Forum - View topic[seeking help]Anime Culture and their English counterparts
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Posts: 4 |
Hi this is my first post here. I am a Chinese in love of anime, and as I came to US, I gradually found out that some people here have the same interest. In my whole life, I watch Chinese subtitled animes -- as an neighbour of Japan, the most difficult part of the translations are directly quoted from Japanese, as they get some Chinese characters in their written language, and the qoutes usually make sense.
English is a different case. I, however, get quite intersted for how these "anime culture" words are translated. To be honest, I haven't read much Manga in English, nor any Animes, but I know that there are good translations, or to say, even though a completely different culture, US has its own counterpart for describing some of the things. e.g, MILF for 人妻(man's wife). Here I would describe some of the specific words used in animes and their fans, and I hope I could find their English correspondance. 1 Basicly, a woman between 22 and 28, who is usually older than you, but available, pretty, strong in her mind, and also has her sensible side. A good example is the Major in Ghost In the Shell, but there are diffrent types of these woman, not necessarily to be that man-like. another good example is Misato Katsuragi in Neon Genesis Evangelion. A direct translation would be "Noble Elder Sister".お姉系 2 A teacher flirt with his students, even rape them. A similar guy would be the GTO. but the translation here is "great teacher", and Onizuka is not really a bad guy. What I'm trying to say is a Japanese stereotype of bad teachers that DO sexual harrass their students, which is a typical role that shows up in Adult Animes and mangas. The direct translation would be "Beast teacher" which means he's not doing anything on a cultivated level. 3 Mary Sue writers. Well, here I'm describing a special type of them. they are females. they like to write their own novels or fictions based on the characters of good animes/movies/fictions, and they create a world that these characters are Mary Sues(not necessary) and having MAN SEX. E.g, if you read the latest Naruto Manga (issue 347), Konohamaru disguised into Sasuke and Sai, having sex, and that's exactly what these females have already writen in their own stories for thousands of times. 4 young boys. super cute. usually nice and naive -- which is not necessary. e.g, Crayon Shin-chan is NOT this kind. Detective Conan, however, even though he's not naive, would be, just for his cute apperance. 5 Followers. this kind of people mostly show up in Adult animes. they are perverts. they follow cute high school students, taking photos of their underware, and eventually rape them. the direct translation would be "stupid guy", but there's no meaning of "stupid", just saying that they are acting in a deviated way. if you know the game series of Biko and even played it, you are acting as one of these guys. 6 this would be a hard one, and may not have a correspondance. In some bad taste animes, which I don't really know if they are imported in US, there is a special self-inspired organization called "go-die-go-die party". What they do is to use every approach to destroy relationship between lovers. They are usually "good guys that don't get laid" or Otakus, and what they are against is the "love just to get laid" and "love contamintaed by Valentine's day commercials" . E.g, in 行け!稲中卓球部 ( ), the 2 major actors ride a "Panda car" and chase the club leader and his girlfriend to every corner of the earth, make fun of them, disturb them, and when the couple eventually sit down and talked and finally try to say "I love you" they jump out of the woods and repeat the dialogue that the couple just said, making the whole scene extremely awkard. ok, that's it...hope I could get an answer here, or some of them. GL. |
Encyclopedia Editor
![]() Posts: 9902 Location: New Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC |
Hmm, I really don't know where should I start, for I know every type of the subject in your questions (sans one), yet some of them, as you said it, are difficult to translate.
1. お姉系. Geez, this is a tough one to translate, for I don't think there is a direct equivalent in any English-speaking society. They are girls in their 20s who "graduated" from kogal. 2. The most common term similar to your description would be "dirty old man," although being "dirty" does not equal to being a criminal. Your own translation ("beast teacher") probably came from kichiku ("鬼畜"), which means demonic and beast-like, often used to describe sexual criminals in adult anime. Onizuka's "Great" (abbreviated as GTO) is part of the title, so please don't confuse it with any form of translation. 3. I found it difficult to answer this question, as I am not sure whether these Mary Sue writers you were talking about were in real life or in anime/manga. 4. You answered your own question. 5. They are called "stalkers" in English. 6. The culture barrier of this "nice guy phenomenon" is simply too high to be properly translated. Read Chinese Wiki for more info. And welcome aboard! 歡迎加入ANN! |
Posts: 4 |
Thank you very much.
Well, it was confusing while I used the word Mary Sue. They are real life girls. Some of them quoted Mary Sue as a way of their writings, but probably not for the else. Anyway, I found out the English of it, though pretty much a bad translation, fangirl. Yes sure that the culture barrier for "nice guy"'s very high, but the sentence I qouted ("good guys never get laid") was found on a chair in the school, with the following word "TRUE" carved by another guy. It was funny.... For "Shota", I somehow love to have a English word rather than a direct qoute of pronouciation. but I think that's the way it is. |
![]() Posts: 1705 Location: WA state |
i think the term "Mary Sue", in English, doesn't apply to the person writing the fanfic, but the fanfic itself.
A "Mary Sue" is a story where the author has created an original character and thrust it into the world of a specific anime. Said character then takes over the role of main character and typically has one (or more) of the males from the anime fall in love with her. (My understanding is the term came from a Star Trek fanfic written decades ago where the original character was named Mary Sue, but that's just as likely urban legend.) As far as I know, there's no english term to indentify a fan who writes these stories, just one for the story itself. |
Posts: 4 |
I don't realy know if that's true in US or an English world, but as far as I know, the so called "fangirls" in Asia sometimes create a MarySue, and sometimes just use the original charaters. But anyway, the story they create eventually goes into man-sex. According to wiki, they have an accute sense of "shipping"( between male characters.
In a word, this group of people I mean here originated from those who create paralell stories of manga or anime, but then went into female "gay-story-lovers" due to their (bad) taste. I just don't think the word "fangirl" could describe the situation well enough, and I don't really know if US fangirls grow a same taste, either. A japanese wiki link is here腐女子 |
Posts: 316 Location: Australia |
There doesn't seem to be any relevance of the Mary Sue to the yaoi that you describe. Even the relevance of the yuri is debatable, unless the Mary Sue character is involved.
What is the difference between what you see and "normal" yaoi/yuri "slash" dojinshi? |
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