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Answerman - Endlessly Searching

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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:39 am Reply with quote
The biggest hit in the CPM catalog by far was Grave of the Fireflies.

Really? I guess that Ebert mention was a boon to you guys. But I always thought it was moderately successful, 'cus of its depressing subject matter, and because Takahata's generally been in Miyazaki's shadow.

Before I complete the collection (another 4 volumes), I wanted to know what the odds are of Viz re-releasing it in the future.

With those new Blu-Rays in Japan, I could see them testing the waters, at least, after Ranma. And Viz has personally stated they're 'considering' it. And the odds are probably better of this happening than for UY, at least. The real question is would a certain Gilbert O'Sullivan song still make it to the final disc?

Monster was aborted after the first volume due to myriad issues, low sales being among them.

I could see someone rescuing it one of these days, though, due to the HBO remake. Assuming the anime's not OOP for that very reason, like GunM, of course.

Many shows such as; Reborn!, Hunter x Hunter, Sket Dance, Space Brothers, Gintama, have been left untouched.

The reason Reborn! didn't get picked up is it has crappy art. But Space Brothers did get licensed by Sentai. I would say marketing it off the success of Interstellar is probably the only way to help it thrive here, though. Sentai, along with Viz, also tried Gintama, but that thing's like Ranma without even the pretense of an ending coming soon. The Sket Dance manga and anime, though, should have been picked up, particularly when HSM and Glee were still hot. But then Viz is terrible at gauging the potential of non-Naruto/Bleach/Inu Yasha-type series.

Sure, people might keep watching via streaming, but seriously -- how many fans REALLY made it to the end of Sket Dance?

I got to the end. It was one of the best anime I'd seen in a long time, along with Beelzebub. But it didn't have that shonen dick-measuring contest angle going for it, so it had a short shelf life.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:09 pm Reply with quote
I feel very lucky to own some of the older, longer series. The ones that were allowed to go on "slow burn". That's not to say that shorter series are without merit,(Madoka was 12 episodes after all) but there's a certain charm to those hand drawn, epic stories that I do love.
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Joined: 01 Jul 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:10 pm Reply with quote
I still remember the great fear that Maison Ikkoku was going to be left unfinished. Those of us who bought the sets as they were released were quite nervous. Sadly, I don't wonder that the widespread fan-subbing of Maison Ikkoku combined with its length and its relative age at release killed the desire for many to purchase the whole thing on disc.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:14 pm Reply with quote
Those adult DVD and book stores that used to dot the country are all but gone. . .

Actually there's still more of them around than you might think. Some (especially the ones that have become chains) have survived and even thrived by broadening their scopes to become all-purpose sex-related novelty shops. One local chain has expanded to seven locations in the Indianapolis metro area over the past few years, for instance.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:35 pm Reply with quote
That said, hentai licenses were FAR cheaper than regular anime licenses

It's kind of a no brainer. They're not TV shows and they're not high quality OVAs. The bigger question of why was the stuff licensed is why did it stop. We have a good guess, but it's still mostly a guess.
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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:42 pm Reply with quote
I can still remember scrambling for those last couple of Maison Ikkoku box sets. The first problem was finding when they were issued and then finding a location which sold them. I don't remember if I bought them direct from Viz or from TRSI. It was obvious that the window to obtain them was small. I had also bought the VHS version, but only a small portion of the whole series came out like that.

Back in the early 1980s when we got our first VCR, mom and pop video rental stores were popping up all around town. Most of them rented live action X rated shows. I asked one owner about that. He said they paid the rent and that his store would not have lasted a year without renting "Adult" content shows. They figured they were renting to people ashamed to go into the "Adult Bookstores".

Apparently X rated content was a trailblazer for the entire video market.
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Joined: 07 May 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:03 pm Reply with quote
Those adult DVD and book stores that used to dot the country are all but gone...

I saw about a gazillion of those while driving through the state of Missouri (and they basically vanished when they reached the Oklahoma border). There was one at basically every exit on I-44. A hentai market waiting to happen?

No offense to Missouri, of course, it's just funny to me....
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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:24 pm Reply with quote
I had a good laugh reading today's Answerman. But anyway I'll give my thought:

CPM licensing lots of H-titles back then: Yeah I was hoping that would get answered after this was brought up on Tales of industry thread. Yeah I can see why and how CPM was able to make a lot of money during the 2000 anime boom year. I'm sorry to hear that the reverse import issue made hentai market dead in the US. Damn you, Japan's censorship law regarding genitals.

About Seth's question: While I agreed with this. It's not only anime, but live-action film from Japan too are getting the shaft for North America release. I mean the live-action Black Butler got a UK release, but no North America release at all. I've got report from fans in Australia that Japanese live-action film adaptation of anime/manga are being released there too but no US release. Beside not releasing in the US, Japanese film companies are not taking advantage of using Dramafever (where I can find a lot of Korean and Chinese films) where it could help Japanese films in the US.

Regarding why 50+ non-mainstream anime don't get picked up and/or get dropped for NA market: I can understand why they don't pick those up for the US market, now I see why Sazae-san never got subtitled stream, it's a lot of episodes and no way US anime fans will find the time and the commitment to watch a 1,000+ episodes, I wouldn't commit to it. I do agree it's risky and too much challenges and also licensing complication could also make it harder for US companies to get these out.

Justin you wrote:
So unless it's a HUGE, HUGE hit like Naruto or Bleach, it's just not worth putting it out on discs. By the time you get to volume 12, you'll be selling 100 copies.

