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The Mike Toole Show - A Tale of Two Dubs

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:35 pm Reply with quote
I have the Megazone 23 Premium Box laserdisc set released in Japan. It contains 3 separate discs. Megazone 23 part I (in Japanese), Megazone 23 part II (in English) and Megazone 23 part II (in Japanese). None of them are subtitled.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:38 pm Reply with quote
Well it's not something that got dubbed twice but on Crackle I once saw a dub for the first season of Nodame Cantabile, the entire first season, with American voice actors, I think produced by Animax Asia, and apparently it's now blocked in the US. No clue what that was about but it certainly was interesting.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:43 pm Reply with quote
It also came out on DVD/HD-DVD. Did anyone buy that version? Anyone?

"It" being Wings of Honneamise (in case anyone forgot where in the article I took that from)/

Anyway, yes, I have that version, I got it this past Xmas, but only because it was $10 (local used store, which had it sitting there for the ridiculous price of $80 for years) and heck, it still has a DVD, that's perfectly usable even if the other disc is a coaster, right? And it had the chipboard box and the booklet, might as well, since if I were to get just the DVD only online, it'd still cost me $10 at least. And I don't yet have a Blu-ray player.

And gah, thank you for reminding me how much Fantastic Children's dub needs to burn in hell.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:49 pm Reply with quote
A fascinating read, I really wish I had time to track down and watch a lot of these alternate dub takes on shows I have seen.

I was hoping to get the story on the 2 dubs of 5 Centimeters per Second, as it is the only show I own both dubs of.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:58 pm Reply with quote
I wonder if anyone out there has muxed the old Streamlne dub of AKIRA onto the BD, it really gives the movie a unique feel that immediately dates it to the 80s, by being an old dub and by the manner in which the characters speak. I think it's also had an affect on how some anime fans think dubs might be like, like the mannerism of the Girl-chan in Paradise characters all talk with that drawl and over-pronunciation. It's a bad dub by more modern standards, but it's endearing as hell.

There's also weird cases of dubs just disappearing entirely, like Dagger of Kamui, or even DYRL's HK dub. Fascinating to look at some of them, and even better when you can remix your own version to include every single dub and subtitle track available for an anime.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:58 pm Reply with quote
I recieved the Wings of the Honneamise DVD/Blu-Ray combo set for Christmas a couple of years ago. It's my favorite anime movie (probably my favorite animated movie, period), so it's one of the treasures of my collection. I used to own it on VHS, and the dub never really bothered me, not that it was great.

What about all the times Mystery/Secret of Mamo has been dubbed? You could do a whole series of articles just on that. I think they finally got it right with the Phuuz cast, even though there are a few stupid localizations in it. Tony Oliver is my favorite English dub voice for Lupin III.

I completely agree about Patlabor. The new dubs are more accurate, but there were better performances in the Manga Entertainment dubs, which brings them to about even, and so neither are spectacular, but both are listenable. Peter Marinker is the best English voice for Gotoh, though.

As for Dragon Ball Z, neither the Ocean cast dub nor Funimation in-house dub are good. They're both full of awful scripts and poor voice acting. It wasn't until Dragon Ball Kai until Funimation produced a worthy dub of that story. The new direction they went in makes it better than any effort previous (in English, anyway). However, I do have a fondness for some of the old Ocean cast, though, like Peter Kelamis and Scott McNeil. I've heard that Ocean will do their own dub of Kai, but it's been a while since anyone's said anything about it apart from speculation.

I actually have a copy of a DBZ movie dubbed in English by a company called Creative Products Corp, a Filipino outfit, if I'm correct. It's too bad none of my VCRs work, because it's on a VHS tape. The performances are a bit wooden, but at least they left the Kikuchi music in.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:08 pm Reply with quote
Probably the zaniest-sounding example Mike brought up is the fact that Street Fighter II V was being dubbed twice, at roughly the same time, but two different studios. There's no chance at SF IIV ever being licensed rescued, if Manga no longer has the show now, but if it was to occur it would be neat to have both dubs included.

As for animes I'm familiar with that have multiple dubs, I guess you can include Gatchaman, though that was a case of it being adapted three seperate times, all of which in somewhat different ways... Though Sandy Frank Productions was responsible for both the Battle of the Planets & G-Force dubs, so maybe it counts to an extent.

Outside of that, though, I'm far more interested in dubs that most North American fans wouldn't hear. Stuff like the Animax Asia dubs as well as dubs that are done solely for promotional purposes; when Anime Midstream brought up how there was a dub for the first couple episode of Raijin-Oh that was made back in the 90s I became interested in hearing it, for example. Also, I wonder how many other "promo/proof-of-concept dubs" there are.

