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INTEREST: Shibuya's Halloween Parties Have a Trash Problem

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Nekki Basara

Joined: 17 Oct 2017
Posts: 17
PostPosted: Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:04 pm Reply with quote
Japan major cities are not what they used to be anymore, Osaka, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Tokyo, Yokohama, with the rise of tourism, particularly from china and its bad manners and the new generations that are being badly influenced, now its quite common to find trash on the streets, noise in trains, disorganization, people eating on the streets,etc.

I find it disheartening to see such behavior nowadays, I blame it on Chinese tourists at this point in time, then the youngsters that are being badly influenced by seeing their behavior combined with their general apathy.
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Mr. Oshawott

Joined: 12 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 12:28 am Reply with quote
That's the one major downside to city-scale Halloween parties: People are so into expressing their spookiest appearances and feasting on the Halloween treats that they forget to clean after themselves before heading home. Hopefully Operation Zero Halloween Trash will encourage the ghouls to tap into their powers of recycling. Cool
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Top Gun

Joined: 28 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:26 am Reply with quote
Nekki Basara wrote:
Japan major cities are not what they used to be anymore, Osaka, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Tokyo, Yokohama, with the rise of tourism, particularly from china and its bad manners and the new generations that are being badly influenced, now its quite common to find trash on the streets, noise in trains, disorganization, people eating on the streets,etc.

I find it disheartening to see such behavior nowadays, I blame it on Chinese tourists at this point in time, then the youngsters that are being badly influenced by seeing their behavior combined with their general apathy.

Xenophobia AND ageism, all in the same post!
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Jonny Mendes

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:46 am Reply with quote
Top Gun wrote:
Nekki Basara wrote:
Japan major cities are not what they used to be anymore, Osaka, Kyoto, Fukuoka, Tokyo, Yokohama, with the rise of tourism, particularly from china and its bad manners and the new generations that are being badly influenced, now its quite common to find trash on the streets, noise in trains, disorganization, people eating on the streets,etc.

I find it disheartening to see such behavior nowadays, I blame it on Chinese tourists at this point in time, then the youngsters that are being badly influenced by seeing their behavior combined with their general apathy.

Xenophobia AND ageism, all in the same post!

Is not xenophobia. Is reality. Before call someone xenophobic, please try to read about the subject.


Along with concerns over violations of Japan’s Hotel and Ryokan Management Law, the regular residents of such buildings are becoming a bit unnerved by these foreign interlopers, who noisily come and go at all hours. Chinese visitors, with their propensity to shop like crazy — a practice referred to as bakugai (“explosive buying”) — are also a source of friction.

“In the trash collection areas on each floor, you’ll see veritable mountains of discarded boxes for cosmetics, shoes, small electrical appliances and so on,” complained one female resident. “And they don’t even bother to flatten and tie them up for pickup. I had to go to the building custodian for assistance.”

Jeju International Airport was transformed into a giant garbage dump after a mob of Chinese tourists discarded trash on the floor of the international departure gates. The airport staff had advised the tourists to make use of the trash bins on multiple occasions, but a large group of the Chinese tourists chose to simply discard their bags on the floor before boarding.

Chinese government should advise their nationals so they don't behave like that anymore. Tourism is a good thing but tourist have to behave in a good manner and don't cause disturbances because that will cause frictions with the people of the countries they visits.

Also Japan need a strong campaign of re-education of the new generations.
A renewed focus on good civic behavior on schools programs is necessary so the young generations return to the correct path.
Also, more civic behavior campaigns on TV programs can also help.
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Top Gun

Joined: 28 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 9:43 pm Reply with quote
You'll excuse me if I don't take individual fluff stories from countries with a centuries-old history of mutual animosity as being particularly representative of reality.

And "return to the correct path"? You're really going for the "old man yells at cloud" look, aren't you?
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Nekki Basara

Joined: 17 Oct 2017
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 11:34 pm Reply with quote
@Top Gun

Do you live here in japan or at least have visited Japan recently? If not don't speak or at least disagree on things you don't now about. You seem to be the typical extreme leftist that to quickly end a discussion scream misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, racist, etc.

Jonny Mendes wrote:

Chinese government should advise their nationals so they don't behave like that anymore. Tourism is a good thing but tourist have to behave in a good manner and don't cause disturbances because that will cause frictions with the people of the countries they visits.

Also Japan need a strong campaign of re-education of the new generations.
A renewed focus on good civic behavior on schools programs is necessary so the young generations return to the correct path.
Also, more civic behavior campaigns on TV programs can also help.

Yes. The Chinese government has already done so, going so far as even banning Chinese from traveling abroad in extreme cases of bad manners. However they need to have a civic program really, their overall civic behavior is extremely bad causing nuisances most of the time one way or another, wherever they go, particularly when they go in big groups, while in groups they feel and act like they need to be treated like gods that can do whatever they want whenever they want.

