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Guilty Gear Trailer

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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 11:03 pm Reply with quote
Has the makings of an anime, definetly. If they made one, I hope it's like this one.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 11:27 pm Reply with quote
Not bad! Of course, it was done by J C Staff and they're pretty good.

I like the girl who used her long blond hair as a weapon! Cool

The voice actors could have been better though. Embarassed Wink

Forgive my ignorance, but is Guilty Gear a video game? And is this a trailer for the game or is this a trailer for an anime series?
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2006 11:36 pm Reply with quote
Yes, it is a game. This one is a promotional for the game "Guilty Gear X". If they were to make an anime though, I'd like it in that style. The girl who can use her hair is Millia Rage.
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The Frankman

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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 12:08 am Reply with quote
LydiaDianne wrote:
Not bad! Of course, it was done by J C Staff and they're pretty good.

I like the girl who used her long blond hair as a weapon! Cool

Millia Rage, Russian. Her hair is a Gear in of itself.

The voice actors could have been better though. Embarassed Wink

Yes it could've. Not bad considering they hired off the street.

Forgive my ignorance, but is Guilty Gear a video game? And is this a trailer for the game or is this a trailer for an anime series?

Yes it's a fighting game known for its "out-there" fighters (i.e. Zappa, I-No, and Bridget) and freestyle system. The trailers were only shown as a commercial in Japan. They packaged it in the game for the US. This is #2 on my short list of games that should be shows. #1 is Xenogears.
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Joined: 06 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 11:17 pm Reply with quote
Guilty Gear is a video game series made by Sammy and ARC System Works. When i saw this promo(It is also in the american release of Guilty Gear X2, under the gallery: video section) i hoped that it was for an actual anime, because the video just kick all ass. unfortunately, it is not an actual anime.

The Frankman wrote:
Yes it's a fighting game known for its "out-there" fighters (i.e. Zappa, I-No, and Bridget) and freestyle system. The trailers were only shown as a commercial in Japan. They packaged it in the game for the US. This is #2 on my short list of games that should be shows. #1 is Xenogears.

the characters (name, appearance, attacks) and several other aspects of the game are references to rock, particularly metal.

for more, go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guilty_Gear
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Joined: 20 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 11:28 pm Reply with quote
Nice. Well, the voice-acting was atrocious... but nice. Those were some nicely* done action sequences.

But what sells me is that guy is Axl Rose. AXL ROSE! (The Axl Low guy, in case you have no mental capacity.)

*Thesaurus' be damned!
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Joined: 29 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 11:49 pm Reply with quote
JoshuaStChristopher wrote:
Nice. Well, the voice-acting was atrocious... but nice. Those were some nicely* done action sequences.

But what sells me is that guy is Axl Rose. AXL ROSE! (The Axl Low guy, in case you have no mental capacity.)

*Thesaurus' be damned!
That's the guy who likes to "Rock And Roll All Night, And Party Every Day".... Laughing

I love the Guilty Gear video games, and just about all 2D fighters for that matter. A guy at school who is almost always watching anime clips/fansubs on his portable DVD player, the rest of the time he's listening to Japanese music, was watching it at school the other day. Then I remembered I had seen that video since I have the game at home. What the hell was the point of this... oh well I'll come back when I remember.
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 12:35 am Reply with quote
joel_s95387 wrote:
I love the Guilty Gear video games, and just about all 2D fighters for that matter.

I'm better at Soul Calibur myself, but I like Guilty Gear because of it's wacky moves and kick-ass soundtrack. If they made an anime I hope they would employ the soundtrack of the game to accompany it, that would make it better.
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Joined: 29 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 2:00 am Reply with quote
fighterholic wrote:
joel_s95387 wrote:
I love the Guilty Gear video games, and just about all 2D fighters for that matter.

I'm better at Soul Calibur myself, but I like Guilty Gear because of it's wacky moves and kick-ass soundtrack. If they made an anime I hope they would employ the soundtrack of the game to accompany it, that would make it better.
Weird thing about me, I'm not a big fan of music and soundtracks, specially in games. I remember the instant kills, and trying to learn (just learn not master because that would take forever in a game like Guilty Gear) the unique feeling of Guilty Gear. Isuka was just crazy. It was weird, but I have to admit I really liked it. If only smash bro's had this complex of a fighting system... nevermind because then it wouldn't be accessible to all ages and would just fail. Long story short, I don't remember the music in that game but I'll listen to it next time I play it. I'm even thinking about booting up part 2 to watch that anime [intro?].

I feel like most 3D fighters revolve too much around juggling which is why 2D just feels like a more balanced fighting system to me. But 2D vs 3D fighting can be saved for a different topic on a different forum.
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