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Most Evil Character Tournament RESULTS

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Joined: 15 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 11:27 pm Reply with quote
This tournament is going a single elimination tournament. I split all 128 characters into 4 groups of 32. That means four first rounds. I have all the characters set up and ready with their pictures. You will not get to see contestants for future rounds before hand.

There are only pictures for the characters. Most of these characters are known pretty well I would say. If you don‘t know them, just vote by look of picture. I got the best pictures I could. Some were near impossible. But, if you would like to post pictures of the character in an eviler form to promote him/her winning feel free to.

Unlike the crazy character contest I will update the groups every Saturday. Voting closes 9:00 PM EST every Saturday. The new groups will be added some time close afterwards. PS: No changing votes after that time either. I will also post the winners every Saturday along with the new group.

The Rules:

1) Everyone can vote (age 18) Just kidding! Anyone can! As long as you're a registered member of Anime News Network then you're allowed to vote.

1.5) If you want vote anonymously, just PM me and I will post it writing your name as anonymous instead of you actual screen name.

2) NO LIST POSTS. This one's already a rule of ANN anyway, so you should know it. The rule also applies here. Make sure you have at least two sentences you don’t need 5,000 paragraphs to make one point, but feel free to do so if you wish.

3) Vote for all characters in each group. We don’t want people just voting for their favorite character to win because they think they are awesome.

4) You are allowed to change your votes before the final vote has been cast. If you want to watch some of an anime in order to decide, re-watch one, or do some research you can do this and change your vote.

5) All of ANN's usual forum rules also apply here.

6) Have lots of fun!^^

If you have any questions comments or concerns, you can PM me or something.

That’s pretty much it.
Round 1 results:
Round one Group A final results:
Round one group B final results:
Round one group C final results:
Round One Group D results:

Round 2 results:
Round two group A results:
Round two group B results:
Round two group C results:
Roud two group D results:

Round 3 results:
Round three group A reults:
Roung three group B results:
Round three group C results:
Round three group D results:

Round four results:
Round four group A results:
Round four group B results:
Round four group C results:
Round four group D results:
Round five results:
Round 5 group A&B results:
Round 5 group C&D results:
Round 6 AB results:
Round 6 CD results:


Last edited by Cow-Boy_Be-Bop on Sun Feb 17, 2008 1:36 am; edited 35 times in total
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:13 am Reply with quote
Dante of Fullmetal Alchemist
Ener from One Piece

My vote is going to the evil old bag, Dante. It takes a seriously evil person to spoiler[change bodies the way she did, seduce others into committing sin of human transformation and general wholesale murder.]

Kyutaro Ohba from Kemonozume
Lady Jagura of Wolf's Rain

Not a hard one here either. Lady Jagura Anyone who kills spoiler[their own sister] is seriously evil.

Darcia of Wolf's Rain
Sekidousai from Inukami

Darcia is another easy one. He kills spoiler[wolves that you just want to cuddle and make them feel good and happy and he crushes flowers too!] Jerk!

Shion from Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
Kuroro Lucifer from Hunter x Hunter

I'm not familiar with either one of these, but from things that I've read, When They Cry is pretty gory and crazy so Shion gets my vote.

Madame Marciano from Coyote Ragtime Show
Ghoda Kazundo from GiTS SAC 2nd GIG

Okay, a psycho spoiler[robot/android builds other] pyscho robot "daughters" and goes around murdering everyone who gets in her way, whether they are trying to stop her or not. Madame Marciano gets the vote.

Nobunaga Oda of Samurai Deeper Kyo
Jinsaku Ajo from Key the Metal Idol

I haven't see Key but I have seen SDK, Nobunaga Oda in this series definetly qualifies as being evil.

Harry McDowell of Gungrave
Nova of Magic Knight Rayearth 2

I'm fairly certain that I nominated Nova but she doesn't even come close to the evil deeds of Harry McDowell. Killing spoiler[ your boss, your own underlings and your best friend] is seriously not cool. And evil.

