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"There's a dent in that cab!" Any Dudley fans?

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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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Location: Ottawa... now I'm an ex-Anglo Montrealer.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2002 8:05 am Reply with quote
If you're truly cool, you'll recognize that the quote is from The Royal Tenenbaums, my favourite film of 2001. I've seen it 6 times thus far. It was snubbed by the Academy pretty much in every category except Best Original Screenplay, which it didn't win. At least Gene Hackman got the Golden Globe for his performance.

Anyhow, in The Royal Tenenbaums, Dudley, the geeky teenage boy who is the focus of Raleigh St. Clair's (the Bill Murray character) research, is portrayed by Stephen Lea Sheppard, who also played Harris Trinsky on the short-lived Freaks and Geeks (which, I'm afraid, wasn't around long enough for me to catch, but it does have a small but devoted following). Doing a Google search for him, I found that he's written an impressive amount of Newsgroup postings on the Usenet, mostly about Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, but he has also done a fair number of posts about anime, particularly Bubblegum Crisis and Ranma 1/2. Check this out: he's even written a Ranma 1/2 fanfic, though only one chapter seems to be done. I've read far, far worse fanfics actually. He says he prefers reading Ranma 1/2 fanfics to watching the actual series for some reason (maybe because the quality of the show is uneven after the first season).

So, if you haven't seen The Royal Tenenbaums, watch it, and keep in mind that Dudley is one of us! One of Us! One of Us!
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Joined: 06 Feb 2002
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Location: Philippe for America! He is five.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2002 1:58 pm Reply with quote
ONE OF US! ONE OF US! Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!!!

My apologies to all two of you who haven't yet seen the Clerks animated series.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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Location: Ottawa... now I'm an ex-Anglo Montrealer.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2002 4:37 pm Reply with quote
LordByronius wrote:

ONE OF US! ONE OF US! Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!!!

My apologies to all two of you who haven't yet seen the Clerks animated series.

I thought the problem was that not enough of us watched the Clerks animated series (though I'm pretty sure an disproportionately high number of people relative to the general viewing public who read this Forum did watch it). I watched both of the episodes that ABC aired, but I'm Canadian and don't even count in the American Nielsen ratings. Of course, the "One of Us! One of Us!" reference as from an episode that ABC didn't even air, so you pretty much have to have the Clerks TV DVD to understand it, though the joke itself was a reference to some comic I've never read. What's especially cool for me is that the voice of the character was performed by Montreal native and "Kid in the Hall" Kevin McDonald, which is one of the reasons I like that particular joke so much.
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Joined: 06 Feb 2002
Posts: 861
Location: Philippe for America! He is five.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2002 3:57 pm Reply with quote
Tenchi wrote:

What's especially cool for me is that the voice of the character was performed by Montreal native and "Kid in the Hall" Kevin McDonald, which is one of the reasons I like that particular joke so much.

"Daddy was a salesman; Daddy Drank!"

"Son, y'know how you've always been bugging me for a puppy? Well, today, on my way home, I went to the pet store, and I BOUGHT YOU ONE! But then, on the way home, I got hungry, and I ATE IT! HAHAHA!!! I'm joking! I never bought you a puppy."
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