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REVIEW: Majestic Prince Episodes 7 - 12 Streaming

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rahzel rose

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:51 am Reply with quote
I gave up on this around episode five or so. I could not get over Tamaki's incessant "I need a boifurendo and romansu!!" Even when facing possible death. It's unfortunate because it sounds like the show picks up some, but she just killed any drive in me to watch it.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 2:55 pm Reply with quote
Thank you Rebecca for the thoughtful and balanced review. I liked how you pointed out how much the team members have grown and been fleshed-out, which nicely complements how the plot and writing quality have each improved as well. And the grades you gave are almost exactly in line with my own.

It really is a show that has grown on me.
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Sam Murai

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 6:46 pm Reply with quote
I am so glad to see that someone has seen the beauty that is in the show. As much as I liked Gargantia and the bold twists of Valvrave, Majestic Prince has been my favorite show of the season by far. There is a lot of depth and thoughtfulness in the show that I think a good number of people have either neglected to/not notice or has been lost as they have wholesale written the show off as a typical mecha title or an homage to old-school types (and thus, whittling it down to fluff material).

I suppose the subtle, steady nature of the show is partly responsible for that, but that has also been its highlight. It's refreshing to see its more "show" than "tell"-style (i.e. reaction shots, body language, refrain from side commentary & infodumping) and its interspersing of development, and the sure-footed direction has really made it all click. If anything, it's not trying to be "typical", just doing its own thing, and it doesn't hurt to have stellar action scenes and overall solid animation go along with it, either. I hope the show keeps it up, comes to a good conclusion (source manga's still ongoing, IIRC), and that Sentai puts it on BD, though more importantly, I hope that the series gets better recognition than it gets right now. It really deserves it.
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Lynx Amali

PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 6:57 pm Reply with quote
Sam Murai wrote:

I hope the show keeps it up, comes to a good conclusion (source manga's still ongoing, IIRC), and that Sentai puts it on BD, though more importantly, I hope that the series gets better recognition than it gets right now. It really deserves it.

You'd be better of not comparing the manga and anime. They're two different beasts entirely. For one, the anime has the cast done school and the manga still has them going. It's like comparing the Linebarrels manga to the anime. While some aspects are similar, they are too different to be compared.

That being said, I agree on all points. While the show does feel like it could fit in perfectly during the 80s/90s era of mecha shows, it is nonetheless very solid.

Last edited by Lynx Amali on Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 8:23 pm Reply with quote
“Heart” may be an overused term, but Majestic Prince has it in spades as it continues to probe the problems of its world and to develop its protagonists, and that alone is really worth watching.
That's some weird comma structure therein as it permits a reader to legitimately conclude that Majestic Prince Episodes 7-12 are worth watching because "'Heart' may be an overused term".

I'm not sure what you mean when you say that this show is worth watching because the show has been "continu[ing] to probe the problems of its world and to develop its protagonists" with "Heart". You say that "Heart" might be an overused term, so does that mean that all the other works that are described as having "Heart" are similarly worth watching because they have it? If not, what makes this work's "heart" more, ahem, "hearty" than that of the rest?

I for one would appreciate a furthered explanation as stating that the show is watching because it has some vaguely-defined and oft-used property ("Heart") doesn't really tell me all that much.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 9:29 pm Reply with quote
i gave up this one because it looks like a 90s anime. I may pick it up again if the story gets good later.
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Industry Insider

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:06 pm Reply with quote
I think the show would get better if they focused on Kei and Asagi's relationship. It's been hinted that he has a crush on her, and I would like to see that develop.

I can't really focus on the battle between the two forces because there's really no commitment, I feel...
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He started it

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 10:09 pm Reply with quote
perhaps once all the generals find a target they wish to hunt, they will launch an all out attack
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:02 pm Reply with quote
Sam Murai wrote:
It's refreshing to see its more "show" than "tell"-style (i.e. reaction shots, body language, refrain from side commentary & infodumping) and its interspersing of development, and the sure-footed direction has really made it all click. If anything, it's not trying to be "typical", just doing its own thing, and it doesn't hurt to have stellar action scenes and overall solid animation go along with it, either. I hope the show keeps it up, comes to a good conclusion (source manga's still ongoing, IIRC), and that Sentai puts it on BD, though more importantly, I hope that the series gets better recognition than it gets right now. It really deserves it.