Akito Sohma of Fruits Basket
Maya Kamina of rahxephon

Hmmm. Tough one here. But, I'm going to have to go with Mya Kamina. It takes a certain type of evilness to puposely set up spoiler[ your own son.]

Millions Knives from Trigun
Tomoe from Mai Otomo

I'm watching My Otome but I haven't seen Tomoe in evil action yet so I'm going to vote for Million Knives just because of things I've read here on ANN.

Farfarello of Knight Hunters
Gilbert Durandal from Gundam SEED Destiny

I haven't see SEED but I have seen Knight Hunters. Farfarello gets my vote. The freak.

Creed Diskenth of Black Cat
Zagato of Magic Knight Rayearth

Okay, Zagato was bad, but he had a very good reason for being so. Because of that, my vote is going to Creed Diskenth.

Debonair of Magic Knight Rayearth 2
Drosselmeyer from Princess Tutu

I love both of these shows, so this is a bit of a hard vote (probably not as hard as others that will come up) but Drosselmeyer gets my vote because he was able to spoiler[manipulate and screw with the minds of hundreds unlike Debonair who was only able to mess around with a few.]

Tenkoh of Fushigi Yugi OVA
Sae from Peach Girl

Tenkoh wins. Another person who thinks nothing of killing spoiler[ his own underlings.] Yup, people like that are evil.

Ronald “Ron” MacDougal of Outlaw Star
Aizen from bleach

I've seen Outlaw Star and Ron is not a nice person, BUT I've accidentily stumbled across some Bleach spoilers and found out that Aizen was evil. Aizen is getting my vote, even though I haven't come across the reason why he is but because of the mind game he played with poor Momo, that just was not nice, so he gets the vote.

Lady Tokimi of Tenchi
Dr. Clay from Tenchi

Okay, Dr. Clay was Lady Tokimi's underling if I remember correctly. So she, being the Boss, gets my vote.

Montague from Romeo x Juliet
Vicious of Cowboy Bebop[/quote]

Okay, due to the words of Key & Frentymon, I'm changing my vote to Montague.

Last edited by LydiaDianne on Mon Sep 24, 2007 1:11 am; edited 1 time in total
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the Rancorous

Joined: 08 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:57 am Reply with quote
Dante of Fullmetal Alchemist *check*
I haven't seen it all yet, but that pic confirmed some major suspicions of mine, so Dante gets my vote. NOTE: I do not consider it a spoiler since like I said, I've had major suspicions.

Lady Jagura of Wolf's Rain *check*
I went off of Lydia Diannes's description Rolling Eyes

Darcia of Wolf's Rain *check*
He looks evil enough, though I haven't seen all of Wolf's Rain yet.

Shion from Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni *check*
Haven't seen the other anime, but Shion makes me pee myself, so yeah. And who can stand up against green hair and demon eyes?

Madame Marciano from Coyote Ragtime Show *check*
Evil female mafia boss who is dubbed by Kira Vincent-Davis, unbeatable by the boring GitS characters. Plus, she made the 12 Sisters, so she's a cool villain nonetheless.

Nobunaga Oda of Samurai Deeper Kyo *check*
Only because he was notorious historical figure Razz

Harry McDowell of Gungrave *check*
He looked more evil than the other...

Akito Sohma of Fruits Basket *check*
Akito was much better characterized and held a sort of realistic evil that made him much more memorable than any forgettable Rax.. Xe... ZZZZZZ character. If it weren't for the series' name, I would have not known who the hell Maya Kamina was!

Millions Knives from Trigun *check*
I've only seen enough of Mai Otome to know that Tomoe is ill-willed, so Knives takes the vote. But where is Legato? Confused

Gilbert Durandal from Gundam SEED Destiny *check*
Haven't seen either series, but I am familiar enough with the Gundam Franchise to know that a Gundam-Villain is damn good villain.

Creed Diskenth of Black Cat *check*
I've only been reading the manga, but Creed is definitely worth voting for!

Debonair of Magic Knight Rayearth 2 *check*
Again, she looks more evil... Razz

Sae from Peach Girl *check*
Only because I haven't seen any of the other series.