Don't forget Fist of the north star which you can watch on Hulu (I need to finish that series), and Galaxy Express 999 (which you can watch on CR). Wink

I have nothing to add regarding Brett's question. But I really like this week's Answerman. Can't wait till next week. Very Happy
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Joined: 20 May 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:40 pm Reply with quote
Sket Dance is one of my favorite anime of all time, but I'm not surprised it was never licensed. Like GATSU mentioned it's not an action title and non-action titles seem to do poor in the American market, especially if it's a shounen series where most people expect Dragonball Z and Naruto action. Gintama did poorly from what I understand, and Conan only lasted a hundred episodes.
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Joined: 09 Apr 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:41 pm Reply with quote
Hunter x Hunter's unlicensed status has driven me crazy for years now. At 148 episodes, it isn't obscenely long, and it streamed well on Crunchyroll, regularly making the top five shows in terms of viewership. It really would be a shame if licencors passed on dubbing and releasing it on home video based only off Viz's bad experience with picking up the 1998 series in 2008. HxH has far more exposure and relevance today than it did then, not to mention that the anime market itself is a lot healthier. I could definitely see it taking off if marketed correctly, perhaps with a well-timed slot on Toonami. Surely, something needs to come up to replace Naruto: Shippuden when its run ends?
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Joined: 23 Jun 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:48 pm Reply with quote
mdo7 wrote:
Regarding why 50+ non-mainstream anime don't get picked up and/or get dropped for NA market: I can understand why they don't pick those up for the US market, now I see why Sazae-san never got subtitled stream, it's a lot of episodes and no way US anime fans will find the time and the commitment to watch a 1,000+ episodes, I wouldn't commit to it. I do agree it's risky and too much challenges and also licensing complication could also make it harder for US companies to get these out.

Actually, in Sazae-san's case, the reason that non of the (currently) +3,000 episodes were released in the U.S. - or elsewhere for that matter - is because the manga author, Hasegawa Machiko, has specifically requested that no episode will be released to the home media
Cartoon Research wrote:
Even with over 2,000 episodes under its belt, not a single one was ever released on VHS or DVD. That’s because, before her death, Hasegawa requested that none of the episodes will be released on home media format. This request is still honored today, even as we move into the Blu-Ray and digital download era. To make it even harder for the fans, older episodes are rarely rerun (common with Japanese television). As a result, episodes of Sazae-san made before VCRs became common are extremely hard to find. Occasionally they will rerun older episodes on TV as part of their anniversary specials, but otherwise, the only way to see old episodes is to have access to the studio vaults.

As for the other shows - a la D.Gray-man - as Justin wrote, it is the diminished returns due to the ever-decreasing chance of rewatching the show. On the other hand, one can marathon (or "binge-watch", as Justin put it Razz) a full 12-episode show within a weekend. There were times where I was just hooked on a show and marathon'd it in a day (12 episodes x 20 minutes of runtimes [excluding OP & ED] = 240 minutes, or 4 hours).

On the other hand, shows like Naruto, One Piece and Fairy Tail took me from 4 months (FT and Naruto, each) to close to 6 months (OP) to "close the gap". At the time I was in a daily schedule that allowed me to catch-up to those shows. Today I can't allow/afford myself that time, and I guess that a lot of people are in similar situations.
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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 2:07 pm Reply with quote

Shocked Oh, I didn't know that the author didn't want Sazae-san to never get home video release or give the show a rare re-runs. That is well I don't know what to say. But thank you for that info.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 2:10 pm Reply with quote
Regarding the long series question: For Gintama, sources say it did poorly in sales which is why Sentai stopped releasing it. Anime cry There is still hope that they will pull a Funimation-like move (aka Kodocha) and release the rest of it via subbed boxsets and not worry about dubbing. And as for D. Gray-Man, according to Funimation, they did want to release the rest of the series (it sold well) but Japanese licensing issues were too complicated (expensive) so they weren't able to get the rest of series. Hopefully, they will someday be able to unravel the this mess, so I can complete my collection. Wink

I also think that not releasing a long series here in NA is good business sense for companies in the anime world. With today's anime fans, there are so many other things that demand their attention and sitting through 12 or 13 episodes is much easier to accomplish than 200 episodes. Unless a show is going to be surefire hit, it's going to be a hard push for many of today's fans to think about sinking a good amount of money into owning it and for the companies to do the same with subbing/dubbing and licensing.
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Wrial Huden

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 2:13 pm Reply with quote
Before I complete the collection (another 4 volumes), I wanted to know what the odds are of Viz re-releasing it in the future.

I feel for ya, Seth! I tried to collect Maison Ikkoku but pretty much gave up because of scarcity and the sky-high prices whenever I do find later volumes!

It was hard enough finding the Kimagure Orange Road TV series box set with the corrected DVDs, which I finally obtained a few months ago!

Good luck to you!
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 2:26 pm Reply with quote
Parker: Hunter x Hunter 2.0 didn't get picked up, 'cus the last one bombed. And I doubt the manga re-release is doing that much better to justify betting on the new show. Though maybe someone could at least bet on the first season, and see how it flies from there.

Pm: Gintama's not gonna be dubbed again ever in the near future. Fans need to stop reading scantalations of series they encourage U.S. publishers to license, knowing full well they will never pay for legal copies of it.

Edited out inappropriate content. --willag
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