I agree than japan has to actualize civic programs, particularly in big cities, you can go to other cities in which tourism is non existent and you can still find that japan with extreme organization and cleanliness.

Last edited by Nekki Basara on Tue Oct 31, 2017 11:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 19 Dec 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 11:48 pm Reply with quote
What's wrong with eating in the street? Sounds needlessly strict.
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Nekki Basara

Joined: 17 Oct 2017
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 12:14 am Reply with quote
Fenrin wrote:
What's wrong with eating in the street? Sounds needlessly strict.

You just pointed out and justified what I said, tourism is a bad influence in Japan, now imagine this with Chinese visitors, have you visited china or traveled and found the hordes of chinese toruists?, japan is or was obsessed with extreme cleanliness, whats happens is that you eat in the street and you are likely to contaminate the environment with garbage, you will contaminate things with your dirty hands. I can tell you that here in japan establishments are constantly cleaning to have the best presentation to customers. Now I find that many establishments here in osaka where I live at least, find it necessary to put up signs that ask people to not enter while eating food because they have had trouble with that, you know to whom these signs are direct to particularity?

Some years ago you could walk all around japan and almost find no garbage on the streets, all tourists used to have quite a shock to see that.

Nowadays walk around the big cities, particularly places with lots of tourists, and you will find a lot of garbage around. This makes a bad influence in everyone as now I can see even Japanese adults throw garbage in the street when they feel noone is seeing them like its nothing. People used to stop to eat in a bench and used to take they garbage with them in plastic bag when done, now you are likely to find that garbage is just left there.

Things like this have become common as tourism is rising uncontrollably. This is very good for japan, the visit japan campaign has been quite a success but has come with lots of trouble for locals, the quality of life has been negatively impacted in the big popular cities.

You just proved it, you as a foreigner find it strict to not eat while on the street, if you come here you might not do it if you see noone does it, but then others might just do as they please and do what they do back home, translate this to the Chinese mindsets.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 1:11 am Reply with quote
I don't see how that proves your point? Just because we have different customs and people eat on the street here doesn't mean that I am the type of person who litters. Eating on the go doesn't equate to littering. That behavior differs from person to person.
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Jonny Mendes

Joined: 17 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 4:50 am Reply with quote
Top Gun wrote:
You'll excuse me if I don't take individual fluff stories from countries with a centuries-old history of mutual animosity as being particularly representative of reality.

And "return to the correct path"? You're really going for the "old man yells at cloud" look, aren't you?


Then how about a what happen in Shanghai Disneyland? This is a from a American-Chinese tourist. Are you thinking that he also have animosity against China and Chinese people?
Even the Chinese government knows that they have a problem with Chinese tourists.

In May, six weeks before the theme park even opened, badly-behaved tourists had already left their mark after trampling plants, picking flowers, carving graffiti into freshly-painted lamp posts and leaving bags of rubbish on the grounds.

Ahead of the official launch, the government even created an etiquette guide for any tourists planning to visit.

From reminding visitors to put litter in bins to asking them not to deface public facilities, the guide featured six pointers on how guests can maintain decorum at the $5.5billion (£3.8billion) park.

The guide was created by the city’s civilization office and the tourism bureau, in light of badly-behaved tourists already causing damage to the Disney park's surrounding areas before the opening

And excuse me if thinking about the correct path of educating the new generations on politeness and cleanliness that is the hallmark of the Japanese culture make me look like "old man yells at cloud".
Just looking from my window across the street i can see trash all over, damaged garbage cans and graffiti in a newly painted building.
Maybe you can fell that is the natural path of a city street, but i prefer the Japanese clean streets outside the most touristic places.
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Nekki Basara

Joined: 17 Oct 2017
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 01, 2017 8:24 pm Reply with quote
Fenrin wrote:
I don't see how that proves your point? Just because we have different customs and people eat on the street here doesn't mean that I am the type of person who litters. Eating on the go doesn't equate to littering. That behavior differs from person to person.

Why are you taking it personally, I tried to be polite here generalizing "tourists". I already said the bad example with bad manners and bad influence are the hordes of Chinese tourists coming to Japan feeling like gods and that anything they do is ok, their bad manners are world re-known. When it comes to the Chinese this does not differ form person to person, there are exceptions however like in anything that is for sure. To be fair I see a rise of sexual harassment to Japanese girls from western foreign male residents lately on the streets too.
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Joined: 19 Dec 2015
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 12:13 am Reply with quote
It did become personal when you decided to use my post, hence my culture, as an example for your narrative, suggesting that all tourists are litterers because of their supposed immoral eating habits.
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Compelled to Reply

Joined: 14 Jan 2017
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 5:03 pm Reply with quote
While it's true upwardly mobile tourists from developing countries tend to be litterbugs in any developed country, that isn't what the article is talking about. For years, Shibuya Halloween festivals already were notoriously chaotic and break Japanese stereotypes. Look at Mardi Gras/Fat Tuesday and how long it has been going on in the West, or even Eastern Europe and Latin America.
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