Ronald “Ron” MacDougal of Outlaw Star *check*
I actually liked Ron's villainy more so than Hazanka. Plus, spoiler[he lives on.]

Lady Tokimi of Tenchi *check*
she was definitely the more powerful and intimidtg one. Dr clay was too gofy.

Vicious of Cowboy Bebop *check*
Haven't seen Romeo x Juliet, but Viscious will forever go down as one of the most memorable villians ever, because, well... anyone who has ever watched all of Cowboy Bebop would know why Wink [/b]

Last edited by the Rancorous on Sat Sep 22, 2007 5:22 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 18 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 3:16 am Reply with quote
Dante of Fullmetal Alchemist
Because of the way she spoiler[change bodies and all other things she did.]

Lady Jagura of Wolf's Rain
I judge from the picture because I neither saw Kemonozume nor Wolf's Rain.

Darcia of Wolf's Rain
Again, I judge from the picture and form LydiaDianne spoiler I think he deserve my vote.

Shion from Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
She looked barking mad when she laughed while spoiler[Rika was committing suicide. ] I can’t see her picture it’s only me? No matter, one of my favourite picture with Shion

Madame Marciano from Coyote Ragtime Show
Again, I judge from the picture.

Jinsaku Ajo from Key the Metal Idol
He seemed to be one of the more twisted anime villains.

Harry McDowell of Gungrave
Because I don’t think Nova was that evil

Akito Sohma of Fruits Basket
From what I know both of them are not really evil so I give my vote to Akito.

Millions Knives from Trigun
Again, I judge from the picture.

Gilbert Durandal from Gundam SEED Destiny
I haven’t seen Knight Hunters so I vote Gilbert Durandal

Creed Diskenth of Black Cat
Zagato had a reason for doing all this things.

Debonair of Magic Knight Rayearth 2
because she wanted to crumble Cephiro and I don’t know Drosselmeyer.

Sae from Peach Girl
Once again, I judge from the picture.

Aizen from bleach
Because he deceived and manipulated everyone and he killed people who were a hindrance to him.

Dr. Clay from Tenchi
Once again, I judge from the picture. Besides Tokimi looks like clown.

Montague from Romeo x Juliet
I haven’t seen Cowboy Bebop and I don’t know if Montague is really worse than Vicious, but he is evil enough to get my vote.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 9:25 am Reply with quote
the Rancorous wrote:

Millions Knives from Trigun *check*
I've only seen enough of Mai Otome to know that Tomoe is ill-willed, so Knives takes the vote. But where is Legato? Confused

Lady Tokimi of Tenchi
Dr. Clay from Tenchi
Wait a second, Where in the hell is Kagato?!?!?!?! If we're talking about Tenchi Muyo villains, no other one could ever hold a candle to the mighty Kagato!
My vote goes for Kagato and no one else! Evil or Very Mad [/b]

**soothing voice**

They're coming. They are in different groups. So don't worry.
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Joined: 15 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 9:42 am Reply with quote
the Rancorous wrote:
Lady Tokimi of Tenchi
Dr. Clay from Tenchi
Wait a second, Where in the hell is Kagato?!?!?!?! If we're talking about Tenchi Muyo villains, no other one could ever hold a candle to the mighty Kagato!
My vote goes for Kagato and no one else! Evil or Very Mad

If you do not choose, then your votes don't count.
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Joined: 06 May 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 10:35 am Reply with quote
I wasn't sure if I was gonna participate in this but since I had some time, meh. I haven't seen a lot of these shows so I'm using prior votes, LydiaDianne's specifically, to cast my votes.

A1 Dante of Fullmetal Alchemist
Dante is probably a good pick to win this whole tournament. Not my choice overall but pretty darned evil. spoiler[Destroying an entire city for a longer life once is evil, plotting to do it a second time makes you a demon. ]

A2 Lady Jagura of Wolf's Rain
It's the only show I know between these. Wolf's Rain has pretty complex characters and while Jaguara does some pretty villainous things, I don't know about being downright evil. Mentally unstable would be closer to it. Gets my vote here from lack of knowledge of the opponent.

