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Joined: 19 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 7:28 pm Reply with quote
I was happy that he picked her. She was the one I ws rooting for and it's the first time that a girl that didn't start out as the girl he was easily going to choose was chosen. And again I was glad that they changed things up with the fragile, perfect girl (Kaede) who would normally just go "It's fine as long as he's happy." or holds it in until he brings something up, by making her into an extremely emotional raging anger filled psycho b*itch!! I liked her before her change but at least it was different.

GOD Shuffle! was good. I think I'm going to re-watch it.
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Joined: 26 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 9:14 pm Reply with quote
About Shuffle!; spoiler[Frankly, if Kaede wouldn't have gone psycho, she would have been a much less believable and interesting character (Seriously, did you think that a person who's only joy in life is to make her one-way love happy, wouldn't have gone a bit crazy after he made a girlfriend? And if your only joy in life is to serve a certain person, something is definitively wrong anyway). Plus, a big part of the drama would have vanished and what's Shuffle! without drama? An irritating and bland harem show, if you ask me.]
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Joined: 19 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 10:08 pm Reply with quote
Well an irritating and bland harem is any harem without drama.........LOVE HINA But It's true about Kaede (I said it in my last post)
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Joined: 19 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 12:56 am Reply with quote
Iwatch2muchanime wrote:
I was happy that he picked her. She was the one I ws rooting for and it's the first time that a girl that didn't start out as the girl he was easily going to choose was chosen.

It wasn't a harem, but there's a show that does this as well: DNAngel. While I didn't think the show was all that spectacular in too many ways, the way the relationships were handled in it at times were just so satisfying to watch. spoiler[and when Daisuke fell for the original girl's sister, the only thing I could think of was: "Hah woman, slap in the face. You totally deserved that." Even if she didn't care as much about her getting dumped as I did Confused ]
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Joined: 19 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 1:49 am Reply with quote
True, but I actually saw that one coming, the way they showed the sister by herself gave huge hints that he might end up picking her.. Which didn't happened in Shuffle!, I mean it did some of the same, but because it was a harem they did it to every other girl, almost more.
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Joined: 15 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 1:48 pm Reply with quote
Im just doing 5 of each.

In no order:

-Azumanga Daioh- I love the cast, the serene, almost nostalgic vibe of the show, and the music. And of course, Osaka. I get into and out of anime in waves, and regardless, this is the one series I can watch over, and over, and over again, and no matter how many times I watch it, It always brings a smile to my face.

-Slayers: This one is interchangable with AD. I still think to this day, Slayers has the greatest, most memorable cast in an anime. The series itself would be stock if it wasnt for Lina Gourry and the gand and how their personalities resonate with each other.

-Elfen Lied: This one ran me through the whole gamut of emotions whe I first saw it. I just couldnt stop watching it, and nothing was harder than waiting for the next volume to come out.

-Sailormoon: This really shouldnt be in here, since I've seen so many better shows, even for its own genre. It's just on here because it holds strong sentimental value for me. I remember watching it way back when it was on in the morning on syndication. I remember being shocked when I found the glaring differences b/t the englsh and original versions. I remember the utter joy, and sense of.. elitism I felt when I first recieved those shoddily put together fansubbed videos long before the other seasons were picked up (I bought the real things when they came out, and destroyed the fansubs, btw). I have this series to thank for introducing me to anime.

-Love Hina: After my sailormoon obsession died out, I had been out of the anime loop for a while. This series, can't explain why, was the one to get me back into it in full force.

-Scrapped Princess: After Love Hina, this was one of the first series I had seen, before either of them I hadnt seen very many whole series, so this was still new and exciting for me at the time. It's got some excellent arcs still, and two of the most heartrending scenes I've seen yet, even if I have seen better since then.

Dragon Half- Mindless stupid fun, excellent timing in the gags, and just a blast to watch. Any more than two episodes and it would've been to much though, lol.

Saikano- This was an extremely difficult series to watch, especially towards the end. But it was those scenes and just the horrific beauty about it that made me had a hard time putting it down. My mom felt the same way. To my surprise, she watched the whole thing in a sitting.

Fullmetal Alchemist- Like Elfen Lied, this one ran me through the whole gamut of emotions, and still has one of the best, most intellegent stories in an anime series. Of coruse there's the social commentary too, which is very relevant in todays world. Plus Ep 7 is still the most harrowing episode I've seen in any series thus far.

