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Nanatsuiro Drops

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Joined: 27 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 6:57 pm Reply with quote
Nanatsuiro Drops

I just watched the first episode and I think it was pretty good! Well, I there are still CCS and Magical Nanoha similarities but it's still pretty good and entertaining. I look forward seeing the rest of the episodes. I bet they're planning this show for all ages. Well just a hunch since it felt like it. Wink The lamb character's pretty cute btw.. =P
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Joined: 13 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:50 pm Reply with quote
I watched the first episode today and while I wasn't amazed by it or anything, it was actually much better then I was expecting. It's nothing new but it was entertaining and I laughed a few times.... it looks like it could be a pretty fun show to watch this summer. I think the only problem I had was Sumomo's voice... it hurt my ears.

Rainulf wrote:
I bet they're planning this show for all ages. Well just a hunch since it felt like it.

Heh, during most of the episode, I couldn't help but think the same thing. It was really tame and cute and looked like something that could easily appeal to a young audience. But I'm only familar with the game and not with the light novel or manga (and I'm guessing this is an adaptation of one of the two?) so I have no idea where this story will go or how "all ages" it will be. I'd guess your hunch is correct, though.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:32 am Reply with quote
My GOD this just reeks of cuteness though I approve of Sumomo wearing a short skirt and thigh-high stockings! Cool

And her magical staff is a freakin' SPOON! Why am I getting a feeling that's going to be a meme waiting to happen?

digitalkikka wrote:
I think the only problem I had was Sumomo's voice... it hurt my ears.

Her voice is awesome since she did the legendary voice of the trappness of Jun from Happiness! And interesting saying that this series is made for "all-ages" because this was originally from a eroge visual novel by Unisonshift. And let's not delve into the male otaku psyche of why this aimed at them. Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 1:09 am Reply with quote
darkchibi07 wrote:
My GOD this just reeks of cuteness though I approve of Sumomo wearing a short skirt and thigh-high stockings! Cool

It's from the same illustrator who brought us Shana and Haruhi Suzumiya. Wink
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Joined: 13 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 1:46 am Reply with quote
It's an alright show I guess. I'll probably watch it on my spare time while waiting for my other favorites. Just can't help to think that her magical staff is just an over sized spoon. So far I don't see anything in the show that limits it to a certain age group. I think the cuteness in the show was pretty well tamed unlike like other shows *cough* Kamichama Karin *cough*
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Joined: 22 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:31 am Reply with quote
I checked out the first episode yesterday, and it's very cute. I get more of a Card Captor Sakura feeling from it than Nanoha for some odd reason, even though Nanoha and this anime are supposed to appeal to the same audience. This looks like it could have a lot of cross-over appeal: it's got cute girls in pink heart thigh highs... Mmmm... Twisted Evil , fuzzy talking animals, long haired bishounen, a cat boy, and a MAGIC SPOON. Seriously, if that's not the best idea for a magic staff ever, I don't know what is.

digitalkikka wrote:
Rainulf wrote:
I bet they're planning this show for all ages. Well just a hunch since it felt like it.

Heh, during most of the episode, I couldn't help but think the same thing. It was really tame and cute and looked like something that could easily appeal to a young audience.

Regardless of how cute and innocent it looks, I think it would be a little hard to market this show to children if it airs at 1:40AM on a school night.
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:17 pm Reply with quote
I watched the first episode and, well, its alright but it needs to improve to keep me watching past 4 episodes. Namely, it needs some good supporting cast members because Sumomo isn't enough to keep me watching. She tends to annoy me.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:22 pm Reply with quote
panties wrote:

Regardless of how cute and innocent it looks, I think it would be a little hard to market this show to children if it airs at 1:40AM on a school night.

Well, I meant it more like it could be watched by children... of course it's not a kids show and we know who it's really aimed at. But like Nanoha, it could probably appeal to a younger crowd as long as it remains as tame and cute as it is now. Of course it's not Pretty Cure or anything...
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Joined: 25 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:38 pm Reply with quote
I watched the first episode just now and I can see myself having a real hard time enjoying this one...

First off Sumomo has got to be one of the single most annoying archetypes in existence, could she have less spine? Oh no I spilled water on someone else, I'd better start crying...Self defence mechanism anyone?

