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Atlus Marketer Registers New 'Persona' Domain Names

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Joined: 17 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:23 pm Reply with quote
Wait a sec, what happened to Persona 6 and 7!?!? (lol)
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Joined: 08 Nov 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:58 pm Reply with quote
kyokun47 wrote:
Wait a sec, what happened to Persona 6 and 7!?!? (lol)

It looks like domain squatters took 6 and 7 back in 2015. Not sure about Japan, but domain squatting is against the law in some countries (such as the US).

The persona6.jp domain name is set to expire on April 30th.
The persona7.jp domain name is set to expire on October 31st.

This is, of course, if they don't get renewed. Atlus is just registering 8-10 to protect themselves.
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Joined: 14 Mar 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:00 pm Reply with quote
Persona Q 2 probably replaces the P3 cast with P5's or if we're lucky they would have Persona 1 & 2's casts but we all know Atlus doesn't acknowledge the first two, also Persona 5 arena would be cool, but a return of 4's cast doesn't seem nessesary because persona 4 has so many spin offs that it would make Final Fantasy VII blush
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Joined: 07 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:28 pm Reply with quote
Kind of curious as to what P3D is. It's that one trademark that stands out against all the P5 trademarks, the obvious dancing game spin-off, and Persona Q follow-up. If I had to guess it's an HD remaster or even remake of Persona 3 that combines Persona 3 FES with Persona 3 Portable for the PlayStation 4.
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Joined: 02 Jan 2015
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:10 pm Reply with quote
Hmmm, although Atlus has already denied the possibility, I still have hope that at least one of those P5 domains means a Steam release...
And that Arena one makes me also hope for the return of te P2 cast this time, i've had enough of P4.

Nyren wrote:
(snip) If I had to guess it's an HD remaster or even remake of Persona 3 that combines Persona 3 FES with Persona 3 Portable for the PlayStation 4.

Oh, that would actually be pretty cool. When I played P3P last year I sorta missed all the extra stuff from FES, but the storyline really won me over. A combination of the two would be great.
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Joined: 16 May 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:13 pm Reply with quote
I really liked most of the spin-offs, but It's kind of exhausting to think that every numbered Persona going forward might get the exact same treatment. Especially since Atlus keeps trying to make these "fit" canon, when it would probably be more fun if they just went nuts.

Doesn't bode well for IP variety either, at least as far as Megaten is concerned. Whether it's because of development costs or an increase in players to try and please (probably a combination of both), it looks like we'll mostly be getting Persona and "actual" SMT games (i.e. they have the SMT name in the Japanese release); and after 4A, I'm worried Persona's the only one I'll care about, which would be sad.

Nyren wrote:
Kind of curious as to what P3D is. It's that one trademark that stands out against all the P5 trademarks, the obvious dancing game spin-off, and Persona Q follow-up. If I had to guess it's an HD remaster or even remake of Persona 3 that combines Persona 3 FES with Persona 3 Portable for the PlayStation 4.

It's referring to a rhythm spin-off of P3. Obviously just registering a domain doesn't mean it's going to happen, but I don't get why people would assume this acronym means another rerelease.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:19 pm Reply with quote
My gosh, that is a number of games planned in the future and I'm only up to the third palace in Persona 5! I look forward to future installments though.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:07 pm Reply with quote
DRWii wrote:
Nyren wrote:
Kind of curious as to what P3D is. It's that one trademark that stands out against all the P5 trademarks, the obvious dancing game spin-off, and Persona Q follow-up. If I had to guess it's an HD remaster or even remake of Persona 3 that combines Persona 3 FES with Persona 3 Portable for the PlayStation 4.

It's referring to a rhythm spin-off of P3. Obviously just registering a domain doesn't mean it's going to happen, but I don't get why people would assume this acronym means another rerelease.

The story modes of fighting-games P4 Arena and P4A Ultimax also had a separate "P3 Arena" story-mode adventure available as DLC. (To continue the joining story-universe arc of how the P3 characters became the "Shadow Force" between P's 3 and 4.)

I'm not sure what the P4 Dancing All Night story was, but evidently Atlus had an idea to spin the P3-verse off as a joining sequel "If P4D sold". Um, did it?....I don't have a Vita. Embarassed
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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:31 pm Reply with quote
DRWii wrote:
I really liked most of the spin-offs, but It's kind of exhausting to think that every numbered Persona going forward might get the exact same treatment. Especially since Atlus keeps trying to make these "fit" canon, when it would probably be more fun if they just went nuts.

