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NEWS: Jun Maeda to Publish New Book on March 23

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Joined: 13 Jun 2016
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 5:31 pm Reply with quote
Wait so what happened to Jun Maeda disappearing?
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Joined: 09 Dec 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 5:37 pm Reply with quote
SigmaTheLolicon wrote:
Wait so what happened to Jun Maeda disappearing?

He receives death threats and a lot of abuse for his works for a while now. The editorial on this site for instance verbally tore his recent work and his integrity as a writer to shreds, but that was tame compared to how 2ch reacted. Certain people disappear from social media for a time to avoid that but it's rarely a worst case scenario.

He seems like a genuinely nice guy though, so I don't think he deserves what he gets.
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Joined: 13 Jun 2016
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 5:40 pm Reply with quote
cookiemanstah wrote:
SigmaTheLolicon wrote:
Wait so what happened to Jun Maeda disappearing?

He receives death threats and a lot of abuse for his works for a while now. The editorial on this site for instance and watchers verbally tore his recent work to shreds. Certain people disappear from social media for a time to avoid that but it's up to them to come back.

He seems like a genuinely nice guy though, so I don't think he deserves what he gets.
I see. Firsty, I haven't finished Kami-sama ni Natat Hi. yet, but I'm five episodes in and I LOVE it. And I've loved EVERY Jun Maeda anime so far, so I'm 100% sure I'll love this one, too. Maybe everyone was expecting something different. But whatever it is, I'm sure I'll love it. If not, at leats Tonikaku Kawaii was more than happy enough to compensate.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2020
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 6:58 pm Reply with quote
SigmaTheLolicon wrote:
cookiemanstah wrote:
SigmaTheLolicon wrote:
Wait so what happened to Jun Maeda disappearing?

He receives death threats and a lot of abuse for his works for a while now. The editorial on this site for instance and watchers verbally tore his recent work to shreds. Certain people disappear from social media for a time to avoid that but it's up to them to come back.

He seems like a genuinely nice guy though, so I don't think he deserves what he gets.
I see. Firsty, I haven't finished Kami-sama ni Natat Hi. yet, but I'm five episodes in and I LOVE it. And I've loved EVERY Jun Maeda anime so far, so I'm 100% sure I'll love this one, too. Maybe everyone was expecting something different. But whatever it is, I'm sure I'll love it. If not, at leats Tonikaku Kawaii was more than happy enough to compensate.

I think the problem with his latest anime was that Maeda's formula doesn't translate well to a 13 episode format. There's a clear difference between his most famous works, compared to his newest ones like Angel Beats, Charlotte and this one. Here you can physically feel when Maeda feels contractually obligated to end the good times and hit us with the proverbial drama hammer. Which isn't as effective with so little time to get to know the characters, out of which he still feels the need to drag it out with the obligatory baseball/singer episodes, which do nothing but shorten the already small timeframe he has.

Maeda shines with VNs where he has all the time of the world to expose us to the worlds he crafted, but, as a fan of Maeda and Key, I've already been let down, and I know exactly why.
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Joined: 26 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 7:40 pm Reply with quote
I personally didn't like Day I Became a God, mainly because Hina as a character drove me nuts, but I really don't think Maeda deserved all the hate and death threats he got. Nobody deserves that at all. But I do agree that the criticisms he receives in terms of writing series are valid, especially since he has little wiggle room for a 12 episode anime. But novels don't necessarily have that restriction depending on certain things, so maybe he might fare better as a novelist.
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Joined: 13 Jun 2016
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 8:38 pm Reply with quote
Saiphaz wrote:
SigmaTheLolicon wrote:
cookiemanstah wrote:
SigmaTheLolicon wrote:
Wait so what happened to Jun Maeda disappearing?

He receives death threats and a lot of abuse for his works for a while now. The editorial on this site for instance and watchers verbally tore his recent work to shreds. Certain people disappear from social media for a time to avoid that but it's up to them to come back.

