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ANN 2023 Reader Survey Feedback

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Joined: 23 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2023 12:42 pm Reply with quote
There have been some really cool live-action stuff over the years like History of a Salaryman (K-drama) and Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan (J-drama..? Horror mystery?), but when those sorts of shows/projects do roll around they tend to be a minor blip on the site here. It's very hard even hearing about them if Netflix isn't plastering it all over their pages. Rohan is one of the most amazing anime-to-live adaptations I've seen to-date, but I don't think anyone really knows it exists.

Monetisation is tough and I think I'm about to ramble on a bit here. I remember one of the very first times I'd ever attended an anime convention, I scraped together my meager wages to save up & have enough cash onhand (about $100 after the attendee ticket) to buy like ONE really cool thing to take home. I wasn't going to pick said item lightly either.

One of the VAs guesting had stuff left from when Geneon (if my memory isn't failing me) had gone out of business, and was auctioning it at the venue. I attended just to see what was there, and when the opening bid was something like $150+, I glanced around at the other teens and young adults in the room and very few were sheepishly considering raising their hand to bid. After a couple items flew by with barely any bids, the VA commented "Well shucks guys, if no one is bidding then they aren't going to let me bring this sort of stuff along next time". I was a little bit dumbfounded, because most of the people in the room looked like kids, and that region of the city wasn't particularly affluent either. None of the stuff on offer was that ONE special thing I was looking for.

I kind of got the vibe that I/we were a bit of a disappointment in that moment to her. I'll leave it up to the folks reading this to decide for themselves. I'd go on to attended a few more conventions since that first one, but I think especially post-pandemic you kind of either show up for the dealer rooms or not at all. I've kind of just stopped showing up.... I wouldn't mind a new reason to get excited to attend again, if even just volunteering.

ANN has been incredibly consistent and reliable for 20 years, I'm fairly aware of how difficult it is to keep video media afloat, much less written media. These sorts of surveys are important for directing the focus of content but also the focus of advertising. I don't know how much my filling it out will contribute to ANN remaining consistent and reliable for the next 20+ years, but I hope it still counts in some manner.
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See You Space Cowboy

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:21 pm Reply with quote
It would certainly be nice if you at least acted like you care about what people like/dislike about this site and perhaps put some effort into improving it instead of just posting a ridiculously long marketing survey under the guise or Feedback/Survey.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 11:01 pm Reply with quote
I'm planning on getting a proper 9th gen console at some point in 2024 (I'd go for XBox Series X in a heartbeat if only they added OutRun 2, classic Forza Motorsports games and Project Gotham Racing games that I already own on physical disk to backwards compatibility; not interested in current Forza Motorsports with all of that always-online DRM malarkey) but the list of consoles should probably have the Evercade/Super Pocket as an option since I'm quite likely also getting a Super Pocket (really just a mini Evercade but they don't use the branding) at some point over the next year.
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Joined: 03 Dec 2023
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 3:05 am Reply with quote
The survey question made me turn off the adblocker actually on desktop; I defaulted it to on since a few years ago when a site was auto-playing some flash ads (starting to show my age I guess) and choking my browser, at that point I figured the well was well and truly poisoned. It's not nearly so bad here, though not a fan of things that have moving images, that can steal my focus pretty badly. There's one to the side of this response textbox that's constantly reloading and thus flashing, so I might have to turn it back on. The weird thing being that I browse here on mobile all the time without an adblocker, and I don't think that's so bad. Mobile ads - fine! Desktop ads...problematic.

I don't get the complaints here about it being a marketing survey. These folks gotta pay the bills somehow. Filling it out is the least we can do in return for enjoying the provided content (and made me register, which somehow I never bothered to do until now).
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 7:42 am Reply with quote
Which of the following Streaming Services do you use to watch anime?

Funimation is missing.

What is your favorite site/service for watching legal anime streams?

Funimation is included.

What happened there? Funimation may have merged with Cruchyroll but it's still actively streaming shows.

Why is the question about the number of manga you buy in a year tied to the section on familiarity with manga / light novel services, but there's no question about the number of light novels you buy in a year?

Need to update that store list, some of them no longer exist (Anime Castle, AnimeTimesStore) and missing big ones like Hobby Search, Mandarake and Amazon.co.jp which ships outside of Japan and will sometimes have the best prices even after shipping.