A3 Darcia of Wolf's Rain
Same as A2.

A4 Kuroro Lucifer from Hunter x Hunter
Yeah, this guy is another person who is a little too evil. Watching him use that technique where he gets the nen fish to eat that other guy a bit at a time while keeping him alive till only his face remained was gruesome. His higher goals make him even worse. Shion shouldn't be in this tournament and neither should anyone else from Higurashi. The way the show works, the whole of it is in the story not in its specific parts. None of the characters can be taken out and called evil outside of some of the roles that they portray.

A5 Madame Marciano from Coyote Ragtime Show
This will be based on LydiaDianne's vote. I have never seen either show and have no interest in them.

A6 Nobunaga Oda of Samurai Deeper Kyo
Again based on LydiaDianne's vote although I do want to watch Samurai Deeper Kyo someday.

A7 Harry McDowell of Gungrave
I own Gungrave but I haven't seen it so again based on LydiaDianne's vote.

A8 Maya Kamina of rahxephon
I'm basing this vote on the fact that Akito should not be in this tournament. Akito is cruel not evil. Yes, there is a difference.

A9 Millions Knives from Trigun
Knives gets my votes. spoiler[Decides to destroy the last remaining population of a civilization so he can have an uninterrupted playground.] Yeah that qualifies.

A10 Farfarello of Knight Hunters
Another vote based on prior votes. Another couple of shows I have no interest in.

A11 Creed Diskenth of Black Cat
Creed gets my vote based on only having watched Black Cat, but from what I saw he fits the evil part well enough.

A12 Drosselmeyer from Princess Tutu
Hmm.. never seen either show and I have different plans for these titles. Watch the Princess Tutu anime and read the Rayearth manga. Since I haven't yet though again I'll go with LydiaDianne's choice.

A13 Tenkoh of Fushigi Yugi OVA
Never seen Peach Girl and probably never will. Tenkoh, from what I can remember, is a hardcase though so he's in.

A14 Aizen from Bleach
spoiler[Sick personality aside, his plans to annihilate a whole city to gain a trinket that might enable him to kill God] is close to perfectly evil.

A15 Dr. Clay from Tenchi
I've never seen Tenchi but LydiaDianne makes a good point.

A16 Vicious of Cowboy Bebop
I honestly haven't seen Cowboy Bebop in years but Vicious, I recall, should be good to go in this tourney. Well that and lame sounding characters from lame sounding anime won't get votes from me.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 10:42 am Reply with quote
undeadben wrote:
I wasn't sure if I was gonna participate in this but since I had some time, meh. I haven't seen a lot of these shows so I'm using prior votes, LydiaDianne's specifically, to cast my votes.

Embarassed Embarassed Thank you for your belief in me! WOW! Embarassed Embarassed
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Joined: 20 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:03 pm Reply with quote
I was going to pass on this tournament, for fear of spoilers, but as long as I avoid them everything should be OK.

Ener: This guy let his his power really get to his head, so much that he spoiler[thought he was a god, of course he was close to one, and plotted the destruction of an entire nation, just because.]

Not familiar with either, so I'll go back to my good old coin; Kyutaro Ohba wins.

I'm going for Darcia in this one, just because she looks evil.

I've only seen about 5 eps of When They Cry, not really enough to be familiar with Shion; so I'm voting for Kuroro Lucifer because of his name.

I didn't find Ghoda to be all that evil, despite his appearance, so I guess the vote will go to Madam Marciano.

Oda Nobunaga in this one, I've read most of the manga for Samurai Deeper Kyo so I know the intentions of Nobunaga.

I think I gotta go back to the coin; Nova wins.

I'll go based on pics for this one, and Akito Sohma's got an evil look.

Knives, definitely. spoiler[He tries to facilitate mass genocide, and that's pretty evil.]

Pics again, this time it's Farfarello with his eye-patch.

Hmm, coin again: Creed Diskenth.

Pics again; Debonair looks like a witch, so she wins.

