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REVIEW: Patema Inverted

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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:40 am Reply with quote
I saw Patema Inverted when it screened at the NYICFF a few weeks ago. I will say I enjoyed the film. I'd say this is the first work by Yasihiro Yoshiura. It does take a very interesting approach in sci-fi with the whole perspective deal. And yes it is pretty fast paced. But the one thing it does pay a strong connection to is 'Castle in the Sky' "sans" the whole blue gem. It's like reinventing the best work that has come before. If you watch this film you can find quite a bit of stuff similar to Castle in the Sky. But it's still entirely original in it's approach. In a way I felt some aspects to George Orwell's 1984.
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Joined: 29 May 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:33 pm Reply with quote
Argh, I want to see this (legally) so badly! I'm glad to hear it's good enough to stand on it's own, though. I've been a fan of Yoshiura's work since seeing Time of Eve, so here's hoping GKids really does release this stateside. Fingers crossed!
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Joined: 31 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:08 pm Reply with quote
Since it'll never be in theaters over here, I just want to watch the fansub already. I'll buy it as soon as it gets a BD release (I hope it will; the Time Of Eve BD did very well in exceeding its Kickstarter goal). *checks* No, still only the trailer/preview available for download Sad
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:21 pm Reply with quote
Kimiko_0 wrote:
Since it'll never be in theaters over here, I just want to watch the fansub already. I'll buy it as soon as it gets a BD release (I hope it will; the Time Of Eve BD did very well in exceeding its Kickstarter goal). *checks* No, still only the trailer/preview available for download Sad

The BD's will come out on 25 April.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:21 pm Reply with quote
It didn't win at this year's NY International Children's Film Festival.
(In fact, no anime won. Wolf Children won last year.)
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:38 pm Reply with quote
I am very excited to see this but will wait for BD - I was going to watch a screening but couldn't find a suitable time to go which was a shame.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 7:08 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for the review, even more hyped to eventually see this movie.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 7:17 pm Reply with quote
Beginning of the Day was excellent, so I'm really looking forward to this. I'm really surprised that I haven't been able to find any kind of stream/download of this, fansub or otherwise.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:59 pm Reply with quote
Gravity defiance pumps new life into a routine tale, and Yoshiura's endearing style and kinetic pace keep it aloft where a weightier, pensive movie would come crashing to the earth in a tangle of heavy-handed messages and backstory.

"Weightier, more pensive"? You mean, like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtixqUXid9A ? Wink
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Joined: 10 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 3:56 am Reply with quote
Okay, this is getting a buy. Want/VICIOUSLY NEED to support good anime.

Can I preorder it anywhere?
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 9:29 am Reply with quote
whiskeyii wrote:
Argh, I want to see this (legally) so badly! I'm glad to hear it's good enough to stand on it's own, though. I've been a fan of Yoshiura's work since seeing Time of Eve, so here's hoping GKids really does release this stateside. Fingers crossed!

You can't even watch it illegally yet.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 9:30 am Reply with quote
whiskeyii wrote:
Argh, I want to see this (legally) so badly! I'm glad to hear it's good enough to stand on it's own, though. I've been a fan of Yoshiura's work since seeing Time of Eve, so here's hoping GKids really does release this stateside. Fingers crossed!

You can't even watch it illegally yet.
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 11:10 am Reply with quote
enurtsol wrote:
It didn't win at this year's NY International Children's Film Festival.
(In fact, no anime won. Wolf Children won last year.)

Yeah, I was hoping that Giovanni's Island would get awarded considering all the "wet" eyes in the theater. But the grand-prize went to Juan Jose Campanella's 'Foosball' which will get a release her in the states by the Weinstein Company. To be honest I'm kind of s urprised that 'Wolf Children' won last year, but hey Letter to Momo won the year before and was picked up by G-kids so it's not all bad. I didn't even expect that film to get picked considering it usually lies in the hands of anime licensing companies. I never really expect an outside or non-anime distributor to release an anime title unless it was released in English years ago. But I think Patema Inverted may be good enough to grab someone's attention for a license. The question is who will it be. If there are 2 features that need a release it's Patema's Inverted and Giovanni's Island.

