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Joined: 19 Jul 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 8:33 am Reply with quote
>Yuru Yuri

Even if it is just your opinion, I heavily disagree with it, and believe that it doesn't deserve that kind of harsh treatment.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:14 am Reply with quote
Takkun4343 wrote:
>Yuru Yuri

Even if it is just your opinion, I heavily disagree with it, and believe that it doesn't deserve that kind of harsh treatment.

Let's wait and see how Yuruyuri Exhibition @ Tokyo Anime Center would fare. Cool
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Joined: 02 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:21 am Reply with quote
Call me bloodthirsty, but I'd rather watch something created with blood, sweat and tears.

I agree with you, but that won't stop me from dubbing you Erin the Bloodthirsty from now on.

I have watched Redline, and have to say that I was unimpressed. Not that the show was good--the animation was the best I've ever seen. But the story was wanting, and there was forty minutes of appallingly boring melodrama to offset the hour of great action. I could see buying an R1 release of this show (I won't, but I would understand), but an R2 import would fall on the wrong side of the price/enjoyment ratio.

I like GS Mikami, but I had the same reaction. I have all four volumes siting on the shelf, but I haven't even watched half of the third yet. I guess I feel that this shows been around for twenty years, it can wait a bit longer. But Sentai does a great job at with the sub, and now that I've finally finished Oh Edo Rocket, I think I'll start back up on it.

And while I normally jump at anything yuri, Yuruyuri really put me off for some reason. I think the artwork was the main reason, those eyes creep me out. So I'm glad to hear I'm not missing anything good. Besides, I prefer serious yuri like Sasameki Koto or Aoi Hana to comedic yuri any day.

/It will be interest to see the review of Kashimashi. I loved it, but it is an ...odd... show. The ending was a bit of a cop out, but it was better than the manga ending, which was even weirder.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2011
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:22 am Reply with quote
I remember watching GSMikami years ago. I think Yokoshima was the real star despite not having powers, as he was the funniest guy. I remember losing it when once he was running crazily while nosebleeding as a result of picturing a talk with a girl. Even at one moment, he is the only one confronting a ghost just because it looks hot.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 9:47 am Reply with quote
Sure, Yuruyuri is filled with humor signifiers, but in terms of semiotics, I am sadly unqualified to explain how it fails to be funny. I felt more like I was collecting data than watching a television show.

I strongly agree. There's nothing funny about it. The jokes are worse than stale and the characters are dull and unoriginal. It's a shame because I was looking forward to this one.

I was especially annoyed with Chitose, a student council member who takes off her glasses to nosebleed-fantasize about her classmates.

Chitose kept reminding me of a cheap knock-off of Kanako Miyamae from Mariaholic (who I find to be hilarious).

Last edited by here-and-faraway on Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:20 am; edited 1 time in total
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mad mac

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:08 am Reply with quote
I never would have expected a review of Ghost Sweeper, not that I'm complaining, mind.

I picked it up myself because I enjoy the authors current work (Zettai Karen Children) and I was curious to see how he started out. "Amusingly Nostalgic" is probably the best description of it. It's not high art, but it's fun and inoffensive. I really need to get around to watching the second set, though.

I couldn't even get through the full first episode of YuruYuri it was so painfully dull.
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Joined: 07 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:16 am Reply with quote
Aaw Erin bashing on a yuri show, color me not-so-shocked. Laughing
Personally I think Yuruyuri is an average series that doesn't necessarily deserves such an harsh treatment.

Yuruyuri isn't poorly animated, but it sets the bar low with few locations and a lot of talking scenes (cheap to animate!).

I found this comment extremely odd, since Hidamari Sketch is nothing but talking scenes, and has even fewer locations (two, actually, and there are 44 episodes of it!), but it never seemed to bother you.

Oh well, life goes on.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:20 am Reply with quote
dormcat wrote:
Takkun4343 wrote:
>Yuru Yuri

Even if it is just your opinion, I heavily disagree with it, and believe that it doesn't deserve that kind of harsh treatment.

Let's wait and see how Yuruyuri Exhibition @ Tokyo Anime Center would fare. Cool

I expect, at worst, a modest success thus more money for Yuri Hime and hopefully consideration for other Yuri Hime titles to be adapted into an anime.
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Joined: 21 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:44 am Reply with quote
Actually, there's a show airing right now, Hyouge Mono, that seems involve a man wandering around Japan and tea ceremonies (sorry I can't find much information, the subs seem to be really slow but I've seen a couple of people reviewing it and they just love it). Thought you might be interested, even if you can't review fansubs for the column.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 10:51 am Reply with quote
darkchibi07 wrote:
dormcat wrote:
Takkun4343 wrote:
>Yuru Yuri

Even if it is just your opinion, I heavily disagree with it, and believe that it doesn't deserve that kind of harsh treatment.

