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REVIEW: Mahoromatic: Summer Special DVD

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Joined: 10 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2004 5:30 pm Reply with quote
Though the grading is somewhat iffy on the whole special, I can acctually agree with most of it. I enjoyed the special it self a very decent amount, as it was an entertaining light hearted comedic episode (especially after the... ending of the series...). It's great to be able to hear the voice cast get togeather one more time for this special.

I can agree on the story grading, as it really doesn't have much story other than the dirty books, dirty mind run (even though the lack of story definently does not apply to the series in general. And I was entertained by the special nevertheless.

The artwork was acctually, I feel almost better than it is through certain parts of the actual series. I just liked the brightness in all the visuals I guess. That's just me though.

The extras are indeed juicy. The promo clips, I can't really explain exactly why, but I enjoyed them incredibly. They kinda provide a decent amount of different insight onto the series I guess. I even laughed at moments of the second one.

I think the review was pretty good, dispite some of the grading =P. That's because indeed, the special would appeal much more if you've seen the original series and such. Good reasoning throughout. Nice job =P.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 10, 2004 9:02 am Reply with quote

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Joined: 24 Mar 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 7:42 am Reply with quote
I just wanted to say that the original Voice Actor for the japanese version for Mahoro is leaps and bounds better then the english voice actor. It's so easy to tell to I can't understand why anyone would think other wise. The English VA was just all around a bad actor Confused her lack of talent is clear in any scene where emotion had to be shown. Lets not mention all the other VA's and their lack of talent or I guess it would be the voice directers fault for not doing his job.

English dub : c-
Japanese dub : A
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 12:27 pm Reply with quote
While I didn't have as many problems with the dub actors for Sugaru or for Mahoro, the supporting cast and the direction done for them came off as weak most of the time. Overall, I have to agree that there wasn't much strength in the english dub to qualify it as being a stellar example of good dubs.
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Joined: 10 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 11, 2004 7:55 pm Reply with quote
Usually, I have a policy (which isn't always followed...). I watch the first episode subbed, and dubbed. If one of the language tracks scare me, I watch the rest of the series in the other track. From what I can remember, Suguru's voice just does not fit him. And while I don't really think that Mahoro's English VA is untalented, I certainly prefer her Japanese voice. =P
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 12:41 pm Reply with quote
First off, I am the reviewer for this title.

'Fraid I can't agree with you guys at all on the dub performances. I thought David Umansky did a fine job as Suguru - certainly more appropriate for the role than the seiyuu who did the part, anyway. Ellen Wilkinson (who also goes by Ruby Marlowe, particularly in older dubs) also really worked for me as Mahoro. The seiyuu for that role did a fine job, too, but I have consistently had a slightly stronger emotional reaction to Ms. Wilkinson's performance in the dub than the sub.

Wilkinson/Marlowe has, for years, been the go-to woman in the anime English dubbing world when you need a soft, gentle-voiced female character in a significant role. (She's done Belldandy, Lain, Miss Hibiya from Chobits, Mima from Perfect Blue, and Ezra from Vandread amongst many other roles.) I thought it was exactly the right voice for the role (I can't imagine any other English VA sounding right) and there was plenty enough emotional appeal. If she is as untalented as some of you say, then how does she keep getting so many major roles?

As for the secondary roles? There's one or two that I thought were a bit off, but overall I thought they ranged from adequate to pretty good.

Just comes down to a matter of personal preference, I guess. I am a heavily dub-favoring fan, so I will always give dubs careful consideration. I also don't go into a review automatically assuming that the English dub is inherently inferior just because it's not the original dub. I do blast dubs when they're bad, but none of the Mahoromatic stuff is even close to being a bad dub.

Last edited by Key on Sun Sep 12, 2004 5:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 3:59 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
...Miss Hibiya from Chobits...

Completely and utterly off-topic, but it has to be said: Mrs. Hibiya. She's a widow - and that really is integral to the story.

- abunai
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 12, 2004 5:18 pm Reply with quote
abunai wrote:
Key wrote:
...Miss Hibiya from Chobits...

Completely and utterly off-topic, but it has to be said: Mrs. Hibiya. She's a widow - and that really is integral to the story.

- abunai

Oops. . . you're right, my bad.
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