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Joined: 08 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:21 am Reply with quote
My problem with the Wii is that it just doesn't have enough interesting games for me to justify a purchase. Nothing wrong with Mario and Zelda but I lost interest in those franchises at some point in time. However, as a big time RPG fan I am fully supportive of Operation Rainfall. Hell, I even pre-ordered Xenoblade / Monado off of amazon. Xenoblade, The Last Story, and Pandora's Tower have all been on my radar for quite some time. If Nintendo can commit to localization plans on at least 2 out of those 3 titles, I will buy a Wii.
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John Casey

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:04 am Reply with quote
Operation Rainfall:
I'm honestly hoping this campaign fails, on a personal level, for two reasons: One, I've played all three games and can attest they're nowhere near the hype that makes them out to be the second (or third?) coming of the great RPG era. Xenoblade has an abysmal battle system. Last Story has an...well, underwhelming story. And Pandora's Tower is...well...actually, I can't really find anything wrong with Pandora's Tower. I can get behind that one. :3 And my second reason is somewhat connected to the first: I'll have a helluva lot more fun watching the inevitable shitstorm of Biblical proportions unfold than playing through Xenoblade again. Boycotts, angry nintentards, death threads, Reggie trying to defend himself pitifully. All of that, I find tons more fun than an average RPG. But again, I somewhat support Operation Rainfall, purely on a personal level for wanting a proper localization of Pandora's Tower. But on a whole, there's just more in it for me if it utterly fails. >:3

Black Rock Shooter:
Okay. The game's not coming out in the US. Who gives a shit? Honestly. One, it's Imageepoch. They only made one good game. One. And that was Luminous Arc. The rest of their efforts have been short of nothing but train wrecks. And considering the game's nearing release date, with still almost next to zero of any real gameplay footage, what is honestly there to be excited about? I mean, you don't even know how the gorram game plays or feels! And all the time and effort they've had to show for it, they just repeat one cinematic post-apocalyptic shoot-out with a dramatic closeup of BRS, after another. I was excited about the prospect of a Black Rock Shooter third-person-shooter-RPG. Then I saw it was Imageepoch. I stopped giving a shit. And so should everyone else.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:08 am Reply with quote
Mighty Switch Force finds a robot-cop named Patricia Wagon in pursuit of five criminals known as the Hooligan Sisters.

Patricia Wagon

Patty Wagon?
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:45 am Reply with quote
Erg! And here I thought ya gonna review the new XBLA game Beach Paddle! Laughing

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:51 am Reply with quote
Not too happy with the idea of NISA possibly abandoning their deal with Imageepoch. I've got the Japanese version of BRS on order just for the WRS figma (and now the game version of BRS herself has been announced) but I'd really like to give the game a shot in English. Maybe the two should just work together to put an English sub on the Japanese games or go download-only.

Funny, the only games I've been interested in enough to buy a Wii are the ones that aren't being released over here. Well, that's probably more Nintendo's loss than mine, I've got enough games to play on my PS3.

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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 2:58 am Reply with quote
Well, I don't know how effective it will be but I'm sure it can't hurt. I've had a hell of a time finding JRPGs worth playing this generation and I really hope those three make it over here.

John Casey wrote:
I'll have a helluva lot more fun watching the inevitable shitstorm of Biblical proportions unfold than playing through Xenoblade again. Boycotts, angry nintentards, death threads, Reggie trying to defend himself pitifully. All of that, I find tons more fun than an average RPG.

I'm sorry but I just have to point out that this is pretty much the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black (or more specifically, the pot sending the kettle a bootleg if ya know what I mean). You of all people probably shouldn't talk about massive fan overreaction.
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Joined: 25 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:34 am Reply with quote
err...well, I don't read these forums to know Casey's personality, but his review of the games at large sound like genuine concerns.

Or at least play to my concerns. I don't mind an average RPG if it has a great plot. I don't mind a tedious plot if it is REALLY BAD or if the battle system is fun as all heck. That doesn't necessarily preclude any of the three.

But I guess we can cross Solatorobo off our fearsome four that you had pegged as "Why aren't they coming?" Although, of the four, that was the one I had no interest in.

I've read some reviews of LS and XB - but they sound a little too hyped. Sort of like how MGS4 and GTA4 got 10's on Gamespot. The reviewers were enamored with the concept of their games a little too much before seriously analyzing the gameplay (and maybe the story)

You have to be careful with RPG's nowadays. Unlike some short 10 hour action game, an RPG needs to be lasting to work. Those qualities are exceptionally difficult to master - but doing so might be equated to the writing of epic poetry, if this analogy isn't too heavy.
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Joined: 11 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:47 am Reply with quote
ikillchicken wrote:
Well, I don't know how effective it will be but I'm sure it can't hurt. I've had a hell of a time finding JRPGs worth playing this generation and I really hope those three make it over here.

John Casey wrote:
I'll have a helluva lot more fun watching the inevitable shitstorm of Biblical proportions unfold than playing through Xenoblade again. Boycotts, angry nintentards, death threads, Reggie trying to defend himself pitifully. All of that, I find tons more fun than an average RPG.

I'm sorry but I just have to point out that this is pretty much the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black (or more specifically, the pot sending the kettle a bootleg if ya know what I mean). You of all people probably shouldn't talk about massive fan overreaction.