Pics again; Sae and his ax win.

Aizen; spoiler[Everybody plays right into his plans and he betrays them all, especially poor Momo].

Been a real long time since Tenchi, so I'm getting my coin out: and it's Lady Tokimi

Tough choice, Vicious is such an iconic figure for anime villians; but considering the ruthlessness of Montague in the anime version, I'm going with him.

Edit: Changed vote.

Last edited by DemonEyesLeo on Sun Sep 23, 2007 10:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 22 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:11 pm Reply with quote
A1 - Dante
No question about this one at all. I'd be surprised if she doesn't stick around for most of the tournament. spoiler[There's really nothing good to say about a person after they've destroyed an entire city just to lengthen their own life.]

A2 - Lady Jagura
I've only seen bits and pieces of Wolf's Rain, but I think I remember her, and she looks more evil from the pictures anyway.

A3 - Darcia
This vote is based on conversations I overheard by my friends with cable, since like I said, I haven't seen Wolf's Rain all the way through yet x)

A4 - Shion
For, uh, pretty much the same reason as LydiaDianne. Need to check this one out eventually.

A5 - Gohda Kazundo
First, I would like to note that Gohda's name has been consistently mispelled in this tournament since I nominated him. Anyway, if his face doesn't convince you he's truly evil, the fact that spoiler[he created a plan that would eventually end in the nuclear bombing of Japan and the deaths of millions of innocent people, and manipulated several apparently strong figures, like Motoko and Kuze, into following it] should.

A6 - Nobunaga Oda
I only saw a bit of SDK (and didn't like it), but I haven't seen any of Key the Metal Idol, so Nobunaga gets my vote.

A7 - Harry McDowell
Seems the more evil of the two, from what I've heard.

A8 - Akito Sohma
I'm not familiar with either of these series (other than not particularly caring for the first), so I'm basing this vote on what I've heard about Fruits Basket.

A9 - Million Knives
Once again, based on stuff I've read. These tournaments really remind me how much anime is out there that I haven't watched Anime hyper

A10 - Gilbert Durandal
He looks more evil than the other person.

A11 - Creed Diskenth
Based on popular opinion :p

A12 - Debonair
Judging from the pictures, she looks more evil.

A13 - Sae
Haven't seen either of these, but Sae's outfit in that picture is awesome.

A14 - Aizen
Finally, someone I know something about!

A15 - Lady Tokimi
Looks more respectably evil.

A16 - Vicious
One of the most memorable anime villains of all time. I don't exactly remember what his beef with spoiler[Spike] was, but I do remember that he was evil, and that he creeped me out.
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Joined: 15 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:51 pm Reply with quote
A1: Dante
Not really a hard choice for me, since she is a mass murderer after all. And the fact that she actually tries to justify it by spoiler[claiming that she protected humans from obtaining the power of the Philosopher's Stone] makes it worse.

A2: Lady Jagura
Certainly seems very evil. Especially in the way she spoiler[massacred wolves].

A3: Darcia
I thought it was kinda weird how he suddenly becomes spoiler[a psychotic monster in the last 4 episodes, but it was still pretty messed up when he killed everyone.]

A4: Shion
Like others before me, I've yet to see Higurashi (but I plan to), but I've heard about some of the disturbing things that happen and it all sounds rather evil to me.

A5: Ghoda Kazundo
I remember him from S.A.C 2nd GIG and he was manipulative enough to be evil in my opinion.

A6: Nobunaga Oda
Honestly, I haven't seen either series, so I just flipped a coin. Is that Ok?

A7: Harry McDowell
Because smoking is bad. He must be evil! Twisted Evil

A8: Maya Kamina
Like I've said before, she was really mean and stuff for manipulating her son. And I've only just started Fruits Basket.

A9: Millions Knives
Knives is freaking insane! He wants to exterminate humanity, so I really think he's evil.

A10: Farfarello
Well, he's got an eyepatch, so I guess he must be an evil pirate or something.

A11: Creed Diskenth
His picture seems more evil.

