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The Mike Toole Show - A Bit 'O Honey

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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:26 pm Reply with quote
I hope more of Uncle Go's materials get republished, I'd love to see a Violence Jack or Devilman OVA boxset, not to mention several one-off titles like Black Lion and Iron Virgin Jun (I think Media Blasters still has it, don't know why Rightstuf lists it up under Adult). Still, Mazinkaiser SKL and the new Enma were licensed, so things are looking up, and Shuten Doujin and older Mazinkaiser OVA are still available in a double pack.

I've seen the New Cutey Honey and Re: Cutey Honey. I wanted to check out the original series for a while, and possibly Flash, although it definitely seemed to be riding on Sailor Moon's coattails and appeared to be little girl friendly. I liked New's take on character, going for that sleazy appeal, so that's how I prefer my Honey. And my favorite costume? When she's black in the original OP with the black and pink suit, that's really hot.

Last edited by walw6pK4Alo on Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:31 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 13 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:26 pm Reply with quote
Yeah. I own the R2J of re:Cutie Honey.

To this day, I still don't know why the anime was not licensed for R1, but the extremely weak live-action movie was.
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Joined: 26 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:42 pm Reply with quote
I really want Re: here. Manga or M would be all over that like white on rice.

I have a soft spot for Honey admittedly, and the article hit on this, namely that the lead was a fairly empowered heroine that was never afraid to get her hands dirty in physical confrontation with the bad guys. Despite the raciness, she was never shown as weak or fragile, and that is definitely a good thing.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 5:43 pm Reply with quote
...an early magical girl story that popularized the idea of a “henshin” sequence where the heroine undergoes a stylized stock-footage transformation into her super-powered self

Unless I'm remembering incorrectly, the TV series never actually used the same transformation footage twice.

Cutey Honey is still the adventures of a pretty robot girl who dons a skintight outfit to fight the forces of evil with a goddamn sword

That's another thing that stood out to me when I watched this series; Honey is downright cavalier about killing her enemies. It's what she sets out to do from the get-go. She's more a pulp-fiction revenge-seeker than a hero of justice type.
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Joined: 08 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 6:35 pm Reply with quote
You have the Cutie Honey The Live characters mixed up. Sister Yuki wears white and Sister Miki wears blue.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 6:35 pm Reply with quote
I have seen the anime and live, some of, nice, fun, not my bag entirely. I lean more towards GITS and Lain.

But, and I never saw this before, a guy growing out of a tiger's ass? I have to blink a few times and think about that. He's not a centaur, or a tigaur or whatever that would be. He is a guy, in the top half of a Centurion armor, growing out of a tiger's ass. Do they share the same anus? Really, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I can only think of the wumpus cat, a ferocious, angry, spitting, mean spirited evil cat with a head at both ends. And you have to ask "A head at both ends? How do he s**t?!" Well, he don't, and that's what makes him so mean!

At least this guy is facing forward. I really... I just... can't believe that. That's the invention of the 20th Century. I have to find if they ever made a toy of that. That's better than computers.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:03 pm Reply with quote
I was introduced to the franchise thanks to an indy female wrestler I like who has been using a cover of the first New Cutey Honey theme as her entrance song and I was able to find the ADV Essential Anime set back when Media Blasters had their retail store over here (RIP Rareflix) and at the same time, also bought Bandai's DVD of the live-action movie which was still available at Best Buy at the time with the limited edition lunchbox & keychain (still have the keychain btw). The OVA was great and the movie was ok. The end of the film reminded me a bit of Evangelion but then again, it was by Anno so it was expected.

I'll be very much looking forward to the 73 set with hopes that someone can FINALLY pick up Re: along with Flash in the future.

walw6pK4Alo wrote:
I hope more of Uncle Go's materials get republished, I'd love to see a Violence Jack or Devilman OVA boxset, not to mention several one-off titles like Black Lion and Iron Virgin Jun (I think Media Blasters still has it, don't know why Rightstuf lists it up under Adult).