Same here. These games deserve a chance no matter what. I want them localised so I can decide for myself whether they're good or not. Everything I've seen so far of them makes me think they're worth looking into, despite [Personal attacks removed. - Keonyn]
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:59 am Reply with quote
Shenl742 wrote:
ikillchicken wrote:
Well, I don't know how effective it will be but I'm sure it can't hurt. I've had a hell of a time finding JRPGs worth playing this generation and I really hope those three make it over here.

John Casey wrote:
I'll have a helluva lot more fun watching the inevitable shitstorm of Biblical proportions unfold than playing through Xenoblade again. Boycotts, angry nintentards, death threads, Reggie trying to defend himself pitifully. All of that, I find tons more fun than an average RPG.

I'm sorry but I just have to point out that this is pretty much the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black (or more specifically, the pot sending the kettle a bootleg if ya know what I mean). You of all people probably shouldn't talk about massive fan overreaction.

Same here. These games deserve a chance no matter what. I want them localised so I can decide for myself whether they're good or not. Everything I've seen so far of them makes me think they're worth looking into, despite [Personal attacks removed. - Keonyn]

I would say that because of JC's view (no knock against you Mr. Casey you are entitled to your opinion) I want to check out these games now.
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Joined: 24 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:34 am Reply with quote
John Casey wrote:
Operation Rainfall:
I'm honestly hoping this campaign fails, on a personal level, for two reasons: One, I've played all three games and can attest they're nowhere near the hype that makes them out to be the second (or third?) coming of the great RPG era. Xenoblade has an abysmal battle system. Last Story has an...well, underwhelming story. And Pandora's Tower is...well...actually, I can't really find anything wrong with Pandora's Tower. I can get behind that one. :3 And my second reason is somewhat connected to the first: I'll have a helluva lot more fun watching the inevitable shitstorm of Biblical proportions unfold than playing through Xenoblade again. Boycotts, angry nintentards, death threads, Reggie trying to defend himself pitifully. All of that, I find tons more fun than an average RPG. But again, I somewhat support Operation Rainfall, purely on a personal level for wanting a proper localization of Pandora's Tower. But on a whole, there's just more in it for me if it utterly fails. >:3

Just because those games aren't the best JRPGs anyone can ever play doesn't mean that people who own Wii's shouldn't desire to play them. The Wii isn't exactly the best market for those type of games and they are pretty much non-existent on that platform. If I were a Wii owner that liked to play JRPGs I'd probly be looking for SOMETHING to play, even if it wasn't one of the best.
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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:55 am Reply with quote
Both Xenoblade, and Last Story got great scores from Famitsu (Last Story in particular got 38/40) so apparently those two are great games, it's just that Nintendo likes to talk a good game but doesn't really show any faith in third party software for hardcore gamers.
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John Casey

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:56 am Reply with quote
Lol. You all are misunderstanding me. I'm not trolling - I just don't give two s***s for those games. Two. Not three. Like I said, I don't mind Pandora's Tower. However, not getting it will come nowhere close to killing me. I still have a million other things to check out.

That said, I highly doubt I'm alone in what I say. And in that context, all I insinuate is that if you don't care for those games, there's a 50/50 chance that you'll at least get to enjoy some wacky fun.

I'm not impeding anyone in their quest. I'm not hampering Operation Rainfall. I'm not preventing anyone from wanting what they want. I'm not negotiating with Nintendo, nor am I making anyone compromise. And I'm certainly not trolling either. I'm simply looking forward to the other end of the spectrum. So shut the frak up, and move the hell on. We'll let time decide.

asimpson2006 wrote:

I would say that because of JC's view (no knock against you Mr. Casey you are entitled to your opinion) I want to check out these games now.

Of course that's a knock against me! You just said I have inverted tastes, basically. Who am I, Armond White? =_=;;

Last edited by John Casey on Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:58 am; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 13 May 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:07 am Reply with quote
John Casey wrote:

Of course that's a knock against me! You just said I have inverted tastes, basically. Who am I, Armond White? =_=;;

I'm not saying that you have inverted tastes. It is just that when someone knocks something (which they are allowed to) I get an increased interest in the said item.
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John Casey

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:09 am Reply with quote
asimpson2006 wrote:
John Casey wrote:

Of course that's a knock against me! You just said I have inverted tastes, basically. Who am I, Armond White? =_=;;

I'm not saying that you have inverted tastes. It is just that when someone knocks something (which they are allowed to) I get an increased interest in the said item.

Really? Seriously?

.......The worst manga (manwha) of all fricking time is Shin Angyo Onshi. It's absolutely appalling with it's incredible artwork, and its three-dimensional characters feel like cardboard cutouts. DON'T READ IT!
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Joined: 01 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:18 am Reply with quote
Wow really people are knocking John Casey, because as far as I'm concerned he's right

I'm glad you want to see these games come out and all but have you played them? lol I was all behind last story because it was from Sakeguchi, until I actually played it and realized I had the same feeling while playing the beginning of Final Fantasy XIII, its so underwhelming and well.....boring, and Xenoblade just isn't fun, I can't say anything about Pandora's Tower because I haven't played it but honestly if I was an exec at Nintendo and people were trying to get me to spend money to localize, I wouldn't touch these because despite a number of pre-orders, once people actually had time to digest them, the reviews would be mediocre, thus making it not worth the time
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