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INTEREST: Final Fantasy XIII-2 RPG's TV Ad Posted

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Lady Multi

Joined: 11 Dec 2004
Posts: 675
PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:07 am Reply with quote
I kinda wish old-school Final Fantasy fans would just kinda boycott buying the release of this game in the first few months.. Showing we're kinda "meh" about their new style of games... and want the old style FF RPGs back. I mean FFX was the last really good FF game that was released...ever since then we've had Okay, but not Epic games.. FF13, to me was a major disappointing game even though it is very pretty.

I know I"m not going to buy it for a ....LONG time, myself. I'm going to save my money for Tales of Graces in February.

Actually, ya know, we should all boycott 13-2 and go on PSN and buy FF 1-9 on it (or whatever is up), hahaha, showing "hey we like these!"
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:19 am Reply with quote
Speak for yourself, 12 is my second favorite game after 6.

And X-2 probably has the best opening sequence of any game. It was so over-the-top, crazy, in your face, and pretty much oozed style out of every pour. The song in this commercial is no "Real Emotion" that's for sure.
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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 12:26 am Reply with quote
Final Fantasy XII was fantastic, I would buy into the whole "Square Enix has lost it" if it was from more people who liked Final Fantasy after it became popular in America (not talking about Lady Multi).
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Joined: 02 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:06 am Reply with quote
yay they made a new one when is it going to be shipped to australia Razz
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Lady Multi

Joined: 11 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:26 am Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:
Speak for yourself, 12 is my second favorite game after 6.

And X-2 probably has the best opening sequence of any game. It was so over-the-top, crazy, in your face, and pretty much oozed style out of every pour. The song in this commercial is no "Real Emotion" that's for sure.

Most old-school Final Fantasy fan hate 13; my brother makes a bi-yearly ritual to beat FF7 (why, IDK). FF6 is my favorite FF game, as well; that's why I wish they'd go back to THOSE DAYS (thus why I said "old-school" not "modern" FF12 is modern)
...11 should never had been number; 12 was okay (i just didn't like the story, as in practically non-existent story and again it was modern and had a different battle system I do not associate with typical FF games.); 13 shoved an entirely different type of game in your face and stripped most of what a Final Fantasy game is (no free-roam only battle after battle and random battles that are problematically like bosses.. and bosses that you can get to 100 hp and cast doom on you making you swear off the game forever even though ff8 is still the one I hate the most); 14 failed horribly and should had never been labeled.

...and X-2 is a sexist piece of crap (imo). [yes, I really *sarcastic* want to watch the girls strip and change clothes every single battle...>.>] And turned half the characters gay to the point I was insulted what they did to the character (and I'm a yaoi-fangirl...and I was insulted). 1/2 the characters aren't anything like how they were in FFX itself. ...It is also the game that most FF fans claim as their LEAST favorite. I know there are some that like it but I"ve found that most are male and played it a pre-teens who want to gawk at half-naked fictional women.

...and now Squeenix want's to "westernize" the RPG series even further. They want to pull a Capcom and turn a popular game series into something completely different.

When I play a FF game I think of the battle systems and setup similar to that of the highest rated FF games 4-10; not a Kingdom Hearts battle system in a Final Fantasy game (there is a reason the "gun-action RPG" failed; sure the story had a hand in it but WTF, srsly?)
...there is a reason that FF6 is typically rated top FF game and FF7 follows in 2nd; and there are reasons 13 was criticized so much.

So the "fixed it" with 13-2 but now plan to throw all of what Final Fantasy has typical meant and throw it in the trash? Meaning they think creating good games like ff6 and ff7 and ff9 and ffx isn't worth their precious little time anymore.
...That is why I will not be buying 13-2 for a VERY long time (like $20 game down the road long time).

That is my speaking for myself; and I know my brother, who is the reason I got into the series to start with, will also not be buying this game at launch.
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:20 am Reply with quote
Well, first off 'highly rated' is really subjective. As is saying "X game was criticized so much". Negative criticisms are always more vocal and noticed than positive ones.. it's human nature. Going by this forum alone. you'd think some anime had zero fans, yet they top the anime/manga charts all the time. You can never really accurately judge just which thing is "hated the most".

And, even if it's true, the reason 6 and 7 are praised are so much is no doubt because they were a lot of people's first exposure to the franchises. 7 more or less put RPGs on the map in the west. 6 was the big dog of the old era. You always remember your first, as they say.

The only objective thing you can look at is sales data... and in that regard 9 is actually the "worst" of the modern era, ignoring the MMOs for the sake of consistency of product.

Final Fantasy 9 - 5.30 Million
Final Fantasy 10-2 - 5.50 Million
Final Fantasy 12 - 5.75 Million
Final Fantasy 13 - 6.35 Million
Final Fantasy 8 - 7.86 Million
Final Fantasy 10 - 7.95 Million
Final Fantasy 7 - 9.72 Million

So why would they "waste time" with 13? Well it sold decent by FF standards, and amazing by non FF standards. Seems pretty obvious why.

