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NEWS: Stu Levy: Hetalia Volumes 4, 5 to Get N. American Release

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Vata Raven

Joined: 21 May 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:48 pm Reply with quote
This confuses me...is TP back or what?
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Joined: 14 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 10:55 pm Reply with quote
Sounds like TP has very little/nothing to do with it. I'm really glad Hetalia's getting released again, but I'm wary. Very wary. :/
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Joined: 21 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:03 pm Reply with quote
About 40 minutes of Stu's panel was dedicated to his history about how he started TP, things that TP did, and why TP failed. And when he finally gets to the Present and Future, this Hetalia announcement was probably the most worthwhile thing mentioned. And he talked so long that a Q&A couldn't be squeezed in. LaughingLaughing

bayoab wrote:
19:50:23 <bay> Tokyopop: The Present
19:53:00 <bay> moving into print on demand and ebooks
19:53:03 <bay> to explain the print on demand
19:53:05 <bay> allison
19:53:31 <bay> as you may or may not know... right stuf has teamed up with tp and gentousha and we're putting out hetalia vol 3 which you see infront of you for the first time ever
19:53:49 <bay> we're also doing it for bizghast and we annonuced at our panel yesterday that we're doing it for psy-com
19:54:02 <bay> and the impetus is we hate when you can't buy the manga you want
19:54:34 <bay> so check those out
19:54:38 <bay> (didn't copy a middle part there)
19:55:05 <bay> and daniela is going to speak briefly about editorial after in a sec
19:55:10 <bay> after i say things
19:55:22 <bay> we put out 1-3, ther is more hetalia... there is 4..and in a month in japan, there is hetalia 5
19:55:28 <bay> and i just confirmation yesterday
19:55:37 <bay> from gentosha
19:55:42 <bay> who said guess what, 4 and 5 will also come out here
19:55:54 <bay> we don't know the details yet
19:55:59 <bay> we're talking to gentosha
19:56:05 <bay> but 100% sure that both of those will come out, hopefully soon

19:58:11 <bay> Tokyopop: The future
19:58:16 <bay> What about cancelled series?
19:58:20 <bay> Will other series be rbought back?
19:58:25 <bay> What about any new series?
19:58:32 <bay> so...
19:58:42 <bay> basically our situation is that because of everythign that happened over the past year and a half
19:58:47 <bay> our contracts with the licensors have expired
19:58:56 <bay> so basically, whether we can put something out or not, it depends on the jaapnese company
19:59:03 <bay> with gentosha who is really cool, we could make it happen
19:59:15 <bay> how many will work with us or how many will work with others...
19:59:20 <bay> that sort of thing will happen as well
19:59:30 <bay> but there will likely be someother titles that the company in japan is cool with teaming up with us to put it out
19:59:37 <bay> i dont' know exactly until ... until they tell me
19:59:43 <bay> whatever we can put out...they will do our best to do that
19:59:51 <bay> i wish i could sya, here are the series wi'll be putting out, but i dont' know yet
19:59:57 <bay> but gentosha will be able to work witht hem on other titles
20:00:06 <bay> i dont' know 100% ... but i'm pretty sure we can put out other gentosha titles
20:00:19 <bay> the other thing is that if you can email us and let us know or facebook and let us know what titles you want
20:00:23 <bay> google plus, we have that tooo
20:00:27 <bay> myspace, you can myspace us
20:00:36 <bay> we'll also start a request thread in the trsi forusm
20:00:37 <bay> as far as oel manga
20:00:47 <bay> that on the other hand, we will start to do all the oel titles with trsi
20:00:53 <bay> and if there are titles we completed, we'll put those out
20:00:58 <bay> those will take a little bit of time
20:01:01 <bay> we have to see what the market iwll buy
20:01:09 <bay> new series, maybe.. do you want new series?
20:01:22 <bay> you know what.. that enthusiasm..that won me over.. sure why not...
20:01:49 <bay> for new series, if we can get info on what peopel want, ...that leads...and i know other publisehrs are doing it... they are doing kickstarter
20:01:52 <bay> and it works...
20:02:00 <bay> but it's a lot of work once you get it doing
20:02:18 <bay> it's a decent amount of wokr but the good thing about kickstarter is you know there is a market there or not so you can do the best possible quality
20:02:25 <bay> so if we do a kickstarter would we support it
20:02:55 <bay> does anyone not know what kickstarter is?
20:02:46 <bay> (about 1/8th)
20:02:50 <bay> (explains)
20:03:09 <bay> but it's basically you the public deciding what happens and what doesn't happen
20:03:13 <bay> okay...
20:03:16 <bay> and other than that
20:03:22 <bay> there are Film and TV projects in development
20:03:29 <bay> a lot of the OEL, some of these are in development to turn into TV
20:03:36 <bay> we'll see if they get made, you know how hollywood is
20:03:44 <bay> whether they get made or not you'll see
20:03:52 <bay> web video.. is something we're looking at doing more of...
20:04:00 <bay> how many of you like video series on the web
20:04:04 <bay> and then accessories
20:04:12 <bay> we're thinking about doing a bunch of tshirts...and stuff
20:04:17 <bay> so guess what this means
20:04:27 <bay> Q&A.....
20:04:38 <bay> so if you have questions raise your hand
20:04:47 <bay> and they are telling us the panel is over
20:06:04 <bay> end
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Joined: 16 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 12:02 am Reply with quote
So we can only get volume 3 at Right Stuf? And I'm assuming it'll be the same for the other two? I've never gotten anything from Right Stuf before. Good to see that they're actually releasing these now though.
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Dark Absol

