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Lord Geo

Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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Location: North Brunswick, New Jersey
PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:44 pm Reply with quote
There was a rude surprise after Dengeki Daisy bested Skip Beat! and Princess Jellyfish for Best Shoujo Manga when Kaze's president announced that Americans are idiots. He had previously worked at Viz, Kaze's American counterpart, and said that Americans did not appreciate manga and that he was pleased no longer to be working with "baka" Americans. Presumably he was unaware of journalists from ANN, Destructoid, and Japanator sitting front and center in the audience.

No, I'm pretty sure that he knew perfectly well what he was saying and who was going to hear it... He just didn't care what the reactions would be. He had something to say, and nothing was going to stop him from saying it.

But, to be honest, he has a point, though he said it in the most scathing way possible. There are plenty of titles that North America doesn't get yet Europe, not just France, do get. Now some could just assume that national tastes are likely a part of it, but at the same time it does show that, while we do get a fair amount of stuff over here, we still can pale in comparison to the apparent openness & acceptance anime & manga have over in Europe.

For example, France will be getting Legend of the Galactic Heroes across four DVD boxsets soon, yet we'll likely never get LOGH over here because of both its age & its subject matter. Also, Kaze also felt that it was worth bringing over Gundoh Musashi, infamously known as one of the worst anime series of all time, while no company over here would ever attempt to bring over Musashi simply because of its lack of quality, even if it is so bad that it's worth watching (I like to call it the "anime equivalent of The Room"); hell, even Japan didn't get a complete release for Musashi. And these are just two examples, since I could easily bring up how sports titles tend to do better in Europe than in North America.

His argument was that working at Viz was annoyingly tough for him, since he apparently wanted to do titles that he had to push insanely hard for, and there were probably titles he wanted to bring over here but his higher-ups at Viz never gave the "OK" to them. Now he's at Kaze & he's getting much less denial... Naturally, he's going to feel that something is "wrong" with Americans in this case. I will say that he had a point in what he said, but he definitely went about it in the worst way possible.
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Joined: 03 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:48 pm Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:
No, I'm pretty sure that he knew perfectly well what he was saying and who was going to hear it... He just didn't care what the reactions would be. He had something to say, and nothing was going to stop him from saying it.

Agreed. No gaff here.

His argument was that working at Viz was annoyingly tough for him, since he apparently wanted to do titles that he had to push insanely hard for, and there were probably titles he wanted to bring over here but his higher-ups at Viz never gave the "OK" to them. Now he's at Kaze & he's getting much less denial... Naturally, he's going to feel that something is "wrong" with Americans in this case. I will say that he had a point in what he said, but he definitely went about it in the worst way possible.

Considering my own annoyances with Viz in the past, I can understand this point. I think Viz has improved though in more recent times.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 8:39 pm Reply with quote
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword for the PS3

Wait, what?
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 2:34 am Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:
There was a rude surprise after Dengeki Daisy bested Skip Beat! and Princess Jellyfish for Best Shoujo Manga when Kaze's president announced that Americans are idiots. He had previously worked at Viz, Kaze's American counterpart, and said that Americans did not appreciate manga and that he was pleased no longer to be working with "baka" Americans. Presumably he was unaware of journalists from ANN, Destructoid, and Japanator sitting front and center in the audience.

But, to be honest, he has a point, though he said it in the most scathing way possible. There are plenty of titles that North America doesn't get yet Europe, not just France, do get. Now some could just assume that national tastes are likely a part of it, but at the same time it does show that, while we do get a fair amount of stuff over here, we still can pale in comparison to the apparent openness & acceptance anime & manga have over in Europe.

Oh definitely. We still treat anime and manga as second class pop culture.
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Joined: 25 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 7:25 am Reply with quote
Kaze's president announced that Americans are idiots.

