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NEWS: 3rd Berserk Film's Uncut R18+ Version to Also Run in Theaters

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Joined: 27 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:10 am Reply with quote
Well color me surprised. Honestly, I've no personal draw to excessive gore or rape, and I think the R15 version will be plenty sufficient for expressing the end of the arc - especially when considering how explicit certain things were in the second film, which carried an even lower rating.

That said, I'm equally against censorship in general, and do admit that the ratings disparity has my interest piqued on exactly what the R18 version contains. So, on that note, it's disappointing that it's in all of two theaters, neither of which I can probably justify making a trip to.
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Joined: 05 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:17 am Reply with quote
Etrien wrote:
Well color me surprised. Honestly, I've no personal draw to excessive gore or rape, and I think the R15 version will be plenty sufficient for expressing the end of the arc - especially when considering how explicit certain things were in the second film, which carried an even lower rating.

That said, I'm equally against censorship in general, and do admit that the ratings disparity has my interest piqued on exactly what the R18 version contains. So, on that note, it's disappointing that it's in all of two theaters, neither of which I can probably justify making a trip to.

I don't really either, but If given the option I wouldn't have it any other way. Part of the impact of that scene is how graphically violent the whole thing is. I don't think it hits the reader as hard if it's not as brutal.

In most horrow films nudity is shown to titilate, while here it's used in a way to horrify. There's nothing attractive about that scene and I was incredibly uncomfortable when I read it(which, I think, is the intent).
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Joined: 27 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:24 am Reply with quote
True, but I'm assuming that even the R15 version will be more graphic than the TV anime was (which was still quite horrific). After all, the PG12-rated second film already featured surprisingly graphic sex and visible genitalia (the showers of blood are a given).
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:39 am Reply with quote
Showing genitals is one thing that's not that shocking these days, even the first movie had Casca in full nudity, pubs and all. It's showing what can be done with them in full graphic violent detail that might scar a few eyeballs. I knew there had to be two versions of the last scenes, one at low heat, and one at full flame. My question is will these movies then carry on the rest of the story, or at least add new fuel to start a new TV series to carry on the story at least?
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 11:33 am Reply with quote
Mohawk52 wrote:
or at least add new fuel to start a new TV series to carry on the story at least?

apparently that's the plan
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:05 pm Reply with quote
If only they could add more from the manga instead of leaving vital plot points / story details out.
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:01 pm Reply with quote
I wonder if that PG-13 for the day time and R rated for the night could work in America. I really wouldn't want to see though, I see movies during the day as to avoid crowds, and I'd rather my R movies remain Rs at all times, but the trend of PG-13 for theaters and R for DVD is really pissing me off.

It they could adopt that strategy for NC-17 films, I'd be all over that. And I can't imagine filmmakers would have much of a fuss if their only other option was "cut the movie or nothing plays at all."
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:45 pm Reply with quote
walw6pK4Alo wrote:
I wonder if that PG-13 for the day time and R rated for the night could work in America. I really wouldn't want to see though, I see movies during the day as to avoid crowds, and I'd rather my R movies remain Rs at all times, but the trend of PG-13 for theaters and R for DVD is really pissing me off.

Does that happen often? My impression is that outside the few movies that specifically need to reach PG13 like Avatar, the rest are happy with R. Besides, anything that hits home video with extra footage just becomes "unrated", which they have to use since the extra footage wasn't rated by the MPAA.

It they could adopt that strategy for NC-17 films, I'd be all over that. And I can't imagine filmmakers would have much of a fuss if their only other option was "cut the movie or nothing plays at all."

R already tolerates a ton of stuff, I'd say everything that R18 does in Japan for non-porn movies, ironically while still allowing for admitting people under 17 with someone older. I guess probably a few would qualify for NC17 in its uncut form i.e. the unrated version on DVD/BD, though I think not that many. It'll basically be hardcore porn with a story. But most theaters would not carry such NC-17 titles I think.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:25 pm Reply with quote
Yes, it happened recently with Lockout and somewhat recently with Die Hard 4. Die Hard 5 has a R, so I doubt it'll be be cut for theaters. No other examples spring immediately to mind, but those are ones I know of. Theaters don't carry NC-17 rated films because they're not allowed to have any kind of real advertising campaigns. So they're either cut to R or never screened nationally.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 5:39 pm Reply with quote
The second movie was already more graphic than the manga was...
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:28 pm Reply with quote
configspace wrote:
walw6pK4Alo wrote:
I wonder if that PG-13 for the day time and R rated for the night could work in America. I really wouldn't want to see though, I see movies during the day as to avoid crowds, and I'd rather my R movies remain Rs at all times, but the trend of PG-13 for theaters and R for DVD is really pissing me off.

Does that happen often? My impression is that outside the few movies that specifically need to reach PG13 like Avatar, the rest are happy with R. Besides, anything that hits home video with extra footage just becomes "unrated", which they have to use since the extra footage wasn't rated by the MPAA.

It they could adopt that strategy for NC-17 films, I'd be all over that. And I can't imagine filmmakers would have much of a fuss if their only other option was "cut the movie or nothing plays at all."

R already tolerates a ton of stuff, I'd say everything that R18 does in Japan for non-porn movies, ironically while still allowing for admitting people under 17 with someone older. I guess probably a few would qualify for NC17 in its uncut form i.e. the unrated version on DVD/BD, though I think not that many. It'll basically be hardcore porn with a story. But most theaters would not carry such NC-17 titles I think.

To the first part: Movie studios want as much PG-13 as possible and it's led to some fairly terrible sequels. Die Hard 4 and Chronicles of Riddick come to mind.

Second Part: This is a complete misnomer about NC-17 and is probably the reason why we won't see many more mainstream films go that far. The MPAA has a very specific set of standards, some of which don't make any sense. You can do very little and earn an NC-17 very easily. Recently it was reported that the new Evil Dead was going to get an NC-17 (they are gonna cut it up unfortunately) I would hardly consider it pornography (not the sexy kind anyway).

For anyone curious, check out the documentary "This Film Is Not Yet Rated" for more info on how messed up the MPAA is.
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Joined: 07 May 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 4:06 am Reply with quote
Mohawk52 wrote:
My question is will these movies then carry on the rest of the story, or at least add new fuel to start a new TV series to carry on the story at least?

From what I understand, the producers have stated in interviews that if the first 3 films do well enough, that they plan on animating the entire series in movie format.

That's if, the first 3 movies do well enough. Who knows what the bar is set at, and whether the first 2 films cleared them or not.

Also, I wonder if they are going for shock value here to attract a curious audience. It's already been said in this thread that some are curious as to what the difference is between the two.
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Joined: 19 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 7:12 am Reply with quote
I like the movies so far but they aren't as good as the old TV series. The missing plot points and the cheap looking CGI work against it. Shame really as CGI can be really nice when done right but in this movie it just makes characters look like they're in jet set radio at times.

Still im looking forward to this 3rd one and if they make more I'll watch em, cant get enough Berserk
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Joined: 06 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:24 am Reply with quote
Has anyone here in Japan seen the last part of the movie trilogy?
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