NGE: EoE. I usually separate anime movies from series, but this deserves to be on both. I could care less about the series. As far as I'm concerned, the series only exists for the movie to make sense. And when you do understand it, it's such a trip. It also contains the single best english dub I've ever heard, which is saying a lot for me.

Guess I did 10 after all. Oh well.

Least 5:

NGE: It's not a bad series, I just don't see how it's the be all-end all that everyone makes it out to be. All that psychobabble at the end put me to sleep. It had some amusing self contained episodes, but overall I just don't see what the big deal is.

"tournament saga" anime. (DBZ, St. Seiya, Yu Yu Hakusho, etc, etc) The plots are minimal at best, and do they really need 5 minutes to explain a move they're going to do?

FFVII: Advent Children. I was excited as many when I found out they were going to do a movie based on one of my favorite games. I was even more excited when I learned that much of the original crew was going to work on it. I creamed my pants when I saw those first couple trailers. I was intrigued by the plot summary. What FFVII:AC ended up being was FFVII Porn. A loud frentic sloppy convoluted mess that did very little to advance that promising plot summary, but got all the FFVII fanboys all hot and bothered. The choreography was a joke. I can go on forever, but I'll stop there. The only excellent thing about that movie was the music.

Escaflowne Movie: The series was great. And I know it wasnt a remake or a sequel, but a "reimagining" of the world and the characters. That's fine. That's done all the time. Just, some character development would've been nice, and maybe if it wasnt so boring. It was included in the box set I got, which is good, cos if I had paid money for it, I would've been kicking myself.

Getbackers: It has some great self-contained episodes, and anything with "Chibi Ginji" was hilarious. When it took the time for the major plot arcs, then it became another one of those "tournament saga titles" I hate so much. I still watch the side episodes though. To bad there are only like 7 of them.

Did I overexplain?
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Joined: 25 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:03 pm Reply with quote
DragonsRevenge wrote:

Saikano- This was an extremely difficult series to watch [...] My mom felt the same way. To my surprise, she watched the whole thing in a sitting.

Wow. Hardcore mom. Cool.

DragonsRevenge wrote:
NGE: It's not a bad series, I just don't see how it's the be all-end all that everyone makes it out to be. All that psychobabble at the end put me to sleep. It had some amusing self contained episodes, but overall I just don't see what the big deal is.

*shrugs* All that "psychobabble" had me on the edge of my seat, as it was the climax of the show. I couldn't have imagined it ending any better than it did. The movies might as well have never been done.

DragonsRevenge wrote:
"tournament saga" anime. (DBZ, St. Seiya, Yu Yu Hakusho, etc, etc) The plots are minimal at best, and do they really need 5 minutes to explain a move they're going to do?

Yes, yes they do. That's what's so awesome about them. Smile

Actually, just once, I'd like to see a fight without any spectators or commentators. I sometimes think that if a shonen fight happened in the woods and there was no one there to comment on every move, the fight would cease to exist.

DragonsRevenge wrote:
What FFVII:AC ended up being was FFVII Porn.

Phew. So I'm not the only one who did that while watching Tifa in action.
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Joined: 15 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 2:07 pm Reply with quote
Heh, yeah, my mom did the same thing with elfen lied, actually. She was lucky. She didn't have to f'n wait. I had the whole thing by the time she started watching it. She was really drawn into sailormoon around the same time I was, and even finished Sailorstars in a couple days. It doesnt happen to often, but when it does it's always amusing.

I'll have to go back at watch NGE, I just watched the movie again, and now I want to go back and watch the series. Maybe it wont be that bad this time.

And that's not what I ment with AC.. sicko Razz
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Joined: 19 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:53 pm Reply with quote
DragonsRevenge wrote:
Did I overexplain?

No no, don't ever worry about that here, I doubt you could do it if you tried. More explanation is always better. I've only seen one time when something was even questionably "overexplained"; and even then, it was just really long, not exactly "overexplained". That one example is an absolute mammoth of a thread by DKL. Honestly, my jaw hit the floor when I saw this thread... and while you don't need to post that much, we just want at least something of an explanation to ease the burning desire in our mod hearts to delete everything in sight.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 10:41 pm Reply with quote
No particular order...