I've also liked that "show" aspect of the series.

I'm also finding myself quite enjoying Toshiyuki Watanabe's soundtrack since it made me look him up, whose work I haven't heard much since it looks like I haven't seen too many of the shows he's apparently been credited on other than Ambassador Magma, Great Dangaioh, the Tylor OVAs it seems he co-contributed to, and some of Space Brothers.

Would love for this to get BDs.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 11, 2013 11:55 pm Reply with quote
Spotlesseden wrote:
i gave up this one because it looks like a 90s anime. I may pick it up again if the story gets good later.

Your comment makes me sad, man. But there's plenty of people who love 90s anime so I'll just hope you change your mind sometime in the future. Not for ALL 90's anime, of course, there's always some clunkers, but that sort of generalizing is not good.

On Topic:

Majestic Prince, I am still watching and liking it but I do agree that Tamaki is becoming the annoying character for me. But that is just a minor detraction.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 1:11 am Reply with quote
trilaan wrote:
Spotlesseden wrote:
i gave up this one because it looks like a 90s anime. I may pick it up again if the story gets good later.

Your comment makes me sad, man. But there's plenty of people who love 90s anime so I'll just hope you change your mind sometime in the future. Not for ALL 90's anime, of course, there's always some clunkers, but that sort of generalizing is not good.

On Topic:

Majestic Prince, I am still watching and liking it but I do agree that Tamaki is becoming the annoying character for me. But that is just a minor detraction.

i'm not talking about good or not. I'm talking about it just doesn't look good in my eyes. Either they internal make the art look this way or they are lazy.

I think they just release it in the wrong season. I watched Gargantia's first couple eps, the fight scene looks so great. Then couple weeks later i watched this one. the fight scene looked so bad.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:06 am Reply with quote
Excellent review. I agree with pretty much everything that you've said, Rebecca. I'm still watching Majestic Prince and still loving it. The story is good, the characters are good (even Tamaki has her moments when she's not in fangirl mode)... what's not to like?

It is such a shame that Majestic Prince doesn't get more love because it really deserves it.
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ANN Associate Editor

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 6:30 am Reply with quote
Echo_City wrote:
what makes this work's "heart" more, ahem, "hearty" than that of the rest?

Perhaps what I should have said was that Majestic Prince seems to really care about its characters. A lot of shows seem to just throw their players into situations and let them flounder, only showing us their emotions when they break from stress or other factors, but this show gives us their day-to-day reactions. We don't just see Izuru struggling with leadership or with the truth about the Wulgaru; we see him craving approval for his manga, being kind of nervous around people he's not used to, and trying to cope with his lack of past. Tamaki gets this the least, but for the most part the other pilots aren't just caricatures - effort is made to show that they are people.

Does that help? I've been a little crazed lately, but I'm happy to try and explain better (or differently) if you like.

Also, thank you, everyone who enjoyed the review!
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Sam Murai

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 2:26 pm Reply with quote
Lynx Amali wrote:
You'd be better of not comparing the manga and anime. They're two different beasts entirely. For one, the anime has the cast done school and the manga still has them going. It's like comparing the Linebarrels manga to the anime. While some aspects are similar, they are too different to be compared.

I wasn't really comparing the two as much as I was merely stating that I hope it ends well, since I know that it is based on a manga that is still ongoing. I've never read it (sure would like to…) and am only going by what the show is presenting, so I didn't know how closely it was following it.
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Joined: 17 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 2:39 pm Reply with quote
I was, frankly, starting to wonder if anyone didn't think it was crap or that the character designs were horrible. Good to know it's not true.
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