Let's wait and see how Yuruyuri Exhibition @ Tokyo Anime Center would fare. Cool

I expect, at worst, a modest success thus more money for Yuri Hime and hopefully consideration for other Yuri Hime titles to be adapted into an anime.

Have no worries about that. Currently Amazon.jp has Yuruyuri as the #1 anime BD (Idolmaster counts as a game since it is bundled with one, so it's most likely #2) for the summer season.

Personally, I really like the show. I'm an avid student of comedy, and the comedic timings of YuruYuri are spot on. It's no surprise at all, considering it has the director of one of the best comedies ever as far as timing goes, Minami-ke.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:28 am Reply with quote
Erin Finnegan wrote:
Has anyone written a guide of un-skippable episodes out there on the internet somewhere?

I don't know about written, but the hosts of the One Piece Podcast has also been doing a guide called the One Piece Loguebook. Each episode is suppose to be a guide of each volume of the manga and the anime episodes that have to do with it. I don't know how helpful this sounds, but if you don't mind an audio guide where you're learning on a volume-by-volume basis within under and hour, then I would recommend. If not, then I understand.

The only problem is that they're only 3-4 episodes in and their latest episode was in August while the episode before was in April. I don't know exactly why there's such a several month gap between the episodes. It might have to do with how the hosts of the One Piece Podcast did the 24-hour marathon of Anime fans Give Back to Japan and another 4-hour one 2 weeks later right after the volume 2 episode in April and then another. Managing time between that, the One Piece podcast, the Fullmetal Alchest Podcast and the Toriko podcast may also play a factor. That and Zach, one of the host has law school if I'm not mistaken. Basically several possible reasons for the 4 month delay. But again, if you want to listen to it, then fine. If not, then also fine. I'm just putting that out there.

Akari and friends bumble through their junior high days not doing much, save for making a lot of lesbian jokes and having girl-crushes on each other. More often than not, the punch line is "lesbians!". In a world of infinite possibilities, that could be funny. (I think Hayate X Blade is funny, and the punch line is sometimes "lesbians!".)

I'll admit I haven't watched Yuri Yuri and I'm not personally interested in it any time soon. But I can imagine the show somehow being more hilarious if Chris Sabat says "lesbians!" You could even make a drinking game out of it, though I imagine one would be magnificently wasted.
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Joined: 09 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:36 am Reply with quote
One Piece wikia has an episode guide listing filler and manga-based episodes: http://onepiece.wikia.com/wiki/Episode_Guide
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Joined: 10 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:38 am Reply with quote
Early One Piece can be pretty terrible, but there are characters introduced here that Oda will return to in about 300-400 episodes. It's worth catching up just so you're familiar with everyone in Oda's world.

Also, as for Sanji's story being grim and terrible, it's actually been censored from the original manga. spoiler[Originally, Zeff ate his own foot.] Future stories are even grimmer, though.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:14 pm Reply with quote
Only a year and a half anf they're collection is that large! I've been collecting for 5 years but I couldn't match up to that.
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 12:16 pm Reply with quote
I was especially annoyed with Chitose, a student council member who takes off her glasses to nosebleed-fantasize about her classmates. I didn't find her fantasies particularly evocative or the meta-joke about her fantasies to be funny. Instead, she stops the plot (insomuch as there is one) dead in its tracks for what feels like minutes at a time.

You just hit the nail on the head. Honestly, I think I'm still watching Yuru Yuri for the opening theme, but more as a "brain break" from writing syllabi and helping with my sister's wedding. It is utterly mindless and relatively inoffensive...until Chitose takes off those damn glasses. The only character I actively like is Kyoko, though I'd be hard pressed to tell you why. But as you said, I think the show is ultimately middle of the road stuff. Watching it is also cheaper and less fattening than buying a box of oreos when I need a stress break too! Smile

I'll be interested to see what you think of Dantalian, since I got totally overwhelmed by my pet peeve, Historically Inaccurate Costumes. (Yes, I have a problem.)

Oh, and in terms of One Piece, just wait until you hit Nami's past. I found that much more emotional than Sanji's and it's one of my favorites in the series.
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