Doesn't bode well for IP variety either, at least as far as Megaten is concerned. Whether it's because of development costs or an increase in players to try and please (probably a combination of both), it looks like we'll mostly be getting Persona and "actual" SMT games (i.e. they have the SMT name in the Japanese release); and after 4A, I'm worried Persona's the only one I'll care about, which would be sad.

Spinoffs were inevitable at this point since the major players behind Persona (Hashino, Soejima, and Meguro) are all working on their new Re Fantasy IP. So without those guys the P Studio team will focus on spinoffs.

And yeah P3D is definitely a dancing game, if they're making one.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2015
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:43 pm Reply with quote
Looks like they plan on milking the series for a long time yet.

Give me persona 2 dancing all night featuring motorcycle noises
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Joined: 07 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:48 pm Reply with quote
Arakiba wrote:
DRWii wrote:
I really liked most of the spin-offs, but It's kind of exhausting to think that every numbered Persona going forward might get the exact same treatment. Especially since Atlus keeps trying to make these "fit" canon, when it would probably be more fun if they just went nuts.

Doesn't bode well for IP variety either, at least as far as Megaten is concerned. Whether it's because of development costs or an increase in players to try and please (probably a combination of both), it looks like we'll mostly be getting Persona and "actual" SMT games (i.e. they have the SMT name in the Japanese release); and after 4A, I'm worried Persona's the only one I'll care about, which would be sad.

Spinoffs were inevitable at this point since the major players behind Persona (Hashino, Soejima, and Meguro) are all working on their new Re Fantasy IP. So without those guys the P Studio team will focus on spinoffs.

And yeah P3D is definitely a dancing game, if they're making one.
Working on one game, especially one that we will not see any time soon, does not mean they can't work on Persona 6 as well. It's a bigger workload sure, but not impossible and I think they know that fans want Persona 6 more than they want an endless amount of spin-offs.
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Joined: 14 Mar 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:58 pm Reply with quote
not even sure how a Persona 3 dancing game would work, P3 didn't have a pop idol in it's main cast like 4 and spoiler[Makoto is dead (the main character from Persona 3 not niijima from 5 calm down people)]
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Joined: 16 May 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:42 pm Reply with quote
Arakiba wrote:
Spinoffs were inevitable at this point since the major players behind Persona (Hashino, Soejima, and Meguro) are all working on their new Re Fantasy IP. So without those guys the P Studio team will focus on spinoffs.

Nyren wrote:
Working on one game, especially one that we will not see any time soon, does not mean they can't work on Persona 6 as well. It's a bigger workload sure, but not impossible and I think they know that fans want Persona 6 more than they want an endless amount of spin-offs.

Atlus said that Hashino is focused entirely on Re Fantasy and getting Studio Zero off the ground, but Meguro and Soejima "will continue to participate in the Persona series in the future." I highly doubt Atlus wants to just sit on P6, so I think it's a safe bet it'll start development soon (maybe even this year?) with someone besides Hashino in charge.

theNightster wrote:
not even sure how a Persona 3 dancing game would work

It would certainly be a stretch tonally. Plot-wise I'm sure they'd just go with "The P3 cast gets pulled into another dimension and have to dance their way to victory! And also have their memories wiped at the end so there's no continuity snarls!"
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Joined: 17 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 9:19 pm Reply with quote
theNightster wrote:
not even sure how a Persona 3 dancing game would work, P3 didn't have a pop idol in it's main cast like 4 and spoiler[Makoto is dead (the main character from Persona 3 not niijima from 5 calm down people)]
If I remember, PQ had the same concerns, but placed the setting of the game spoiler[earlier into the school year before Minato/Makoto dies.] I believe that's why spoiler[Shinjiro] is there as well?
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Joined: 16 May 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 1:53 am Reply with quote
EricJ2 wrote:
The story modes of fighting-games P4 Arena and P4A Ultimax also had a separate "P3 Arena" story-mode adventure available as DLC. (To continue the joining story-universe arc of how the P3 characters became the "Shadow Force" between P's 3 and 4.)

I don't remember that DLC, and after double checking the US and JP PSN, I see no evidence of this existing. Are you sure you're not thinking of how Ultimax had Arena's entire story mode as DLC?

EricJ2 wrote:
I'm not sure what the P4 Dancing All Night story was, but evidently Atlus had an idea to spin the P3-verse off as a joining sequel "If P4D sold". Um, did it?....I don't have a Vita. Embarassed

Sold over 90,000 copies its first week in Japan, so make of that what you will.
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