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NEWS: Sentai Filmworks Licenses Cross Ange Rondo of Angel and Dragon

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Surrender Artist

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 11:03 pm Reply with quote
AnimeKnight2034 wrote:
msgundam2 wrote:
I hope Sentai Filmworks buys a large amount of ad space for Cross Ange on ANN.
I am sure Nick, Rebecca, Zac, and Hope will enjoy seeing it.

And I bet the reviews will all the sudden turn positive as well! It's pretty interesting to see Fate/Stay get good reviews with all the insane Aniplex ads plastered everywhere. I bet we start seeing some A's and B's if Sentai buys some ad space for this...

If you're going to make accusations, they should probably be remotely credible. Assuming, of course, that you were trying to persuade somebody of... something? rather than just gratify your shared weird insecurities.

How much money do you think these companies have anyway?

AnimeKnight2034 wrote:
Where's AnimeGate when you need it...

Probably in its mother's basement huffing mightily on a treadmill of meaningless outrage while accomplishing nothing meaningful.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 11:11 pm Reply with quote
Surrender Artist wrote:

If you're going to make accusations, they should probably be remotely credible. Assuming, of course, that you were doing something other than mutually masturbating your bizarre insecurities. How much money do you think these companies have?

Even if ANN isn't on the take when it comes to the reviews they write, which benefit of the doubt would tend to suggest they aren't, they do an extremely bad job of not leaving plenty of room for skeptics to suggest that they are and it goes beyond the ads just plastered all over the site from the big shot publishers. For example I don't think I've ever seen an Aniplex show get anything less than a 3/5 in any of the seasonal reviews and previews including even ones that nobody else anywhere else really seems to like or in some cases which have enough similarities to other shows that have gotten brutalized in reviews that you'd think they would be comparable yet strangely the reviewers will seem okay with. And the answer to how much money that company has to blow, easily more than any other company in the business right now considering it's a Sony subsidiary. Have you seen just how aggressive their advertising is? It's not just ANN, they buy up more advertising space on billboards and on TV in Japan than any other company by a lot.

In any case I was pretty amused by how ANN went all full blown indignation on the show and then turns around a few days later and is advertising a license for Sentai. The way they made the reviews sound they were so offended right down to the very core of their being and all but calling for a flat out boycott including even Zac and yet low and behold. I guess my point is the tone taken often taken in reviews (and I use the term lightly since only Theron Martin actually gave one) is clearly for show and little else. Laughing
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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 11:20 pm Reply with quote
DRosencraft wrote:
That's why I say each series should at least have a fair shot. Dumping on a show because of misunderstandings and faulty perceptions has the prospect of dooming an otherwise good show.

There are no misunderstandings and faulty perceptions about CROSS ANGE. It is going to be an anime that resorts to shock value by sensationalizing and sexualizing abuse and personal tragedy.

I am very sure that this series WILL NOT became a well written story with enlightening insight on racism, war and monarchies because trashy and repulsive content sells.

CROSS ANGE is a creepy, sick and dark anime. Some of us will watched it, but I do not blame those who are repulsed by it.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 11:50 pm Reply with quote
angelmcazares wrote:
DRosencraft wrote:
That's why I say each series should at least have a fair shot. Dumping on a show because of misunderstandings and faulty perceptions has the prospect of dooming an otherwise good show.

There are no misunderstandings and faulty perceptions about CROSS ANGE. It is going to be an anime that resorts to shock value by sensationalizing and sexualizing abuse and personal tragedy.

I am very sure that this series WILL NOT became a well written story with enlightening insight on racism, war and monarchies because trashy and repulsive content sells.

CROSS ANGE is a creepy, sick and dark anime. Some of us will watched it, but I do not blame those who are repulsed by it.

Same thing can be said about Gantz manga, B Gata H Kei , and Elfen Lied manga. But you like those despite all the creepy, sick and dark in them.

CROSS ANGE series composition is being done by Tatsuto Higuchi the script writer of Toradora!. So how bad will CROSS ANGE be?
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Joined: 20 May 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 1:14 am Reply with quote
Sentai has really been after Mecha series lately. Ever since Majestic Prince Sentai has licensed Nobunaga the Fool, Captain Earth, and Cross Ange. All three of those series came out just this year.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 1:48 am Reply with quote
Kaioshin_Sama wrote:
In any case I was pretty amused by how ANN went all full blown indignation on the show and then turns around a few days later and is advertising a license for Sentai.

Oh my god...you are literally criticizing ANN for not unethically attempting to hide news about a show because a lot their staff disliked it. And in the same post you also suggest they could possibly be corrupt. It's like you literally do not know what these words mean. Laughing
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Joined: 09 Oct 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 4:25 am Reply with quote
bs3311 wrote:
Then explain and define how your point is better and his is flawed. Our opinions are superior if we can back them up, not with witty remarks.

