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The Mike Toole Show - Ten Years Later

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Joined: 27 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:00 pm Reply with quote
I was 13 10 years ago and I remember actively keeping with animes such as DBZ, Yu Yu Hakusho, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop, etc. My brother had a lot of harem anime that I never really liked, and it's funny how doesn't really watch anime anymore. I forgot Naruto came out in 2002, and it's funny how much I get into it after watching it. I never watched Chobits until last month... it was different from what I usually watch but I thought it was good.

Nowadays, I watch giant series such as Bleach and Naruto... but I still keep up with newer (and much shorter) anime as well. I think Darker than Black (2007) was one of my favorites in recent years, and I seriously think it was one of the most underrated animes ever.

For animes that came out last year, I would say I liked Blue Exorcist the most, but I just finished Steins;gate yesterday which blew that candidate out of the water. I wonder if I'll still keep up with anime when I'm 33, Or if I'll end up like my brother and be all grumpy and hate anime.

Guess only time will tell...
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:01 pm Reply with quote
Oh man, this makes me feel old considering I have heard a good chunk of those shows! Man, time flies.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:32 pm Reply with quote
Ah nostalgia! The early years of 2000 were some of the best exposure to anime I've ever had.

I liked the 2002 adaptation of Kanon. It was pretty darn good to me so I'm sad to hear it flopped. :<

Witch Hunter Robin, I can never forget this show. It was like a mix of Persona, Xenogears and witchcraft. I missed maybe one or two episodes in the middle, but still I loved it.

So Demon Lord Dante was bad? I am planning to add that to my list very soon so I'll judge for myself.

You might want to look on Amazon again, there are people selling used copies of Haibane Renmei at affordable prices.

Personally, I've wanted to try Magical Shopping Arcade because the premise always sounded interesting to me.

Argh, so many anime from the "ancient days" that I need to watch! T__T
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:48 pm Reply with quote
2002 was the year when I started to download digital fansubs. So many great shows came out that year (GitS: SAC, RahXephon, Juuni Kokuki, Azumanga Daioh, Witch Hunter Robin, Haibane Renmei, Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai and yes, even Naruto and the second season of Mahoromatic), I find it hard to make a top 5 list.

Macross Zero sports dogfights and mecha design worthy of the franchise, but its plot is a bunch of pseudo-spiritualistic crap courtesy of original co-director Shoji Kawamori, who still has great ideas but should probably be kept away from scripting duties. The series also, like Macross II, introduces us to a whole new set of characters that nobody cares about and will never again be referenced in the Macross lexicon.

I take it you didn't watch Macross Frontier. Twisted Evil

Last edited by Zhou-BR on Sun Jan 29, 2012 9:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
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victor viper

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:15 pm Reply with quote
This era is kind of near and dear to me, since this is when I really got into anime as a hobby.

It's been a decade since Komugi hit the scene, but I think it holds up.

I agree, for the show has held up much better than I would have expected. I even enjoy watching the music video episode (episode 2.5) every now and then. It seems like it's been chic lately to make anime which are squarely aimed at the otaku, but at the same time are pretty critical of that subset of the fanbase (Oreimo for example), but Komugi did that almost a decade ago. The show also speaks to the state of the domestic anime industry. Today, what's the chance that it would even be licensed, let alone dubbed, let alone the production company would reassemble most of the VA's from the show it spun off from?

It was interesting to note which of the shows mentioned in the article have aged well, and which haven't. I find Gate Keepers 21 to be another show that's held up pretty well, and like Komugi, it's probably aged better than the show it spun off from. I've tried to revisit the original Gate Keepers, and it just seems horribly cliched.

This article now has me thinking about giving Abenobashi a second chance. I tried watching it before, and I'll admit that after a few episodes, it was relegated to 'second-tier Gainax' status.

Last edited by victor viper on Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:20 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:16 pm Reply with quote
Abenobashi confirmed to me that Hiroyuki Yamaga was the Don Bluth of Japan. I thought it was a terrible poor man's version of Excel Saga, with an ending that tries to subvert the "child must become a man" but does it in a way that makes little sense.

Macross Zero is a series that would work better as a 52 episode series (or at least 26) detailing the war between the UN and Anti-Un and discussing what happened while having cool 1950's style cold war paranoia.

