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Hard to Find a Place in the Anime World

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EVA fiend

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:27 am Reply with quote
@ OP: Your school anime club sounds more like just a club where casual fans hang out, as opposed to a club for the more serious anime fan. If they make you feel uncomfortable, I'd just move on; you're bound to come across anime fans with similar interests to yours sooner or later.

The anime club I'm a member of is not part of a school or college, but a club organised & run by a group of three fans, all of whom work for a living. The club only meets once a fortnight due to RL commitments, & the venue for the club is the upstairs of a pub, which generally means no one under 18 is allowed in, so in effect, all the members are folk in their early-to-mid 20's, with a smattering of uni students. We all have different anime genres that we prefer, as well as different eras (I'm the 'old skool' member), but it's a pretty laid back club, so there are no huge egos & we get along pretty well. Anime smile

All of my RL mates watch anime to one degree or another (they love movies, but only a couple will tolerate TV series), but none of them are as 'into' anime as I am, so more often than not, when I watch anime, I watch it alone; I've been doing that for so long that it doesn't bother me in the slightest.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 1:02 pm Reply with quote
This thread is all over the place. Anyway, I started a discussion about the university club I attended...once. A couple of nice posts about the glory days, but for the most part, experiences tended to be negative.

There's no reason to break a post up into paragraphs if the person doesn't break from one subject to another.

And...pictures of ourselves? Would you rather see how butt-ugly we all are, or look at a nice picture of Misato?
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Anthony P

Joined: 27 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:20 pm Reply with quote
daxomni wrote:

It just seems odd that we're so willing to post pictures of our silly DVD collections or our latest A/V setup but a picture of our mug? Why not?

I actually used a picture of myself as an avatar for awhile; maybe I'll do that again. I know Randall Miyashiro uses his real name and a pic of himself as an avatar; hats off to him Smile

creativename wrote:
Make new friends if need be, or try and convert your old friends into liking anime. At one time years ago I thought anime was rather stupid, but now I am one of those obsessed individuals Keonyn refereed to, without the looking down part. I just got into anime by randomly watching it on TV. So an active effort could easily work on your friends, though I don't presume to know them.

I've heard all sorts of people speak of "converting" their friends like that, and it's really not a good idea. For one, it won't work; no one's going to enjoy watching something they weren't at least semi-interested in seeing, and they'll like it even less if you pressure them to watch it. Also, trying to "convert" your friends is quite disrespectful to your friends and their own sets of interests.
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Joined: 21 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:27 pm Reply with quote
Anthony P wrote:
creativename wrote:
Make new friends if need be, or try and convert your old friends into liking anime. At one time years ago I thought anime was rather stupid, but now I am one of those obsessed individuals Keonyn refereed to, without the looking down part. I just got into anime by randomly watching it on TV. So an active effort could easily work on your friends, though I don't presume to know them.

I've heard all sorts of people speak of "converting" their friends like that, and it's really not a good idea. For one, it won't work; no one's going to enjoy watching something they weren't at least semi-interested in seeing, and they'll like it even less if you pressure them to watch it. Also, trying to "convert" your friends is quite disrespectful to your friends and their own sets of interests.

Say what you will, it works rather well. It's not disrespectful unless you take on a religious fanaticism for it, merely showing them anime is the best method.
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Joined: 19 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:44 pm Reply with quote
Anthony P wrote:
I've heard all sorts of people speak of "converting" their friends like that, and it's really not a good idea. For one, it won't work; no one's going to enjoy watching something they weren't at least semi-interested in seeing, and they'll like it even less if you pressure them to watch it. Also, trying to "convert" your friends is quite disrespectful to your friends and their own sets of interests.

It is one thing to 'convert' your friends and try and convince them that your interests are better than theirs; it's quite another to expose them to something they otherwise would not have been, backed with a recommendation from a friend who's interests coincide enough with their own to wish to hang out together.
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Randall Miyashiro

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:25 pm Reply with quote
varmintx wrote:
And...pictures of ourselves? Would you rather see how butt-ugly we all are, or look at a nice picture of Misato?

