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The lost Gainax work

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Joined: 25 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:13 pm Reply with quote
Apparently this is the only Gainax anime to not make it to the States. It is so obscure that it doesn't have even a single rating in the Encyclopedia.

Has anyone seen it? Is it good? Will it come over here? (I know the last one probably requires speculation.)
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:42 pm Reply with quote
Ummm.... you're missing Ebichu.
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Mini Jesus

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:46 pm Reply with quote
Re Cutie Honey never made it state side either as well as He is My Master(so far at least). Both of which are pretty good, though I hated Yoshitaka in HiMM. Re Cutie Honey is actually one of my favorites because it's just so much fun to watch no matter times I see it.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 3:08 pm Reply with quote
Mini Jesus wrote:
Re Cutie Honey never made it state side either as well as He is My Master(so far at least). Both of which are pretty good, though I hated Yoshitaka in HiMM. Re Cutie Honey is actually one of my favorites because it's just so much fun to watch no matter times I see it.

I'm surprise that RE: Cutie Honey and Gunbuster 2 haven't been licensed yet. Especially since they would immediately appeal to the FLCL crowd. ( I just started watching RE, it's so much fun). Gunbuster 2 might probably come stateside after the rerelease of the original.
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Joined: 23 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 5:03 pm Reply with quote
I also have to agree with above statements about Re: Cutie Honey, which I loved to death. It was so amazingly fun I overlooked the shameless fanservice (I'm female) in fact I think it made the show even more over-the-top and hilarious.

As for that OVA, are you sure it's an actual Gainax work? It looks like they might have just animated parts of it or something, because it's not listed as one of their works on their website and I've never heard it mentioned in anything Gainax-related.
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Mini Jesus

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:57 pm Reply with quote
Dranxis wrote:
I also have to agree with above statements about Re: Cutie Honey, which I loved to death. It was so amazingly fun I overlooked the shameless fanservice (I'm female) in fact I think it made the show even more over-the-top and hilarious.

As for that OVA, are you sure it's an actual Gainax work? It looks like they might have just animated parts of it or something, because it's not listed as one of their works on their website and I've never heard it mentioned in anything Gainax-related.

It's listed here at ANN as Production. So they did do something with it, but I'm not sure just how much they were responsible. As for Re: Cutie Honey, I'm glad to see other people enjoyed it as much as me. When I showed it to my friends they seemed to like it but not nearly as much as me.

As for Gunbuster 2/Diebuster/Top wo Nerae! 2, I've heard a rumor stating that the Gunbuster license was actually for both Gunbuster and it's sequal which would mean that Bandai Visual has both but haven't actually announced Diebuster yet.
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Randall Miyashiro

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:02 pm Reply with quote
The real lost Gainax work will always be the movie Route 20 Galactic Airport. Issue 3 of Animag which came out a little after Honneamise's release has a huge article on this beautiful movie. I believe a pilot film (like the one used for Honneamise) was made. If I remember the main character was a punk (android I think) and his bike. I believe that the film would have been more in the style of Honneamise compared to Gainax's more garish and loud work. I can only speculate that the popularity (especially compared to cost) of Gunbuster made Gainax go the root of cute girls, giant robots and J-pop which they are known for now. It is a shame since I love the classy start the studio had with Sakamoto's Honneamise OST. I believe had R20 been made we might still have a Gainax that doesn't rely on fan service and wacky OVAs, biut rather a movie studio creating films that resemble Otomo films.

I believe Sadamoto gathered his designs and concept work for this film and made a really short manga after the film was scrapped.
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Joined: 23 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:55 pm Reply with quote
Yeah I've heard about that Route 20 project. Some time ago I read the scanlations of Sadamoto's manga, it's quite a nice little sci-fi story, though I can see where the problems began (too similar to Akira, ect.). I also saw the movie trailer that came with it, it looked really interesting. I didn't find out till much later that it was orginally a planned Gainax project, and it's a shame it never got rolling since the story was fairly good.
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Joined: 03 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:07 pm Reply with quote
bahamut623 wrote:
I'm surprise that RE: Cutie Honey and Gunbuster 2 haven't been licensed yet. Especially since they would immediately appeal to the FLCL crowd. ( I just started watching RE, it's so much fun). Gunbuster 2 might probably come stateside after the rerelease of the original.

Who would release it the pair of them, though? While it would make sense in a way to have the sequel of Gunbuster brought along over, I can't see Bandai Visual USA bringing over Diebuster because it isn't fitting to what they are apparently licensing (older, classic anime movies/OVAs). For some reason ADV comes to mind, particularly for Re: Cutie Honey, and considering the a line like "From the ones who brought you Evangelion and FLCL comes..." or something akin to that. By any luck whoever hopefully licenses them gives them proper treatment.

Randall Miyashiro wrote:
The real lost Gainax work will always be the movie Route 20 Galactic Airport. Issue 3 of Animag which came out a little after Honneamise's release has a huge article on this beautiful movie. I believe a pilot film (like the one used for Honneamise) was made.

I never saw the pilot film for The Wings of Honneamise, but I would describe it more as concept trailer for Route 20. While there is more of quite fluid animation as per usual for Gainax, it mainly consists of still-pictures and static backgrounds.

It is a shame since I love the classy start the studio had with Sakamoto's Honneamise OST. I believe had R20 been made we might still have a Gainax that doesn't rely on fan service and wacky OVAs, biut rather a movie studio creating films that resemble Otomo films.

Some would say that Honneamise was and still is Gainax's best work, and I can't really disagree with that. It certainly unlike any of their projects that followed.

Relatedly, I seriously hope for the eventual news that Honneamise is licensed by Bandai Visual USA is to come soon as it possibly can. Manga Ent. didn't give the movie the treatment it deserved and more anime fans *need* to see it.

Dranxis wrote:
Yeah I've heard about that Route 20 project. Some time ago I read the scanlations of Sadamoto's manga, it's quite a nice little sci-fi story, though I can see where the problems began (too similar to Akira, ect.).

Actually I thought the Route 20 manga was more similar to Logan's Run, but whatever.
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Joined: 26 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:35 am Reply with quote
Actually Blazing Transfer Student is not the only classic Gainax anime that hasn't been licensed yet.

There is another Gainax anime and it's called Money Wars and came out in 1991 when Gainax were still at the peak. It's an exceptional anime.


Here is a picture from the VHS cover:

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