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Run with the Wind (TV).

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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 10:12 am Reply with quote

Run with the Wind (TV)

Genres: tournament
Themes: sports

Plot Summary: Kakeru, a former elite runner at high school, is chased for stealing food. He is saved by a Kansei University student Haiji, who is also a runner. Haiji persuades Kakeru to live in the old apartment "Chikuseisou" where he plans to team up with fellow residents to enter Hakone Ekiden Marathon, one of the most prominent university races in Japan. Kakeru soon finds out that all of the residents except for Haiji and himself are complete novices.
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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:09 am Reply with quote
Episode 1

Not bad, I actually enjoyed this for what's worth regarding the premise and its storytelling style.

The artwork reminds me a bit of Haikyu though regarding its character designs. Regarding Kakeru...I really want to see how they plan to develop his character and there's plenty of room for improvement.

The episode had fan service too which I don't think is a surprise. Solid start so far, has potential.

Theme songs are well made but I hope this show can appeal to a broader audience.
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Joined: 15 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 8:53 pm Reply with quote
Excellent excellent (yes I wrote that twice) first episode! The theme songs are great too.

Kakeru looks so much like Kageyama from Haikyuu!! and then I saw Production I.G. Laughing

This one's a keeper and I'll be looking forward to watching it every week.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:42 pm Reply with quote
LOL, ep 2 Haiji. Loving this series. Why is there no one else talking about it!?
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 3:59 am Reply with quote
The runner guy is a bit of a douche for tricking everyone into going the dorms without telling them. He was harassing them, and apparently broke down the bath in the dorms also. It is the sort of actions where on principle you should not give in or associate with, and maybe warn others about.
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Joined: 15 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 7:44 am Reply with quote
Do you take all anime characters so seriously? ^^;;;;
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 6:53 pm Reply with quote
Episode 5

If your college club, run by someone who was not even in the club while it did activities, is really doing things like manipulation that encourages to skip lectures, and seminars for their future, there is something wrong. He grabbed a bunch of people who are desperate for living conditions, and forced them into his schedule, that they have to take on a professional event, acting like he is some king that for himself decided how things should run. The Prince character himself is pretty much being tortured at the threat of being left homeless, without the out that perhaps he could take on other roles of the club, such as a manager. He is also forcing them to spend money, of which they are all already desperate of, on the things he has decided.

It actually feels vexing to me that the characters who are refusing to bend to the whims of the one guy who is musing manipulation tactics, are treated like spoil sports, that don't want to have fun.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2019 11:14 pm Reply with quote
Episode 23 (finale)

And so it ends, with everyone achieving their goals. Of course it must have been a great moment when the character with a leg injury was pushed to work harder in the race and actually hurt his leg and yet kept running to the finish line, because working through such injuries is what this sport of long distance running should be for them. Just like when one of them was hospitalized for making himself run while being sick, it is a good thing the anime was all about how great he was for doing that, rather than everyone saying that the race was not worth putting their health and life at risk of.

Till the end, I am still not a big fan of this show, I think that it had far too many elements that were not really healthy things, and treated certain things as a joke that would be a big deal. The whole premise was around a single character manipulating the rest into having to take part in his pass time, putting himself in an executive position to make all the decisions, and with a threat that they could not refuse. What even started as a goal to just do it, later turned into some reveal that the guy was hiding his competitive streak with all intentions to do well in it, and damn things that took the others from study and finding employment, which were the things they were supposed to be focussing on. Not that the show really displayed those things as being bad, their studying was never shown, skipping it was positive, and characters were made as doomed to fail in looking for a job.

In terms of these sports show, the likes of Haikyuu or something, I found this a tad too manipulative in a not so fun way, with how it utilized quirky characters, and tried to make us believe all of these characters were just missing running from their life. All the drama setting in, and the likes of terrible coaches with no awareness of how the supposed good guys compared, I am not going to sing its praises. Something that maybe gets you in a moment, doesn't mean it is a good example of sport being a fun and fulfilling thing, when so much was about taking away the freedom of the characters. And not to mention the crush baiting towards the end.

I give it a rating of So-so (5/10), it may have occasionally caught my attention, but I am generally not very happy with it.
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