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INTEREST: Tales of Symphonia: Unisonant Pack HD Remaster Bundles Original Symphonia, Sequel

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Joined: 01 Aug 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:15 am Reply with quote
Sweet can only hope that you americans get this hd remaster pack localized although i highly doubt it Anime hyper
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:20 am Reply with quote
ToaruLL wrote:
Sweet can only hope that you americans get this hd remaster pack localized although i highly doubt it Anime hyper

I live in Japan, but I can say an American release is pretty much guaranteed with the popularity of Symphonia in the west. Hideo Baba has even said that Xillia rules Japan, Symphonia rules the west.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:34 am Reply with quote
ToaruLL wrote:
Sweet can only hope that you americans get this hd remaster pack localized although i highly doubt it Anime hyper

Looks like that's taken care of.
The Tales of Symphonia Chronicles pack is slated for release in the West in 2014, in Europe, Australasia and the Americas. Japan will see it sooner on October 10th.
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Joined: 05 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:51 am Reply with quote
This not being on Wii U is an Injustice.... I am freakin pissed. Nintendo needs to kick these asses off the Super Smash Bros project. They don't deserve the F***in honor.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:59 am Reply with quote
LOL I'm more excited for this than I would have been for a new mothership title! I'm happy to see they're following with an NA/EU/AU release relatively soon after. It's a chance for people who never played the first as well as people who want to own it for a newer console. This bad boy is going on pre-order!

Mario1234567 wrote:
This not being on Wii U is an Injustice.... I am freakin pissed. Nintendo needs to kick these asses off the Super Smash Bros project. They don't deserve the F***in honor.

I understand since both were on Nintendo consoles, but Namco Bandai said a year or two back that they're sticking with Playstation for console games. But the tide could turn with the next gen consoles if they don't like the PS4...
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:19 am Reply with quote
Mario1234567 wrote:
This not being on Wii U is an Injustice.... I am freakin pissed. Nintendo needs to kick these asses off the Super Smash Bros project. They don't deserve the F***in honor.

Wow. You are... Wow. Tales has left Nintendo consoles due to its non-focus on more hardcore games. That's just the way it is. Why do you think all the Japanese people have forgotten about the original release of Tales of Graces?
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:27 am Reply with quote
Because before the game came out they announced that it was getting a port with extra stuff. Graces was handicapped from the start.. Namco Bandai has earned my hatred on this day. I hope Sakuri is ruling that Smash team with an iron fist.
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Joined: 11 Oct 2012
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:31 am Reply with quote
OMG! I've always wanted to play Symphonia, so this is perfect!! Soooooo getting it as soon as it's available here *___*
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 8:52 am Reply with quote
mewpudding101 wrote:
Mario1234567 wrote:
This not being on Wii U is an Injustice.... I am freakin pissed. Nintendo needs to kick these asses off the Super Smash Bros project. They don't deserve the F***in honor.

Wow. You are... Wow. Tales has left Nintendo consoles due to its non-focus on more hardcore games. That's just the way it is.

Well, you just noted that Baba said that Symphonia rules the west. Of course, they won't choose a system based on sales from another region (it's "good" business), but Symphonia did great on Nintendo systems and Dawn of the New World was a Wii exclusive. I suppose this gives a chance for non-Wii owners to play the sequel, but I'm a bit upset too. I may own a PS3 now, but that's only because I was able to knock down the price of a new one quite a bit. lol I haven't even played a single game on it while I've played many on my Wii U...
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Lynx Amali

PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:17 am Reply with quote
Mario1234567 wrote:
This not being on Wii U is an Injustice.... I am freakin pissed. Nintendo needs to kick these asses off the Super Smash Bros project. They don't deserve the F***in honor.

Dawn of the New World I will agree with.

The original Symphonia, however, had a PS2 port with improvements to the original so who's to say that's not what they're using?

It probably is. Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:50 am Reply with quote
Mario1234567 wrote:
This not being on Wii U is an Injustice.... I am freakin pissed. Nintendo needs to kick these asses off the Super Smash Bros project. They don't deserve the F***in honor.

Then how is Yakuza 1 and 2 previously a PS exclusive getting a Wii U port be any different then what you said. Are you going to complain about that, is that a betrayal for PS owners too or that's OK because anything previously on PS and Xbox exclusive going on Nintendo console get loved while anything Nintendo exclusive appearing on PS3/360 get bashed?
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Joined: 29 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:01 am Reply with quote
It makes total sense not being on Wii U... RPG players don't own Wii U. Its that simple... all the RPG fans own PS3.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:14 am Reply with quote
RyanSaotome wrote:
It makes total sense not being on Wii U... RPG players don't own Wii U. Its about that simple... all the RPG fans own PS3.

Thank you! These are my words exactly.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:21 am Reply with quote
mdo7 wrote:
Mario1234567 wrote:
This not being on Wii U is an Injustice.... I am freakin pissed. Nintendo needs to kick these asses off the Super Smash Bros project. They don't deserve the F***in honor.

Then how is Yakuza 1 and 2 previously a PS exclusive getting a Wii U port be any different then what you said. Are you going to complain about that, is that a betrayal for PS owners too or that's OK because anything previously on PS and Xbox exclusive going on Nintendo console get loved while anything Nintendo exclusive appearing on PS3/360 get bashed?

Yakusa is NOT a Wii U exclusive it came out on PS3 back in December. So what you just said means nothing.

''It makes total sense not being on Wii U... RPG players don't own Wii U. Its that simple... all the RPG fans own PS3.''

What? dude Tales of Symphonia was made popular on the Gamecube by Nintendo..... That Baba dude said it himself. Everyone who plays RPGs are not only on PS3 and in America Tales games don't do as well on other consoles than they do Nintendo consoles this is a fact. Tales of Symphonia Gamecube is still the best selling Tales game to date.. (in America) This game should be on Wii U easy. Namco Bandai should be ashamed of thmselves.
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Joined: 29 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 11:27 am Reply with quote
Mario1234567 wrote:
What? dude Tales of Symphonia was made popular on the Gamecube by Nintendo..... That Baba dude said it himself. Everyone who plays RPGs are not only on PS3 and in America Tales games don't do as well on other consoles than they do Nintendo consoles this is a fact. Tales of Symphonia Gamecube is still the best selling Tales game to date.. (in America) This game should be on Wii U easy. Namco Bandai should be ashamed of thmselves.

According to Oricon, Tales of Graces F, a PS3 port, sold twice as many copies as the original Wii version. Sorry, but the facts show that RPG fans don't buy Nintendo systems for the most part. There might be a few stragglers out there that own them, but if you're an RPG fan you're better off with a PS3... and Namco/Tales are probably tired of being burned with low selling Nintendo exclusives. You can obviously also argue that many PS3 owners never owned Nintendo systems, so its a far better business strategy to sell these games to people who haven't played them before than just trying to appeal to a smaller market who has already played them. Tales of Xillia is the best ever selling Tales game, and guess what: Its PS3 exclusive. They've found their market for Tales fans, and its not with Nintendo.

And really, American sales don't matter much... Tales is a powerhouse series in Japan while little more than a niche series in America. They shouldn't be making decisions based on the popularity of a series where it barely sells.
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