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Is Seven Seas Manga the same company as Del Rey Manga?

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Joined: 21 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 7:35 pm Reply with quote
I might be mistaken, but I recently noticed that the explanation of suffixes (-chan, -san, -sama, etc) page in the Seven Seas Manga titles I bought appears to be a perfect duplicate of the one found in the Del Rey Manga titles. Other than that these two companies don't seem to be the same company, but based on that one page which is so identical, it makes me wonder.

Did Del Rey split off into Seven Seas Manga or something?
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 9:33 pm Reply with quote
No, the two are completely different entities, and share no relation. Seven Seas is an independently established company, while Del Ray is owned by Random House. (To be nitpicky, Del Ray's manga line is actually an imprint of Del Ray.)
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Joined: 21 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 11:06 pm Reply with quote
If that's the case though, and I'm not saying that I doubt you, then the explanation of Japanese honorific suffixes page in the Seven Seas manga titles is a blatant plagiarism and probably copyright violation on Del Rey property. Unless Seven Seas Manga got their permission to use that material.

I think Seven Seas is a new manga company though. Is that right? The only title I am getting from them is 'He Is My Master' right now and it started recently. If they are indeed plagiarizing then I think Del Rey ought to take some sort of legal action regarding this.
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Joined: 20 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 11:50 pm Reply with quote
Porcupine wrote:
I think Seven Seas is a new manga company though. Is that right?

Umm, not really, anymore. They've been around for 2-3 years now, as a publisher (although they only started translating japanese manga in April last year).

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 12:45 pm Reply with quote
Dallas Middaugh co-founded Seven Seas in 2004 before his current position as the head of Del Rey Manga.

That's about all they have in common.

I know adam_omega who comes through these boards every now and then works with Seven Seas, maybe he'll know what's up with the translation notes.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:45 am Reply with quote
Porcupine wrote:
I might be mistaken, but I recently noticed that the explanation of suffixes (-chan, -san, -sama, etc) page in the Seven Seas Manga titles I bought appears to be a perfect duplicate of the one found in the Del Rey Manga titles. Other than that these two companies don't seem to be the same company, but based on that one page which is so identical, it makes me wonder.

Appears to be a perfect copy, or is a perfect copy? I don't purchase much manga, but the comment that Del Rey uses for the -[blank] honorific implies that such lists aren't uncommon, which would mean it's quite likely professional translators have similar ideas on explanations for the more common suffixs.
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Joined: 21 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:50 pm Reply with quote
I have not bothered to simultaneously open up He Is My Master (Seven Seas) next to Negima (Del Rey) for example, but I am fairly certain without having to do so that the 2 pages in question are a Perfect Copy. It is word-for-word exactly the same, layout and everything.

But if someone else has compared side-by-side and claims that I'm wrong then maybe I am, and I'll go check myself.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 9:04 pm Reply with quote
I took a look at Kashimashi Vol 2 by 7 Seas and Negima! Vol 14 by Del Rey -- a lot of the entries are very similar, but the only one I saw that was exactly the same was for -sensei. 7 Seas doesn't have the [blank] listing, either. Sorry but I don't feel like transcribing the whole lists in here right now, but maybe I'll do a few entries later.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 1:34 am Reply with quote
Thanks for taking the time to actually compare side-by-side. I did so just now as well, using 'He Is My Master' volumes 1 and 2 by Seven Seas, and 'School Rumble' volume 6 from Del Rey.

You are right, in most cases the page(s) in question are not 100% perfect word-for-word translations, except in certain parts such as for -sensei which was exactly the same. But I noticed some other things also. The page in question was not the same between 'He Is My Master' volumes 1 and 2. It appears that, simply for space considerations, certain entries were omitted in volume 2. For example volume 1 contains an entry for -dono....which is 95% word-for-word the same as with Del Rey's version...the only difference is that 'confers utmost respect' becomes 'confers the utmost respect'. Volume 2 cut this part out so that the explanation of suffixes + translation notes for that particular volume would squish together and fit on 2 pages.

It's thus highly likely that Seven Seas has the [blank] listing out there in limbo also on certain titles.

Del Rey's suffix explanation page I think is 100% identical from volume to volume, while Seven Seas is squishing it together with the Translation Notes and altering it accordingly to save space.

For the other suffix listings they tend to be worded slightly differently, but now that I am comparing side-by-side, it's obvious that someone is plagiarizing. The fact that Seven Seas version is slightly altered every so often makes it even more suspicious. At least if they were 100% the same everywhere it could be explained that possibly they got permission from Del Rey, or that both companies got that page from a 3rd source. But the word-for-word "rewording" process that is obvious on a side-by-side comparison just screams plagiarism. It's exactly like what a lot of schookids or college students do when they plagiarize something. If these two versions were shown to any teacher or college professor I'm sure they would ALL agree that plagiarism is taking place.

There's no way coincidence could be at work, I'm sure anyone would realize that by reading these two pages side-by-side. So anyways, if official permission to copy wasn't granted here, I think Del Rey should at least tell Seven Seas to change that page.
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Joined: 29 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 12:47 pm Reply with quote
Porcupine wrote:
I might be mistaken, but I recently noticed that the explanation of suffixes (-chan, -san, -sama, etc) page in the Seven Seas Manga titles I bought appears to be a perfect duplicate of the one found in the Del Rey Manga titles.

Good catch.

Jason DeAngelis (Seven Seas' president) actually wrote the honorific page that Del Rey uses. So yes, they are similar in their wording. There are a few changes here and there, but you can't plagerize yourself.

- Adam Arnold
Seven Seas Entertainment
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Joined: 21 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:15 pm Reply with quote
I see. Well in that case I guess all is probably fine. I think this suffix explanation page could still be an issue for some people though. I could be wrong but I think maybe you can plagiarize your own work if you've sold the rights to that work to someone else or a company. Even if that's true though, it seems kind of unreasonable to ask someone not to copy his own work.

In any case, I'm no lawyer, and this explanation is good enough for me. Thanks for taking the time to explain why the pages are similar, adam_omega.
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