Shaft has always been a mixed bag best shown by comparing Pani Pni Dash (a terrific comedy) with Negima!? (which was PPD using the cast of Negima). The latter makes the mistake of trying to make the 30 students the main character and tries to have scenes for all of them over the course of 26 episodes. The manga is going to be over 40 volumes for a reason.
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Joined: 30 May 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:28 pm Reply with quote
I was already an anime fan long before 2002, and this column reminds me that your typical yearly anime output 10 years ago wasn't really all that different from a typical yearly anime output today. In one year, you have 2 or 3 truly great shows, a few "interesting but not quite there" shows, a bunch of "good but not innovative" ones, a lot of genre shows that simply get the job done for their target audience, and lots of mediocre shows.

All in all, your average year in the history of anime. Perhaps 2002 was one of the better years in retrospect...but probably not as much as nostalgia would indicate.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:31 pm Reply with quote
The latter makes the mistake of trying to make the 30 students the main character and tries to have scenes for all of them over the course of 26 episodes. The manga is going to be over 40 volumes for a reason.

Honestly, I'm not sure Ken could even do that with 40+ volumes.

Negima is my favorite manga ever, but still, I've read up to V.31 and there's still like 10 characters who have not been expanded on at all. Zazie still hasn't said a single thing
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:41 pm Reply with quote
Ten years since RahXephon, and Anime hasn't produced anything better since. Well, not that I've seen at any rate.

Zhou-BR wrote:
Macross Zero sports dogfights and mecha design worthy of the franchise, but its plot is a bunch of pseudo-spiritualistic crap courtesy of original co-director Shoji Kawamori, who still has great ideas but should probably be kept away from scripting duties. The series also, like Macross II, introduces us to a whole new set of characters that nobody cares about and will never again be referenced in the Macross lexicon.

I take it you didn't watch Macross Frontier. Twisted Evil

No, he obviously didn't. The entirety of Macross Frontier's tenth episode was a lovesong to Macross Zero. Even I got the reference while watching the episode and I've never seen Macross Zero.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 5:43 pm Reply with quote
Great article, Mr. Toole.

Coincidentally, 2002 was the year that I first gained access to the World Wide Web (in January); which opened up a whole new world of anime and Japanese entertainment for me. 2002 seems to have been similar to 2007, in terms of the variety of quality series available. (I'd argue the latter was slightly better, while many of the series from the former were more groundbreaking and influential).

Many of those second-tier shows were ones that I watched because this was during a time when, literally, anything that was anime was equivalent to a UNESCO World Heritage site. These shows include Galaxy Angel A, Gundress, Beyblade etc.

Some of the shows mentioned are ones that I'm currently in the process of watching (SaiKano) and others I've just finished (Haibane Renmei). It's crazy how fast time goes by. I was in my freshman year of high school then, watching most of my anime on Cartoon Network (Toonami and Adult Swim), TechTV, The International channel, Encore Action and Cinemax.

Mike Toole wrote:
The fall and winter of 2002 would bring more fare that probably didn't deserve to get released here but did anyway, like Spiral (who here actually liked it? Anyone?)

Um, I'll have you know, sir, that Spiral is quite a good mystery, and I'm rather enjoying it. Thank you, very much.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go engage in various activities that amuse young children, so as to delude myself into believing I'm still young, full of vitality, and have not used up a third of my life.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:10 pm Reply with quote
I remember I tried G-on Riders a few years ago, because I thought it had the potential to be amusing like Hand Maid May (one of my favorites, and it had some of the same staff). Rather than that, it was very forgettable. Fewer shows were ignored in the licensing binge days, but that's one that was and doesn't feel wrong that it was. With its ecchi content, though, I wonder if it might have made more sales than a lot of obscure titles that were.
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Joined: 22 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:31 pm Reply with quote
I've seen a few of those and missed many, but the early two thousandsies are jumbled in my mind as I was in Oz at the time and didn't catch the anime bug until I got back to the US, including a voracious couple of years with Netflix ... (though catching the bug was surely seeded by seeing Neon Genesis Evangelion on SBS around the turn of the century) ...

... but I'm happy to see that someone else appreciates Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi. It was an "A" in my books.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:40 pm Reply with quote
You talk about anime of 2002 yet don't mention Gundam SEED the 4th best selling anime since 2000?

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Charred Knight

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:48 pm Reply with quote
Ushio wrote:
You talk about anime of 2002 yet don't mention Gundam SEED the 4th best selling anime since 2000?


He mentioned it when he did a list of 2002 October anime (which also included Naruto). Gundam Seed was easily my favorite anime of 2002 (and my favorite anime of the first half of the decade).

Kind of shocked that the first FMA anime sold 34,000 as I remember it being closer to Gundam Seed in terms of sales.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 6:52 pm Reply with quote
Oh this brings back so many memories I remembering these days and watching many of these shows!
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