He seems like a genuinely nice guy though, so I don't think he deserves what he gets.
I see. Firsty, I haven't finished Kami-sama ni Natat Hi. yet, but I'm five episodes in and I LOVE it. And I've loved EVERY Jun Maeda anime so far, so I'm 100% sure I'll love this one, too. Maybe everyone was expecting something different. But whatever it is, I'm sure I'll love it. If not, at leats Tonikaku Kawaii was more than happy enough to compensate.

I think the problem with his latest anime was that Maeda's formula doesn't translate well to a 13 episode format. There's a clear difference between his most famous works, compared to his newest ones like Angel Beats, Charlotte and this one. Here you can physically feel when Maeda feels contractually obligated to end the good times and hit us with the proverbial drama hammer. Which isn't as effective with so little time to get to know the characters, out of which he still feels the need to drag it out with the obligatory baseball/singer episodes, which do nothing but shorten the already small timeframe he has.

Maeda shines with VNs where he has all the time of the world to expose us to the worlds he crafted, but, as a fan of Maeda and Key, I've already been let down, and I know exactly why.
I see now... Okay. So the issue is NOT that Kami-sama is *bad*, but rushed (or rather excessively compressed), resulting in a story that ultimately suffers from needing more time to tell its story.

So, for someone like me, who LOVES the story, I am predicting that by the end, I'll still LOVE it, but definitely feel that it needed more episodes (like Clannad's ~48 episodes).
BUT, I watched Angel Beats! and Charlotte (both 13 episode shows) and I saw NO issues at all. LOVED them and cried over them for a long time.
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Joined: 06 Jan 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:17 pm Reply with quote
Maybe in this format it will be good.

SigmaTheLolicon wrote:
Maybe everyone was expecting something different.

Oh, I got exactly what I expected. Unfortunately.

SigmaTheLolicon wrote:
I see now... Okay. So the issue is NOT that Kami-sama is *bad*, but rushed (or rather excessively compressed), resulting in a story that ultimately suffers from needing more time to tell its story.

I mean, the final part is rushed, as everyone saw coming as soon as "a 13-episode series written by Maeda" was announced, but all the parts are... not very good.
The earlier episodes drag on and on with mostly inconsequential whacky hijinks, which would be fine if it made the characters interesting and/or endearing, but it doesn't really stick the landing. There's a specific theme right at the end that these episodes were supposed to build to, but the way they play out and how Hina interacts with those characters is just... whatever; they could have done anything short of having them try to kill each other and it would have worked just as "well".
These episodes do succeed at making Hina fun and somewhat endearing (unlike the rest of the cast...) but spoiler[I couldn't bring myself to care about her because being written by Maeda she was guaranteed to be either fatally ill, in a comma or already dead, so the emotional mechanisms were in plain sight. And he didn't fail at not surprising me.]

Or in summary, to be good it'd need a complete rewrite (lower case).
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Joined: 12 Jan 2021
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 11:12 pm Reply with quote
cookiemanstah wrote:
SigmaTheLolicon wrote:
Wait so what happened to Jun Maeda disappearing?

He receives death threats and a lot of abuse for his works for a while now. The editorial on this site for instance verbally tore his recent work and his integrity as a writer to shreds, but that was tame compared to how 2ch reacted. Certain people disappear from social media for a time to avoid that but it's rarely a worst case scenario.

He seems like a genuinely nice guy though, so I don't think he deserves what he gets.

Can you link the review on this site which tore into his work and integeitt
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Cardcaptor Takato

Joined: 27 Jan 2018
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2021 11:27 pm Reply with quote
I don’t think the problem with The Day I Became a God was that it was too short. I thought they had more than enough time to flesh out the story and characters. Also most anime nowadays are 12 episodes unless based on a larger work and can tell their stories just fine. The problem I had was Hina’s story was just not that compelling to me. After all the hype build up about the end of the world, Hina’s story ended up feeling very cliched and melodramatic for the sake of melodrama and I didn’t like a lot of choices that were made. I also felt like Air TV just did a much better job with similar themes and that was also a single cour show.
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Joined: 30 Aug 2020
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 12:21 am Reply with quote
Cardcaptor Takato wrote:
I don’t think the problem with The Day I Became a God was that it was too short. I thought they had more than enough time to flesh out the story and characters. Also most anime nowadays are 12 episodes unless based on a larger work and can tell their stories just fine. The problem I had was Hina’s story was just not that compelling to me. After all the hype build up about the end of the world, Hina’s story ended up feeling very cliched and melodramatic for the sake of melodrama and I didn’t like a lot of choices that were made. I also felt like Air TV just did a much better job with similar themes and that was also a single cour show.