Fullmetal Alchemist - Despite the 'no particular order' comment, this is easily my favorite anime. A perfect mix of action, intricate plot and character development with a unique 'world' developed for the story to take place in. The characterization was definitely the highlight though, with even the minor players believable, 'human' and dynamic. On a technical aspect, the animation, music and voice-acting are excellent and made the show that much more enjoyable. This is one that I've recommended to friends who haven't seen an anime series before and wanted a good introduction to the genre.

Eureka Seven - Another technically great show (despite some re-used animation) with a story that is moving and highly engaging; I'm only about halfway through, but am already engrossed in trying to piece together the plot and what's going on. I also like that, even with such a big cast, all of the characters are unique and well-developed. Depending how the end turns out, this show could replace FMA as my favorite.

Trigun - The animation's a bit spotty in places, but I like this show because it's just a hell of a lot of fun. Even when the plot gets more serious, it's still entertaining to watch the characters interact and the fast-paced action scenes. It's also one of the few shows of any genre where I almost cried over the death of a character (FMA was the other), showing the strength of the characterization for the major players.

Paranoia Agent - I liked this one because it was unlike anything I've ever seen before and really made me think. The plot's not very straight-forward and the reality-warping gets trippy at times, but I never got the feeling the show was trying too hard to make it's Big Important Point (like, say, Evangelion). A very mature story with great animation and one of the most darkly humorous episodes I've ever seen in a series.

Elfen Lied - Technically outstanding, with one of the best endings I've seen for an anime series. The plot seemed simple at first glance, but there's a lot to think about and it stayed with me for awhile after watching. I particularly liked how the animation and voice work handled differences between Lucy and Nyu, making them/her into two unique characters.

Hellsing Ultimate Series - Only watched one volume of this so far, but was blown away by the animation, characters and fast pace of the story. I've seen the original Hellsing anime (liked the first 10 episodes, hated the last 3) and this version is infinitely better. If the remaining volumes can keep up the action and pace of this one, it should be a very good series. Only complaint is that the plot jumped a little too quickly at points and I would have been confused if not for having previous watched the original.

Neon Genesis Evangelion - While Shinji's whining grated on me a lot, I really liked the rest of the cast (IMO, it would have been a much stronger show if Asuka was the focus); many of the secondary or tertiary characters got a level of development that main characters don't get in other anime series. The plot was complex and I like that everything wasn't just spoon-fed to the audience, as it gave me a lot to think about. While I wasn't thrilled with the original ending, watching it together with EoE is satisfying and I'd say NGE is just behind as Elfen Lied as my favorite ending for an anime. I also liked the unique designs for the Angels, particularly the more bizarre ones near the end.

Least Favorite

Naruto - A lot of nice character designs and an interesting 'world' built up for the series. However, I thought the main character was annoying as hell (I honestly hoped his teammates would just leave him tied to a tree in the woods, at one point) and the plot moved so slowly, especially during the fight scenes (long conversations during fights, flashbacks to the last/same episode during fights, etc). I just couldn't see investing the time and effort in watching a show with a glacial pace where I hated the main character.

Bleach - Didn't get very far into this one (5, maybe 6 episodes), but I just found it really boring. The characters weren't very interesting, animation wasn't anything spectacular, it was doing some of the same 'dragged-out fight' tricks as Naruto and I really felt like I'd enjoyed the show more when it was called Yu Yu Hakasho.

Dragonball - By far the worst show for 'dragged-out fight' syndrome. I also thought the animation was pretty bad and the characters weren't that interesting either. To fair, I've only watched about 1/2 of DBGT and the odd episode of DBZ, but that was enough.

Trinity Blood - Watched about half of this one (~13 episodes) and had to give up. While the background animation and music were very nice, the character animation was lacking and the voice work was weak. It also seemed like the show wasn't going anywhere, as I really didn't have a good idea of the overall plot even halfway through the run and individual episodes didn't seem to have much to do with each other. I also just couldn't get past the feeling that it was just "Vash joins Hellsing" and the characters didn't feel unique to me.

FLCL - Just thought it was really, really stupid. The animation was alright (in parts), but I never got the feeling it had much of a plot and just felt like "let's have a bunch of cool random weird stuff for the sake of having a bunch of cool random weird stuff". I didn't care much for the characters and 'story' (such as it was) didn't really pull me in.

