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The List - 8 Most Visually Striking Anime Productions

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Joined: 27 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:16 pm Reply with quote
Bakemonogatari gets on this but Redline doesn't?

This list is pure BS.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:18 pm Reply with quote
theshadowboss wrote:
Where is Gankutsuou? That show looks like nothing else I have ever seen, and it should have at least got an honorable mention. It probably gave the author of this article a headache.

I actually haven't seen it *covers head*, so my exposure of it is limited to key visuals I've seen floating around of a blue-skinned guy in fancy clothes.
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Joined: 16 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:26 pm Reply with quote
And yet another poll where I'm only familiar with one option. At least Miketsukami's better than death...
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Joined: 20 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:40 pm Reply with quote
Since everyone is mentioning anime they feel could/should be included...

Surprised that Texhnolyze and Haibane Renmei aren't on the list (although you do mention them in passing with Serial Experiments Lain). The former is, I would argue, that closest any television anime has ever gotten to some of the brilliant cinematography in films. Hiroshi Hamasaki (Shiguri, Steins;Gate) is frankly one of the greatest directors in the industry, up there with Hosoda, Kamiyama, Takahata, Miyazaki, etc. I'm not able to take screenshots at the moment, but a quick Internet search more or less bears out evidence of how stunning the series is in composition, texture, tones, lighting, etc.: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (spoiler for this one), 10, 11, 12, 13, 14... You get the idea. Hell, you know how visually-minded Texhnolyze is when its references Frank Lloyd Wright (here) and Edward Hopper (spoilers: 1, 2, 3, 4), both for important thematic reasons.

I'd say Mushi-Shi also deserves a mention. Aside from the animation -- the mushi in particular are just wonderful in how they really feel alive with their constant, fluid movements - the earth tones are luscious, but also look very natural without coming across as too over-saturated. It's a feast for the eyes.

But the list itself is good. The inclusions of Mononoke and Kemonozume are really nice surprises. The former is close to what I'd imagine a lot of (early?) anime would look like were it not for the Disney/Tezuka influence at its inception. As for the latter, anything by Masaaki Yuasa is worth watching, even if the story doesn't match the brilliance of the visuals.

I've never really cared much for Shinbo's works. Madoka Magica is an exception for me, as his idiosyncrasies seem to be more restrained (although there are the visual collages of the witches -- which I feel conflicted about -- and his obnoxious "dolly-ins" occasionally show up). There his style seems like less of a non-sequitor, and does Urobuchi's script justice. In contrast, Bakemonogatari shows that he LOVES what Anno and Ikuhara did in Evangelion and Utena, so he has nice influences... but I just don't find anything he does there to be more than a novelty.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:44 pm Reply with quote
I however, will be preparing for the nine months of rain Washington pours in every year like clockwork.

At least you don't have to shovel rain. Wink It always amazes me that snow manages to be so heavy.

I'll throw in another vote for Gankutsuou. Some of it's scenes and designs, such as Haydee's opera dress, were simply stunning.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:54 pm Reply with quote
SereneChaos wrote:
I however, will be preparing for the nine months of rain Washington pours in every year like clockwork.

At least you don't have to shovel rain. Wink It always amazes me that snow manages to be so heavy.

I'll throw in another vote for Gankutsuou. Some of it's scenes and designs, such as Haydee's opera dress, were simply stunning.

Oh, you'd be surprised. I have two creeks behind my house that swell up pretty high during the rainy season. We have sand bags on the property in case the need arises. Also, I live at the bottom of a hill in the woods so any snow = not getting out of the driveway.
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Great Rumbler

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:26 pm Reply with quote
Chagen46 wrote:
Bakemonogatari gets on this but Redline doesn't?

This list is pure BS.

Redline definitely needs a mention on this list somewhere.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:46 pm Reply with quote
As far as bodyguards go, I will take Bean Bandit. Of course I will probably have to win the Powerball a few times to afford it.
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Joined: 24 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:48 pm Reply with quote
Yea Gankutsuou would have been among the top of my list. FLCL too. Tatami Galaxy and Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei are two others that come to mind, though they at least got mention through their creators on other choices.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:49 pm Reply with quote
I hate to repeat whats been said before, but as soon as I saw the header for this column I immediately thought of Gankutsuou. Also, I'd like to add Noein to the list; that first episode blew my mind when I first saw it and pretty much the whole series is a mindblow. BTW, I'll take Balsa anyday to watch my back.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:51 pm Reply with quote
As a die hard fan of Utena, and who regularly talks about it with other Utena fans, I wouldn't say it has a bad rap. We generally LOVE the movie. It's just the last eight minutes or so throw us into a giggle fit or a face palm moment as soon as Zettai Umnei Mokushirioku starts up. Heck, my mom likes it and she can't even begin to explain what the heck it's about. But to her it's pretty, and it's a cartoon with lesbians and that's downright amazing to her.