On a side note does anyone know if they plan to release any more copies of 'Time of Eve'? I know it was released but I ran into some guy that said that there would be a reprint later this (April) month. But I can't find any information cementing that. I missed out grabbing a copy for the library. The original price range was too high during the KS and afterwards. It was just too much for what we'd be willing to spend so we had to let it go. When I caught wind TRSI selling a few copies for $30 during the year's end it was too late. But they told me to check back at some point. But I'm wondering if they will reprint some "bare bones" copies or if that's already done.
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Joined: 29 May 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 2:17 pm Reply with quote
Chrno2 wrote:
enurtsol wrote:
It didn't win at this year's NY International Children's Film Festival.
(In fact, no anime won. Wolf Children won last year.)

Yeah, I was hoping that Giovanni's Island would get awarded considering all the "wet" eyes in the theater. But the grand-prize went to Juan Jose Campanella's 'Foosball' which will get a release her in the states by the Weinstein Company. To be honest I'm kind of s urprised that 'Wolf Children' won last year, but hey Letter to Momo won the year before and was picked up by G-kids so it's not all bad. I didn't even expect that film to get picked considering it usually lies in the hands of anime licensing companies. I never really expect an outside or non-anime distributor to release an anime title unless it was released in English years ago. But I think Patema Inverted may be good enough to grab someone's attention for a license. The question is who will it be. If there are 2 features that need a release it's Patema's Inverted and Giovanni's Island.

On a side note does anyone know if they plan to release any more copies of 'Time of Eve'? I know it was released but I ran into some guy that said that there would be a reprint later this (April) month. But I can't find any information cementing that. I missed out grabbing a copy for the library. The original price range was too high during the KS and afterwards. It was just too much for what we'd be willing to spend so we had to let it go. When I caught wind TRSI selling a few copies for $30 during the year's end it was too late. But they told me to check back at some point. But I'm wondering if they will reprint some "bare bones" copies or if that's already done.

Considering how the Kickstarter's shaping up, I'm guessing you'll probably only be able to buy the movie from this point on. I know I snagged my copy of the series from Right Stuf, and that was during the reprint last year. But maybe the Kickstarter will jumpstart some new copies or convince some people to trade in the series for the movie.
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 7:23 pm Reply with quote
whiskeyii wrote:

Considering how the Kickstarter's shaping up, I'm guessing you'll probably only be able to buy the movie from this point on. I know I snagged my copy of the series from Right Stuf, and that was during the reprint last year. But maybe the Kickstarter will jumpstart some new copies or convince some people to trade in the series for the movie.

Thanks on that note. I hope so. It's kind of a shame that we couldn't score one. See I'm the only one here at my job that handles all the anime/manga/videogames and animation (mainstream/international) part of the collection. Each person here is given a small budget to make purchases. Both my budgets for manga and anime is the smallest of everyone's. And that has to last an entire year. So I'm limited to what I can spend. Especially if there are other titles I think should be purchased. Time of Eve during it's KS was $50-$80. That price range is too high for what I can spend. Plus, it was BD only. And even then no one would be able to check it out of the library because we'd only have one copy on hand (making it rare) and no way to replace it. But let's say that title was released normally at a $50 price range as a request from either a student or instructor. Then the library decides to buy or pass. If we decide to buy honoring a patron's request it comes out of a separate budget. But in the end as that budget dwindles down over time it digs back into its respective budget. Mai Mai Miracle was the most expensive purchase made because of the art book. And that's only because there isn't much stuff coming out that I need to purchase at the coming fiscal end. But at that time, couldn't do it.

I do hope this does get reprinted. I'll definitely have to keep my eyes out if and when it should happen.
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