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YuruYuri (TV).

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Joined: 09 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:01 am Reply with quote
I've purchased and read all 7 volumes of the manga (beyond the 20~ chapters scanulated) regarding the yuri content spoiler[This is as explicit as it gets in this serie (or this season at least), I was actually very curious on how they will animate this particular chapter (21) ]
Akari-chan is sure getting more and more attention this episode, (although probably not in a way she'd preferred) xD
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Joined: 14 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:23 am Reply with quote
Past wrote:
So I was watching the first episode and I was like, where is the yuri again? Which girl or girls are actual lesbians? With a show that it's implied there is yuri that ends up only showing run of the mill yuri-esque antics like oppai grabbing, dog-eyed admiration and glomping, that is not going to pass for me. Yeah of course the characters are preteens, but I think that still leaves room for portrayal of mature relationships. I'm fine with the probable awkward love triangle, but to see a slice-of-life show with a committed pair or a budding relationship would be a refreshing twist. My expectations of this for a title like yuruyuri are already set high, so I hope it doesn't disappoint with simple shoujo-ai pandering.
So to quote myself and reflect on what I said about episode 1, as it turns out I'm quite happy with the way the series is shaping up so far. It's a shame I was almost ready to drop it, but for a show that from the getgo makes it apparent that that it would turn out like this, why take so long to lead up to it? Do they start out with shoujo-ai lite to "pull in" the more squeamish viewers and hope yuri otaku will be willing to sit through boring episodes? That doesn't seem like a good formula to me because your inevitably going to turn off both types of viewers.
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Joined: 15 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:08 am Reply with quote
The most remarkable thing about episode 5 is that there is nothing remarkable about it. The chase around the house scene and its ending was sorta funny but again, nothing remarkable.

What you got is a girls-being-girls-with-girls thing. Nothing wrong with that but there is not much substance nor at this point do I expect it.

Believe it or not I'm sort of ok with looking at this. At the same time, it feels sort of creepy that there are no male characters, even in the background.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:26 pm Reply with quote
Episode 5 was better than the previous episode, though I was a bit woried with them doing Chinatsu nose bleeding at the begining as it was getting old. But the segment with Himawari and Sakurako was pretty good, the part where she was holding the spoiler[sister hostage] was pretty funny, especially when she started saying philospical stuff. Though even better was they put in how Akarin is actually helpfull, and that thus she should probably be in the spotlight more.

The imaginary battle between Akarin and Chinatsu was even better, making fun of Akarin's lack of presence for the protaganist, and that Chinatsu is not as nice as she acts, which I think us aggod defining trait of her character. A good bring back to a previous segment too with the spoiler[rediculous rockets that were thought of by Kyouko], spoiler[Chinatsu gave invisibilty] which she gave to her (likely just to tease her originally). And then her being defeated by the spoiler[sound effect], and she put the innocent face on to go to Yui, who ironicly thought the spoiler[sound effect] thing.

And then the cut to the actual ones, which ended up the series first actual yuri moment. Though I knew that it would end with Yui and Kyouko spoiler[seeing the two kiss], but it was funny none the less seeing it. It is also probably sad that it was funny seeing Akarin left on the ground like a spoiler[broken victim.] I think that they are starting to hit their niche in the series, but hopefully they cab jeep the jokes fresh.
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Joined: 22 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 12:49 pm Reply with quote
Wanted to see a few more episodes before making any assumptions about the characters, and ATM I'm watching episode four. This is my take on their development so far: spoiler[The Prez, Vice Prez, Akari, and Kyoko aren't very original but the main protagonist to me is unique. I feel one highlight of the show will be "situational" comedy in a slice-of-life format. I can see this type of series lacking in a main storyline similar to Azumanga Daioh. However if the producers maintain good form and development (in other areas) it can be promising. ]

EDIT: Overall I'm enjoying the show so far. Surprised

Scormio wrote:
I'm in love with the gray-haired fantasy girl (I think her name is Chitose or something). I can't say I remember ever seeing a show where a girl fantasizes about 2 other girls.

Here's a good example of why I think some of the characters are unoriginal. Chitose's personality is like a splitting image of Kakuka Hōkō from the Koihime Muso series.

EDIT2: Watching episode five now and noticed another similarity with Miraku and Oreimo's Meruru. Not a big deal but is there some universal magical-girl parody I'm not aware of?

Last edited by Metaflux on Wed Aug 03, 2011 2:17 pm; edited 4 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:28 pm Reply with quote
Metaflux wrote:
the main protagonist to me is unique.