The animation and soundtrack are downright gorgeous. It's just not a great introduction to Utena for people unfamiliar with the tv series.
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Joined: 08 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:53 pm Reply with quote
octopodpie wrote:
theshadowboss wrote:
Where is Gankutsuou? That show looks like nothing else I have ever seen, and it should have at least got an honorable mention. It probably gave the author of this article a headache.

I actually haven't seen it *covers head*, so my exposure of it is limited to key visuals I've seen floating around of a blue-skinned guy in fancy clothes.

I figured something like that must be the case. I strongly recommend that series, as it is an extremely impressive series for more than just its visuals, and its visuals are perhaps the most striking thing I've seen in any anime. The whole series is available on crunchyroll right now, if you're interested.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:56 pm Reply with quote
Bonham wrote:

I've never really cared much for Shinbo's works. Madoka Magica is an exception for me, as his idiosyncrasies seem to be more restrained (although there are the visual collages of the witches -- which I feel conflicted about -- and his obnoxious "dolly-ins" occasionally show up). There his style seems like less of a non-sequitor, and does Urobuchi's script justice. In contrast, Bakemonogatari shows that he LOVES what Anno and Ikuhara did in Evangelion and Utena, so he has nice influences... but I just don't find anything he does there to be more than a novelty.

Time will tell whether Shinbo developed an interesting gimmick that will lose its luster over time or if he'll continue on from Madoka, Bakemonogatari, and Zetsubo-sensei with continued visual ingenuity. That said, I can't over-recommend The SoulTaker. It was one of my first DVD purchases as teen, and is full of wtfuckery but the color blocking and visuals in it are really interesting. As for it's Nurse Maid Komugi-chan spin-off...I didn't see that one.

Mad_Scientist wrote:
octopodpie wrote:
theshadowboss wrote:
Where is Gankutsuou? That show looks like nothing else I have ever seen, and it should have at least got an honorable mention. It probably gave the author of this article a headache.

I actually haven't seen it *covers head*, so my exposure of it is limited to key visuals I've seen floating around of a blue-skinned guy in fancy clothes.

I figured something like that must be the case. I strongly recommend that series, as it is an extremely impressive series for more than just its visuals, and its visuals are perhaps the most striking thing I've seen in any anime. The whole series is available on crunchyroll right now, if you're interested.

Thanks for the head's up! I'll put it and Redline in my *to buy* list on RightStuf.
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 2:32 pm Reply with quote
I do have to admit that Kemonozume was a pretty bizarre production. I had heard about it from a blog site called AniPages Daily; A site dedicated to more alternative and visually artistic anime. Not to mention information on past and upcoming artist in the animation scene to keep an eye on. No mainstream stuff here, except the few veteran directors that have worked on such productions. Even some you never heard of. For some reason I never bothered checking into it because of the animation style. Eventually I checked it out (fansubbed) a few years later. I have to admit I was pretty impressed with the series as a whole. Unadulterated sex, weird style animation, bizarre eye-catchers, and rather simplistic story. I actually enjoyed it. I was hoping that someone would license it, but I later realized that this is one of those titles that is extremely, extremely "niche". The animation style is not something mainstream fans would be interested in. It's in the category of "ugly" animation, where it has it moments where you might get used to it and find parts you're ok with or you'll hate it to HELL. It would be a huge risk for some company to acquire this for release, especially as a sub only. I would buy this for myself. I found this little series something I'd recommend for our library because of the animation style.

So what about Mind Game or Genius Party? Or Milllenium Actress, or anything Satoshi Kon does? Since folks mentioned Bakemonogatari what about Katanagatari? How about Denno Coil? Of course Zetsubou Sensei, manga wise and anime-wise is a pretty interestingly constructed anime. I certainly enjoyed it. I gotta go back to reading the books. And if sex appeal is you tea there's Production IG's Re: Cutie Honey and the skanky Panty and Stocking.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 2:59 pm Reply with quote

Too soon? Laughing
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