reply with quote
Sorry for the double post, but I decided to check what else I've seen that hasn't been rated yet.

Gurren Lagann I'm thinking Teenagers fits. There's no nudity, your typical amount of violence for a robot show, and not much in the way of foul language.

GITS: SAC 2nd Gig I think it should be Mature sounds about right. Again, I don't recall any nudity, but there's violence and language abound. I think the first person vantage point serial killing episode is in 2nd Gig too...

Lupin III: Green v Red Just like with any Lupin outing, Teenagers fits the bill here.

Ramen Fighter Miki Older Children seems about right. No language, some violence, but not really any blood, and nothing sexual at all.

Shin Chan This one is rated based on the Japanese version. I think that perhaps there should be a note that the adapted version is Mature.

Slayers and Slayers Try These ones are between Teenagers and Older Children, but I think the franchise is generally on the lighter side, so I would go with Older Children. They pretty much use blood in only a handful of episodes to emphasize seriousness. No nudity, but lots of jokes about Lina's bust size, and no language worse than "idiot" or "stupid." Actually Lina might say "damn" on occasions when the Dragon Slave fails.

Slayers Excellent and Slayers Special Are basically the same as above, but I might upgrade it to Teenagers based on Naga's outfit alone.

Tekkonkinkreet I would pick Mature. There is bloody violence, I don't recall much swearing, and there are several sexually suggestive scenes, but no actual nudity, but all in all it's a pretty psychological film.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Comments?
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PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2009 9:22 am Reply with quote
DerekTheRed wrote:
Gurren Lagann I'm thinking Teenagers fits. There's no nudity, your typical amount of violence for a robot show, and not much in the way of foul language.

Well, there is nudity (a male character runs around without pants for a while) and plenty of fanservice, but I agree that a Teenagers rating will fit just fine.

And since GITS: SAC 2nd Gig will be probably be getting the Mature rating, I think that GITS: SAC: Solid State Society should get it too. It's the same content wise.
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 12:39 am Reply with quote
Well, I went on a Lupin-athon recently, so here are my suggestions for some age ratings.

Lupin Vs Detective Conan Older Children I saw it fansubbed, so there were a few damns here and there, but they might have been added to make it cooler. 2 people are killed by gunfire, but it's a Noir style bloodless death. There is another gunfight scene, a melee at the end, and Ran beats up a bodyguard, all bloodlessly. Lupin does his jump out of his clothes shtick and walks in on a girl in the shower, but no nudity. And I found it a little strange that Lupin and Jigen both abstained from smoking throughout. Also, Ran has a soapbox speech about not smoking or drinking underage.

Angel Tactics Teenagers - Mature This one is actually pushing the boundaries of Teenager. It opens with a computer simulation of the antagonists killing Lupin's crew. It sees Goemon and another samurai cutting people in half Ninja Scroll style, and Lupin and Jigen shooting their way through an urban space before meeting their pointy and explosive ends, respectively. After that, it stays very bloody for a Lupin property. More swearing, but again it might have just been the fansubbers. No nudity, but it sees Lupin, Jigen and Zenigata killing for real, which caught me by surprise.

Seven Days Rhapsody Teenagers This one is standard Lupin, guns explosions, minimal blood, nude but nippleless Fujiko, your basic stuff.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 6:57 pm Reply with quote
The Hitman Reborn manga got an OT 16+ rating by Viz, but I think teenagers works: manga#6738
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 8:38 pm Reply with quote
The profile for "Gurren Lagann" (Manga) (manga entry #10800) is missing an age rating. So far, this manga series contains some bloody violent moments and a few pages of female nudity (ex: Yoko in the shower scene in graphic novel compilation 4). So far, no sex or drugs.

To conlude, this deserves a "Teenagers" rating.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 8:51 am Reply with quote
Aria the Animation, Aria the Natural, and Aria the Origination should all be rated "All Ages" because in the course of 52 episodes, you won't even hear anyone cursing. Also, it's obvious that this kind of show is really targeted for all ages. One may argue that there is fanservice in this show that would garner a "Teenager" rating, but then I can argue that those fanservice are easily outweighed, and the mild fanservice alone does not justify giving it a higher rating.

11eyes, I think should be rated as "Mature". The latter half of the show have more gory scenes (spoiler[like the episode where the school nurse was killed]), and yes, we have the episode 11 where (spoiler[Kakeru and Kusakabe had sex]). For me, that's enough for that show to garner a "Mature" Rating.[/spoiler][/url]
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:27 am Reply with quote
I want to change "Age Rating" to "Objectionable Content", to make it clear that this is about age restrictions, not about the intended audience.

So instead of
All Ages (Nothing objectionable)
Older Children (May contain mild bad language, bloodless violence)
Teenagers (May contain bloody violence, bad language, nudity)
Mature (May contain sex, drugs, and extreme graphic violence)
Adults only! (Contains explicit sexual content)

We would have
Mild (mild bad language and/or bloodless violence)
Significant (bloody violence and/or swearing and/or nudity)
Intense (graphic depictions of sex, drug use, or bloodshed)

How does this sound?
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