If you like old school more, that's fine, but I doubt that'll ever come back. The generations have passed and games have evolved since then. And of course "creating good games" is all subjective. Not being a huge FF nut, I guess I'm not too passionate about it, but I'll be playing 13-2. I don't know anything about it though, I don't follow gaming news anymore and just pick up stuff when it drops.. not sure what changes it has to the original 13.
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Lady Multi

Joined: 11 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:18 pm Reply with quote
TitanXL wrote:

**random sales figures**

I'm speaking of game ratings not the sales figures. Yeah the game (13) sold a lot but it's rating, on a internet average, is quite lower than the older titles (I think its in the 80th percentile with ff12; while the others are in the 90th percentile; I'd have to look the website up again).

Guess what? I bought it, too; I was there to pick it up on release and I took off a day from work to get started in it (I bought it w/ the collector's strategy guide). And I'm back to the: it's pretty but its crap compared to the old-school FF games. Many others have said so as well.

... I don't follow gaming news anymore and just pick up stuff when it drops.. not sure what changes it has to the original 13.

They give you more free-roam but they added a Monster Hunter thing where you can "recruit" monsters in your party [the only thing that would amuse me is a Tonberry and my stating "I choose you, Tonberry!"]. You also get to F with time and redo missions you completed already and race Chocobos (like...in FF7 someone has stated on a game site)...
...and all the boring FF13 characters are back... (I actually like Vanille and Fang).
..It pretty much picks up the story right after the end of FF13; I think you get a bonus for loading a completed 13 save (yet another reason I have no intent on buying this game on release; I have no intent on finishing 13 any time soon).
...You control the girl that Lightning and Snow whined about the whole game (Lightning's sister).
...I'm pretty sure its going to confuse the heck out of anyone who hasn't beaten FF13.

I've read all about 13-2, myself, because I am a fan of Final Fantasy...and because I played FF1-13+tactics+crystal chronicles+7's compilation (minus bc since we didn't get it)+dissidia+mystic quest...and I've seen 14 played.
...and I'm getting the drift that Versus13 may become ff15 w/ how they've been talking. IDK, though...
...Truly, I know too much...
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Joined: 13 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 5:19 pm Reply with quote
FFXII was garbage. I loved XIII though.
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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:37 pm Reply with quote
Lady Multi wrote:
TitanXL wrote:

**random sales figures**

I'm speaking of game ratings not the sales figures. Yeah the game (13) sold a lot but it's rating, on a internet average, is quite lower than the older titles (I think its in the 80th percentile with ff12; while the others are in the 90th percentile; I'd have to look the website up again).

Final Fantasy XII has an average of 92 so it was very well received. With Final Fantasy it's kind of hard to figure out hatred by Final Fantasy fans, and guys who are simply not into JRPGs anymore.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:51 am Reply with quote
So this is an example of the service to which Funimation has tied its streaming future? Good luck, Funi. I noticed I needed to register just to watch another one of the FF XIII promo videos. It's a [i]promo[/]! Isn't its purpose to be watched by the widest possible audience to build up interest in the game?
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Joined: 06 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:19 pm Reply with quote
It's too bad that all the fudge-ups made on XIII and XIV might stop Type-0 from coming stateside. It's too damn bad that this game couldn't have been thunk up and released first, because the likelihood of people buying just from critical response or even wanting to play another potentially good or great console game that just happens to have Final Fantasy in the title, after all the hate, confusion and apathy from XIII, is just hard to fathom. This game would be doomed even if it were the second coming of Christ.

Lady Multi wrote:

I mean FFX was the last really good FF game that was released...

Gonna disagree here.
Too easy and linear, writing too melodramatic and corny, and damn was the voice acting terrible. I'd probably consider it the second most overrated game in the series.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 1:55 pm Reply with quote
Count me as another who love the heck out of 12.

There's always gonna be people hating on the series because each entry is so polarizing. But to me, that's the franchise's greatest virtue: it changes every time. 10 through 13 have very little in common in terms of gameplay. Any company with a surefire hit would do very little to rock the boat (Tales series), but Squarenix shakes things up every time. They take risks, which sometimes don't work out as well as planned, but I MUCH rather have that than the nearly indistinguishable parade of sequels other franchises have (Call of Duty being the worst offender). Even their sequels to sequels (X-2 and XIII-2) end up being significantly different, when they can just take the easy way out and give us the same game with a new story.

As for 13, I liked it, but it certainly was flawed. But hey, it was an experiment. If the battle system had been tweaked a bit, it would have been the best battle system of the series IMO. I really liked that you had to use every role available to you to win. In most RPG's the abilities of the Synergist, Sentinel, and Saboteur work so rarely or have such a small effect that they're not worth using and just go ignored the whole game, but in 13 you really have to use all of them.

For 13-2, the devlopers obviously listened to a lot of people's complaints. In a lot of ways, this game seems like a direct response to the reaction 13 got. So no, I'm not gonna boycott this game, I'll buy it to send them the message that I appreciate them listening to fans and making a game where they're basically saying "We messed up, let us make it up to you." I'll also buy it cause it just looks like a fun game. With time travel!
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