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Joined: 14 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2013 10:44 pm Reply with quote
While the first TV series shouldn't be listed as a sequel to it, I agree with it being listed as a prequel to RELOAD. Because the manga it's adapted from is part of the RELOAD manga, not the original manga. Yes, it chronologically takes place before the first TV series, but it's not part of the first series' story, it's a part of RELOAD's story, and therefore a prequel to RELOAD.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 6:51 pm Reply with quote
A entry for The Frogman Show was just added to the encyclopedia yesterday. It should have a link to Eagle Talon The Movie - The Chancellor Only Lives Twice. This news story seems to suggest that the movie is a compliation of the TV series, though anidb lists the movie as a sequel to the TV series (but I'd probably trust ANN saying it is a compliation over what is on anidb).
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 6:55 am Reply with quote
Calathan wrote:
A entry for The Frogman Show was just added to the encyclopedia yesterday. It should have a link to Eagle Talon The Movie - The Chancellor Only Lives Twice. This news story seems to suggest that the movie is a compliation of the TV series, though anidb lists the movie as a sequel to the TV series (but I'd probably trust ANN saying it is a compliation over what is on anidb).

If the Japanese Wikipedia was correct, then the first movie happened a few months after the end of the first TV series i.e. The Frogman Show. The movie would then tell an untold history of the Chancellor's hidden past.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 5:17 pm Reply with quote
I hadn't intented to post again at ANN for the time being, but this is bugging me: Please be advised that the entry for Hyouka fails to mention its OVA.
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:08 pm Reply with quote
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe we have an entry for it to establish a relation for?

If you mean this:

then, if it was streamed half a year before the disc was released it is more of an ONA than an OVA, but it it officially treated as "episode 11.5" then it probably doesn't need it's own entry and it is indeed already included on the episode list (albeit incorrect as 11B instead of 11.5)
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Joined: 27 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:25 pm Reply with quote
There should be a link between Jankenman and Jankenman: Kaijudaikessen. Both myanimelist.net and anidb.net say that Jankenman: Kaijudaikessen is a side story of the TV series, though I've not seen any of the series, so I can't confirm that. Also, they both write "Kaijudaikessen" as three words, "Kaijuu Dai Kessen", though I don't know which way of writing it is actually more accurate.
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PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2013 5:09 am Reply with quote
I have a suggestion to make the sequel/prequel visualization a bit more user-friendly and better understandable.

The way the relations between different series are shown are to complex to be able to have a good idea of the relation.
for instance,
see link: anime#1801
When you click on the link that points you towards the OAV, another 2 extra related shows pop up that weren't mentioned in the initial link. I find it very confusing to get a grip on how all these series relate to each other.
The way things are shown on aniDB is much more understandable. You can go to a new page there with a full overview: http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=rel&aid=1308 (same series)
Is it possible to change the way ANN works to this way? Only with a few improvements.
For example:
- if a series gets revamped into new universes (say gundam or macross, you should be able to make a clear distinction between the different universes and their respective sequals, prequals of that universe.
- for movies of longrunning anime (naruto, bleach, DBZ, etc) that don't really tie in with the main story but can be situated in a range of eps, you should be able to mention where you need to situate this movie. So that people new to the series can know when they need to see a certain movie or when they need to hold off a bit.

my apologies if i posted this in the wrong topic/ thread but couln't find the right spot for this.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:06 pm Reply with quote
According to The Anime Encyclopedia, Fumoon is an adaptation of the manga Nextworld (or Next World as The Anime Encyclopedia spells it). This is also mentioned by someone on the trivia page for Nextworld. Also, The Anime Encyclopedia describes Nextworld as a sequel of sorts to Metropolis, and under the Metropolis entry says that Lost World, Metropolis, and Nextworld form a trilogy (again, this information is also currently on the Nextworld trivia page here). I think the Fumoon anime should be listed as an adaptation of Nextworld, and that there should be links between the Lost World manga page and the Metropolis manga page, and between the Metropolis manga page and the Nextworld manga page. I'm not exactly sure if Lost World, Metropolis, and Nextworld are true sequels, but they seem to have the same main characters (or perhaps alternate versions of the characters). Without reading them, it isn't quite clear to me if they should be listed as sequels or some other relation in the encyclopedia, but I definitely think they should be linked based on what The Anime Encyclopedia says.