I’m not going to cross post why I wasn’t entertained by this series and subsequently decided not to watch it again based on the first episode. He made a sweeping generalisation that if you judged this series based on the first episode alone you were dumb and your opinion was nothing worth listening to. His own thought that it was a cracking opening episode carries far more value apparently. Both you and he seem to think that there is a right and a wrong when it comes to opinions about entertainment. What has entertainment value for me may not have it for you the same way that what has entertainment value for you may not have it for me.

EighteenSky wrote:
I'm not judging people who don't agree with my opinion, I'm judging other people on this specific issue, you can't judge a series until it's finished, simple as that. Give thoughts on how you're liking/loathing it thus far then be my guest but judge a series on a couple episodes then that is where the problem arises. ANNs writers have done it god knows how many times in the Seasonal first impressions guides despite claiming not to.

If calling people dumb for dismissing Cross Ange based on the first episode is not judging I’m not entirely sure what would qualify. You can dismiss an entire series based on one episode. Not a single fibre in my body was entertained and thus not inclined to watch the rest of it. Nothing with this first episode drew me in and made me want to watch any more of it. If anyone else has a similar sentiment towards a series they can rightfully choose not to watch the rest, and your personal opinion on how to judge entertainment is not more right than theirs.

msgundam2 wrote:
CROSS ANGE series composition is being done by Tatsuto Higuchi the script writer of Toradora!. So how bad will CROSS ANGE be?

Cross Ange is an original work so it can be whatever it wants to be. Toradora the anime was an adaption from a series of light novels. Any credit for its story goes to the original author, not the script writer.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 9:35 am Reply with quote
ikillchicken wrote:
Kaioshin_Sama wrote:
In any case I was pretty amused by how ANN went all full blown indignation on the show and then turns around a few days later and is advertising a license for Sentai.

Oh my god...you are literally criticizing ANN for not unethically attempting to hide news about a show because a lot their staff disliked it. And in the same post you also suggest they could possibly be corrupt. It's like you literally do not know what these words mean. Laughing

Nah, there's a reason for that. It's very likely that they were holding the show "hostage," so to speak. That they knew about the license announcement and were trying to strong-arm Sentai into some cheddar. If you don't believe me, then watch in a couple days from know we'll likely see a licensing announcement for Parasyte complete with a site banner.

We're seeing this a lot in the videogame industry. Where journalists are approaching publishers with a very "it sure would be a shame if something happened to this" mentality. Hence why you have GamerGate.

Surrender Artist wrote:

How much money do you think these companies have anyway?

Even small companies have a few Benjamins laying around.

Surrender Artist wrote:
AnimeKnight2034 wrote:
Where's AnimeGate when you need it...

Probably in its mother's basement huffing mightily on a treadmill of meaningless outrage while accomplishing nothing meaningful.

I thought personal attacks weren't allowed on this forum? Or does it only apply to those whose opinions the moderators don't like?
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:08 am Reply with quote
AnimeKnight2034 wrote:

We're seeing this a lot in the videogame industry. Where journalists are approaching publishers with a very "it sure would be a shame if something happened to this" mentality. Hence why you have GamerGate.

Let's not bring that up here. Anime Industry is still largely left untouched by the western culture. Even if some reviewers make some scathing remarks on the certain anime, it just doensn't affect its company or anime itself whatsoever since the western audience aren't the main demographic anyway. Hence the reason why Sunrise keeps making anime even though the most of them haven't been up to par.
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:10 am Reply with quote
AnimeKnight2034 wrote:

Nah, there's a reason for that. It's very likely that they were holding the show "hostage," so to speak. That they knew about the license announcement and were trying to strong-arm Sentai into some cheddar. If you don't believe me, then watch in a couple days from know we'll likely see a licensing announcement for Parasyte complete with a site banner.

We're seeing this a lot in the videogame industry. Where journalists are approaching publishers with a very "it sure would be a shame if something happened to this" mentality. Hence why you have GamerGate.

The internet really blows my hair back sometimes.

Like, what am I supposed to do about this? It's just lying. Here's a guy straight-up making libelous things up about us, everyone who works here and our ad partners. Total lies - not "suspicions" or "skepticism", just lying about an organization he doesn't like, like a high school kid trying to get everyone to hate someone they don't like by making up a bunch of smears about them. That's all it is - just lies.

Ignoring it doesn't really work because the internet shows us that people who already don't like you/the place you work for/your pets/whatever will believe whatever negative things they hear about you no matter how insane or implausible they sound. They'll just slurp all this completely fabricated horsecrap and go 'Really?! No! I can't believe they'd do that!" and then spread it further until it becomes "common wisdom" among the crowd predisposed to dislike you, repeated in every comments section in an article that mentions you.

If I ban AnimeKnight2034 and his lying buddy Kaloshin_Sama then the crying about "censorship" starts, and it's "proof" that his lying is true because we "silenced" them. It's a very convenient situation for the lying person, really, because he can spew libel all day and if the administrators use the tools they have to get rid of the lying nuisance, that somehow means they're trying to cover it up and the "truth-teller" was silenced! Shock! Scandal! My Free Speeeeeech! It's all childish garbage, but this is the game you're forced to play.

