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Voice Actor Ibuki Kido Announces Marriage

posted on by Ken Iikura-Gross
Voice of Aikatsu!'s Mio Minato celebrates her birthday with the news

Image via x.com

Ibuki Kido, voice of Mio Minato from the Aikatsu! franchise, announced she has married someone outside the entertainment industry on her X (formerly Twitter) account on Thursday, November 14 (which happens to be her birthday):


To all of you who support me
To all of you who have been so kind to me

I would like to announce that I have gotten married.
My partner is a non-celebrity.

I am still inexperienced, but with gratitude in my heart, I will continue to work hard as a voice actor.

Thank you for your continued support.

At the time of press, Kido received over 1,100 replies, most of which are congratulations from her fans and colleagues. One of note is from Megumi Toda, a fellow alumnus of The IDOLM@STER Million Live!:

Congratulations on your marriage, Kido-chan!!
I'm so happy for you✨✨
I wish you a long and happy life together💓

Kido has also appeared in The IDOLM@STER Million Live! as Kana Yabuki, Nyanko Days as Maa, the Show By Rock!! franchise as Hundreko and Handrek, among others. Her agency lists her full résumé.

Sources: Ibuki Kido's X/Twitter account (link 2), Megumi Toda's X/Twitter account, HORIPURO International's website

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