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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2002 2:44 pm Reply with quote
I haven't seen this week's episode of Enterprise yet, though one of the channels on Bell ExpressVu airs it Saturday at 6 p.m. Eastern, so I will probably be able to catch it this evening. Was there a female character dressed like Lum from Urusei Yatsura as a sight gag? (Spoil away; I'm not a person that is too bothered by reading spoilers.) I read a message to that effect on an anime message board somewhere, but I've been unable to confirm this. I know some people in the art department hid a few Urusei Yatsura in-jokes in Star Trek: The Next Generation, but I'm not aware of any such references in the more recent Trek series (or, if there were anime in-jokes in Deep Space 9, Voyager & Enterprise, they haven't been as well-documented as those from ST:TNG).
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Joined: 04 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2002 5:25 pm Reply with quote
Tenchi wrote:

I haven't seen this week's episode of Enterprise yet, though one of the channels on Bell ExpressVu airs it Saturday at 6 p.m. Eastern, so I will probably be able to catch it this evening. Was there a female character dressed like Lum from Urusei Yatsura as a sight gag? (Spoil away; I'm not a person that is too bothered by reading spoilers.) I read a message to that effect on an anime message board somewhere, but I've been unable to confirm this. I know some people in the art department hid a few Urusei Yatsura in-jokes in Star Trek: The Next Generation, but I'm not aware of any such references in the more recent Trek series (or, if there were anime in-jokes in Deep Space 9, Voyager & Enterprise, they haven't been as well-documented as those from ST:TNG).

*Starts to fall back in love with Star Trek.* Too bad they do show Enterprise on channel over here, may be when I get cable I'll spot her, but I have notice that some of the ep. of NG that some of the people looks alittle like they were from UY, I just didn't notice, that and I didn't see any thing UY until I got in to anime back in the 94.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2002 5:38 pm Reply with quote
Ataru wrote:

but I have notice that some of the ep. of NG that some of the people looks alittle like they were from UY,

Well, the confirmed Urusei Yatsura in-jokes on ST:TNG, if I remember the list of anime in-jokes in ST:TNG correctly (I don't feel like looking for it), were just seeing things like "Lum", "Ataru" and "Mendou" written in KATAKANA if you look really closely at the alien script on spacecraft or artifacts in certain episodes. If this rumour is true, as far as I know this will be the first time they've ever had a Trek alien dressed up like an UY character.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2002 7:49 pm Reply with quote
Okay, the episode of Enterprise that was shown this evening, "Rogue Planet", had no characters that looked remotely like Lum (it only had one new "female" character, and she wore a blue robe), but I presume the poster in rec.arts.anime.misc that pointed out the similarity was referring to an earlier episode (otherwise this is example #4509342 of an anime fanboy on the Internet exaggerating a similarity with something in an American production to something in an anime way out-of-proportion.)
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Joined: 04 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2002 9:18 pm Reply with quote
*L* True, just like Matrix's Neon looking like Darien (Memora sp?) from Sailor Moon.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 23, 2002 10:24 pm Reply with quote
Ataru wrote:

*L* True, just like Matrix's Neon looking like Darien (Memora sp?) from Sailor Moon.

Well, I don't know whether Keanu Reeves inspired Mamoru, but the inspiration for Tuxedo Mask was Arsene Lupin from the original Maurice LeBlanc novels (not the Monkey Punch character). Speaking of anime influences in the Matrix, this Japanese girl in my computer animation class told me that some other, presumably Caucasian, anime fans were trying to convince her that the Matrix was a rip-off of Lain. I guess they were unaware of the fact that the Matrix was in production (some test shots on the Matrix Reloaded DVD are dated September 1996) nearly 2 years before Lain aired on Japanese TV. If you read interviews with the Wachowski Brothers, they do say that they were influenced by some anime, but only the most mainstream of the "mainstream" stuff (i.e. Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Ninja Scroll).
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Joined: 26 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2002 3:14 am Reply with quote
The only thing I've noticed even remotely related to anime on enterprise is the almost anime level of pointless fanservice that they do with T'pal...not that I'm complaining :)
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Joined: 04 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2002 7:55 am Reply with quote
Vicious wrote:

The only thing I've noticed even remotely related to anime on enterprise is the almost anime level of pointless fanservice that they do with T'pal...not that I'm complaining Smile

And what wrong with pointless fnaservice. Razz
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2002 9:05 pm Reply with quote
Oh, pardon me... the post was about a rerun of the original Star Trek on Sci-Fi, not about Enterprise. In the episode "The Gamesters of Triskelion", there's an extrathat vaguely resembles Lum.
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Joined: 26 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 24, 2002 11:31 pm Reply with quote
That'd have to be one hell of a old series for there to be references to it on the original Star Trek.

Of note on that picture though, I just burst out laughing when I saw this part of it..

Poor Chekov :)
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2002 12:51 am Reply with quote
Vicious wrote:

That'd have to be one hell of a old series for there to be references to it on the original Star Trek.

Since Kimba and Astro Boy were shown on NBC, I'm sure some fanboy somewhere has a whole list of ways Star Trek rips off Tezuka. Anyhow, Urusei Yatsura made a lot of Star Trek references (one episode I have on VHS and/or DVD, though I don't remember which episode and I don't feel like checking right now, opened with a spoof of the Japanese dubbed version of "Space, the final frontier..."), so Star Trek returned the favour when they started Star Trek: The Next Generation.
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Joined: 04 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 26, 2002 5:33 pm Reply with quote
Tenchi wrote:

Since Kimba and Astro Boy were shown on NBC, I'm sure some fanboy somewhere has a whole list of ways Star Trek rips off Tezuka. Anyhow, Urusei Yatsura made a lot of Star Trek references (one episode I have on VHS and/or DVD, though I don't remember which episode and I don't feel like checking right now, opened with a spoof of the Japanese dubbed version of "Space, the final frontier..."), so Star Trek returned the favour when they started Star Trek: The Next Generation.

UY rips off of everything. Smile It's hard to count how many extra or ideas came from so many different shows.

Amen to that, but I still love the Orginal.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2002 12:02 am Reply with quote
Ataru wrote:

UY rips off of everything. :) It's hard to count how many extra or ideas came from so many different shows.

Obviously your intention is not to bash Urusei Yatsura, but I think the word you should use for the bits-and-pieces of other anime, TV shows, literature and movies seen on Urusei Yatsura is "spoof", not "rip-off" (or, if you don't feel like using the same word I used in the message to which you were responding, "satirize" or "parody"). In that respect only, Urusei Yatsura is very much like a Japanese version of the Simpsons (which it precedes by a decade) or Futurama, which spoof scenes, characters and situations from other movies and TV shows many, many times each episode. Matt Groening, creator of the Simpsons and Futurama, says that he's spoofed Citizen Kane so many times in both shows that you could almost reassemble the entire movie from the spoofed scenes.
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Joined: 04 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2002 5:11 pm Reply with quote
*L* Sorry, I some medcation, that makes me alittle "up" at times. Embarassed

More Simpsons then Futurama. Hmmm Ataru the idout dad, Lum, the nagging (but cute) wife.
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