A12: Debonair
Well, she's either wearing too much facepaint, she's a leper, or she's a vampire. Whatever it is, she's definetely evil.

A13: Sae
Everything that I've heard here suggests that she's like Angelica (Rugrats) on steroids.

A14: Aizen
Finally, someone I know! Aizen is spoiler[the main villain in Bleach, and the way he manipulates Momo into attacking Toshiro is cruel.]

A15: Dr. Clay
His beard pisses me off.

A16: Vicious
The name says it all. And I just don't like him, even if he is kinda badass.
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Joined: 11 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 12:55 pm Reply with quote
Dante of Fullmetal Alchemist
Ener from One Piece

Winner: Dante. I hate her. I truly hate her. spoiler[Destroying a city and sending the Homunculi after Eddy and Al, plus being a total *CENSORED!* because Hohenheim left her] makes my blood boil in anger. Now hold me tight or I'll kick her sorry butt.

Kyutaro Ohba from Kemonozume
Lady Jagara of Wolf's Rain

Winner: Jagara. Sure, she has a cool outfit, but still, she's no saintly little girl. spoiler[Especially after almost bleeding Kiba white]

Darcia of Wolf's Rain
Sekidousai from Inukami

Winner: Darcia. Important reasons notwithstanding, spoiler[he didn't have the right to pollute the Paradise with his eye and kill Cheza].

Shion from Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
Kuroro Lucifer from Hunter x Hunter

Winner: Kuroro. Going with what I know, and this guy is a true *CENSORED!*. Don't ask for details, please.

Madame Marciano from Coyote Ragtime Show
Ghoda Kazundo from GiTS SAC 2nd GIG

Winner: Madame Marciano. Based my vote on the picture.

Nobunaga Oda of Samurai Deeper Kyo
Jinsaku Ajo from Key the Metal Idol

Winner: Ajo. I saw a bit of Key, and I can't help but feel angry that anyone tries to get in her way.

Harry McDowell of Gungrave
Nova of Magic Knight Rayearth 2

Winner: Nova. Yay for spoiler[Evil, childish other sides!]

Akito Sohma of Fruits Basket
Maya Kamina of rahxephon

Winner: Akito Sohma. Picture-based, he look creepy, AND evil.

Millions Knives from Trigun
Tomoe from Mai Otomo

Winner: Knives. Going with what I know, and this guy often means TROUBLE.

Farfarello of Knight Hunters
Gilbert Durandal from Gundam SEED Destiny

Winner: Farfarello. His picture creeped me out.

Creed Diskenth of Black Cat
Zagato of Magic Knight Rayearth

Winner: Creed. I know Zagato's story, and well, you just can't help but NOT blame him, so I'm going to vote for the other.

Debonair of Magic Knight Rayearth 2
Drosselmeyer from Princess Tutu

Winner:Debonair. WIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH!!!!!!!! Sorry. had to shout it. See reasons above. That's all.

Tenkoh of Fushigi Yugi OVA
Sae from Peach Girl

Winner: Sae. spoiler[That *CENSORED!* reminds me of my worst enemy, and heck, both are... Female dogs, to say the least. Backstabbers...Evil or Very Mad]

Ronald “Ron” MacDougal of Outlaw Star
Aizen from bleach

Winner: Aizen. Lemme at him! Lemme erase his freakin' smirk off his nasty face! Even seeing him makes me angry! Sho Hayami made a good job on his voice, but still, I WANT TO SEE AIZEN DEAD!!

Lady Tokimi of Tenchi
Dr. Clay from Tenchi

Winner: Lady Tokimi. Uh, both come from the same series... I'll go with the best-looking one O_o.

Montague from Romeo x Juliet
Vicious of Cowboy Bebop[/quote]

Winner: Vicious. Cooler-looking, and I've seen him, at least.
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Joined: 01 Aug 2006
Posts: 526
PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 3:52 pm Reply with quote
Dante of Fullmetal Alchemist
Ener from One Piece

Dante. From what I've read, she's...horrible.

Kyutaro Ohba from Kemonozume
Lady Jagura of Wolf's Rain

Jagura. She doesn't sound bad, but I can't find anything on Kyutaro.