Genocyber - Unfortunately, the first anime I ever watched and it put me off the genre for quite awhile. I honestly have no idea what this was supposed to be about, the plot was completely incoherent and there didn't seem to be much of an underlying story at all. Didn't help that the animation was fairly bad.
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Joined: 22 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:35 pm Reply with quote
Top 7 favorites:
1. Death Note - Yeah, I know everyone's watching this...but I seriously think this is the best I've seen. So far, the story's deep, interesting, dark, and there are lots of twists.

2. Cowboy Bebop - I love the laidback style, the jazz music (personally I think it has the best anime music ever)

3. FMA - I loved the story, the characters, all that jazz. The music was pretty standout, IMO.

4. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - an interesting show....odd episode order, very funny, really deep in some spots, lighthearted in others.....just a great show

5. Samurai Champloo- some people hate the rap style...I don't really like it, but it fits the show SO well. I love the storyline and artstyle.

6. Hunter x Hunter- good story, interesting characters, fun music (reminds me of Golden Sun's music), cool artwork.

7. Ouran High School Host Club- really funny show

8-10: I haven't really seen enough anime to really go this far. I've seen like 20-30 different series, but I haven't finished many of them, or I just hated them.

3 Least Favorite:
1. Naruto - Ok, honestly, the Japanese version isn't THAT bad (the dub is, though!)......but it's really the fans and overdoses of Naruto that make me hate it so much. Go into a hot topic- and all you see is Naruto merch. Then you go to a con, and there's 500 Naruto cosplayers. Though, after a while, it gets repetitive and boring (I gave up after 9 manga volumes).

2. Inuyasha- I don't REALLY hate it (like I said, I've only seen like 20-30 anime), but it's near the bottom of my list for sure.

3. Paradise Kiss- once again, not THAT bad....It just got WAY to shojo for my tastes...
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Joined: 23 May 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 4:23 pm Reply with quote
Top 10 is certainly a hard thing to do, as shows can be so varying in style (dramas, comedies, action) and can be so good at different times and for different reasons. All of that aside, here's my best effort at it:

1. Princess Mononoke

Epic is the most relevant word that comes to mind, with a very moving story and compelling characters created by the mastermind Miyazaki. With a spot-on soundtrack, a good mix of action, drama, and some light-hearted fun, as well as one of the few English dubs I can tolerate in the anime world, I found Mononoke to be an amazing experience.

2. Cowboy Bebop

Bebop is certainly some of the most fun I've ever had watching anime, even with it's darker undertones and tragic elements. The cast is quite perfect, with likeable bad-ass Spike, reasonable and seasoned veteran Jet, troubled and imperfect Faye, goofy Ed, and the cute dog Ein. With great fight scenes, an amazing soundtrack by Yoko Kanno, and great all around style, Bebop is not to be missed.

3. The Last Exile.

There have been some good looking animes out there, but when it came out, Last Exile set a standard for quality animation that I feel was second to none. Not only that, a great storyline, intriguing characters, and airships (yea!!) made this anime one that I found incredibly hard to put down once I had started and to give up once it had finished.

4. GTO .

Great Teacher Onizuka is in my opinion the single funniest anime that has ever existed. The character of Onizuka himself makes the show incredible; with his ridiculous antics, his past as a gang leader, and his beatings of students and own personal failures that somehow always end up as a life lesson for his class, this show kept me laughing to the point of tears for 42 straight episodes.

5. Trigun

Vash the Stampede. Just about enough said right? With a cool Western and yet modern setting, a dark plot countered by the light-heartedness of the goofy hero, a great set of side characters including a priest with a cross full of guns, and plenty of comedy and great action in between, Trigun kept me hooked all the way through.

6. RahXephon

The last 5 I'll keep a little shorter. RahXephon was an emotionally intense show that kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time, with amazing artists behind the scenes and a great plot.

7. Eureka 7

Though certainly not the most original of anime, it is nevertheless incredibly well done with some fantastic dialogue, an entertaining and intriguing plot, and a great main character in Renton Thurston. A lot of fun to watch and hard to quit once you've started.

8. Haibane Renmei

Certainly a change of pace from the rest, this quiet and beautifully designed anime from the creators of Lain drew me in with it's dark undertones and very likeable characters and never let go. A real pleasure to watch.

9. Elfen Lied

Thoroughly gory, very dark, and yet containing bits of light and very interesting and relatable characters, it is certainly one of the most intense and well directed anime that I have ever seen.