Yeah welcome to Europe.
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Joined: 23 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 8:54 am Reply with quote
Regardless of what he thinks about America's relationship to the anime and manga industry, behaving like he did with an oversimplistic and downright rude remark only makes him look foolish. There is certainly a lot to criticize about Viz' and the way America sometimes looks down upon anime and manga but it can and should be done in a more constructive fashion. I believe Kazé's president's attitude is an embarrassment to most europeans here, myself included, more than anything else...
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Ojamajo LimePie

Joined: 09 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 1:04 pm Reply with quote
Somebody's gonna be stepping down soon, I guarantee it.
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Joined: 07 May 2006
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 2:16 pm Reply with quote
I really doubt he's going to have to resign or step down because of 1 off-hand comment about former, international co-workers. To be honest, I think how Americans perceive and handle Japanese animation is a little stupid myself.

So I can understand his sentiment, but generalizing an entire group of people is over the line.

Those baka visual novel producers don't take the overseas market seriously, it must mean they're baka. Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 08 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 2:21 pm Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:
But, to be honest, he has a point, though he said it in the most scathing way possible. There are plenty of titles that North America doesn't get yet Europe, not just France, do get. Now some could just assume that national tastes are likely a part of it, but at the same time it does show that, while we do get a fair amount of stuff over here, we still can pale in comparison to the apparent openness & acceptance anime & manga have over in Europe.

Yeah, pretty much. Europe trounces all over America when it comes to anime and manga. Heck, France alone outsells America's manga market tenfold.

Plus they get Inazuma Eleven, which will never air in the US due to Soccer hate.

Kirkdawg wrote:
Those baka visual novel producers don't take the overseas market seriously, it must mean they're baka. Rolling Eyes

That's not really comparable... now if you said the average American gamer hates reading and story so they don't like VNs which is why they never get released here, then yeah, sure. He's talking about consumers and licensing companies, not the actual Japanese companies.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 4:30 pm Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:
France will be getting Legend of the Galactic Heroes across four DVD boxsets soon, yet we'll likely never get LOGH over here because of both its age & its subject matter.

So f**king jealous of France right now.

Never thought that would happen.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2011
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Location: Middle of Nowhere, USA
PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 5:31 pm Reply with quote
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword for the PS3 taking the award for Best Home Console Game

Skyward Sword was only released for Wii. I don't think there has ever been a Zelda game on a non-Nintendo consoles except for the CD-i games.

Eden of the East beat out Durara for Best Original Anime

But Durarara!! (which I'm assuming that is suppose to be) was based on light novels.

The award panel didn't do much homework. Laughing
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Joined: 13 Aug 2004
Posts: 66
PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:03 am Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:
His argument was that working at Viz was annoyingly tough for him, since he apparently wanted to do titles that he had to push insanely hard for, and there were probably titles he wanted to bring over here but his higher-ups at Viz never gave the "OK" to them. Now he's at Kaze & he's getting much less denial.

Weird... Cause was the President of Viz. Who were the higher ups?
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Joined: 21 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:29 pm Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:

No, I'm pretty sure that he knew perfectly well what he was saying and who was going to hear it... He just didn't care what the reactions would be. He had something to say, and nothing was going to stop him from saying it.

But, to be honest, he has a point, though he said it in the most scathing way possible. There are plenty of titles that North America doesn't get yet Europe, not just France, do get. Now some could just assume that national tastes are likely a part of it, but at the same time it does show that, while we do get a fair amount of stuff over here, we still can pale in comparison to the apparent openness & acceptance anime & manga have over in Europe.

For example, France will be getting Legend of the Galactic Heroes across four DVD boxsets soon, yet we'll likely never get LOGH over here because of both its age & its subject matter. Also, Kaze also felt that it was worth bringing over Gundoh Musashi, infamously known as one of the worst anime series of all time, while no company over here would ever attempt to bring over Musashi simply because of its lack of quality, even if it is so bad that it's worth watching (I like to call it the "anime equivalent of The Room"); hell, even Japan didn't get a complete release for Musashi. And these are just two examples, since I could easily bring up how sports titles tend to do better in Europe than in North America.

His argument was that working at Viz was annoyingly tough for him, since he apparently wanted to do titles that he had to push insanely hard for, and there were probably titles he wanted to bring over here but his higher-ups at Viz never gave the "OK" to them. Now he's at Kaze & he's getting much less denial... Naturally, he's going to feel that something is "wrong" with Americans in this case. I will say that he had a point in what he said, but he definitely went about it in the worst way possible.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes? I want that... lol

I'm a fan of space soap opera's and I heard this is one of the best.
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