Agreed plus I would like to see ADV's Go Nagai titles that never got on DVD here like Abashiri Family & Delinquent in Drag. I would also like to see rescues of Getter Robo Armageddon, New Getter Robo (on Blu-ray for both but if not then I'll buy on DVD with no problem) and if possible, uncut Demon Lord Dante.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 9:37 pm Reply with quote
I've never understood why Cutey Honey never really caught on in the US. I mean, Nagai's work has always found a (rather) small fanbase in the US, so why they never jumped on Re: was kind of baffling. But c'mon, a curvaceous female character, fanservice galore, and cool fight scenes? I mean, why bother with the film when you could have snagged Re: for fanservice fans, and get Flash for the Sailor Moon addicts to scratch that itch? Must have seen Nagai's name attached to it and balked. Shame.
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Joined: 14 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:27 pm Reply with quote
The 90's Cutie Honey oav's were some of the first anime I ever got into. I rented them from Blockbuster on VHS back in the day. I think my first anime rental was the 1st Tenchi Muyo movie. Cutey Honey was the first anime I seen with nudity, so it was shocking to say the least but till this day I still love that series. All the transformations are unique and well animated.
I have seen some of Flash and all of the 2000's oav. I hope that someone picks up those as well along with the live action tv series.
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:47 pm Reply with quote
Great column. It's funny I just had a long conversation with a co-worker. I recommend a few manga titles to him. He's not what you call a manga fan but he's open to reading them. I was just talking to him about the release of Cutey Honey and he was excited to see what I was excited about. I explained a little of the history to him. So he's curious to see an episode as well as my Kekko Kamen manga just to see what old Go Nagai is about. I come back to my desk and find a column talking about the subject.

It's funny that as small a series as CH is it's had quite a bit of remakes. While things change much of the source material stays the same. I fell in love with the old series when I watched is some years ago with a friend. We would laugh our asses off. Then came Shin Cutey Honey. By this time the early publishers were making waves in the anime industry and VHS piracy was being pushed aside. I enjoyed this series a lot. I actually own it. It was one series that I wanted to own but never owned it on VHS. I remember the whole Studio Iron Cat debacle. I met the guy that was working on the project at the time. Funny that nothing more came of the publication. It was like it died before it had a chance. But yeah that was the time on another blog dedicated to the series that it seemed that Go Nagai just kind of wasn't up to continuing the series. Because from what I read of the series it seemed that Sister Jill was the main force behind what was going on and not so much Pantha Zora. This was the impression that I later got from Shin CH, because I expected Panther Zora but in actuality it may have been Sister Jill. I enjoyed the Cutie Honey movie and bought that. And of course saw the 3 prt OVA that crazy Imaishi was involved on with the folks of Gainax. I'm really upset that it has NEVER been released here. The one company that I expected to license it was ADV. Of course that never happened and we know what happened after that.

So in a way CH inspired the "transforming" genre. In the way he also inspired the transforming and segmented robots (Getter Robo) genre. He also gave us the "hot blooded" heroes. Where would GaoGaiGar be if Go Nagai and others didn't lay the groundwork. But even though she's not a magical girl she was presented to kids as a strong female character that transforms into whatever she chooses. It's not magic, and you can do that with magic too, but this time you're using "science". Who the hell thought kids would get that? And atmospheric condenser? But it's hard to believe that Go Nagai originally presented the show for girls but had to change it based on broadcast changes. Well, again he said the same thing about other shows he's done. He stated himself that due to the limitations at that time he was glad that with the changing of times he was about to have more freedom. That interview was probably around the time of such works as Kekko Kamen, Hanappe Bazooka and later Shin Cutey Honey. But the one things I find funny about Go Nagai is that he can create all these odd interesting shows that have you laughing while shaking your heard all the while he smiles with that cherubic face.
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Joined: 31 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 3:06 pm Reply with quote
Well,I've got to admit it. "Cutie Honey" does seem like an interesting anime. I'd love to see them do one that set in the United States. I think that would be fascinating to watch.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 3:08 pm Reply with quote
Sadly I only know the name of Cutie Honey. I have not seen any of the anime or manga. =/
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Joined: 14 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 5:27 pm Reply with quote
Snomaster1 wrote:
Well,I've got to admit it. "Cutie Honey" does seem like an interesting anime. I'd love to see them do one that set in the United States. I think that would be fascinating to watch.

Is there any anime property you wouldn't want to see set in the States?
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Joined: 24 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:18 pm Reply with quote
Like many things Go Nagai created in late 60s/early 70s period the original Cutie Honey anime/manga was ground breaking for its day it was the worlds first animated action show in wich the main chracter was a female and the the first anime to feature fan service, Cutie Honey was the first anime heroine of her kind, a strong, truly independent heroine who never needed a man for anything, she was also one of the first if not the first anime babe. Today in Japan she's not only a sex symbol but also one of most iconic and beloved anime heroines.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 1:02 am Reply with quote
Interestingly, aside from those crummy comics, New Cutey Honey is the only version of the series that's gotten release in the west-

Pedantry time!

The original series was broadcast in France as "Cherry Miel" and Cutey Honey Flash was broadcast in Germany, and last I checked both those countries are "in the west".
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