10. Death Note

Though the series has not yet concluded, I have long since finished reading the manga, and up until now the show is everything I could have hoped for, catching the essence of the intense intellectual showdown between L and Light. Very well written, very stylistic, very different from just about anything else out there.

Honorable Mentions: Full Metal Alchemist, Spirited Away, Scrapped Princess, Gundam 08th MS Team, Full Metal Panic, Gungrave, Vampire Hunter D, Lain.
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Joined: 22 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 5:43 pm Reply with quote
I don't have much to say about my top whatever. since they speak for themselves. Bottom 4 however...

9. Solty Rei - It's only low on the list because I only watched 2 episodes. But it rocks face

8. Mahou Sensei Negima - I thought it was just freakin' hilarious

7. Elfen Lied - The single most traumatizing anime I have ever seen. Through most episodes my mouth was open with pure awe

6. Read or Die OVA - When's the last time you heard of a girl kicking ass with paper? Or Beethoven playing subliminal messages to kill everyone? It rocked face.

5. Neon Genesis Evangelion - Just, Enough Said. Pre-Apocalyspe Combined with the Biblical and Mythological with Giant Organic Robots

4. Chrono Crusade - Nuns with guns, Kick ass story line and best time period to put it in - the 1920's

3. Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal - Just one of those Love stories you stick to. Twists and turns and samurai action. Beautiful

2. Princess Mononoke - Absolutely Epic in every way possible from the Kodamas to the Nightwalker and from Ashitaka to Okkotonushi

1. Azumanga Daioh - Only anime to keep me in tears from laughing from episode to episode. Great Characters and great settings

Bottom Five

1 - Naruto/DBZ/Inuyasha - All in the same category. Good guy has limitless power, but can't tap into it. Bad guy seeks a power to make him stronger. Bad Guy beats down on Good Guy until Good Guys limitless power breaks out at the very last moment. Rinse and Repeat

2 - RahXehpon - Look at me! I think I'm Evangelion! I couldn't sit still watching this show. Every little tiny bit of it reminded me in some way of Evangelion. It was extremely painful to watch

3 - Witch Hunter Robin - The characters were cool, the illustration was rocking, if I understood the story, it would probably kick ass too but I didn't

4 - Cyborg 009 - What the hell. That's all I have to say is what the hell
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Joined: 13 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:45 pm Reply with quote
can't remember if I posted in this before so excuse me if I did.

Top 10 Fave Anime.

Sailor moon-
Of course this is my first anime. I love everything about it. Coming home after school and seeing it on Toonami. Action, Romance. It did it all for me.

Steel angel kurumi-
I love the grafics and such. I only saw all of season 2 though. Even though at points it was weird it was funny at the same time.

Gundam Wing-
The plot is amazing. Five gundam pilots sent to earth to avenge the death of Heero Yuy. Pulling you in making you get attached to the gundams.(why did they destroy them) Its packed with action making you want more.

]I just like it a lot and it makes me laugh. Makes you love and hate characters, wanting to see what happens next. Love triangles, betrals, hurt. Amazing


Another mech story. Travling into another world.

Final fantasy VII advent children-
I've always liked the FF series so liking the movie wasn't hard. It was just so cool.

It is a confusing story but it only makes me want to see what happens next. It's funny and has all this mystery behind it.

Samurai Deeper Kyo-
Just fell in love with it the first time I saw it. I haven't watched out the series but I hope it keeps going good.

Don't know why I didn't mention it before. A few people had it on their worst list but I liked it and it was good enough for me.

Gene shaft-
I hadn't watched out the whole thing, but what I did watch was good.

Not exactly in order.

Worst 5 anime

Paranoia agent-
Can you say Confusing! It is just to weird to even want to finish out an episode.

Boogiepop phantom-
Not all that bad after all after seeing Paranoia agent. Though it was confusing, didn't seem to make sense, and just could not go on.

Crest of the stars-
Not to say I don't like it but it is way low in my anime list.

Neon Genesis Evengelion-
Left me going "what?'

This is diffinitly the worst. I couldn't even bring myself to watch the first 5 minutes. Shocked
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:59 am Reply with quote
Well, while it is not yet Jan. 29 California time, it is Jan. 29 ANN time so that means I've been on this forum for ONE WHOLE YEAR! Oops! I thought I joined on Jan 29...I just looked at my joined date and it says Jan. 28...a day late now...oy vey!