Darcia of Wolf's Rain
Sekidousai from Inukami

Darcia. I've hated Darcia for a long time.

Shion from Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni
Kuroro Lucifer from Hunter x Hunter

...Kuroro Lucifer...because his name is freakin' Lucifer!

Madame Marciano from Coyote Ragtime Show
Ghoda Kazundo from GiTS SAC 2nd GIG

Marciano. She's named after cherries, and is a female crime boss, woo!
Nobunaga Oda of Samurai Deeper Kyo
Jinsaku Ajo from Key the Metal Idol

Nobunaga just seems worse...

Harry McDowell of Gungrave
Nova of Magic Knight Rayearth 2

Harry McDowell. Again, just seems worse.

Akito Sohma of Fruits Basket
Maya Kamina of rahxephon

Akito. I didn't really get into Fruits Basket, but I got into hating Akito.

Millions Knives from Trigun
Tomoe from Mai Otomo

Knives. He's just horrible. I <3><.

Ronald “Ron” MacDougal of Outlaw Star
Aizen from bleach

I don't know much about either, but MacDougal is pretty bad.

Lady Tokimi of Tenchi
Dr. Clay from Tenchi

Dr. Clay is the one that created Zero, right? He's high on my villainous list.

Montague from Romeo x Juliet
Vicious of Cowboy Bebop

This is hard. I haven't seen Romeo x Juliet, but the Montague and Capulet heads always pissed me off in the orignal...but Vicious spoiler[killed Gren...] Vicious gets it.
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Joined: 08 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 4:21 pm Reply with quote
Dante of Fullmetal Alchemist

Have watched the bare minimum of these two series. Can't imagine myself voting for a character from One Piece.

Kyutaro Ohba from Kemonozume

Two holes in the ground. Vote goes to the one with the name I found more interesting.

Darcia of Wolf's Rain

More pairs of holes in the ground. Voting for the one with the bad hair day.

Shion from Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni

Yes, Shion can be nasty. Haven't watched the series to the point if that gets explained...if ever.

Ghoda Kazundo from GiTS SAC 2nd GIG

That'll be Gouda Kazunoto eh. Scarface gets my vote over the busty lady.

Jinsaku Ajo from Key the Metal Idol

Sorry. Taking a historical figure and rendering him as bad guy in an anime? Bad taste.

Nova of Magic Knight Rayearth 2

Another pair of holes in the ground. Voting for the one with the more pretentious name.

Akito Sohma of Fruits Basket

Nope. Not voting for a baddie named Maya either.

Tomoe from Mai Otomo

More unknowns. Voting for the one with the odd school uniform.

Farfarello of Knight Hunters

I obviously aren't watching the same shows as a lot of other people around here. Voting for the first name on the ballot.

Zagato of Magic Knight Rayearth

Was this guy evil or incompetent? Probably both. Goes to show how much I remember about him.

Drosselmeyer from Princess Tutu

I presume there's someone out there who has watched both the shows because I haven't. Voting for the one with the longer name.

Tenkoh of Fushigi Yugi OVA

Haven't seen either. Top of the ballot gets the vote.

Ronald “Ron” MacDougal of Outlaw Star

You do realize I'm not checking the pics either in these match-ups. I'm giving my vote to the bloke who wins the name association with Rotten Ronnie contest.

Lady Tokimi of Tenchi

Never did watch the Tenchi Muyo series where Lady Tokimi hits her stride but I wasn't impressed with Dr. Clay. Plus he was pretty well under her thumb anyways.

Montague from Romeo x Juliet

I thought the Montagues were an entire clan. Yup. Haven't watched this one either. Vote goes to the free form Shakespearean name dropping game winner.
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the Rancorous

Joined: 08 Feb 2006
Posts: 2248
Location: Sac, Ca USA
PostPosted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 5:24 pm Reply with quote
the Rancorous wrote:
If you do not choose, then your votes don't count.

sorry abou at, I went back and edited it. Hopefully it was in time?
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