Joined: 09 Dec 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 12:16 am Reply with quote
Nothing on Future Diary, Deadman Wonderland, Ratman, Samurai Harem, Stigmata Qwaser, etc? Darn...
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 12:30 am Reply with quote

Now we need Life and Beck
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Joined: 30 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 12:33 am Reply with quote
Um....ok....? Yet...what does this mean? Are you in or out, Stu? You can't really do this half assed.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 12:38 am Reply with quote
I asked him some questions afterwards, because the panel ran so long they didn't get to Q&A: www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wAGSnx-S74
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 2:32 am Reply with quote
Dammit Tokyopop! For the love of manga, please stooooop.
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Joined: 02 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:36 am Reply with quote
Dark Absol wrote:
Nothing on Future Diary, Deadman Wonderland, Ratman, Samurai Harem, Stigmata Qwaser, etc? Darn...

You left out the last Karin/Chibi Vampir LN. Was announced fir the setember of the year they closed and was the very last thing in the series. I'd say that if anything deserves a release.

Though i do agree on Mirai Nikki and Asu no Yoichi(sorry mind goes to those names first meant Future Diary and Samurai Harem) i'd heard those were almost done as well.
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Joined: 19 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:28 am Reply with quote
oh crap he's still on about OEL and TV shows, he's learned nothing.

Edit: god is he special needs or somthing? He cant even see that his main business died a death while he was off galavanting around with numerous needless side projects.

Im kind of torn, on the one hand id love to see em come back as another manga publisher would be most welcom but on the other hand i remember that tokyopop manga was pretty bad quality wich i put up with but i really could do without the americanisation and the tampering and spelling mistakes. Id love to have gotten battle royale but knowing that its been badly tampered with I wouldnt go near it.

I like my manga publishers to be guys who translate the books to english and release it in decent quality.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:41 am Reply with quote
RAmmsoldat wrote:
oh crap he's still on about OEL and TV shows, he's learned nothing.

Edit: god is he special needs or somthing? He can't even see that his main business died a death while he was off galavanting around with numerous needless side projects.

Maybe I'm out of the loop, but I thought that Tokyopop collapsed because of competition from itself -- that is, too many Japanese titles released, meaning that not every title was bought by fans, so some titles would be loss-makers. So it shrunk to accommodate only the titles that were top sellers.

I can't imagine how side projects like OEL can affect the main unless the financial checking was just bad. You can do it as part of a sub-company, so the money earned and spent will be within one section of a company. In general it is good business sense to diversify possible income options, and I can totally understand why he would want to push for OEL.
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Joined: 16 Dec 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:51 am Reply with quote
I guess this means pretty definitively that none of the OEL creators ever got the rights to their stories back?

Honestly, I know of no OEL creator worth their salt that would be willing to work with TP if they do try to get back in the game. They can do a kickstarter just as easily as TP. And at this point, a greater chance of being able to finish their series.
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Joined: 19 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:13 am Reply with quote
dandelion_rose wrote:
RAmmsoldat wrote:
oh crap he's still on about OEL and TV shows, he's learned nothing.

Edit: god is he special needs or somthing? He can't even see that his main business died a death while he was off galavanting around with numerous needless side projects.

Maybe I'm out of the loop, but I thought that Tokyopop collapsed because of competition from itself -- that is, too many Japanese titles released, meaning that not every title was bought by fans, so some titles would be loss-makers. So it shrunk to accommodate only the titles that were top sellers.

I can't imagine how side projects like OEL can affect the main unless the financial checking was just bad. You can do it as part of a sub-company, so the money earned and spent will be within one section of a company. In general it is good business sense to diversify possible income options, and I can totally understand why he would want to push for OEL.

Their "we'll publish anything" was a factor for sure, theres so much tokyopop stuff on ebay its a chore sifting through it for the good stuff.

I would have though with them cesing to be a publisher any contracts they had with the OEL creatos would be void as tokyopop cannot be upholding their end of the contracts as they no longer publish. wonder what the deal is there.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:30 am Reply with quote
Haters gonna hate, I'm really happy we get to read more Hetalia manga!
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