Sorry, but I have always used my real name. My avatars have been also of me (both animated and live action) from a series that I worked on a few years ago. My character (the main villain) would frequently appear on various monitors and televisions yo taunt the main character. I've always found the internet already feels a bit impersonal without all the aliases and handles. I noticed a few people here also use the web page link to link to their personal sites, which I tend to check out.
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Joined: 01 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:39 pm Reply with quote
Well, my friends got me into anime but they only watched Naruto and Bleach and very few other shows. so right now, I'm probably the biggest anime fan... I dont care if no one watches the animes I watch, watching anime with my friends sometimes isnt all that great since they tend to talk and make fun and I just wanna watch the show. so right now, only one of my friend is an anime fan really... fine with me.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:12 pm Reply with quote
chrisb wrote:
It just kind of confuses me and I wonder if maybe its the company I keep or maybe they think I make fun of anime too or something. Now it doesn't stress me out or anything like that but it does perplex me as to why its hard for someone like me to connect with an anime fan in real life.

Welcome to anime fandom. I've just about had it with real life anime fans because of experiences similar to the one you've described, and finding an interesting, articulate person who is sensitive to your interests is next to impossible to find in any kind of rampant fandom. Take heed of the advice to hang around the forum; I've had the pleasure of making great friends here I'm not ashamed to say I feel close to: dormcat, Tony K, Jadress, the now missing Kazuki-san and jfrog (the latter whom I've spent a week with IRL), and many others. There are good people here.
If I were you, I wouldn't feel so self-conscious talking about anime around your non-anime friends. I'm sure it wouldn't offend them if you brought up a subject you find interesting when it's relevant to a conversation. I met one of my dearest and closest friends, for instance, through anime music. I was listening to the Arjuna OST and he made a passing comment about it, and we struck up a conversation from there. If your friends actually have a problem with you talking about anime, then they were never real friends to begin with.

daxomni wrote:
It just seems odd that we're so willing to post pictures of our silly DVD collections or our latest A/V setup but a picture of our mug? Why not?

Heck, a picture of me has been available for ages, with access right here in the forum. People don't pay enough attention to the little "www." It doesn't bother me to have my picture and information out there (I'm a self-promoting freelancer, after all), but I can understand how it would make some people uncomfortable.
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Joined: 17 Aug 2006
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Location: Washington D.C. in the Anime Atelier
PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 6:49 pm Reply with quote
chrisb wrote:
Watching anime by myself is relaxing and all but at times it does feels lonely in the anime world for me. My friends don't really care for anime and a lot of them even make fun of anime fans (which I never do) so I tend to keep my love of anime away from them and I just end up talking about normal media things with them like MTV and all that. The problem is the anime club students at my school seem to have a dislike for me. I get the feeling they see me as a non anime person. Whenever I start a discussion with them about anime they ask me about things like Inuyasha or Naruto or Fruit Basket. Personally I'm not at all into shounen stuff or fluffy shoujo stuff and when I try talking about something like Rumbling Hearts or Koi Kaze etc. they just look at me weird and when they start talking about series like Naruto I'm clueless and I'm like "well I like that epsidoe and blah blah blah" but they get into the whole background of the show and I'm like woah you know alot. They usually end the conversation and go back to the anime club clique. I don't know why but when I find myself clueless and all I can say is "you sure know a lot" that seems to always end the conversation. Does it make me seem like I'm making fun or something? Pretty much all of the anime club acts this way towards me (its small so I know most of them) and its seems pretty rude. It just kind of confuses me and I wonder if maybe its the company I keep or maybe they think I make fun of anime too or something. Now it doesn't stress me out or anything like that but it does perplex me as to why its hard for someone like me to connect with an anime fan in real life.

maybe its time to look outside the school for anime friends. Conventions, regional clubs, anime stores, online.... meetup.com can also help you meet new fan friends.

but i know some people base thoughts on others on the association of their group such as. u see a black guy hanging with a bunch of crackheads. you automatically think he's a crackheaded black guy even if he's not.

plus if your friends are really friends they wouldnt care if you were an anime fan. if they say you suck of sum crap F them you could be hanging with better people anyway. maybe you could help the other anime fans at school by telling them to lay off of them.

and now the anime fans....to tell to truth to me they sound like elists who only watch AS or CN anime but i dont go there so i dont know. maybe joiin the club and prove you arent trying to hurt them. besides are you for SURE SURE they hate unless they ttell you or sumthing.
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Joined: 17 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 7:07 pm Reply with quote
Animefreak6969 wrote:
I see. So your current avatar must be a picture of the real you. Right.

no no no, i haven't got there yet

is the real me!!!

