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A new manga story

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anime uncut

Joined: 13 Mar 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2002 3:25 pm Reply with quote
I have no experience writing manga, but I thought I'd give it a shot.
This is just an introduction, and I may make a few changes later, but you'll get the idea.
I included a little catgirl yuri, but if no nudity or sex is involved.
I don't know what the rating would be.
On with the story...

Lucy was walking down a long hallway in the palace when she heard a faint scream.
"The queen is in DANGER!" she shouted.
She started to run, but the faster she ran, the longer the corridor seemed to get.
Lucy looked down and noticed she was running in slow motion.
The faint yelp got louder, and she could see a small flickering light at the end of the long hall.
The light at the exit got brighter and stopped flickering.
A small ball of light zipped towards her, and got bigger as it came.
The globe showed an image of the queen in horror, and then it popped.
Lucy knew what she had to do.
With a mighty leap, she flew across the hall at great speed!
She was blinded by the bright light at the exit, and hung in mid air for a second.
Lucy abruptly fell and the light got dimmer.
She noticed that she was in empty space. No walls, no cieling, just a white light surrounding her cat-like body.
She saw an an old fashion Earth door ahead, but it wasn't attached to anything.
Walking slowly to the door, she could hear another shriek.
The handle started turning, and Lucy was ready to pounce.
As the door crept open, she saw nobody behind it, so cautiously she snuck inside for a peak.
"Is anyone there?" she cried, and Lucy stepped in.
Suddenly, the door slammed shut! Lucy turned around and saw a room fading into existence.
The path of muck was a problem for such a princess, but she could hear Nefertiti calling.
The goo slowed her down quite a bit, but she was getting closer to the throne room, and saw the arch entrance getting wider.
A dagger was slowly floating through the next room, but she couldn't get too it.
Lucy quickened her pace, and with all her might, she broke free of the sticky goo!
Running through the giant room, Lucy saw the dagger getting closer to her love.
With a sudden burst of speed, she leaped in the air, and knocked the dagger out of the queen's path.

Nefertiti was panting and sweating.
Lucy looked deeply into her eyes, and with one look, she could tell what she must be feeling.
Lucy came in closer for a big hug.
Nefertiti puckered her lips and gently came together in a long loving embrace.
The queen's hands lowered down Lucy's sleak velvety waist.
A little surprised at her actions, a smile started forming on Lucy's lips.
Stroking the queens long silky mane, she started nibbling on Nefertiti's soft furry neck, and she... she...
She woke up.

Last edited by anime uncut on Sun Mar 17, 2002 4:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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anime uncut

Joined: 13 Mar 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2002 3:51 pm Reply with quote
The fact that this story is manga, makes it on topic.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2002 6:01 pm Reply with quote
I'm going to re-post my I'm Sorry/Bubble Bobble fanfic, since nobody replied to it last time Crying or Very sad


"This way, men! After him! And try not to ruin your lingerie!" yelled the G-men as they gave chase to the portly I'm Sorry. After quickly stuffing the remaining gold bars into his expensive Armani suit, the plutocratic former Japanese prime minister made haste to escape the advancing lingerie-clad G-men.

Unfortunately for I'm Sorry, a rather surly looking Bill Cosby happened to be lurking around the corner of a stone golem bearing the countenance of I'm Sorry himself. Cosby was muttering to himself something about Jell-O and Kodak Film before spotting I'm Sorry, and began to advance menacingly towards him.

In an instant, directly before Cosby was about to smash I'm Sorry and explain the joys of New Coke, a giant green bubble shot out of the corner, trapping Cosby. Slowly, a diminutive green cartoon dinosaur leapt upon the imprisoned Cosby, transorming him into a tasty banana.

"YEAH" exclaimed I'm Sorry.

"Damn right, sucka," replied Bub.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2002 6:14 pm Reply with quote
LordByronius wrote:

I'm going to re-post my I'm Sorry/Bubble Bobble fanfic, since nobody replied to it last time :cry:

What the hell's "I'm Sorry" anyways? Is it a movie or a character? The only production named I'm Sorry that appears in the Internet Movie Database was a 1908 French film with no cast or crew details listed.

(By the way, I'm one of the few people who actually liked New Coke. When they stopped making it in Quebec in the mid-90s, I switched to Pepsi.)

Since everyone's posting fanfics, here's an excerpt from my scat (the most disgusting sort of fanfics; hell, I'd rather read snuff than scat) fanfic parody, inspired by many an actual fanfic on sites listed on Portal of Evil:

"Oh Sailor Mars, I'm a slice of white bread and you're a jar of Nutella; spread your creamy brown goodness across my chest!"
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2002 6:38 pm Reply with quote
anime uncut wrote:

The fact that this story is manga, makes it on topic.

I'm feeling arguementative tonight.

Manga = Comics or Japanese Comics.

Your story is neither Japanese, nor a comic.

You might want to call it "Fanfiction" or perhaps a "Manga Script" or what not.

But despite being arguementative... I'm not going to shut down thsi thread Smile I actually have no problem withthe posts, just figured I'd debate the word "Manga."
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2002 7:06 pm Reply with quote
It could be a comic (US that is.)
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anime uncut

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2002 7:40 pm Reply with quote
Tempest wrote:

But despite being arguementative... I'm not going to shut down this thread :-) I actually have no problem with the posts, just figured I'd debate the word "Manga."

I started out making a hentai comic-book, but I was forced to clean it up a bit.

The catgirl race has been visiting Earth for centuries.
Through a type of astral projection (now combined with modern technology) they are able to switch places with a human spirit (I'd rather say spirit instead of soul), and pose as that person as the catgirl collects and catalogs memories, intelligence, and desires for new technology approved by the queen.
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anime uncut

Joined: 13 Mar 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2002 2:59 pm Reply with quote
Ataru wrote:

It could be a comic (US that is.)

That's what I was going for.
It was supposed to be hentai which would be better received in Japan given it's erotic storyline and imagery.
The main character was an 11 year old boy (Billy) who has many sexual fantasies, but on his 12th Birthday, his fantasies started coming true.

Working title: "Billy And His Magic Penis"
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