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PR: The Long-awaited Release of Bakemonogatari is set to hit North America this Holiday Season!

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Joined: 07 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:06 pm Reply with quote
Yay! Finally! At a fair price, too, considering that we're getting the character commentaries with subtitles and booklet. I watched the first episode via fansubs long, long ago, but never got around to watching more, so this'll be a blind pre-order unless I watch CR's streams of the show. Specifically because of the subbed commentaries, I'll be pre-ordering this release in the next day or two. I like it when extras like that are included, and the lack of commentaries with OreImo (although they are handled very differently) kept me from even considering that DVD release.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:10 pm Reply with quote
preorder now.
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Joined: 01 Jul 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:15 pm Reply with quote
Yes this is I away wanted at last. Now wait for a BD release for Nisemonogatari and Kizumonogatari.
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Angel M Cazares

Joined: 23 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:20 pm Reply with quote
Finally, we have a release date. It is a bit more expensive than I thought. But to me it is worth every penny because I love this great show. I love the packaging too. I already pre-ordered. The wait was long, but it is finally here.

And please, do not try to ruin my day by bitching about Aniplex USA's prices. If you love the series, the price tag is worth it. $149 is a considerable quantity, but you have 2 months to save up or ask daddy to pay for it.
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Joined: 02 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:23 pm Reply with quote
In addition, fans will be happy to know that Bakemonogatari will also be available streaming online through Crunchyroll.com and Hulu.com.

Yes! Mr. Green
I was getting curious about this show, so I'm glad I'll be able to watch it legally.
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Joined: 13 May 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:28 pm Reply with quote
angelmcazares wrote:
Finally, we have a release date. It is a bit more expensive than I thought. But to me it is worth every penny because I love this great show. I love the packaging too. I already pre-ordered. The wait was long, but it is finally here.

And please, do not try to ruin my day by bitching about Aniplex USA's prices. If you love the series, the price tag is worth it. $149 is a considerable quantity, but you have 2 months to save up or ask daddy to pay for it.

Exactly the problem here. Most people even working decent jobs cannot afford to spend 149.98 on a hobby for something that only lasts a few short hours (excluded repeated views of course).

Aniplex could EASILY make just as much money selling at realistic,lower prices like Funimation and such but they only care about the quick cash from the higher class market that can easily throw this kind of money at them. They dont care about the fans. It doesn't cost much to mass produce discs. Supporting their prices if you can is fine to keep them in business but there's nothing wrong with voicing out against them at the same time to help those who cannot.
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Joined: 09 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:37 pm Reply with quote
Kougeru wrote:

Exactly the problem here. Most people even working decent jobs cannot afford to spend 149.98 on a hobby for something that only lasts a few short hours (excluded repeated views of course).

Aniplex could EASILY make just as much money selling at realistic,lower prices like Funimation and such but they only care about the quick cash from the higher class market that can easily throw this kind of money at them. They don't care about the fans. It doesn't cost much to mass produce discs. Supporting their prices if you can is fine to keep them in business but there's nothing wrong with voicing out against them at the same time to help those who cannot.

it's 6 hours. 15 eps.
Aniplex is willing to lower the price, if the market support it. You have to convince them with money.

Or someone is willing to cover any money lost if they are lower the price to $50.

The current anime market right now is like this. $150 boxset, you sell 3000 copies. $50, you only sell may like 1k to 2k more copies.

Last edited by Spotlesseden on Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 31 Dec 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:39 pm Reply with quote
I found out about the US release out of nowhere when I looked at RightStuf today, lol. Already pre-ordered! I looked up what Japan's blu-ray boxset looks like, and they're practically identical (even though this is a localized release). And for less than half the price it is for Japan's release, I'm very glad to be in America. But I really feel bad about the "only ships to US or Canada" business.

I wonder if Zac will check this out. It'd be interesting if he compares it at all to Madoka since they're both Akiyuki Shinbo's most credited works at the moment.
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The King of Harts

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:43 pm Reply with quote
the higher class market that can easily throw this kind of money at them.

I'm a trashman that lives on a farm in the middle of nowhere - I'm as middle class as middle class gets. Saying only the rich can afford this is absurd.
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Angel M Cazares

Joined: 23 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:46 pm Reply with quote
Kougeru wrote:
angelmcazares wrote:
Finally, we have a release date. It is a bit more expensive than I thought. But to me it is worth every penny because I love this great show. I love the packaging too. I already pre-ordered. The wait was long, but it is finally here.

And please, do not try to ruin my day by bitching about Aniplex USA's prices. If you love the series, the price tag is worth it. $149 is a considerable quantity, but you have 2 months to save up or ask daddy to pay for it.

Exactly the problem here. Most people even working decent jobs cannot afford to spend 149.98 on a hobby for something that only lasts a few short hours (excluded repeated views of course).

Aniplex could EASILY make just as much money selling at realistic,lower prices like Funimation and such but they only care about the quick cash from the higher class market that can easily throw this kind of money at them. They don't care about the fans. It doesn't cost much to mass produce discs. Supporting their prices if you can is fine to keep them in business but there's nothing wrong with voicing out against them at the same time to help those who cannot.

Yeah, I am so rich. I am able to put aside some of my check from Social Security to buy anime.

I know that $149 for an anime series in R1 is unusual, but we knew since June or July that it was coming. Unless you depend on what dad gives you, anyone with a job can save up 150 freaking dollars in five months.

When you say that Aniplex don't care about the fans, are you saying that I am not a fan because I am willing to spend my money on legal anime releases? I don't get this.

Keep asking for full series at $30, and see if the R1 market can survive down the road.
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Joined: 23 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:56 pm Reply with quote
angelmcazares wrote:
Keep asking for full series at $30, and see if the R1 market can survive down the road.

Because if you don't want to pay $150 for a series, that means you want to pay $30 or less right? Rolling Eyes

I actually don't have a problem with the price. Obviously, I'd rather it be less, but I'll still be getting this release. However, comments like these are just as bad as some of the more ridiculous complaints about the pricing.

Also, I'm betting that, for most people, this isn't so much a "Can I afford it" kind of a thing. It seems more of a"Is it worth paying $150 for one series" kind of thing.

Last edited by strawberry-kun on Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:23 pm; edited 6 times in total
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:56 pm Reply with quote
I'll just sit back and enjoy the madness with my popcorn
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Joined: 12 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:59 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, anyone can save up the money, but I won't. I'll vote with my dollars by just ignoring it. It does make sense for the market to go that way since it guarantees profits, but I don't have to enjoy it either.

But, what's to stop them only charging the shows at $190? Why not match the Japanese price wholly so there's absolutely zero chance of reverse importation, and the discs can come out concurrently. We already know several in the R1 market will bear those prices, they import the Japanese releases. I guess I'm lucky that I only moderately like these AoA titles, not love them, so I feel little inclination to buy them and less remorse over them being so pricey. Sucks for others.
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Dark Absol

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:21 pm Reply with quote
As much as I want this anime on Blu-Rays, I'll wait until they lowered it down to as much as $50-$70. No way I'm willing to pay three times as much as that. :/
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Joined: 19 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:24 pm Reply with quote
The hardcore will buy, others who want to watch & support in some way will stream it on Crunchyroll - an option that shouldn't be overlooked or under-appreciated for this and other titles like Madoka Magica and Fate/Zero. No, it's not ownership, but it sure beats having one and only one super premium option.
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