So, to celebrate my ANN anniversary, I'm update my favorites. Now, some of them have not changed since the first time I made this list but some have changed. Here they are:

1) Sailor Moon - this was the first anime that I saw and while it is a sentimental favorite...it's very good, in my opinion. I loved most of the episodes; I feel they were well written and acted. But what I loved the most was that you got to see Usagi/Sailor Moon grow into a woman and into her powers. I like that sort of thing, I like to see some sort of growth in a character. While I realize that not many people like this story, it really is a good starter series for people new to anime.

2) Ceres - Dark, moody, serious, and very funny at times. This also has what I like: character growth. And not just of the main character but several characters. You get to see many of them improve themselves. Aya and Toya are amongst my favorite anime couples and what they have to do to be together. Not to mention that it is one heck of a story.

3) Fushigi Yugi - Again with the growth thing! But the story is good as well as the animation. I just plain enjoyed this series. Miaka is not the brightest heroine in the box, but she has a good heart and really does try to do her best even when her heart is breaking into little tiny pieces.

4) Cardcaptor Sakura - Another well-written story with growth of characters and all that great stuff! A magical girl story and unlike Sailor Moon, Sakura's battle outfits change every episode, courtesy of her best friend Tomoyo. Sakura is another heroine who tries to do her best in the face of adversity. And it’s also fun watching her relationship with Shaoran grow and change. It’s also fun to see her relationship with her brother, Toya. That is one tough brotherly love!

5) Fullmetal Alchemist - I like this one because of the growth thing again. I loved most of the characters even the ones you are supposed to "hate". I have to say that I cried when Lust spoiler[died. She didn't deserve that one bit! Actually, there were several characters that I cried about, but Lust really was the one that I was rooting for.] I feel that the ending of this series was very good. The movie put an even better ending but even without the movie, the ending would have been very satisfactory.

6) Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid – I’m actually enjoying this one better that the first two. It has such a strong story line; it’s kept me riveted to my chair watching the TV. I’m looking forward to seeing how Kaname and Sousuke handle being separated from each other.

7) My-HiME - This is such an incredibly heart-breaking story. It has really captured me. What those poor girls have to go through. While I know somewhat how it ends, due the fact that I’ve read spoilers concerning this one, there are some things that I really hope will happen and that certain people will get what they deserve.

8) Ai Yori Aoshi - What a great story. While there are harem elements to this story, the hero, Kaoru, isn’t as spineless as most male harem leads. The love that Kaoru and Aoi share and show to us is just incredible. Even when they are unable to say publicly how they feel, you see it in every glance and small touch. The only difficulty I have with this series is that there was not a conclusive ending to the story.

9) Azumanga Daioh – What can I say about this that hasn’t already been said by many other people. This is just great, great fun. A laugh-a-minute. Insane characters that are insanely likeable as well as the absolutely too cute Chiyo-chan!

10) Fate/Stay & Rumbling Hearts – Well, I couldn’t decided between these two very different series, so I decided to include both of them. Fate/Stay has the supernatural and quest elements that I enjoy while Rumbling Hearts has the romance elements that grab me. While (at this time) I’ve only seen the first volumes of each, they have left me longing for more.

Honorable Mentions:

11) Witch Hunter Robin
12) Kyo Kara Maoh!
13) X TV
14) Kiddy Grade
15) Scrapped Princess

My Bottom 5:

1) Inu Yasha - This is a love/hate relationship for me. I wanted the darn thing over with so I can see the ending, which sucked big time! There were too many filler episodes and not enough concluding of the original storyline!

2) E's Otherwise - I was unhappy with the ending. I don't mind "vague" endings but this didn't even approach that!

3) Louie the Rune Soldier - No growth of any of the characters especially the title character. He didn't improve with his magic, with his sword skills, he just kept going like the boar he was described as in the series: charging blindly straight ahead. Not only was he dumb, he made the supporting characters dumb as well.

4) Shrine of the Morning Mist - I'm not really sure why I'm putting it on here, but I'm just not really happy with the series. It’s not that it’s a bad series; it’s just not one of the greatest. Probably it’s because the only truly interesting character in this story is Koma, the cat woman, whose identity and background really isn’t explained. I’m going to borrow Zalis’ description and call it “Awesomely mediocre.”

5) X the Movie - For crying out loud spoiler[everybody dies in this] why not dislike it.
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