Finally, I do know that Ocean Studios did some sort of dubbing for one of my personal favorite unlicensed animes, Ring ni Kakero 1. All I know is that it's a Karl Willems dub & that Michael Coleman was in it as the voice of Ishimatsu, due to Coleman listing the role on his website as well as a listing over at the ANN Encyclopedia... That might be incorrect to some extent, though, since I have no idea how much Ocean dubbed (pilot film, TV series, etc.). As a big fan of this series I would to hear how this dub came out, since it's likelt going to be the only time this series ever gets dubbed in any way.

Last edited by Lord Geo on Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 10 May 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:36 pm Reply with quote
What a coincidence I had made a video on youtube comparing the 3 dubbed versions of Megazone 23 Part 1 yesterday then I see this article. This kind of thing fascinates me for some reason comparing different performances and scripting on the same movies/shows. It surprised me when I made a video comparing the 2 dubs of Rurouni Kenshin, and so many people liked Sony's dub over anything (retitled Samurai X). I could write a whole paper on everything wrong with that dub lol.

Animax asia dubs are pretty interesting to say the least. They're cheaply made usually with a limited group of VAs in Hong Kong, or Singapore. Still I get the impression they're at least trying to make something decent so I'll give them credit for that. The dub of ZZ Gundam was amusing just wish I could find more it


Last edited by Charlie_Conway on Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:56 pm; edited 2 times in total
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The King of Harts

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:47 pm Reply with quote
A fascinating website (at least I find it that) to go to if you just want to hear snippets of English performances from other countries is Behind the Voice Actors. It doesn't have everything Mike listed, but you'll find Akira, Dragonball, One Piece, Sailor Moon, Pokemon and so on.

The only time I've seen the same show with different dubs is One Piece and it's 4kids vs Funimations, so it's debatable if it's even the same show. Other than that, though, I haven't had the chance, though I did almost get CPM's VHS release of Here is Greenwood so I could compare that dub to Media Blasters'.

I've seen cases of different studios dubbing parts of a franchise, though. I've always been amused at how the Ah My Goddess franchise has three different casts for four different installments. The original OVAs use Coastal Carolina, the TV series uses NYAV Post, and the Movie and Mini-Goddess use Magnitude 8 Post (BangZoom regulars, basically). The most fascinating part about it is that each one is really good and the different casts do great jobs making the characters theirs.

However, at the same time I'm put off greatly by the fact that Bandai used three different dubbing studios with three different casts to do the three installments of Saber Marionette J. It's not so much that I'm attached to the original Ocean dub (though I do like it), it's that it'd be so jarring to hear three different renditions of the same characters in what is a continuous storyline. It'd be one thing if they were alternate retellings or spinoffs like how there are two Dirty Pair casts (Flash and the Movies/OVAs), but J, J Again, and J to X are sequels of each other, and so I find that annoying.

I do hope to one day be able to do dub comparisons. I currently just don't have to the internet service to hunt down and watch these things like I wish I could. I think Nozomi is including both the Streamline and ADV dubs for their releases of the Dirty Pair movies and OVAs, so hopefully the chance will happen sooner rather than later.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:53 pm Reply with quote
I'm like... 99.9% sure that the English version of the Tintin cartoon from the '90s was actually the original one and the French version was the dub. But I'd love to hear it in French someday, regardless. My DVD set from Shout Factory only has the English and Spanish versions.

I bet watching Avatar in Japanese is pretty cool. Cool
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Hunter Sopko

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:56 pm Reply with quote
Possibly speaking heresy, but I actually preferred Cynthia Martinez's Lina Inverse.
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Joined: 03 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:59 pm Reply with quote
I was hoping that this column would talk about the "legend" of the ADV dubs of Gurren Lagaan and Sgt. Frog that have entered into US anime lore alongside Vic Mignogna's "Fullmetal Fantasy" live action video. Is there any chance that the brunt of ANN's investigative journalism could be brought to bear on these issues?

I wish that the TV show cast could have dubbed everything for Patlabor. I personally preferred it, and I mourn for the death of a dubbing company that was cool enough to recruit an amateur voice actor from a panel at a con that they ran (DVD extra).
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:05 pm Reply with quote
Man, I'm still bummed Fantastic Children got such a shoddy dub. That show deserved better. Alas... Confused

I hope someone brings over Nodame Cantabile someday, since it's already gotten an English version.
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:08 pm Reply with quote
...Shin-chan aired on Fox Kids? What?

I'm going to assume it doesn't have the abortion and rape jokes Funi's dub has since it was on Fox Kids, so I'll go with that one. I think...
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:11 pm Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
...Shin-chan aired on Fox Kids? What?

I'm going to assume it doesn't have the abortion and rape jokes Funi's dub has, so I'll go with that one. I think...

No it was a toned down dub with some really good VAs in it. Kath Soucie as Shin and Misty Nohara. It was like japanese Rugrats or something haha
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