Also, while I'm posting about it, I think Fumoon should be listed as a special, not a movie. The Anime Encyclopedia calls it a TV special, and it is streaming on Anime Sols as part of a collection of TV specials.

Sources: The Anime Encyclopedia, Revised & Expanded Edition, pages 209-210, and 413-414.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 4:02 am Reply with quote
I do think Nextworld and Fumoon should be connected, but I wouldn't be so quick on Nextworld, Metropolis, and Lost World. They're more of a trio of scifi manga that came out close together so they get associated together often, but I don't believe they're the same continuity (I've read and own all three). Kenichi shows up in all of them, yes, but that's Tezuka's peculiar star system at work wherein Kenichi is an actor who shows up in all three and isn't the same Kenichi necessarily. Much like how you wouldn't assume two characters in different movies both played by Helena Bonham Carter are the same character, even if she does get type cast. So they're three manga related by theme and when they were made rather than actually taking place in the same continuum, so I wouldn't relate them, they're an unofficial trilogy if you ask me.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:59 pm Reply with quote
Anime V Comic Rentaman was a "video magazine", essentially an anthology containing 4 separate shows, with each volume of Rentaman having one episode of each of those four shows. I think it should probably be linked to the shows using the "contains" relation. The four OAVs that make up Rentaman are The Abashiri Family, Akai Hayate, Eguchi Hisashi no Kotobuki Goro Show, and Yumemakura Baku Twilight Gekijō.

Source: The Anime Encyclopedia, Revised and Expanded Edition, page 534.
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Joined: 08 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 6:56 pm Reply with quote
Steins;Gate Fuka Ryōiki no Déjà vu (movie) is a sequel of Steins;Gate (TV). In the movie, Okabe is suffering from the memories he accumulated from his actions in the TV series.
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 9:47 am Reply with quote
rti9 wrote:
Steins;Gate Fuka Ryōiki no Déjà vu (movie) is a sequel of Steins;Gate (TV). In the movie, Okabe is suffering from the memories he accumulated from his actions in the TV series.

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Joined: 27 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 12:32 am Reply with quote
I still hoping that some of the anime I've mentioned previously in this thread could be linked up. I think they may have been overlooked or forgotten.

First, Leina: Wolf Sword Legend and Lightning Trap - Leina & Laika are both related to the Machine Robo franchise. As I've mentioned previously, I don't know the exact relation of them to the series. See this post and my earlier post linked from that one for more details. I think it would be good to link the shows even if it is just with the "related" link, just so that people know they are related. Also, Mike Toole has mentioned Leina Stol a couple times in his columns. I don't know if anyone could possibly contact him to find out what relationship to use between the OVAs and the TV series, as he seems like someone who might know.

Second, Jankenman and Jankenman: Kaijudaikessen need some sort of link. Other sites say that Jankenman: Kaijudaikessen is a side story, but I haven't seen any of the show myself.

Third, Fumoon is an adaptation of the manga Nextworld. The source for this information is The Anime Encyclopedia, Revised and Expanded Edition.

Fourth, Anime V Comic Rentaman is an anthology consisting of four OVAs The Abashiri Family, Akai Hayate, Eguchi Hisashi no Kotobuki Goro Show, and Yumemakura Baku Twilight Gekijō. I think it might make sense to make Rentaman an anthology entry rather than a normal anime entry, as it isn't really an anime itself, but a group of four anime. One episode of each of the four anime was on each Rentaman disk, which I think were rented from video stores (hence the name Rentaman). I think the "contains"/"part of" relationship would be the best way to link Rentaman to the OVAs, even if it isn't made into an anthology entry. The source for this is The Anime Encyclopedia, Revised and Expanded Edition, page 534.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 8:12 am Reply with quote
Here there is only the anime special episode. This special prologue to the movie also has a manga adaptation, which does not have a page, and is not reflected in this, the movie's, nor the Fairy Tail's page.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:49 pm Reply with quote
Yo, Coquidragon!
Welcome to the fora!
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