Rebutting the accusations or really responding at all, according to a huge swath of the internet, is "giving it credibility" and likely "unprofessional". So you aren't supposed to do that either, but the other options are just as bad.

What we've effectively created here is a world where anyone can just make shit up, lie about you all day long and any reaction - even the lack of one - is a bad idea because people at large are so willing and ready to believe gossip that every reaction or lack thereof is seen as validating the lies. Critical thinking largely goes out the window, but not before it's stymied by broken self-serving "logic" that liars like AnimeKnight2034 use (largely as a blunt-force object) to argue against anyone challenging their fabrications and libel.

Reasonable people don't want to argue with someone who is clearly arguing completely in bad faith and lying to their face but keeps up the smirking "no really, I'm serious!" act the entire time, so they give up and go live their lives. This is how this stuff permeates, really - sheer determination and relentless arguing on behalf of the liar with an agenda to smear and potentially destroy whatever it is they're targeting online.

I guess this is all one big response, and it was a bad idea to do this, but it's a bad idea to not do this, and it's a bad idea to ban the guy, and a bad idea to not ban the guy, and a bad idea to... yeah. You can see how much fun it is dealing with this stuff.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 11:52 am Reply with quote
Just ban them. They clearly are lying. They have no proof. Just because your reviewers don't like certain anime, doesn't mean your business side is going to turn down ad revenue.

It is no different for radio personalities who have to hawk stuff, they may hate or disagree with.

Look at it this way Zac. They are falsely accusing you of racketeering, which is pretty serious. Think you are well within your company's right to ban them.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:25 pm Reply with quote
I'm not accusing anyone of anything, I'm saying that the site doesn't do such a great job of deflecting suspicious types with how it handles it's advertising and reviews.

Wrathful wrote:

Let's not bring that up here. Anime Industry is still largely left untouched by the western culture. Even if some reviewers make some scathing remarks on the certain anime, it just doensn't affect its company or anime itself whatsoever since the western audience aren't the main demographic anyway. Hence the reason why Sunrise keeps making anime even though the most of them haven't been up to par.

I think plenty of shows they make are "up to par", just it's cool to hate on them and they don't make shows that everyone likes. For example mecha anime...really only popular with a certain increasingly small subsection of anime fandom that I happen to be a part of. I totally recognize that most anime fans shit on and think that the mecha genre is outright crap whereas frankly I think a lot of what anime fandom holds up to be the absolute pinnacle of quality is largely crap so you can see why I'm at odds with people a lot of the time.
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Joined: 12 Dec 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:34 pm Reply with quote

In all honesty, I have to wonder, why should it matter if some people say you are censoring idiots who are clearly not abiding by the rules? (Please correct me if there are any rules being broken.) This forum is not a democracy. Even freedom of speech has libel laws. It is not a consequence free wonderland. In truth, the responsibility of free speech is a harsh reality. You should not be the only one burdened by it.
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:39 pm Reply with quote
brankoburcksen wrote:

In all honesty, I have to wonder, why should it matter if some people say you are censoring idiots who are clearly not abiding by the rules? (Please correct me if there are any rules being broken.) This forum is not a democracy. Even freedom of speech has libel laws. It is not a consequence free wonderland. In truth, the responsibility of free speech is a harsh reality. You should not be the only one burdened by it.

I understand that completely. My intent was to illustrate the environment for most entertainment publications now when it comes to this sort of thing, and the thought process every administrator or editor has to go through when dealing with it.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:43 pm Reply with quote
TarsTarkas wrote:
Just ban them. They clearly are lying. They have no proof. Just because your reviewers don't like certain anime, doesn't mean your business side is going to turn down ad revenue.

It is no different for radio personalities who have to hawk stuff, they may hate or disagree with.

Look at it this way Zac. They are falsely accusing you of racketeering, which is pretty serious. Think you are well within your company's right to ban them.

They can ban anyone they want for any reason, of course, and it may well be perfectly justifiable to any reasonable onlooker (particularly in light of poster's history). But the point is that, when you ban them, it gets spun as a validation of their argument and proof that you were trying to silence their "legitimate opinion" or "justified criticism". If you take a stand to defend yourself against those subsequent lies, you're not only bringing more attention to the person, but it seems like you're being "defensive," which people interpret as though you have something to hide.

Basically, a ban just means you don't have to see the mess in your own backyard, while the resulting indignation continues to light fires elsewhere that you hope you can largely ignore until it spills back over. There is no good recourse, and that's why people invoke this strategy in the first place, often couching it carefully so they don't seem at a glance to be all that unreasonable. The lies have to feed existing suspicions to be passably-believable, after all. (Accusations of corruption and abuse of power are particularly easy to spin with the slightest "evidence," because it plays on general suspicion about authority figures at large.)

Mostly, I interpret Zac's post as a lamentation that the liars always seem to have the upper hand through this strategy, even when the accusation is completely baseless and fabricated. From my own personal experience, I agree.
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