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Joined: 03 Dec 2023
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 1:54 pm Reply with quote
So I understand that this survey is like a marketing thing and is a way for them to get feedback in order to increase engagement on ANN thru their advertising,etc., (which is fine btw lol- i love doing surveys and supporting this site) but I think it would have been useful to ask about social media too. I think one thing that would help a lot is if the ANN Twitter/social media was more sociable/personable. It feels really cold when all their posts are headlines and links. The website is so full of personality and familiar names/journalists, it would be nice to see that shine thru their posts and see engagement with the community. It could drive up traffic to the site as well. I dont think they have to go full blow crunchyroll/vtuber LOL, but maybe getting someone whos familiar with the community/memes/pop culture to run the account? Just a thought i had
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2023 5:12 pm Reply with quote
NeedMoreCats wrote:
I don’t love that light novels and visual novels are lumped together since I’m very interested in the former but have zero interest in the latter.
Definitely a mistake, I'll fix it for next year.

one3rd wrote:
I feel like some of these questions could have used an explicit "none of the above" option. There are some things that I just don't participate in and there was no way to really make that clear.

Haterater wrote:

Same here. Some for me also I had no answer for, like making no purchase in the future type thing.

You can leave answers blank, although that's not exactly the same as "none of the above," "0," etc. I'll try to address those in the next one as well, but if you want to give specific examples of where "none of the above" would have been better for you, please post them here.

One-Eye wrote:
You should ask for our top 3 least favorite Publishers on the list, I could probably name 5.
That question isn't really useful to us, so no.

I used to read a fair amount of Manga on Comixology until amazon turned it into crap, but it should still be on the list.
Yeah, we're going to have to re-ask that question in it's own survey. Too many platforms were missing.

I know that this site is about anime, but in the section where the survey asked about what else we would like to see covered, it would have been nice to either offer the option for donghua/manhua and manwha/webcomics.

Agreed. But good news, we're already aware that there is interest in this content from our readers and will be adding more coverage of both Korean and Chinese comics in the near future.

Turtleboy76 wrote:
One thing that needs to improve is to hold staff accountable.
The staff are accountable... to me.
Its very biased
Give an example of anime or manga bias on the part of this site's staff.

emerge wrote:
Funimation is missing.


Funimation is included.


panpakepls wrote:
Social Media

Thanks for the feedback. We've tried to make our SNS a bit more personable. Right now our team do occasionally make posts as @anime on twitter, and we do post a few original things to Twitter in addition to the "feed," but we don't currently have the budget to have someone dedicated really interacting with the various social accounts on a regular basis (even part time). We'd love to, but it's a big commitment, and there are a lot of other things that we're prioritizing. Obviously we can't just hire some intern to do it, they would effectively be speaking as ANN, so it needs to be someone senior and well trained in SNS.

Everyone else. Thank you for your feedback. Even if I didn't respond, I've read every post.
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Encyclopedia Editor

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 11:31 pm Reply with quote
I just want the Encyclopedia to be better and more up to date. I couldn't articulate that well in the survey. If there's anything I can do to help you with the Encyclopedia, just let me know.
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:03 am Reply with quote
mrsatan wrote:
I just want the Encyclopedia to be better and more up to date. I couldn't articulate that well in the survey. If there's anything I can do to help you with the Encyclopedia, just let me know.

The Encyclopedia is user edited so if there's anything missing anyone can make additions. Where it falls short is resolving errors though I'm sure the staff working on it do their best.

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Encyclopedia Editor

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 4:55 pm Reply with quote
Emerje wrote:

The Encyclopedia is user edited so if there's anything missing anyone can make additions. Where it falls short is resolving errors though I'm sure the staff working on it do their best.


Well, new titles cannot be added by users. There are many cases of duplicate persons and some duplicate titles as well. Sometimes the titles or the people's names are misspelled.
Things like that I cannot fix as an user editor.

If there's anything I can do to help the staff with this problem, I certainly will.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 2:44 am Reply with quote
mrsatan wrote:
Emerje wrote:

The Encyclopedia is user edited so if there's anything missing anyone can make additions. Where it falls short is resolving errors though I'm sure the staff working on it do their best.


Well, new titles cannot be added by users.

Add new anime
Add new manga

There are many cases of duplicate persons and some duplicate titles as well. Sometimes the titles or the people's names are misspelled.
Things like that I cannot fix as an user editor.

I think some of these things can be submitted as errors.

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Encyclopedia Editor

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 1:38 pm Reply with quote
Emerje wrote:

Yes, but ultimately those have to be approved by mods. I have things that I submitted that have been sitting on queue for years.
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