seriously! i thought you were a chick! (im a girl BTW)
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Joined: 17 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 8:12 pm Reply with quote
chrisb wrote:
Watching anime by myself is relaxing and all but at times it does feels lonely in the anime world for me. My friends don't really care for anime and a lot of them even make fun of anime fans (which I never do) so I tend to keep my love of anime away from them and I just end up talking about normal media things with them like MTV and all that. The problem is the anime club students at my school seem to have a dislike for me. I get the feeling they see me as a non anime person. Whenever I start a discussion with them about anime they ask me about things like Inuyasha or Naruto or Fruit Basket. Personally I'm not at all into shounen stuff or fluffy shoujo stuff and when I try talking about something like Rumbling Hearts or Koi Kaze etc. they just look at me weird and when they start talking about series like Naruto I'm clueless and I'm like "well I like that epsidoe and blah blah blah" but they get into the whole background of the show and I'm like woah you know alot. They usually end the conversation and go back to the anime club clique. I don't know why but when I find myself clueless and all I can say is "you sure know a lot" that seems to always end the conversation. Does it make me seem like I'm making fun or something? Pretty much all of the anime club acts this way towards me (its small so I know most of them) and its seems pretty rude. It just kind of confuses me and I wonder if maybe its the company I keep or maybe they think I make fun of anime too or something. Now it doesn't stress me out or anything like that but it does perplex me as to why its hard for someone like me to connect with an anime fan in real life.
One word: ouch.

I find the usual anime fan slightly annoying -.-"

They're way too utterly noticeable. Like, you look at them and go "anime fan!" and you're mostly right. Don't ask me why. No, these people do not stink, dress terribly, speak random Japanese words as if they're a Japanese foreign students, have bad personalities, or stupid, or otaku, even. I just *could* notice them in one look. The geek look, may be? -.-"

Surprisingly, though, very few catches me the same way even if they know me. And yes, I'm just about as close to geek as anyone gets: Asian, shy, quiet, glasses (sometimes), smart, no fashion sense, so the list goes. And yes also, I'm in high school, and a male student; just about as likely an "anime fan, that guy!" candidate as I get. Moreover, like you, I like shows that just aren't in my friend's -- even my best friend's -- or most anime fan's interests. I like Fullmetal Alchemist as much as the next guy, but hey, nobody in the world appreciates Honey and Clover. Anime cry

Then again, nobody in the world appreciates the genius that is One Hundred Years of Solitude either, and I could hardly contain raving in madness about the amazing thing.

Is something wrong with me? Gah.

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Joined: 19 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 8:55 pm Reply with quote
Samurai-with-glasses wrote:
I like Fullmetal Alchemist as much as the next guy, but hey, nobody in the world appreciates Honey and Clover. Anime cry

Indeed, H & C is a terrible show, that is why both the original and its sequal are both in the top 11. (the sequal being number 4 of all time)


EDIT: Dammit, I fail. I put an apostrophe in that 'its'

Last edited by selenta on Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 18 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:01 am Reply with quote
Samurai-with-glasses wrote:
Moreover, like you, I like shows that just aren't in my friend's -- even my best friend's -- or most anime fan's interests.

Trust me; I know exactly what that feels like. I have a small handful of friends who share my interests, but outside that group I hardly get to talk about my favorite animated titles with anybody. H & C is like Naruto compared to Glassy Ocean or Winter Days.
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Joined: 17 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 6:52 am Reply with quote
selenta wrote:
Indeed, H & C is a terrible show, that is why both the original and its sequal are both in the top 11. (the sequal being number 4 of all time)
I kind of know it's very popular here in ANN, which is nice; but I'm [ranting : )] about real life, which is rather different. Nobody has ever even heard of it, and I'm talking about anime fans here, not a person with no interest in the medium.
Cloe wrote:
H & C is like Naruto compared to Glassy Ocean or Winter Days.
Where can one find Glassy Ocean or Winter Days and appreciate their hidden genius? Wink

Checking out the encyclopedia entry, Glassy Ocean sounds like an interesting animation project; the Winter Days entry is empty.

No, I'm seriously asking this because, well, I'm interested.

[If it's fansub you don't have to answer, though; after all, that's the Third Commandment around here]
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Joined: 18 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 3:25 pm Reply with quote
Samurai-with-glasses wrote:
Where can one find Glassy Ocean or Winter Days and appreciate their hidden genius? Wink

Checking out the encyclopedia entry, Glassy Ocean sounds like an interesting animation project; the Winter Days entry is empty.

No, I'm seriously asking this because, well, I'm interested.

[If it's fansub you don't have to answer, though; after all, that's the Third Commandment around here]

Haha, you're my new best friend. Alas, I'm not even able to break the Third Commandment, since the fansub group that was hosting Glassy Ocean is down, for who knows how long, and Winter Days was never available as a fansub (at least not that I could find). I watched it raw on a, like, 10th generation burned DVD I borrowed from the animator Igor Kovalyov.
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