The problem was not that the anime was too short, but that it was too short for Maeda. There's a difference here. Air, originally was a VN, and a fairly long one (by the time) to boot. Episodes were planned with a solid basis with what was feasible in 13 episodes, or the movie, which also did an excellent job in conveying the main point.

Maeda simply doesn't have that kind of talent. Drama in The Day I Became a God is not compelling because he never really managed to make us feel the weight of what happened. Which he can do, as seen in his previous works. Do notice how longer was his magnum opus.

Not to mention he's already a pigeonholed author. All his works have the same theme and development. Youth stuff like singing, baseball, goofing around with friends, and more importantly, the drama bomb everybody who knows Maeda knows is coming.

As soon as we learned who was behind the anime, pretty much everyone who is familiar with Maeda already was expecting something like what happened. And that tones down the shock a lot as well.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 12:24 am Reply with quote
Okay, let's be clear it was the 3rd time if not the 4th time Madea has deleted a Twitter account. This isn't the first.

I'm interested in this book and would like to know more about it. Since I heard Maeda doesn't own a cat. I really enjoyed Maeda's past works when they involve magical realism rather than sci-fi.

Kamisama has many issues of why it didn't work and it's the route the story went and the characters. As a fan of his past works, I was disappointed.
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Joined: 09 Jun 2019
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 1:42 am Reply with quote
Cardcaptor Takato wrote:
I don’t think the problem with The Day I Became a God was that it was too short. I thought they had more than enough time to flesh out the story and characters. Also most anime nowadays are 12 episodes unless based on a larger work and can tell their stories just fine. The problem I had was Hina’s story was just not that compelling to me. After all the hype build up about the end of the world, Hina’s story ended up feeling very cliched and melodramatic for the sake of melodrama and I didn’t like a lot of choices that were made. I also felt like Air TV just did a much better job with similar themes and that was also a single cour show.

If Clannad aired today, it would have 12 or 13 episodes instead two cours or more.
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Joined: 09 Jan 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 9:01 am Reply with quote
Kōdansha has deleted the new book in question by Maeda Jun from the list.


Alex Mateo wrote:
Neko Kari Zoku no Naga (The Cat-Hunting Tribe's Chief)

When the kanji 長 means the chief of a tribe, an organisation, or the like, the way to read the kanji 長 is 'chō'.

The Kōjien dictionary says:
ちょう チヤウ 【長】 1 最高責任者。かしら。首領。

The Dai Genkai dictionary says:
チヤウ ちョう (名)【長】 一 ヲサ。カシラ。第一ナルコト。又、ソノモノ。易經、文言傳「君子體仁、足以長人」

The Kōjien dictionary says:
なが 【長】 1 長いこと。

Does your dictionary say, 'When the kanji 長 means the chief of a tribe, the way to read the kanji 長 is "naga",' or something along those lines?
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 1:13 am Reply with quote
shosakukan wrote:
When the kanji 長 means the chief of a tribe, an organisation, or the like, the way to read the kanji 長 is 'chō'.

Pretty sure it can also be 'osa' when it's not part of a compound. You're right that 'naga' is definitely wrong for this usage, though.
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Joined: 09 Jan 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 7:37 am Reply with quote
OtherSideofSky wrote:
Pretty sure it can also be 'osa' when it's not part of a compound. You're right that 'naga' is definitely wrong for this usage, though.

Oh, 'osa' is a likely way to read the kanji in that case. Thank you for the input.
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