What do you see as unique about her? If you don't mind sharing.
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Joined: 22 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:53 pm Reply with quote
HaruhiToy wrote:
Metaflux wrote:
the main protagonist to me is unique.

What do you see as unique about her? If you don't mind sharing.

I mean it's not ground breaking by any means but I noticed the series doesn't focus on the main protagonist that much. So maybe it isn't so much the character profile itself, but rather the unique way the show portrays the main protagonist. Like how she doesn't have much presence but she realizes it, instead of being completely oblivious to the fact. Also her design (red hair, slim build/bust,) again is not ground breaking but refreshing for a main character.

EDIT: Typically the red/orange heads are animated with at least B cups but its seems Akari was sportin the A's.
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The King of Harts

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 1:29 pm Reply with quote
The first segment of episode 5 was really bland and I was starting to think the show was going downhill. It was fine, but not that bubbly, joyful show I was easily amused by in the first three episodes.

Then the next two segments came by, and I almost died laughing. Did you see Himawari's little sister? THAT'S why I wanted Akari's sister to be younger. Whether it be shockingly smart and philosophical or really creepy, little sisters are always full of surprises and awesome in anime. Those two (Himawari and Sakurako) just make the show so much funnier whenever they're on-screen; they're like the Isaac and Miria of this show

The third segment was just hilarious. I noticed since the beginning that the animation seemed like a step from the previous episodes, and that running scene was great. Unfortunately, there are so many key animators for that episode that I can't find out who did it, because I'd love to know.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:10 am Reply with quote
This week's episode was pretty funny, if not as much as last week (I think its kinda hard to beat last weak's final skit though). My personal favorite was the whole bit with Yui's little sibling.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 7:23 am Reply with quote
"Life is sour." Laughing Ah, so young and so cynical, already. I snarfed at all the clay "leg spread" business, as well.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:07 am Reply with quote
So Kyouko finally got Chinatsu to cosplay, though she reminded of when Kanoko from Oreimo when she cosplayed as Merumeru, which freaked out that other girl. Seems rather funny for some reason the cutsey and nice exterior hiding a darker side, that part of her seems to come out in her artistic ability.

And Kyouko's teasing has not got old yet, she is like a more sucessful Kana.
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the Rancorous

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 1:20 am Reply with quote
Scormio wrote:
This week's episode was pretty funny, if not as much as last week (I think its kinda hard to beat last weak's final skit though).

Well I certainly thought it did beat episode 5, which surprised me greatly as up until ep 6, I thought ep 5 was the best one yet. This episode had me cracking up!

Yui: spoiler[willingly stepping out-of-character in order to keep Chinatsu from showing her apparently toxic picture story.]
Akari clay: spoiler[Kyoko making a creepily accurate mold of Akari's head, and then adding/subtracting weird things to/from it, and then finally smashing the head in front of a freaked out Akari.]
Chinatsu: spoiler[letting all the attention from Yui's cousin/whatever go to her head and then unwittingly showing her the ugly side of her, crushing the poor child's innocence.]
Akari's story: such a perfect way to end this episode. Poor Akari Laughing

I'm particularly liking Yui. I think it has to do with the fact that she's the "straight-man" that never really gets angry or fed-up. She's just like, "whatever..." Watching her deal with Kyoko is kind of like watching Caesar Millan deal with a hyperactive dog, LOL! Not to degrade Kyoko in the least, her antics crack me up!

My only disappointment is that it seems that last week's spoiler[China-Aka] moment is being swept under the rug. I was hoping that it would at least become something the other two tease them about, but maybe they will in further episodes. I sure hope so.
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the Rancorous

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 6:56 pm Reply with quote
Ep 7
"Your breasts ruined my Christmas!"

This episode was actually kind of sweet in one particular scene. When Yui and Ayano were spoiler[talking about dealing with their BFF's and found just how important they are to them, even if they are a handful]. It was a cute little "daaaww" moment. It was also funny how the two of them sort of just sit there awkwardly while other "real" couples cuddled and made-out.
It wasn't any surprise that Chitose and Akari got along as well as they did. And speaking of Chitose, spoiler[she branched out her Ayano fantasizing by mentally pairing her with Yui. "You smell like Kyoko"] which is... a little more creepy. lol
Oh yeah, and like last week, perfect way to end an episode! Very Happy
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 7:16 pm Reply with quote
I'm wondering if this week's bit with Chinatsu and Kyoko was actual plot development or just a one-off. Either way this was a pretty good episode. More of Yui's cute little cousin and her destroyed vision of Mirakarun Very Happy
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:46 pm Reply with quote
Episode 9. These girls are just not that interesting. I am losing interest.
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