And secondly the transformation of Tsuwabuki into a ram doll and the transformation of her ring into a giant spoon. (my mind immediately jumped to this the moment I saw it happen, perhaps I'm justnot suited to this kind of show...)

Man to doll:-
let's say he weighed around 70kilos, and the doll is quite heavy at 1 kilo (exact values are largely irrelevant)

from E = mc^2 we get that changing him from a 70 kilo bloke into a 1 kilo doll would release (mass changes to energy, energy changes to mass)
69 x (3x10^8)^2 = 6.21 x 10^18 joules of energy = 6210000 TJ of energy. (mostly as heat but also as sound etc.) a nuclear explosion from a modern bomb is around 84,000 TJ of energy. Thus transforming from man to doll would be such a release of energy that it would make a large, modern nuclear bomb a mere plaything.

Now from ring to spoon the exact opposite happens with a similarly absurd amount of energy being absorbed in from the surrounds, likely enough to render a vast area a frozen wasteland.

(Dracula would go thermonuclear if he actually changed into a bat...)

seems to be that I don't have the mindset to get along with magical girls...though I do like the super deformed bits.
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Joined: 09 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 10:16 pm Reply with quote
Um. This is anime. More than that, this is a magical anime. We have flashes of light that comes from nowhere(which is the spontaneous creation of energy), we have clothing which comes from nowhere(which is spontaneous creation of mass), we have the ability to fly(creation of energy). Basically, all magic either creates or destroys energy.
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:21 am Reply with quote
hentai4me wrote:

First off Sumomo has got to be one of the single most annoying archetypes in existence, could she have less spine? Oh no I spilled water on someone else, I'd better start crying...Self defence mechanism anyone?

Yeah, she's really annoying. I hope they can find a way to make her a bit more interesting and tolerable, but I'm not counting on it. She's a spineless moe blob and I'm not expecting much deeper than that.

And secondly the transformation of Tsuwabuki into a ram doll and the transformation of her ring into a giant spoon. (my mind immediately jumped to this the moment I saw it happen, perhaps I'm justnot suited to this kind of show...)

Man to doll:-
let's say he weighed around 70kilos, and the doll is quite heavy at 1 kilo (exact values are largely irrelevant)

from E = mc^2 we get that changing him from a 70 kilo bloke into a 1 kilo doll would release (mass changes to energy, energy changes to mass)
69 x (3x10^8)^2 = 6.21 x 10^18 joules of energy = 6210000 TJ of energy. (mostly as heat but also as sound etc.) a nuclear explosion from a modern bomb is around 84,000 TJ of energy. Thus transforming from man to doll would be such a release of energy that it would make a large, modern nuclear bomb a mere plaything.

Now from ring to spoon the exact opposite happens with a similarly absurd amount of energy being absorbed in from the surrounds, likely enough to render a vast area a frozen wasteland.

(Dracula would go thermonuclear if he actually changed into a bat...)

seems to be that I don't have the mindset to get along with magical girls...though I do like the super deformed bits.

Wow, talk about thinking too hard about a fictional show (a magical one, at that).
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 4:15 pm Reply with quote
I survived episode 2 and possibly maintained my sanity! Laughing

spoiler[- Seems like Masaharu will change during dusk and dawn. Also his form will stay the same during the new moon and the full moon.

- Well, screw transformations scenes because Sumomo already got her ridiculous cute costume in the mail from her mom! I guess that kind of blows for some people....Rolling Eyes

- Go forth, Sumomo-chan, and capture that Stardrop! Of course she then tripped and fell onto a puddle and her costume got wet! And the Startdrop started to float away. Guess how she reacted!!! Surprised

- Then comes Nadeshiko to save the day who helped Sumomo get up and then whacked the drop. Sumomo captured it. And if you're wondering, yes their cover is already blown. Way to go!

- So then it is discovered that Sumomo has to cast an amnesia spell on her friend, but obviously she's considers it wrong and starts crying. So Masaharu later discovered that Sumomo can create a bond with someone else to hold on to the secret, and she doesn't have to worry about making Nadeshiko forget.

-Next episode, that new magical girl rival will finally make an appearance!]

Oh yeah, I'll be following this sporadically just for the shear hilarity (and possibly figuring out where the triggers could have been considering this is based on an ero-game).
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