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Weekly Cosplay - Izzy Saeko's Kasumi from Dead or Alive Kicks Ass

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Joined: 21 Apr 2018
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 2:51 pm Reply with quote
This post violates ANN's rules, please refer to the forum rules. -LL

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Joined: 21 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:03 pm Reply with quote
Cosplay is a fantasy world in which people dress up as their favorite fantasy person. If you don't like it oh well. To bad. Personally I think she did her outfit well.
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Joined: 08 Jul 2018
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:23 pm Reply with quote
It's really sad that we still have to have this "Black people cannot cosplay Japanese characters because they have a different skin color" talk. By that strange logic, Caucasians wouldn't be eligible to cosplay as a Japanese character because they're not Japanese (unless we're talking about series set in the West or fictional Western countries, i.e. Fullmetal Alchemist). Yet nobody seems to bat an eye or say nasty comments when a white person cosplays as Midoriya or Bakugo from My Hero Academia.

Everybody, regardless of gender, ethnicity, physical build, etc should be able to cosplay whoever they want to cosplay.

Izzy looks great!
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Lord Oink

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:36 pm Reply with quote
RenRen94 wrote:
Everybody, regardless of gender, ethnicity, physical build, etc should be able to cosplay whoever they want to cosplay

It's really unclear how the rules are when it comes to this kind of stuff.

If you're not Polynesian, don't cosplay as Moana. It's racist.
If you're not black, don't wear a Black Panther mask. It's also racist
But if you don't like non-white people cosplaying as white characters, you're racist.
Yet you dislike non-Japanese people cosplaying as Japanese characters, it's also racist
...unless it's cultural appropriation. Dressing like a ninja is cultural appropriation. Dressing like Naruto is fine, somehow.
By the way, Son Goku is an alien, not Japanese, so it's fine for him to be whatever.... but it doesn't matter if Garnet is an alien gem, she's clearly supposed to be black, don't cosplay as her.

Just some nice obvservations I've seen on the topic the past couple years. People also seem to care more about the ethnicity of American properties more than anime/manga/video games, bizarrely enough.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2018
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 4:00 pm Reply with quote
Instagram link is dead
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 4:01 pm Reply with quote
For what it's worth, she pulls the look off very well. And you have to respect a girl who's not afraid to show some skin, which Kasumi shows plenty of in her original look.
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Joined: 18 Mar 2015
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 4:26 pm Reply with quote
You can wear Moana's clothes if you want, Lord Oik. It's when you brown up & put on a wig that lines are being crossed. The broader issue of Polynesian traditional dress & culture being appropriated & commodified by others is a different but admittedly not unrelated topic.

& Naruto is a ninja in the same way Danger Mouse is a spy.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 4:34 pm Reply with quote
I'm delighted to see someone cosplaying DOA at all. Under all the obligatory outrage, its strengths as a fun fighting game with a great roster of characters gets overlooked.
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Joined: 06 Jul 2018
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 4:47 pm Reply with quote
Cosplays are indeed often about dressing up as a version of your favorite character more than anything else. I've seen so many female Narutos, not to mention male "insert female character name". I know some people also snipe cosplays in regards towards what they think they can be the most similar to, and it's really cool when they get the perfection right for sure. In a way I feel a bit sorry for the guys, as there's far less characters to pick from if they were to go for perfection in regards to similar details, and I assume the fan-potential is far lower as a result also. Anime smile
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Joined: 14 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:03 pm Reply with quote
She looks great and pulled off the look very well. She clearly respects the style and culture enough to craft this well designed look. I see no issue. As long as she’s not being derogatory or consuming culture for spite, there should be no issue.
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Joined: 17 Apr 2015
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 5:21 pm Reply with quote
Lord Oink wrote:
It's really unclear how the rules are when it comes to this kind of stuff.

My "rules" for cosplay are that, if someone's costume of a fictional character causes a real-life person -- whose race or culture that fictional character is supposed to signify -- to remark, "that's not okay", it's not my job to invalidate that reaction. Beyond that, though, I have to say that I can't recall ever seeing a photo of someone dressed up as Naruto or Goku and thinking to myself, "that person is dressed up as a Japanese man"... but I've definitely seen tons of Pocahontas costumes that have made me think to myself, "that person is dressed up as a Native American woman".
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Chester McCool

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 6:00 pm Reply with quote
BodaciousSpacePirate wrote:
My "rules" for cosplay are that, if someone's costume of a fictional character causes a real-life person -- whose race or culture that fictional character is supposed to signify -- to remark, "that's not okay", it's not my job to invalidate that reaction. Beyond that, though, I have to say that I can't recall ever seeing a photo of someone dressed up as Naruto or Goku and thinking to myself, "that person is dressed up as a Japanese man"... but I've definitely seen tons of Pocahontas costumes that have made me think to myself, "that person is dressed up as a Native American woman".

Goku, and by extension every other student of the Kame school wear a traditional martial arts Gi with large kanji emblazoned on it. Naruto characters wear various traditional Japanese clothing like geta, yukata, jika-tabi, and too many others to list. I'd even throw in the notion that a lot of popular female characters wear Japanese school uniforms and tend to be some of the most common cosplay outfits around. I'm not particularly sure how much more stereotypically Japanese they could make them without resorting to old WW2 era Bugs Bunny racist caricatures. Perhaps it's worth wondering why some people can look at someone dressed in explicit traditionally Japanese clothing and not see Japanese culture, but can do so for other characters and cultures with ease, even cultures that don't actually exist in real life like Wakanda.

The answer to me is America is very used to sweeping Asian culture under the rug, and not treating it with the same kind of scrutiny as other groups here. Full disclosure, I'm Asian, and while I don't particularly care that much about Americans cosplaying as Asian characters, I do notice the double standard that often gets applied to Asian media in America compared to everything else.
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Redbeard 101
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 6:39 pm Reply with quote
Personally I think she does justice quite well to the classic Kasumi outfit. Not just because she shows plenty of skin btw. Though I won't lie and say it's not an unwelcome site. I say be proud and cosplay who you want. It should be about the effort put into the cosplay itself, not race or even gender for that matter.

One of my favorite cosplays I have ever seen was one where these 2 friends cosplayed as Urd and Belldandy from Oh My Goddess at an Otakon many years ago. Oh My Goddess is my favorite series so whenever I see cosplayers from the show/manga I also stop to ask for photos and to chat with them a bit. You don't see many of them so it's always a treat for me. They said they purposefully "swapped races" for the cosplay (white friend went as Urd and black friend as Bell) to make a point that it shouldn't matter go as your favorite character. They both put a ton of effort into the outfits and they both looked amazing.
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Joined: 17 Apr 2015
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 7:06 pm Reply with quote
Chester McCool wrote:
Goku, and by extension every other student of the Kame school wear a traditional martial arts Gi with large kanji emblazoned on it. Naruto characters wear various traditional Japanese clothing like geta, yukata, jika-tabi, and too many others to list. I'd even throw in the notion that a lot of popular female characters wear Japanese school uniforms and tend to be some of the most common cosplay outfits around. I'm not particularly sure how much more stereotypically Japanese they could make them without resorting to old WW2 era Bugs Bunny racist caricatures. Perhaps it's worth wondering why some people can look at someone dressed in explicit traditionally Japanese clothing and not see Japanese culture, but can do so for other characters and cultures with ease, even cultures that don't actually exist in real life like Wakanda.

The answer to me is America is very used to sweeping Asian culture under the rug, and not treating it with the same kind of scrutiny as other groups here. Full disclosure, I'm Asian, and while I don't particularly care that much about Americans cosplaying as Asian characters, I do notice the double standard that often gets applied to Asian media in America compared to everything else.

Hmmm, I definitely recognize school uniforms as Japanese when I see them in cosplay, but for some reason, I've never really registered Goku's outfit as Japanese. I want to say that it's because I've always thought of him as Sun Wukong, but that's silly, because he's not drawn the way that Toriyama tends to draw Chinese characters (and generally I've found that, in his manga, when someone isn't drawn with a specific ethnicity, they are supposed to be interpreted as a Japanese person). You've given me a lot to think about here, Chester.
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Joined: 06 Mar 2016
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 8:53 pm Reply with quote
Psycho 101 wrote:
Personally I think she does justice quite well to the classic Kasumi outfit. Not just because she shows plenty of skin btw. Though I won't lie and say it's not an unwelcome site. I say be proud and cosplay who you want. It should be about the effort put into the cosplay itself, not race or even gender for that matter.

One of my favorite cosplays I have ever seen was one where these 2 friends cosplayed as Urd and Belldandy from Oh My Goddess at an Otakon many years ago. Oh My Goddess is my favorite series so whenever I see cosplayers from the show/manga I also stop to ask for photos and to chat with them a bit. You don't see many of them so it's always a treat for me. They said they purposefully "swapped races" for the cosplay (white friend went as Urd and black friend as Bell) to make a point that it shouldn't matter go as your favorite character. They both put a ton of effort into the outfits and they both looked amazing.

I saw this one Vietnamese chick cosplaying as Chikane Himemiya of all characters several years back when I went to Tokyo in Tulsa.
Made me happy knowing there was one person out there who still recognizes "Destiny of the Shrine Maiden", in my home state no less! Wished I still had the phone where I had the picture saved. Sad
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